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slide em js

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Olá a todos é a primeira vez que tenho a honra de estar nesse forum, e venho por meio deste pedir uma ajuda referente a uma

transição de imagens que estou colocando no meu site.

1- As imagens só mudam quanto eu clico nos botões, queria ajuda para que as imagens rodassem automaticamente.

O código que estou usando é esse.


Essa e primeira parte do script:


// The speed of the fade transition between backgrounds in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second)

speed = 1250,


// The speed of the fade transition to hide the website

fadeOutSpeed = 1000,


// The speed of the fade transition to show the website

fadeInSpeed = 1000,


// Should the current background be saved across pages in a cookie?

save = true,


// Should the cache be used for faster image loading?

preload = true,


e depois vem essa:


$(document).ready(function() {



backgrounds: backgrounds,

speed: speed,

fadeOutSpeed: fadeOutSpeed,

fadeInSpeed: fadeInSpeed,

save: save,

preload: preload,




Queria saber como coloco autoplay nesse código e se isso é possivel??


Desde já agradeço!!

Abraços a todos

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Este é o code configurativo do plugin, poste o plugin que esta utilizando.

Por acaso e esse o código desculpe minha ignorância,é que não entendo muito de js...



* Full screen background plugin


* Copyright 2011

* All rights reserved.


;(function($, window) {



// Fullscreen background default settings

defaults = {

speed: 1250, // Speed of the fade transition between background images

fadeOutSpeed: 1000, // Speed that the website fades out

fadeInSpeed: 1000, // Speed that the website fades in

closeFadeInSpeed: 1000, // Speed that the close button fades in

fadeIE: false, // Whether or not to fade the website in IE

preload: true, // Whether or not to preload images

save: true // Whether or not to save the current background across pages



// Cache some common jQuery objects











$window = $(window),

isIE = $.browser.msie && !$.support.opacity,



imageCache = [],



index = 0,

active = false,




// Cache the images with given indices

function cache()


$.each(arguments, function(i, cacheIndex) {

if (typeof imageCache[cacheIndex] === 'undefined') {

imageCache[cacheIndex] = document.createElement('img');

imageCache[cacheIndex].src = backgrounds[cacheIndex];





// Initialisation

function init() {

// Create the div structure

$outer = $('<div class="fullscreen-outer"></div>').append(

$overlay = $('<div class="fullscreen-overlay"></div>').append(

$loading = $('<div class="fullscreen-loading"></div>')


$stage = $('<div class="fullscreen-stage"></div>')



$controls = $('<div class="fullscreen-controls"></div>').append(

$close = $('<div class="fullscreen-close"></div>'),

$next = $('<div class="fullscreen-next"></div>'),

$prev = $('<div class="fullscreen-prev"></div>')



if (backgrounds.length > 1) {




// Bind the next button to load the next image

$ {

if (!active) {;

} else {

return false;




// Bind the next button to load the next image

$ {

if (!active) {


} else {

return false;




// Bind the close button to close it




bodyOverflow = $('body').css('overflow');


$('#minimise-button').click(function(e) {


$('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');

$('div.outside').fadeOut(settings.fadeOutSpeed).hide(0, function() {











// Prepare the first image to be shown

function prepare()


if ( {

// Check for the saved background cookie to override the default

var savedBackground = $.cookie('stormSavedBackground');

for(var i = 0; i < backgrounds.length; i++) {

if (i == savedBackground) {

index = i;






if (backgrounds.length > 1) {




// Fade in the first image, then cache one next image and one previous image

load(function() {

if (settings.preload) {

cache((index == (backgrounds.length - 1)) ? 0 : index + 1, (index == 0) ? backgrounds.length - 1 : index - 1);





// Load the current image

function load(callback) {

var image = document.createElement('img');

$image = $(image);

$image.load(function() {


setTimeout(function() { // Chrome will sometimes report a 0 by 0 size if there isn't pause in execution

imageRatio = image.height / image.width;

windowResize(function() {


$stage.empty().append($image).animate({ opacity: 'show' }, {

duration: settings.speed



active = false;


if (typeof callback === 'function') {;



}, 1);





active = true;

setTimeout(function() { // Opera 10.6+ will sometimes load the src before the onload function is set, so wait 1ms

$image.attr('src', backgrounds[index]);

}, 1);



// Resize the current image to set dimensions on window resize

function windowResize(callback)


if ($image) {

var windowWidth = $window.width(),

windowHeight = $window.height();


if ((windowHeight / windowWidth) > imageRatio) {

$image.height(windowHeight).width(windowHeight / imageRatio);

} else {

$image.width(windowWidth).height(windowWidth * imageRatio);




left: ((windowWidth - $image.width()) / 2) + 'px',

top: ((windowHeight - $image.height()) / 2) + 'px'



if (typeof callback === 'function') {;






fullscreen = $.fullscreen = function(options) {

settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {});


backgrounds = settings.backgrounds;


if (isIE && !settings.fadeIE) {

settings.fadeOutSpeed = 0;

settings.fadeInSpeed = 0;

settings.closeFadeInSpeed = 0;






fullscreen.close = function() {



$('body').css('overflow', bodyOverflow);


}; = function() {

index = (index == (backgrounds.length - 1)) ? 0 : index + 1;

load(function() {

if (settings.preload) {

cache((index == (backgrounds.length - 1)) ? 0 : index + 1); // Cache the next next image



if ( {

$.cookie('stormSavedBackground', index, {expires: 365});





fullscreen.prev = function() {

index = (index == 0) ? backgrounds.length - 1 : index - 1;

load(function() {

if (settings.preload) {

cache((index == 0) ? backgrounds.length - 1 : index - 1); // Cache the next previous image



if ( {

$.cookie('stormSavedBackground', index, {expires: 365});





$(document).ready(function() {

if (typeof window.preload === 'function') {










$(window).load(function() {

// Preload one next image and one previous image

if (settings.preload) {

var previousIndex = (index == 0) ? backgrounds.length - 1 : index - 1;

var nextIndex = (index == (backgrounds.length - 1)) ? 0 : index + 1;

cache(previousIndex, nextIndex);



})(jQuery, window);

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Este é um exemplo...



$(document).ready(function() {

backgrounds: backgrounds,
speed: speed,
fadeOutSpeed: fadeOutSpeed,
fadeInSpeed: fadeInSpeed,
save: save,
preload: preload,



você tem que definir os valores....


coloque assim


$(document).ready(function() {

backgrounds: backgrounds,
speed: 1250,
fadeOutSpeed: 1000,
fadeInSpeed: 1000,
save: true,
preload: true,


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Só estou tendo problemas com "image1.jpg"

porque as imagens que chamo vem da pasta backgrounds

então para funcionar teria que fazer assim



mas mesmo assim não funcionou

quando coloco dessa maneira que citei acima as imagens não carregam.


mas quando deixo apenas assim



as imagens aparecem clicando nos botes prev e next, mas sem as transições e o "autoplay"

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O autoplay é definido por essa variavel


speed: 1250,


Me passe aonde pegou este script para eu baixar e testar aqui.

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