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Kellison Ruan

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Tudo que Kellison Ruan postou

  1. Acho que não fui tão claro no título, portanto irei esmiuçar melhor aqui... É o seguinte, quero saber se há algum jeito de pegar as linhas de uma coluna q está em VARCHAR com informações do tipo "4 PONTOS DE ILUMINAÇÃO", dessa informação pretendo retirar somente o número que em questão é o "4" e colocá-lo em outra coluna INTEGER. Há essa possibilidade? Detalhe, as vezes as informações não está seguindo um padrão de vim somente como "4 PONTOS DE ILUMINAÇÃO" às vezes vêm dados com mais informações númericas que precisa distinguir, por exemplo, a mim só interessa pegar números que vem antecedendo as palavras "PONTOS", "PTOS", "PTS", têm algum jeito de distinguir isso?
  2. Kellison Ruan


    Olá galera, Boa tarde! Estou com um probleminha em Ionic que está quebrando muito minha cabeça por dias. Método de pagamento do paypal aparece em meu site, mas não aparece no app ionic, o que será? Já tentei de tudo. Esse app faz comunicação via API do Woocommerce, e lá está habilitado a forma de pagamento com PayPal, porém só não aparece no app, já que na página de checkout no meu site, aparece. Segue o código da página de checkout do app: import { Component, Inject } from '@angular/core'; import { NavController, NavParams, AlertController, Loading, LoadingController, ToastController, App } from 'ionic-angular'; import { PlacedPage } from '../placed/placed'; import { PaymentGateway } from "../../models/payment-gateway.models"; import { Constants } from "../../models/constants.models"; import { WordpressClient } from '../../providers/wordpress-client.service'; import { Global } from '../../providers/global'; import { Subscription } from "rxjs/Subscription"; import { CartItem } from "../../models/cart-item.models"; import { OrderRequest } from "../../models/order-request.models"; import { Address } from "../../models/address.models"; import { ShippingLine } from "../../models/shipping-line.models"; import { UserResponse } from "../../models/user-response.models"; import { OrderResponse } from "../../models/order-response.models"; import { Currency } from "../../models/currency.models"; import { InAppBrowser, InAppBrowserOptions } from '@ionic-native/in-app-browser'; import { sha512 } from 'js-sha512'; import { APP_CONFIG, AppConfig } from '../../app/app.config'; import { OrderUpdateRequest } from '../../models/order-update-request.models'; import { Coupon } from '../../models/coupon.models'; import { HomePage } from '../home/home'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { Helper } from '../../models/helper.models'; import { ShippingMethod } from '../../models/shipping-method.models'; import { PayPal, PayPalPayment, PayPalConfiguration, PayPalPaymentDetails } from '@ionic-native/paypal'; @Component({ selector: 'page-payment', templateUrl: 'payment.html', providers: [WordpressClient] }) export class PaymentPage { private loading: Loading; private loadingShown: Boolean = false; private placedPagePushed: Boolean = false; private paymentDone: Boolean = false; private paymentFailAlerted: Boolean = false; private subscriptions: Array<Subscription> = []; private paymentGateways = new Array<PaymentGateway>(); private cartItems: Array<CartItem>; private selectedPaymentGateway; private selectedAddress: Address; private orderRequest: OrderRequest; private orderId = -1; private user: UserResponse; private totalItems = 0; private total = 0; private couponApplied = false; private pickupTime = 0; private deliveryTime = 0; private shippingChargeGlobal: number; constructor(@Inject(APP_CONFIG) private config: AppConfig, public translate: TranslateService, private iab: InAppBrowser, private toastCtrl: ToastController, public navCtrl: NavController, private navParams: NavParams, private service: WordpressClient, private loadingCtrl: LoadingController, private alertCtrl: AlertController, public appCtrl: App) { this.cartItems = this.navParams.get('cart'); this.totalItems = this.navParams.get('totalItems'); = this.navParams.get('total'); this.shippingChargeGlobal = this.navParams.get('shippingChargeGlobal'); let paymentGateways = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.PAYMENT_GATEWAYS)); this.selectedAddress = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.SELECTED_ADDRESS)); if (paymentGateways != null) { for (let pg of paymentGateways) { if (pg.enabled && this.paymentImplemented( { this.paymentGateways.push(pg); } } } } ionViewWillLeave() { this.subscriptions.forEach((subscription: Subscription) => { subscription.unsubscribe(); }); this.dismissLoading(); } paymentImplemented(id) { return id === "pumcp" || id === "payuindia" || id === "cod"; } paymentMethod(paymentGateway) { this.selectedPaymentGateway = paymentGateway; } placedPage() { if (this.selectedPaymentGateway == null) { this.translate.get('field_error_payment_method').subscribe(value => { this.showToast(value); }); } else { this.orderRequest = new OrderRequest(); this.orderRequest.payment_method = ? : "cod"; this.orderRequest.payment_method_title = this.selectedPaymentGateway.title ? this.selectedPaymentGateway.title : "cod"; this.orderRequest.set_paid = false; this.orderRequest.billing = this.selectedAddress; this.orderRequest.shipping = this.selectedAddress; this.user = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.USER_KEY)); this.orderRequest.customer_id = String(; let selectedShippingMethod: ShippingMethod = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.SELECTED_SHIPPING_METHOD)); if (selectedShippingMethod) { let shippingTotal = 0; for (let ci of this.cartItems) { if (!ci.product.shipping_cost_use_global && ci.product.shipping_cost != 1) shippingTotal = shippingTotal + ci.product.shipping_cost; } if (this.shippingChargeGlobal != -1) { shippingTotal = shippingTotal + this.shippingChargeGlobal; } this.orderRequest.shipping_lines = new Array<ShippingLine>(); this.orderRequest.shipping_lines.push(new ShippingLine(selectedShippingMethod.method_id, selectedShippingMethod.method_title, String(shippingTotal))); } this.orderRequest.line_items = this.cartItems; for (let item of this.orderRequest.line_items) { item.product = null; } this.translate.get('order_creating').subscribe(value => { this.presentLoading(value); }); let coupon: Coupon = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.SELECTED_COUPON)); let subscription: Subscription = this.service.createOrder(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.ADMIN_API_KEY), this.orderRequest).subscribe(data => { this.orderId =; if (coupon) { this.applyCoupon(coupon); } else { this.orderPlaced(); } }, err => { console.log(err); this.dismissLoading(); let orderId = Helper.extractOrderIdFromError(err); if (orderId != -1) { this.orderId = orderId; if (coupon) { this.applyCoupon(coupon); } else { this.orderPlaced(); } } else { this.translate.get('order_failed').subscribe(value => { this.showToast(value); }); this.appCtrl.getRootNav().setRoot(HomePage); } }); this.subscriptions.push(subscription); } } applyCoupon(coupon) { let couponSubs: Subscription = this.service.applyCouponCode(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.ADMIN_API_KEY), String(this.orderId), coupon.code).subscribe(data => { this.couponApplied = true; window.localStorage.removeItem(Constants.SELECTED_COUPON); this.translate.get('confirm_order_coupon_applied').subscribe(value => { this.showToast(value); }); this.orderPlaced(); }, err => { console.log(err); this.dismissLoading(); }); this.subscriptions.push(couponSubs); } orderPlaced() { this.dismissLoading(); if ( && === "cod") { this.clearCart(); this.navCtrl.setRoot(PlacedPage); } else if ( === "pumcp" || === "payuindia") { this.initPayUMoney(); } else { this.translate.get('order_placed_cod').subscribe(value => { this.showToast(value); }); this.clearCart(); this.navCtrl.setRoot(PlacedPage); } } initPayUMoney() { let name = this.user.first_name && this.user.first_name.length ? this.user.first_name : this.user.username; let mobile = this.user.username; let email =; let bookingId = String(Math.floor(Math.random() * (99 - 10 + 1) + 10)) + this.orderId; let productinfo = this.orderId; let salt = this.config.payuSalt; let key = this.config.payuKey; let amt = this.couponApplied ? : this.totalItems; let string = key + '|' + bookingId + '|' + amt + '|' + productinfo + '|' + name + '|' + email + '|||||||||||' + salt; let encrypttext = sha512(string); //let url = "payumoney/payuBiz.html?amt=" + amt + "&name=" + name + "&mobileNo=" + mobile + "&email=" + email + "&bookingId=" + bookingId + "&productinfo=" + productinfo + "&salt=" + salt + "&key=" + key; let url = "payumoney/payuBiz.html?amt=" + amt + "&name=" + name + "&mobileNo=" + mobile + "&email=" + email + "&bookingId=" + bookingId + "&productinfo=" + productinfo + "&hash=" + encrypttext + "&salt=" + salt + "&key=" + key; let options: InAppBrowserOptions = { location: 'yes', clearcache: 'yes', zoom: 'yes', toolbar: 'no', closebuttoncaption: 'back' }; const browser: any = this.iab.create(url, '_blank', options); browser.on('loadstop').subscribe(event => { browser.executeScript({ file: "payumoney/payumoneyPaymentGateway.js" }); if (event.url == "http://localhost/success.php") { this.paymentSuccess(); browser.close(); } if (event.url == "http://localhost/failure.php") { this.paymentFailure(); browser.close(); } }); browser.on('exit').subscribe(event => { if (!this.paymentDone && !this.paymentFailAlerted) { this.paymentFailure(); } }); browser.on('loaderror').subscribe(event => { this.showToast('something_went_wrong'); }); } paymentFailure() { this.paymentFailAlerted = true; let subscription: Subscription = this.service.updateOrder(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.ADMIN_API_KEY), String(this.orderId), new OrderUpdateRequest('cancelled')).subscribe(data => { }, err => { console.log(err); }); this.subscriptions.push(subscription); this.translate.get(['payment_fail_title', 'payment_fail_message', 'ok']).subscribe(res => { let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({ title: res.payment_fail_title, message: res.payment_fail_message, buttons: [{ text: res.ok, role: 'cancel', handler: () => { this.done(); console.log('Okay clicked'); } }] }); alert.present(); }); } paymentSuccess() { this.paymentDone = true; this.clearCart(); this.translate.get('just_a_moment').subscribe(value => { this.presentLoading(value); }); let subscription: Subscription = this.service.updateOrder(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.ADMIN_API_KEY), String(this.orderId), { set_paid: true }).subscribe(data => { this.done(); }, err => { this.done(); this.paymentSuccess(); console.log(err); }); this.subscriptions.push(subscription); } done() { if (!this.placedPagePushed) { this.placedPagePushed = true; this.dismissLoading(); this.appCtrl.getRootNav().setRoot(this.paymentFailAlerted ? HomePage : PlacedPage); } } private presentLoading(message: string) { this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({ content: message }); this.loading.onDidDismiss(() => { }); this.loading.present(); this.loadingShown = true; } private dismissLoading() { if (this.loadingShown) { this.loadingShown = false; this.loading.dismiss(); } } private presentErrorAlert(msg: string) { let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({ title: 'Error', subTitle: msg, buttons: ['OK'] }); alert.present(); } showToast(message: string) { let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({ message: message, duration: 3000, position: 'bottom' }); toast.onDidDismiss(() => { console.log('Dismissed toast'); }); toast.present(); } clearCart() { let cartItems = new Array<CartItem>(); window.localStorage.setItem('cartItems', JSON.stringify(cartItems)); } }

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