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Encontrado 60 registros

  1. cleitonesc

    Laravel - Como Exibir uma modal como mensagem de erro?

    Alguém sabe como fazer isso? ```` public function destroy($id, Request $request) { $flagFk = DB::table('events') ->where('sal_codigo','=',$id) ->count(); if($flagFk==0){ $sal = Sala::find($id); if(isset($sal)){ $sal->delete(); } }else{ AQUI QUERIA EXIBIR UMA MENSAGEM DE ERRO } return redirect('/ListaSalasLocal'); }
  2. terra

    Passar função javascript em uma sql

    Olá, Tenho esse codigo e gostaria de chamar bairro = dados.address.suburb; aqui nesse função Agradeço qualquer ajuda
  3. Chris Martin

    Erro de migração no laravel

    Pessoal, estou com um problema para criar uma foreign com as migrations do laravel. SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1215 Cannot add foreign key constraint (SQL: alter table `users` add constraint `users_equipe_id_foreign` foreign key (`equipe_id`) references `equipe` (`id`)) at /home/vagrant/code/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:664 660| // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we'll format the error 661| // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make this exception a 662| // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors. 663| catch (Exception $e) { > 664| throw new QueryException( 665| $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e 666| ); 667| } 668| Exception trace: 1 PDOException::("SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1215 Cannot add foreign key constraint") /home/vagrant/code/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:458 2 PDOStatement::execute() /home/vagrant/code/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:458 Create Users seed public function up() { Schema::dropIfExists('users'); Schema::enableForeignKeyConstraints(); Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->bigIncrements('id')->index(); //Informações do atleta $table->string('name'); $table->string('tel')->nullable(); $table->string('nacionalidade',2)->nullable(); $table->string('cpf', 11)->unique(); $table->date('data_nascimento')->nullable(); $table->char('genero', 1); //Informações de login $table->string('email')->unique(); $table->string('avatar')->nullable()->default('user_defatult.png'); $table->string('password'); $table->string('status')->nullable()->default(1); $table->string('permission')->nullable()->default('app.atleta'); $table->timestamp('email_verified_at')->nullable(); $table->rememberToken(); //Demais informações $table->string('cep')->nullable(); $table->string('logradouro')->nullable(); $table->string('bairro')->nullable(); $table->string('cidade')->nullable(); $table->string('uf')->nullable(); $table->string('complemento')->nullable(); $table->string('emer_nome')->nullable(); $table->string('emer_tel')->nullable(); $table->integer('equipe_id')->unsigned(); $table->timestamps(); }); } Create Tables Equipe: public function up() { Schema::dropIfExists('equipes'); Schema::create('equipes', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->bigIncrements('id')->index(); $table->string('nome'); $table->integer('status'); $table->timestamps(); }); } Alter Table Users public function up() { Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->foreign('equipe_id')->references('id')->on('equipe'); }); } a migration é executada nesta ordem, mas o errro persiste
  4. peterstefan

    Select no laravel

    estou tentando fazer uma select no laravel para quando eu atualizar o e-mail do usuário mais se já existir no banco mostrar uma mensagem avisando que já existe no banco, mais não to conseguindo.. Dei uma pesquisada e não achei nada que pudesse ajudar.. $email = DB::select(DB::raw('SELECT id, email FROM users WHERE email=:email AND id !=:id'), ['email' => $request->email, 'id' => Auth::user()->id]); if ($email) { $json['message'] = $this->message->error("Ooops, " . Auth::user()->name . " E-mail já está em uso!")->reder(); return response()->json($json); }
  5. th4deu

    Vaga Programador PHP - Laravel (CLT) - BH

    PROGRAMADOR PHP / LARAVEL Requisitos: Atuar no desenvolvimento de sistemas em PHP (OO), HTML, Javascript (jQuery) e CSS; Realizar integrações com APIs de sistemas externos e migração de conteúdo / estrutura entre sistemas; Conhecimento necessário em PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript / jQuery, Bootstrap e Framework Laravel (preferencialmente familiarizado com padrão de arquitetura MVC); Ter boa comunicação e saber trabalhar em equipe. Diferenciais: Conhecimento em MSSQL AngularJS Docker GIT Benefícios: Vale Transporte, Vale alimentação e Plano de saúde Salário compatível com o mercado. Local de trabalho: Belo Horizonte, MG. Interessados favor enviar um e-mail para
  6. bobzznnn

    Mostrar Meus Indiretos

    Olá meus amigos, eu não sei onde postar minha dúvida, então vou por aqui pois talvez alguem possa me ajudar. É o seguinte, trabalho com sistema de Marketing em Laravel e pra cada usuário tem comissões multiniveis, ou seja " Pedro indicou Maria( que neste caso 'Maria' Ficaria em Baixo de 'Pedro'. Até aí tudo bem!) logo após 'Maria' Recrutou outro membro o 'Joaquin' ( que neste caso 'Joaquin' Ficaria em Baixo de 'Maria')<-- eu não consigo mostrar este indicado('Joaquin') ao 'Pedro' que está lá em cima. Exemplo: Suponhamos que eu sou o tal 'Pedro' e este da imagem abaixo é a 'Maria', sendo em baixo dela tem o ' Joaquin'(que n está aparecendo). Gostaria de saber alguma forma de como clicar na 'Maria' e aparecer o 'Joaquin'. segue meu html: <table id="example2" class="table table-bordered table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th>Nome</th> <th>Email</th> <th>Telefone</th> <th>Situação</th> <th>Investimento</th> <th>Graduação</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> @inject('usuarios', 'App\User') @foreach($usuarios->getIndicados() as $user) <tr> <td><b>{{$user->name}}</b></td> <td>{{$user->email}}</td> <td>{{$user->telefone}}</td> <!-- <td>{{$user->getUserDirection()}}</td> --> <td>{{$user->getStatus()}}</td> <td>{{$user->getPacote()->nome}}</td> <td>{{$user->minhaGraduacao()}}</td> </tr> @endforeach </tbody> </table> Aqui o PHP: public function getIndicados($id = '') { if ($id == '') { $id = Auth::user()->id; } $reffer = Referrals::where('pai_id', $id)->get(); $users = array(); foreach ($reffer as $key => $r) { $users[$key] = $this->where('id', $r->user_id)->first(); } return $users; } public function getFilhos($id = null, $count = false) { if (!$id) { $id = $this->id; } $reffer = Referrals::where('system_id', $id)->orderBy('direcao', 'ASC')->get(); $users = array(); foreach ($reffer as $key => $r) { $user = $this->where('id', $r->user_id)->first(); $user->direcao = $this->getUserDirection($r->user_id); $users[$key] = $user; } if ($count) { return count($users); } return $users; }
  7. Alesson Mendes

    Cadastro Ajax + Laravel

    Fala galera, Sou novato em Desenvolvimento Web, e estou precisando fazer uma inserção de dados sem atualizar a pagina. Preciso alterar varios valores de uma tabela, portanto fiz um table e dentro dele coloquei um form nos campos que desejo editar. O problema que quero utilizar a funçao onblur para fazer o submit a cada alteração. Consegui fazer isto definindo a rota no formulário e criando uma função javascript onblur. Porém ele manda para meu php, onde insere os dados mas redireciona a rota. vi em varios outros foruns, mas nao consegui implementar o AJAX no meu projeto. Conseguem me dar uma mão na no codigo, como utilizo o AJAX com o laravel. Muito obrigado <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#prest").on('blur', function() { //evento de sair de foco do edit var valor = $('#prest').val(); $('#form').submit();//efetua submit no formulario }); }); </script> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Cotação</th> <th>Codigo</th> <th>Descrição</th> <th>Cod Barras</th> <th>Qtde Cotação</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> @foreach($registros as $registro) <tr> <td>{{ $registro->prod_codigo }}</td> <td>{{ $registro->prod_descricao }}</td> <td>{{ $registro->prod_barras}}</td> <td>{{ $registro->prod_qtde}}</td> <td> <form action="{{ route('preco.incluir' , $registro->id) }}" method="post" class="" id="form" name="form" enctype="multipart/form-data"> {{csrf_field()}} <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put"> <input type="text" name="prest" id="prest" value="" > </form> </td> </tr> @endforeach </tbody> </table>
  8. Saudação Ho! Oráculo! Clico em um ícone que faz a busca no banco por id, isso em laravel, só que na Route:: quando busca a página dá (not found). Eu já modifiquei o primaryKey de protected para public... bem vou disponibilizar os arquivos.
  9. Bom dia, alguém me indicaria alguma biblioteca para imprimir do laravel direto para uma impressora terrmica Bermatech MP-2800 TH.
  10. Pitag346

    Implementando aplicação Laravel Open Source

    Olá, como vão vcs? Bom estou editando um sistema open source chamado attendize (, fiz varias implementações, traduções e entre outras coisas... trabalhei muito nesse código e estou quase no fim... onde estou com um problema, quero implementar um gateway de pagamento via pagseguro... mas o detalhe é, não estou entendendo o código, alguém poderia me ajudar ? caso quiserem baixar o sistema completo que como citei é open source, só entrar no site... mas o código que não estou entendendo vou deixa-lo abaixo... app/Http/Controllers/EventCheckoutController.php <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Events\OrderCompletedEvent; use App\Models\Affiliate; use App\Models\Attendee; use App\Models\Event; use App\Models\EventStats; use App\Models\Order; use App\Models\OrderItem; use App\Models\QuestionAnswer; use App\Models\ReservedTickets; use App\Models\Ticket; use Carbon\Carbon; use Cookie; use DB; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Log; use Omnipay; use PDF; use PhpSpec\Exception\Exception; use Validator; class EventCheckoutController extends Controller { /** * Is the checkout in an embedded Iframe? * * @var bool */ protected $is_embedded; /** * EventCheckoutController constructor. * @param Request $request */ public function __construct(Request $request) { /* * See if the checkout is being called from an embedded iframe. */ $this->is_embedded = $request->get('is_embedded') == '1'; } /** * Validate a ticket request. If successful reserve the tickets and redirect to checkout * * @param Request $request * @param $event_id * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function postValidateTickets(Request $request, $event_id) { /* * Order expires after X min */ $order_expires_time = Carbon::now()->addMinutes(config('attendize.checkout_timeout_after')); $event = Event::findOrFail($event_id); if (!$request->has('tickets')) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 'error', 'message' => 'No tickets selected', ]); } $ticket_ids = $request->get('tickets'); /* * Remove any tickets the user has reserved */ ReservedTickets::where('session_id', '=', session()->getId())->delete(); /* * Go though the selected tickets and check if they're available * , tot up the price and reserve them to prevent over selling. */ $validation_rules = []; $validation_messages = []; $tickets = []; $order_total = 0; $total_ticket_quantity = 0; $booking_fee = 0; $organiser_booking_fee = 0; $quantity_available_validation_rules = []; foreach ($ticket_ids as $ticket_id) { $current_ticket_quantity = (int)$request->get('ticket_' . $ticket_id); if ($current_ticket_quantity < 1) { continue; } $total_ticket_quantity = $total_ticket_quantity + $current_ticket_quantity; $ticket = Ticket::find($ticket_id); $ticket_quantity_remaining = $ticket->quantity_remaining; $max_per_person = min($ticket_quantity_remaining, $ticket->max_per_person); $quantity_available_validation_rules['ticket_' . $ticket_id] = [ 'numeric', 'min:' . $ticket->min_per_person, 'max:' . $max_per_person ]; $quantity_available_validation_messages = [ 'ticket_' . $ticket_id . '.max' => 'The maximum number of tickets you can register is ' . $ticket_quantity_remaining, 'ticket_' . $ticket_id . '.min' => 'You must select at least ' . $ticket->min_per_person . ' tickets.', ]; $validator = Validator::make(['ticket_' . $ticket_id => (int)$request->get('ticket_' . $ticket_id)], $quantity_available_validation_rules, $quantity_available_validation_messages); if ($validator->fails()) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 'error', 'messages' => $validator->messages()->toArray(), ]); } $order_total = $order_total + ($current_ticket_quantity * $ticket->price); $booking_fee = $booking_fee + ($current_ticket_quantity * $ticket->booking_fee); $organiser_booking_fee = $organiser_booking_fee + ($current_ticket_quantity * $ticket->organiser_booking_fee); $tickets[] = [ 'ticket' => $ticket, 'qty' => $current_ticket_quantity, 'price' => ($current_ticket_quantity * $ticket->price), 'booking_fee' => ($current_ticket_quantity * $ticket->booking_fee), 'organiser_booking_fee' => ($current_ticket_quantity * $ticket->organiser_booking_fee), 'full_price' => $ticket->price + $ticket->total_booking_fee, ]; /* * Reserve the tickets for X amount of minutes */ $reservedTickets = new ReservedTickets(); $reservedTickets->ticket_id = $ticket_id; $reservedTickets->event_id = $event_id; $reservedTickets->quantity_reserved = $current_ticket_quantity; $reservedTickets->expires = $order_expires_time; $reservedTickets->session_id = session()->getId(); $reservedTickets->save(); for ($i = 0; $i < $current_ticket_quantity; $i++) { /* * Create our validation rules here */ $validation_rules['ticket_holder_first_name.' . $i . '.' . $ticket_id] = ['required']; $validation_rules['ticket_holder_last_name.' . $i . '.' . $ticket_id] = ['required']; $validation_rules['ticket_holder_email.' . $i . '.' . $ticket_id] = ['required', 'email']; $validation_messages['ticket_holder_first_name.' . $i . '.' . $ticket_id . '.required'] = 'Ticket holder ' . ($i + 1) . '\'s first name is required'; $validation_messages['ticket_holder_last_name.' . $i . '.' . $ticket_id . '.required'] = 'Ticket holder ' . ($i + 1) . '\'s last name is required'; $validation_messages['ticket_holder_email.' . $i . '.' . $ticket_id . '.required'] = 'Ticket holder ' . ($i + 1) . '\'s email is required'; $validation_messages['ticket_holder_email.' . $i . '.' . $ticket_id . '.email'] = 'Ticket holder ' . ($i + 1) . '\'s email appears to be invalid'; /* * Validation rules for custom questions */ foreach ($ticket->questions as $question) { if ($question->is_required && $question->is_enabled) { $validation_rules['ticket_holder_questions.' . $ticket_id . '.' . $i . '.' . $question->id] = ['required']; $validation_messages['ticket_holder_questions.' . $ticket_id . '.' . $i . '.' . $question->id . '.required'] = "This question is required"; } } } } if (empty($tickets)) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 'error', 'message' => 'No tickets selected.', ]); } /* * The 'ticket_order_{event_id}' session stores everything we need to complete the transaction. */ session()->set('ticket_order_' . $event->id, [ 'validation_rules' => $validation_rules, 'validation_messages' => $validation_messages, 'event_id' => $event->id, 'tickets' => $tickets, 'total_ticket_quantity' => $total_ticket_quantity, 'order_started' => time(), 'expires' => $order_expires_time, 'reserved_tickets_id' => $reservedTickets->id, 'order_total' => $order_total, 'booking_fee' => $booking_fee, 'organiser_booking_fee' => $organiser_booking_fee, 'total_booking_fee' => $booking_fee + $organiser_booking_fee, 'order_requires_payment' => (ceil($order_total) == 0) ? false : true, 'account_id' => $event->account->id, 'affiliate_referral' => Cookie::get('affiliate_' . $event_id), 'account_payment_gateway' => count($event->account->active_payment_gateway) ? $event->account->active_payment_gateway : false, 'payment_gateway' => count($event->account->active_payment_gateway) ? $event->account->active_payment_gateway->payment_gateway : false, ]); /* * If we're this far assume everything is OK and redirect them * to the the checkout page. */ if ($request->ajax()) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 'success', 'redirectUrl' => route('showEventCheckout', [ 'event_id' => $event_id, 'is_embedded' => $this->is_embedded, ]) . '#order_form', ]); } /* * Maybe display something prettier than this? */ exit('Please enable Javascript in your browser.'); } /** * Show the checkout page * * @param Request $request * @param $event_id * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function showEventCheckout(Request $request, $event_id) { $order_session = session()->get('ticket_order_' . $event_id); if (!$order_session || $order_session['expires'] < Carbon::now()) { $route_name = $this->is_embedded ? 'showEmbeddedEventPage' : 'showEventPage'; return redirect()->route($route_name, ['event_id' => $event_id]); } $secondsToExpire = Carbon::now()->diffInSeconds($order_session['expires']); $data = $order_session + [ 'event' => Event::findorFail($order_session['event_id']), 'secondsToExpire' => $secondsToExpire, 'is_embedded' => $this->is_embedded, ]; if ($this->is_embedded) { return view('Public.ViewEvent.Embedded.EventPageCheckout', $data); } return view('Public.ViewEvent.EventPageCheckout', $data); } /** * Create the order, handle payment, update stats, fire off email jobs then redirect user * * @param Request $request * @param $event_id * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse */ public function postCreateOrder(Request $request, $event_id) { /* * If there's no session kill the request and redirect back to the event homepage. */ if (!session()->get('ticket_order_' . $event_id)) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Your session has expired.', 'redirectUrl' => route('showEventPage', [ 'event_id' => $event_id, ]) ]); } $event = Event::findOrFail($event_id); $order = new Order; $ticket_order = session()->get('ticket_order_' . $event_id); $validation_rules = $ticket_order['validation_rules']; $validation_messages = $ticket_order['validation_messages']; $order->rules = $order->rules + $validation_rules; $order->messages = $order->messages + $validation_messages; if (!$order->validate($request->all())) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 'error', 'messages' => $order->errors(), ]); } /* * Add the request data to a session in case payment is required off-site */ session()->push('ticket_order_' . $event_id . '.request_data', $request->except(['card-number', 'card-cvc'])); /* * Begin payment attempt before creating the attendees etc. * */ if ($ticket_order['order_requires_payment']) { /* * Check if the user has chosen to pay offline * and if they are allowed */ if ($request->get('pay_offline') && $event->enable_offline_payments) { return $this->completeOrder($event_id); } try { $gateway = Omnipay::create($ticket_order['payment_gateway']->name); $gateway->initialize($ticket_order['account_payment_gateway']->config + [ 'testMode' => config('attendize.enable_test_payments'), ]); $transaction_data = [ 'amount' => ($ticket_order['order_total'] + $ticket_order['organiser_booking_fee']), 'currency' => $event->currency->code, 'description' => 'Order for customer: ' . $request->get('order_email'), ]; switch ($ticket_order['payment_gateway']->id) { case config('attendize.payment_gateway_paypal'): case config('attendize.payment_gateway_coinbase'): $transaction_data += [ 'cancelUrl' => route('showEventCheckoutPaymentReturn', [ 'event_id' => $event_id, 'is_payment_cancelled' => 1 ]), 'returnUrl' => route('showEventCheckoutPaymentReturn', [ 'event_id' => $event_id, 'is_payment_successful' => 1 ]), 'brandName' => isset($ticket_order['account_payment_gateway']->config['brandingName']) ? $ticket_order['account_payment_gateway']->config['brandingName'] : $event->organiser->name ]; break; case config('attendize.payment_gateway_stripe'): $token = $request->get('stripeToken'); $transaction_data += [ 'token' => $token, ]; break; case config('attendize.payment_gateway_migs'): $transaction_data += [ 'transactionId' => $event_id . date('YmdHis'), // TODO: Where to generate transaction id? 'returnUrl' => route('showEventCheckoutPaymentReturn', [ 'event_id' => $event_id, 'is_payment_successful' => 1 ]), ]; // Order description in MIGS is only 34 characters long; so we need a short description $transaction_data['description'] = "Ticket sales " . $transaction_data['transactionId']; break; default: Log::error('No payment gateway configured.'); return repsonse()->json([ 'status' => 'error', 'message' => 'No payment gateway configured.' ]); break; } $transaction = $gateway->purchase($transaction_data); $response = $transaction->send(); if ($response->isSuccessful()) { session()->push('ticket_order_' . $event_id . '.transaction_id', $response->getTransactionReference()); return $this->completeOrder($event_id); } elseif ($response->isRedirect()) { /* * As we're going off-site for payment we need to store some data in a session so it's available * when we return */ session()->push('ticket_order_' . $event_id . '.transaction_data', $transaction_data); Log::info("Redirect url: " . $response->getRedirectUrl()); $return = [ 'status' => 'success', 'redirectUrl' => $response->getRedirectUrl(), 'message' => 'Redirecting to ' . $ticket_order['payment_gateway']->provider_name ]; // GET method requests should not have redirectData on the JSON return string if($response->getRedirectMethod() == 'POST') { $return['redirectData'] = $response->getRedirectData(); } return response()->json($return); } else { // display error to customer return response()->json([ 'status' => 'error', 'message' => $response->getMessage(), ]); } } catch (\Exeption $e) { Log::error($e); $error = 'Sorry, there was an error processing your payment. Please try again.'; } if ($error) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 'error', 'message' => $error, ]); } } /* * No payment required so go ahead and complete the order */ return $this->completeOrder($event_id); } /** * Attempt to complete a user's payment when they return from * an off-site gateway * * @param Request $request * @param $event_id * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function showEventCheckoutPaymentReturn(Request $request, $event_id) { if ($request->get('is_payment_cancelled') == '1') { session()->flash('message', 'You cancelled your payment. You may try again.'); return response()->redirectToRoute('showEventCheckout', [ 'event_id' => $event_id, 'is_payment_cancelled' => 1, ]); } $ticket_order = session()->get('ticket_order_' . $event_id); $gateway = Omnipay::create($ticket_order['payment_gateway']->name); $gateway->initialize($ticket_order['account_payment_gateway']->config + [ 'testMode' => config('attendize.enable_test_payments'), ]); $transaction = $gateway->completePurchase($ticket_order['transaction_data'][0]); $response = $transaction->send(); if ($response->isSuccessful()) { session()->push('ticket_order_' . $event_id . '.transaction_id', $response->getTransactionReference()); return $this->completeOrder($event_id, false); } else { session()->flash('message', $response->getMessage()); return response()->redirectToRoute('showEventCheckout', [ 'event_id' => $event_id, 'is_payment_failed' => 1, ]); } } /** * Complete an order * * @param $event_id * @param bool|true $return_json * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function completeOrder($event_id, $return_json = true) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { $order = new Order(); $ticket_order = session()->get('ticket_order_' . $event_id); $request_data = $ticket_order['request_data'][0]; $event = Event::findOrFail($ticket_order['event_id']); $attendee_increment = 1; $ticket_questions = isset($request_data['ticket_holder_questions']) ? $request_data['ticket_holder_questions'] : []; /* * Create the order */ if (isset($ticket_order['transaction_id'])) { $order->transaction_id = $ticket_order['transaction_id'][0]; } if ($ticket_order['order_requires_payment'] && !isset($request_data['pay_offline'])) { $order->payment_gateway_id = $ticket_order['payment_gateway']->id; } $order->first_name = $request_data['order_first_name']; $order->last_name = $request_data['order_last_name']; $order->email = $request_data['order_email']; $order->order_status_id = isset($request_data['pay_offline']) ? config('attendize.order_awaiting_payment') : config('attendize.order_complete'); $order->amount = $ticket_order['order_total']; $order->booking_fee = $ticket_order['booking_fee']; $order->organiser_booking_fee = $ticket_order['organiser_booking_fee']; $order->discount = 0.00; $order->account_id = $event->account->id; $order->event_id = $ticket_order['event_id']; $order->is_payment_received = isset($request_data['pay_offline']) ? 0 : 1; $order->save(); /* * Update the event sales volume */ $event->increment('sales_volume', $order->amount); $event->increment('organiser_fees_volume', $order->organiser_booking_fee); /* * Update affiliates stats stats */ if ($ticket_order['affiliate_referral']) { $affiliate = Affiliate::where('name', '=', $ticket_order['affiliate_referral']) ->where('event_id', '=', $event_id)->first(); $affiliate->increment('sales_volume', $order->amount + $order->organiser_booking_fee); $affiliate->increment('tickets_sold', $ticket_order['total_ticket_quantity']); } /* * Update the event stats */ $event_stats = EventStats::firstOrNew([ 'event_id' => $event_id, 'date' => DB::raw('CURRENT_DATE'), ]); $event_stats->increment('tickets_sold', $ticket_order['total_ticket_quantity']); if ($ticket_order['order_requires_payment']) { $event_stats->increment('sales_volume', $order->amount); $event_stats->increment('organiser_fees_volume', $order->organiser_booking_fee); } /* * Add the attendees */ foreach ($ticket_order['tickets'] as $attendee_details) { /* * Update ticket's quantity sold */ $ticket = Ticket::findOrFail($attendee_details['ticket']['id']); /* * Update some ticket info */ $ticket->increment('quantity_sold', $attendee_details['qty']); $ticket->increment('sales_volume', ($attendee_details['ticket']['price'] * $attendee_details['qty'])); $ticket->increment('organiser_fees_volume', ($attendee_details['ticket']['organiser_booking_fee'] * $attendee_details['qty'])); /* * Insert order items (for use in generating invoices) */ $orderItem = new OrderItem(); $orderItem->title = $attendee_details['ticket']['title']; $orderItem->quantity = $attendee_details['qty']; $orderItem->order_id = $order->id; $orderItem->unit_price = $attendee_details['ticket']['price']; $orderItem->unit_booking_fee = $attendee_details['ticket']['booking_fee'] + $attendee_details['ticket']['organiser_booking_fee']; $orderItem->save(); /* * Create the attendees */ for ($i = 0; $i < $attendee_details['qty']; $i++) { $attendee = new Attendee(); $attendee->first_name = $request_data["ticket_holder_first_name"][$i][$attendee_details['ticket']['id']]; $attendee->last_name = $request_data["ticket_holder_last_name"][$i][$attendee_details['ticket']['id']]; $attendee->email = $request_data["ticket_holder_email"][$i][$attendee_details['ticket']['id']]; $attendee->event_id = $event_id; $attendee->order_id = $order->id; $attendee->ticket_id = $attendee_details['ticket']['id']; $attendee->account_id = $event->account->id; $attendee->reference_index = $attendee_increment; $attendee->save(); /* * Save the attendee's questions */ foreach ($attendee_details['ticket']->questions as $question) { $ticket_answer = isset($ticket_questions[$attendee_details['ticket']->id][$i][$question->id]) ? $ticket_questions[$attendee_details['ticket']->id][$i][$question->id] : null; if (is_null($ticket_answer)) { continue; } /* * If there are multiple answers to a question then join them with a comma * and treat them as a single answer. */ $ticket_answer = is_array($ticket_answer) ? implode(', ', $ticket_answer) : $ticket_answer; if (!empty($ticket_answer)) { QuestionAnswer::create([ 'answer_text' => $ticket_answer, 'attendee_id' => $attendee->id, 'event_id' => $event->id, 'account_id' => $event->account->id, 'question_id' => $question->id ]); } } /* Keep track of total number of attendees */ $attendee_increment++; } } /* * Kill the session */ session()->forget('ticket_order_' . $event->id); /* * Queue up some tasks - Emails to be sent, PDFs etc. */ Log::info('Firing the event'); event(new OrderCompletedEvent($order)); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error($e); DB::rollBack(); return response()->json([ 'status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Whoops! There was a problem processing your order. Please try again.' ]); } DB::commit(); if ($return_json) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 'success', 'redirectUrl' => route('showOrderDetails', [ 'is_embedded' => $this->is_embedded, 'order_reference' => $order->order_reference, ]), ]); } return response()->redirectToRoute('showOrderDetails', [ 'is_embedded' => $this->is_embedded, 'order_reference' => $order->order_reference, ]); } /** * Show the order details page * * @param Request $request * @param $order_reference * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function showOrderDetails(Request $request, $order_reference) { $order = Order::where('order_reference', '=', $order_reference)->first(); if (!$order) { abort(404); } $data = [ 'order' => $order, 'event' => $order->event, 'tickets' => $order->event->tickets, 'is_embedded' => $this->is_embedded, ]; if ($this->is_embedded) { return view('Public.ViewEvent.Embedded.EventPageViewOrder', $data); } return view('Public.ViewEvent.EventPageViewOrder', $data); } /** * Shows the tickets for an order - either HTML or PDF * * @param Request $request * @param $order_reference * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function showOrderTickets(Request $request, $order_reference) { $order = Order::where('order_reference', '=', $order_reference)->first(); if (!$order) { abort(404); } $data = [ 'order' => $order, 'event' => $order->event, 'tickets' => $order->event->tickets, 'attendees' => $order->attendees, 'css' => file_get_contents(public_path('assets/stylesheet/ticket.css')), 'image' => base64_encode(file_get_contents(public_path($order->event->organiser->full_logo_path))), ]; if ($request->get('download') == '1') { return PDF::html('Public.ViewEvent.Partials.PDFTicket', $data, 'Tickets'); } return view('Public.ViewEvent.Partials.PDFTicket', $data); } } nesse arquivo eu tentei edita-lo, mas não obtive exito! /resources/views/ManageAccount/Partials/PaymentGatewayOptions.blade.php <script> $(function() { $('.payment_gateway_options').hide(); $('#gateway_{{$account->payment_gateway_id}}').show(); $('.gateway_selector').on('change', function(e) { $('.payment_gateway_options').hide(); $('#gateway_' + $(this).val()).fadeIn(); }); }); </script> {!! Form::model($account, array('url' => route('postEditAccountPayment'), 'class' => 'ajax ')) !!} <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('payment_gateway_id', 'Default Payment Gateway', array('class'=>'control-label ')) !!} {!! Form::select('payment_gateway_id', $payment_gateways, $account->payment_gateway_id, ['class' => 'form-control gateway_selector']) !!} </div> {{--Stripe--}} <section class="payment_gateway_options" id="gateway_{{config('attendize.payment_gateway_stripe')}}"> <h4>Stripe Settings</h4> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('stripe[apiKey]', 'Stripe Secret Key', array('class'=>'control-label ')) !!} {!! Form::text('stripe[apiKey]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_stripe'), 'apiKey'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('publishableKey', 'Stripe Publishable Key', array('class'=>'control-label ')) !!} {!! Form::text('stripe[publishableKey]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_stripe'), 'publishableKey'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> </div> </section> {{--Paypal--}} <section class="payment_gateway_options" id="gateway_{{config('attendize.payment_gateway_paypal')}}"> <h4>PayPal Settings</h4> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('paypal[username]', 'PayPal Username', array('class'=>'control-label ')) !!} {!! Form::text('paypal[username]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_paypal'), 'username'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('paypal[password]', 'PayPal Password', ['class'=>'control-label ']) !!} {!! Form::text('paypal[password]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_paypal'), 'password'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('paypal[signature]', 'PayPal Signature', array('class'=>'control-label ')) !!} {!! Form::text('paypal[signature]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_paypal'), 'signature'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('paypal[brandName]', 'Branding Name', array('class'=>'control-label ')) !!} {!! Form::text('paypal[brandName]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_paypal'), 'brandName'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} <div class="help-block"> This is the name buyers will see when checking out. Leave this blank if you want the event organiser's name to be used. </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> {{--BitPay--}} <section class="payment_gateway_options" id="gateway_{{config('attendize.payment_gateway_bitpay')}}"> <h4>BitPay Settings</h4> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('bitpay[apiKey]', 'BitPay Api Key', array('class'=>'control-label ')) !!} {!! Form::text('bitpay[apiKey]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_bitpay'), 'apiKey'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> </div> </section> {{--Coinbase--}} <section class="payment_gateway_options" id="gateway_{{config('attendize.payment_gateway_coinbase')}}"> <h4>Coinbase Settings</h4> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('coinbase[apiKey]', 'API Key', array('class'=>'control-label ')) !!} {!! Form::text('coinbase[apiKey]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_coinbase'), 'apiKey'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('coinbase[secret]', 'Secret Code', ['class'=>'control-label ']) !!} {!! Form::text('coinbase[secret]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_coinbase'), 'secret'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('coinbase[accountId]', 'Account ID', array('class'=>'control-label ')) !!} {!! Form::text('coinbase[accountId]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_coinbase'), 'accountId'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> </div> {{--Pagseguro--}} <section class="payment_gateway_options" id="gateway_{{config('attendize.payment_gateway_pagseguro')}}"> <h4>Configurações pagseguro</h4> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('pagseguro[appId]', 'APP id', array('class'=>'control-label ')) !!} {!! Form::text('pagseguro[appId]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_pagseguro'), 'APP id'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('pagseguro[AppKey]', 'AppKey', ['class'=>'control-label ']) !!} {!! Form::text('pagseguro[AppKey]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_pagseguro'), 'AppKey'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> </div> </section> {{--BDO MIGS--}} <section class="payment_gateway_options" id="gateway_{{config('attendize.payment_gateway_migs')}}"> <h4>Mastercard Internet Gateway Service Settings</h4> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('migs[merchantAccessCode]', 'Merchant Access Code', array('class'=>'control-label ')) !!} {!! Form::text('migs[merchantAccessCode]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_migs'), 'merchantAccessCode'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('migs[merchantId]', 'Merchant ID', ['class'=>'control-label ']) !!} {!! Form::text('migs[merchantId]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_migs'), 'merchantId'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('migs[secureHash]', 'Secure Hash Code', array('class'=>'control-label ')) !!} {!! Form::text('migs[secureHash]', $account->getGatewayConfigVal(config('attendize.payment_gateway_migs'), 'secureHash'),[ 'class'=>'form-control']) !!} </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="panel-footer"> {!! Form::submit('Save Payment Details', ['class' => 'btn btn-success pull-right']) !!} </div> </div> </div> {!! Form::close() !!} estou tentando todos os dias, mas não estou conseguindo... pra terem uma noção estou tentar fazer a implementação do pagseguro desde setembro de 2016... estou recorrendo ao fórum pois não sei mais o que fazer ou á quem recorrer... se for causar muito trabalho a vocês, podem deixar pra lá! att. e Obrigado desde já!

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