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Menu com CSS

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Ola Amigos



Estou montando, ou melhor, tentando montar um menu com CSS.Na verdade o menu eu ja montei, falta agora fazer com que quando eu clique em um link, eu seja redirecionado para o link relativo a pagina clicada.


E meu primeiro projeto e ja tive varios problemas ate chegar aqui, portanto esse sera apenas mais um entre os varios que eu ainda terei.


Nao sei se falo besteira mas eu acho que bastaria apenas informar onde se encontra a pagina ".aspx"

a ser chamada, quando se clica no link.


Na primeira linha a pagina Modalidades.aspx se encontra no diretorio raiz e ela nao e chamada, pois aperece uma mensagem de pagina inexistente.


Na segunda linha a pagina /admin/Beneficios.aspx se encontra no diretorio /admim e ela tambem nao e chamada, pois aperece tambem a mensagem de pagina inexistente.


Portanto eu gostaria de saber como chamar minhas paginas atraves de um menu em CSS.




<ul class="link-list-vertical">

<li><a href="Modalidades.aspx" 
    title="Correspondem as diversas categorias de Colaboradores (Pessoa Fisica, Juridica etc).">Modalidades</a></li>

<li><a href="/admin/Beneficios.aspx" title="Beneficios fornecidos aos Colaboradores.">


<li><a href="Especialidades.aspx" 

title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="admin/Modalidades.aspx" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="admin/Modalidades.aspx" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="admin/Modalidades.aspx" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="admin/Modalidades.aspx" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="admin/Modalidades.aspx" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">

Gerente do Cliente</a></li>

<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">

Perfis/Usu rio</a></li>

<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">

Usu rios Logados</a></li>

<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">


<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">

Detalhes T14</a></li>

<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">

Detalhes T12</a></li>

<li><a href="#" title="Users will see this text when they roll over this link. Keep it short and consise. Use this text to clarify the purpose of the link.">

Criar Usu rio</a></li>





Obrigado e um Abraco

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você está usando qual servidor para rodar sua aplicação? IIS ou servidor embutido do Visual Studio?


Caso seja IIS, você criou um Web Site ou Diretório Virtual apontando para o diretório raiz do seu site?

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Ola Juliano, obrigado por sua ajuda.


Estou usando o servidor embutido no VS.

Eu criei o WebSite normalmente em um diretorio chamado \Sistema, por exemplo.



Obrigado e um Abraco

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