DackAle 0 Denunciar post Postado Agosto 27, 2004 Opa galera! Bom, "fiz" um applet pelo programa Anfy, de imagem, o efeito está neste site: http://www.b2w.com.br/b2w.com.br_non_ssl/clientes/apos/novo/ Bom, quando eu clico no topo, aparece uma janelinha, teria como eu tira-la? Eu fiz engenharia reversa, já obtive os codes dos .class. Dai eu não achei onde mudar. E depois de alterar eu teria que re-compilar. Qual o melhor sw para fazer isso? Vlw! Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Marlos Carmo 0 Denunciar post Postado Agosto 27, 2004 Pega os arquivos .class do seu applet e posta ai!!! Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
DackAle 0 Denunciar post Postado Agosto 27, 2004 anfy.class____________________________import java.awt.image.*;class anfy extends MemoryImageSource{ private ImageConsumer lastConsumer; public anfy(int i, int j, int ai[], int k, int l) { super(i, j, ai, k, l); } public anfy(int i, int j, ColorModel colormodel, int ai[], int k, int l) { super(i, j, colormodel, ai, k, l); } public anfy(int i, int j, ColorModel colormodel, byte abyte0[], int k, int l) { super(i, j, colormodel, abyte0, k, l); } public ImageConsumer getConsumer() { return lastConsumer; } public synchronized void addConsumer(ImageConsumer imageconsumer) { lastConsumer = imageconsumer; super.addConsumer(imageconsumer); }} Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
DackAle 0 Denunciar post Postado Agosto 27, 2004 AnWater.class________________________________________import java.applet.Applet;import java.applet.AppletContext;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.image.*;import java.io.*;import java.net.MalformedURLException;import java.net.URL;public class AnWater extends Applet implements Runnable, ImageObserver{ anfy a; MemoryImageSource b; boolean c; Toolkit d; int e; long f; Thread g; Lware h; int i; int j; int k; boolean l; boolean m; int n; int o; int p; int q; int r; int s[]; int t[]; boolean u; int v; int w; int x; int y; private Image z; int A; int B; Frame C; float D[]; float E[]; float F; int G; int H; int I; int J; int K; double L; double M; int N; int O; int P; float Q; int R; boolean S; int T; int U; int V; int W; int X; int Y; int Z; boolean ba; int bb; int bc; boolean bd; int be; int bf; int bg; int bh; short bi[]; short bj[]; short bk[]; int bl; int bm; int bn; int bo; int bp; int bq; int br; int bs; int bt; int bu; int bv; int bw; int bx; int by; private Image bz; private Graphics bA; String bB; String bC; String bD; String bE; String bF; String bG; String bH; String bI; String bJ; String bK; String bL; String bM; String bN; String bO; private Image bP; private Graphics bQ; boolean bR; boolean bS; final String bT = c("*k\016g`\037;\034r%-z\034bjKX\027~f\br^#r\034lPjk\r"); boolean bU; URL bV; boolean bW; String bX; int bY; int bZ; int ca; int cb; int cc; int cd; int ce; int cf; int cg; int ch; String ci; int cj; boolean ck; boolean cl; Color cm; Color cn; Font co; int cp; int cq; int cr; int cs; int ct[]; int c*[]; String cv[]; int cw; int cx; Font cy[]; int cz; int cA; private int cB; int cC; int cD; int cE; int cF; int cG; int cH[]; int cI; int cJ; float cK; float cL; int cM; int cN; String cO; int cP; int cQ; public static int cR; public boolean imageUpdate(Image image, int i1, int j1, int k1, int l1, int i2) { if(image == z) { if(i1 == 16) { bR = true; } return true; } else { return true; } } public void destroy() { if(h != null) { h.hide(); } h = null; if(z != null) { z.flush(); } z = null; if(bP != null) { bP.flush(); } bP = null; if(bQ != null) { bQ.dispose(); } bQ = null; System.gc(); } public synchronized void prepaniframe() { if(bS) { notifyAll(); while(!bR) { Thread.yield(); try { Thread.sleep(8L); } catch(InterruptedException _ex) { } } bR = false; } bQ.drawImage(z, A, B, this); } public synchronized boolean CheckAniGIF() { prepareImage(z, this); if© { for(int i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i1++) { notifyAll(); Thread.yield(); try { Thread.sleep(100L); } catch(InterruptedException _ex) { } } return bR; } else { return false; } } Image a(String s1) { try { return b(s1); } catch(NoSuchMethodError _ex) { return b(s1); } } synchronized Image b(String s1) { URL url = null; Image image = null; try { url = new URL(getDocumentBase(), s1); } catch(MalformedURLException _ex) { } try { try { InputStream inputstream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(url.toString()); if(inputstream != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream bytearrayoutputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024); byte abyte0[] = new byte[512]; boolean flag = false; byte abyte1[] = null; try { while(!flag) { int k1 = inputstream.read(abyte0, 0, 512); if(k1 != -1) { bytearrayoutputstream.write(abyte0, 0, k1); bytearrayoutputstream.flush(); } else { flag = true; } } abyte1 = bytearrayoutputstream.toByteArray(); bytearrayoutputstream.close(); inputstream.close(); } catch(IOException _ex) { abyte1 = null; } System.gc(); if(abyte1 != null) { image = getToolkit().createImage(abyte1); prepareImage(image, this); } } } catch(NoSuchMethodError _ex) { } } catch(SecurityException _ex) { } if(image == null) { for(int i1 = 0; i1 < 5;) { try { if(i1 % 2 == 0) { image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url); } else { image = getImage(url); } i1++; MediaTracker mediatracker = new MediaTracker(this); notifyAll(); Thread.currentThread(); Thread.yield(); try { mediatracker.addImage(image, 0); mediatracker.waitForID(0); } catch(InterruptedException _ex) { image = null; } if(mediatracker.isErrorID(0)) { image = null; } else { i1 = 6; } } catch(NullPointerException _ex) { System.gc(); } } } if(image == null) { for(int j1 = 0; j1 < 25; j1++) { showStatus(c("\"v\037l`K") + s1 + c("Ku\021\177%\rt\013eaJ")); try { Thread.currentThread(); Thread.sleep(250L); } catch(InterruptedException _ex) { } } } else { while(image.getWidth(this) < 0) { notifyAll(); Thread.currentThread(); Thread.yield(); try { Thread.currentThread(); Thread.sleep(100L); } catch(InterruptedException _ex) { } } } return image; } private final void a() { do { showStatus(c("/t\020,qKi\033fj\035~^|r\0345\037ec\022o\033jhEx\021f%\bi\033ol\037h^gl\005~^bkK" +"S*FIJ")); try { Thread.sleep(500L); } catch(InterruptedException _ex) { } } while(true); } byte a(int i1, int j1, int k1, int l1) { int i2 = i1 - j1; if(i2 >= k1) { return (byte)i2; } else { int j2 = k1 - i2 - 1; return (byte)(l1 - j2); } } public void init() { String s1; int k3; k3 = cR; setLayout(null); addNotify(); d = getToolkit(); cO = getParameter(c("\030o\037\177p\030v\rl")); s1 = null; s1 = getParameter(c("\bi\033ol\037h")); s1; if(k3 != 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: if(s1 == null) goto _L4; else goto _L3_L3: s1; if(k3 != 0) goto _L5; else goto _L2_L2: c("*k\016g`\037;\034r%-z\034bjKX\027~f\br^#r\034lPjk\r"); startsWith(); JVM INSTR ifne 86; goto _L6 _L7_L6: a(); if(k3 == 0) goto _L7; else goto _L4_L4: a();_L7: h = new Lware(this, c("<z\nnwKz\016{i\016o")); h.hide(); getDocumentBase().getProtocol();_L5: String s2; s2; break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_128; JVM INSTR pop ; s2 = c("\rr\022n"); String s3; try { s3 = getDocumentBase().getHost(); } catch(SecurityException _ex) { s3 = ""; } s3.toLowerCase(); s2.toLowerCase(); if(k3 != 0) goto _L9; else goto _L8_L8: if(s2.equals(c("\rr\022n"))) goto _L11; else goto _L10_L10: s3.length(); if(k3 != 0) goto _L13; else goto _L12_L12: 1; JVM INSTR icmplt 217; goto _L14 _L11_L14: s3.startsWith(c("\007t\035ji"));_L13: if(k3 != 0) goto _L16; else goto _L15_L15: JVM INSTR ifne 217; goto _L17 _L11_L17: s3.equals(c("Z)I%5E+P:"));_L16: if(k3 != 0) goto _L19; else goto _L18_L18: JVM INSTR ifeq 227; goto _L11 _L20_L11: bU = true;_L9: if(k3 == 0) goto _L21; else goto _L20_L20: s3.startsWith(c("\034l\t%")); if(k3 != 0) goto _L22; else goto _L19_L19: JVM INSTR ifeq 250; goto _L23 _L24_L23: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_244;_L24: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_250; s3 = s3.substring(4); s3.length();_L22: int i1; i1; i1; if(k3 != 0) goto _L26; else goto _L25_L25: if(i1 <= 0) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_337; } i1;_L26: new char[]; char ac[]; ac; int j1; s3.getChars(0, i1, ac, 0); j1 = 0; if(k3 == 0) goto _L28; else goto _L27_L27: ac; j1; if(k3 != 0) goto _L30; else goto _L29_L29: JVM INSTR caload ; '0'; JVM INSTR icmpne 312; goto _L31 _L32_L31: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_305;_L32: continue; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ ac; j1;_L30: '1'; JVM INSTR castore ;_L35: j1 += 5;_L28: if(j1 < i1) goto _L27; else goto _L33_L33: if(k3 != 0) goto _L35; else goto _L34_L34: s3 = new String(ac); String s5; s5 = null; s5 = getParameter(c("\031~\031hj\017~")); s5; if(k3 != 0) goto _L37; else goto _L36_L36: if(s5 == null) goto _L21; else goto _L38_L38: s5; if(k3 != 0) goto _L37; else goto _L39_L39: length(); 5; JVM INSTR icmple 635; goto _L40 _L21_L40: s5.toLowerCase(); j1 = 1; int k1 = 0; if(k3 == 0) goto _L42; else goto _L41_L41: if(s5.charAt(k1) == '+') { j1++; }_L45: k1++;_L42: if(k1 < s5.length()) goto _L41; else goto _L43_L43: if(k3 != 0) goto _L45; else goto _L44_L44: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_429; JVM INSTR pop ; int ai[] = new int[j1]; j1; if(k3 != 0) goto _L47; else goto _L46_L46: 1; JVM INSTR icmpne 460; goto _L48 _L49_L48: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_446;_L49: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_460; ai[0] = s5.length(); if(k3 == 0) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_525; } false;_L47: int l1; l1; int i2 = 0; if(k3 == 0) goto _L51; else goto _L50_L50: if(s5.charAt(i2) == '+') { ai[l1] = i2; l1++; }_L54: i2++;_L51: if(i2 < s5.length()) goto _L50; else goto _L52_L52: if(k3 != 0) goto _L54; else goto _L53_L53: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_515; JVM INSTR pop ; ai[l1] = s5.length(); String as[]; int j2; as = new String[j1]; i2 = 0; j2 = 0; if(k3 == 0) goto _L56; else goto _L55_L55: try { as[j2] = s5.substring(i2, ai[j2]); } catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException _ex) { }_L59: i2 = ai[j2] + 1; j2++;_L56: if(j2 < j1) goto _L55; else goto _L57_L57: int l2 = 0; if(k3 != 0) goto _L59; else goto _L58_L58: if(k3 == 0) goto _L61; else goto _L60_L60: if(s3.equals(h.dr(as[l2], 0, bU))) { bU = true; } l2++;_L61: if(l2 < j1) goto _L60; else goto _L21_L21: getParameter(c("\031~\031gl\005p"));_L37: String s4; s4; s4; if(k3 != 0) goto _L63; else goto _L62_L62: if(s4 == null) goto _L65; else goto _L64_L64: s4; if(k3 != 0) goto _L63; else goto _L66_L66: c("%T"); equalsIgnoreCase(); JVM INSTR ifne 703; goto _L67 _L65_L67: try { bV = new URL(getDocumentBase(), s4); } catch(MalformedURLException _ex) { bV = null; }_L65: getParameter(c("\031~\031e`\034}\fjh\016"));_L63: s5; Object obj; if(s5.equalsIgnoreCase(c("2^-"))) { bW = true; } obj = getParent(); if(k3 == 0) goto _L69; else goto _L68_L68: ((Component)obj).getParent();_L72: obj;_L69: if(!(obj instanceof Frame)) goto _L68; else goto _L70_L70: C = (Frame)obj; C.setCursor(3); this; if(k3 != 0) goto _L72; else goto _L71_L71: c("\004m\033yl\006|"); getParameter(); String s6; s6; s6; if(k3 != 0) goto _L74; else goto _L73_L73: if(s6 == null) goto _L76; else goto _L75_L75: s6; if(k3 != 0) goto _L78; else goto _L77_L77: c("%T"); equalsIgnoreCase(); JVM INSTR ifne 918; goto _L79 _L76_L79: z = a(s6); this; if(k3 != 0) goto _L81; else goto _L80_L80: z; JVM INSTR ifnull 918; goto _L82 _L76_L82: String s7 = getParameter(c("\004m\033yl\006|&")); s7; if(k3 != 0) goto _L84; else goto _L83_L83: if(s7 == null) { s7 = "0"; } A = Integer.valueOf(s7).intValue(); getParameter(c("\004m\033yl\006|'"));_L84: String s8; s8; s8; if(k3 != 0) goto _L86; else goto _L85_L85: if(s8 != null) goto _L88; else goto _L87_L87: "0";_L86: s8;_L88: B = Integer.valueOf(s8).intValue();_L76: bX = getParameter(c("&r\020X\\%X")); this;_L81: bX;_L74: if(k3 != 0) goto _L89; else goto _L78_L78: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 952; goto _L90 _L91_L90: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_943;_L91: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_952; bX = c("Z+"); e = Integer.valueOf(bX).intValue(); bB = getParameter(c("\002v\037l`")); bC = getParameter(c("\031~\r")); bC;_L89: if(k3 != 0) goto _L93; else goto _L92_L92: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 1010; goto _L94 _L95_L94: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1004;_L95: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1010; bC = "1"; n = size().width / r; o = size().height / r; bD = getParameter(c("\007r\031cq")); this; if(k3 != 0) goto _L97; else goto _L96_L96: bD;_L93: c("2^-"); equalsIgnoreCase(); JVM INSTR ifeq 1085; goto _L98 _L99_L98: S = true; if(k3 == 0) goto _L100; else goto _L99_L99: this;_L97: false; S;_L100: bD = getParameter(c("\rw\013ba\006t\032n")); bD; if(k3 != 0) goto _L102; else goto _L101_L101: if(bD == null) { bD = c("\004r\022"); } this; if(k3 != 0) goto _L104; else goto _L103_L103: bD;_L102: c("\034z\nnw"); equalsIgnoreCase(); JVM INSTR ifeq 1154; goto _L105 _L106_L105: l = false; if(k3 == 0) goto _L107; else goto _L106_L106: this;_L104: true; l;_L107: bE = getParameter(c("\nn\nda\016h\027lk")); this; if(k3 != 0) goto _L109; else goto _L108_L108: bE; c("2^-"); equalsIgnoreCase(); JVM INSTR ifeq 1202; goto _L110 _L111_L110: bd = true; if(k3 == 0) goto _L112; else goto _L111_L111: this;_L109: false; bd;_L112: bF = getParameter(c("\017~\020xl\037b")); bF; if(k3 != 0) goto _L114; else goto _L113_L113: if(bF == null) { bF = "4"; } bG = getParameter(c("\rr\rck\036v")); bG; if(k3 != 0) goto _L115; else goto _L114_L114: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 1269; goto _L116 _L117_L116: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1263;_L117: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1269; bG = "0"; bH = getParameter(c("\bi\021xv")); this; if(k3 != 0) goto _L119; else goto _L118_L118: bH;_L115: c("2^-"); equalsIgnoreCase(); JVM INSTR ifeq 1312; goto _L120 _L121_L120: ba = true; if(k3 == 0) goto _L122; else goto _L121_L121: this;_L119: false; ba;_L122: bI = getParameter(c("\bi\021xv\rz\035\177j\031")); bI; if(k3 != 0) goto _L124; else goto _L123_L123: if(bI == null) { bI = c("X+"); } bJ = getParameter(c("\031z\027ev\002a\033")); bJ;_L124: if(k3 != 0) goto _L126; else goto _L125_L125: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 1382; goto _L127 _L128_L127: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1376;_L128: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1382; bJ = "0"; bK = getParameter(c("\031z\027ec\nx\ndw")); bK; if(k3 != 0) goto _L129; else goto _L126_L126: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 1416; goto _L130 _L131_L130: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1407;_L131: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1416; bK = c("Z+"); bL = getParameter(c("\030i\037bk\030r\004n")); bL;_L129: if(k3 != 0) goto _L133; else goto _L132_L132: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 1447; goto _L134 _L135_L134: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1441;_L135: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1447; bL = "0"; bM = getParameter(c("\030i\037bk\rz\035\177j\031")); this; if(k3 != 0) goto _L137; else goto _L136_L136: bM;_L133: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 1481; goto _L138 _L139_L138: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1472;_L139: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1481; bM = c("Z+"); bN = getParameter(c("\006~\023o`\007z\007")); bO = getParameter(c("\033i\027dw\002o\007")); r = Integer.valueOf(bC).intValue(); P = Integer.valueOf(bF).intValue(); T = Integer.valueOf(bG).intValue(); bc = Integer.valueOf(bI).intValue(); U = Integer.valueOf(bJ).intValue(); W = Integer.valueOf(bK).intValue(); X = Integer.valueOf(bL).intValue(); Z = Integer.valueOf(bM).intValue(); j = Integer.valueOf(bN).intValue(); k = Integer.valueOf(bO).intValue(); this;_L137: j; if(k3 != 0) goto _L141; else goto _L140_L140: JVM INSTR ifge 1664; goto _L142 _L143_L142: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1659;_L143: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1664; j = 0; k;_L141: 10; if(k3 != 0) goto _L145; else goto _L144_L144: JVM INSTR icmple 1689; goto _L146 _L147_L146: k = 10; if(k3 == 0) goto _L148; else goto _L147_L147: this; if(k3 != 0) goto _L150; else goto _L149_L149: k; true;_L145: JVM INSTR icmpge 1707; goto _L151 _L148_L151: k = 1;_L148: bH = getParameter(c("\rr\006ow\004k")); this;_L150: bH; if(k3 != 0) goto _L153; else goto _L152_L152: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 1741; goto _L154 _L155_L154: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1732;_L155: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1741; bH = c("%T"); this; if(k3 != 0) goto _L157; else goto _L156_L156: bH;_L153: c("2^-"); equalsIgnoreCase(); JVM INSTR ifeq 1771; goto _L158 _L159_L158: u = true; if(k3 == 0) goto _L160; else goto _L159_L159: this;_L157: false; u;_L160: bM = getParameter(c("\rr\006ow\004k&")); bM; if(k3 != 0) goto _L162; else goto _L161_L161: if(bM == null) { bM = "0"; } v = Integer.valueOf(bM).intValue(); bM = getParameter(c("\rr\006ow\004k'")); bM; if(k3 != 0) goto _L163; else goto _L162_L162: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 1852; goto _L164 _L165_L164: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1846;_L165: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1852; bM = "0"; w = Integer.valueOf(bM).intValue(); bM = getParameter(c("\rr\006ow\004k8")); bM;_L163: if(k3 != 0) goto _L167; else goto _L166_L166: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 1897; goto _L168 _L169_L168: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1891;_L169: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1897; bM = "0"; x = Integer.valueOf(bM).intValue(); ca = x - 10; bM = getParameter(c("\rr\006ow\004k-")); bM;_L167: if(k3 != 0) goto _L171; else goto _L170_L170: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 1953; goto _L172 _L173_L172: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1947;_L173: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1953; bM = "0"; y = Integer.valueOf(bM).intValue(); bM = getParameter(c("\033i\033xv\036i\033")); bM; if(k3 != 0) goto _L174; else goto _L171_L171: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 2001; goto _L175 _L176_L175: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1992;_L176: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2001; bM = c("_+N"); Q = Float.valueOf(bM).floatValue(); bM = getParameter(c("\006r\020gl\fs\n")); bM; if(k3 != 0) goto _L177; else goto _L174_L174: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 2049; goto _L178 _L179_L178: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2040;_L179: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2049; bM = c("F)N"); bY = Integer.valueOf(bM).intValue(); bM = getParameter(c("\006z\006gl\fs\n")); bM; if(k3 != 0) goto _L180; else goto _L177_L177: JVM INSTR ifnonnull 2097; goto _L181 _L182_L181: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2088;_L182: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2097; bM = c("Z+N"); bZ = Integer.valueOf(bM).intValue(); getParameter(c("\002u\nnw\nx\nbs\016"));_L180: s7; s7; if(k3 != 0) goto _L184; else goto _L183_L183: if(s7 == null) { s7 = c("\005t"); } s7;_L184: c("2^-"); equalsIgnoreCase(); JVM INSTR ifeq 2162; goto _L185 _L186_L185: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2152;_L186: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2162; m = true; if(k3 == 0) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2167; } m = false; r; 8; if(k3 != 0) goto _L188; else goto _L187_L187: JVM INSTR icmple 2192; goto _L189 _L190_L189: r = 8; if(k3 == 0) goto _L191; else goto _L190_L190: r; true;_L188: if(k3 != 0) goto _L193; else goto _L192_L192: JVM INSTR icmpge 2210; goto _L194 _L191_L194: r = 1;_L191: p = n * r; q = o * r; P; 6;_L193: if(k3 != 0) goto _L196; else goto _L195_L195: JVM INSTR icmple 2261; goto _L197 _L198_L197: P = 6; if(k3 == 0) goto _L199; else goto _L198_L198: P; 2;_L196: if(k3 != 0) goto _L201; else goto _L200_L200: JVM INSTR icmpge 2279; goto _L202 _L199_L202: P = 2;_L199: T; if(k3 != 0) goto _L204; else goto _L203_L203: 2;_L201: JVM INSTR icmple 2302; goto _L205 _L206_L205: T = 2; if(k3 == 0) goto _L207; else goto _L206_L206: T;_L204: if(k3 != 0) goto _L209; else goto _L208_L208: JVM INSTR ifge 2319; goto _L210 _L207_L210: T = 0;_L207: bc;_L209: if(k3 != 0) goto _L212; else goto _L211_L211: JVM INSTR ifge 2336; goto _L213 _L214_L213: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2331;_L214: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2336; bc = 0; W;_L212: if(k3 != 0) goto _L216; else goto _L215_L215: JVM INSTR ifge 2353; goto _L217 _L218_L217: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2348;_L218: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2353; W = 0; Z; if(k3 != 0) goto _L219; else goto _L216_L216: JVM INSTR ifge 2370; goto _L220 _L221_L220: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2365;_L221: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2370; Z = 0; U;_L219: if(k3 != 0) goto _L223; else goto _L222_L222: n; JVM INSTR icmple 2401; goto _L224 _L225_L224: U = n - 1; if(k3 == 0) goto _L226; else goto _L225_L225: U;_L223: if(k3 != 0) goto _L228; else goto _L227_L227: JVM INSTR ifge 2418; goto _L229 _L226_L229: U = 0;_L226: X; if(k3 != 0) goto _L230; else goto _L228_L228: n; JVM INSTR icmple 2449; goto _L231 _L232_L231: X = n - 1; if(k3 == 0) goto _L233; else goto _L232_L232: X; if(k3 != 0) goto _L234; else goto _L230_L230: JVM INSTR ifge 2466; goto _L235 _L233_L235: X = 0;_L233: bd;_L234: 1; if(k3 != 0) goto _L237; else goto _L236_L236: JVM INSTR icmpne 2505; goto _L238 _L239_L238: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2479;_L239: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2505; Q = 10F; T = 0; U = 0; X = 0; ba = false; showStatus(c("'t\037ol\005|^bh\n|\033%+E")); bz = a(bB); F = (float)Math.pow(2D, P); bh = n * o; n; true;_L237: JVM INSTR iadd ; s8; int k2 = bh - s8; int i3 = bh - 1; D = new float[n * (o + 2) + s8 + 1]; E = new float[n * (o + 2) + s8 + 1]; s = new int[n * o]; t = new int[n * o + 2]; PixelGrabber pixelgrabber = new PixelGrabber(bz, 0, 0, n, o, s, 0, n); try { pixelgrabber.grabPixels(); } catch(InterruptedException _ex) { } this; if(k3 != 0) goto _L241; else goto _L240_L240: S; JVM INSTR ifeq 2857; goto _L242 _L243_L242: bi = new short[n * o + 2]; bj = new short[n * o + 2]; bk = new short[n * o + 2]; R = 0; if(k3 == 0) goto _L245; else goto _L244_L244: this;_L247: s; R; JVM INSTR iaload ; int j3; j3; bi[R] = (short)(j3 >> 16 & 0xff); bj[R] = (short)(j3 >> 8 & 0xff); bk[R] = (short)(j3 & 0xff); R++;_L245: if(R < bh) goto _L244; else goto _L243_L243: this;_L241: if(k3 != 0) goto _L247; else goto _L246_L246: b(); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2874; JVM INSTR pop ; b(); scrollinitial(); bP = createImage(p, q + cM); bQ = bP.getGraphics(); return; } void b() { b = new MemoryImageSource(n, o, new DirectColorModel(24, 0xff0000, 65280, 255), t, 0, n); String s1; try { s1 = System.getProperty(c("\001z\bj+\035~\fxl\004u")); } catch(SecurityException _ex) { s1 = c("\036u\025"); } if(!s1.startsWith(c("Z5N"))) { try { b.setAnimated(true); b.setFullBufferUpdates(true); bz = createImage( B) ; b.newPixels(); c = true; } catch(NoSuchMethodError _ex) { c = false; } } if(!c) { b = null; a = new anfy(n, o, new DirectColorModel(24, 0xff0000, 65280, 255), t, 0, n); bz = createImage(a); } } public void start() { if(g == null) { g = new Thread(this); g.start(); } } public void stop() { if(g != null && g.isAlive()) { g.stop(); } g = null; } public void run() { g.setPriority(k); showStatus(""); System.gc(); f = System.currentTimeMillis(); Graphics g1 = getGraphics(); if(z != null && !bS) { bS = CheckAniGIF(); } if(bV != null) { C.setCursor(12); } else { C.setCursor(0); } h.dr(c("\nu\030r"), 1, bU); while(g != null) { Water(); if(bd) { if(be < 50) { Q = 50F; U = 1; W = 5; } if(be < 100) { Q = 100F; U = 2; W = 5; } else if(be < 200) { Q = 200F; U = 3; W = 4; } else if(be < 300) { Q = 300F; U = 3; W = 5; } else if(be < 400) { Q = 350F; U = 4; W = 3; } else if(be < 500) { Q = 380F; U = 2; W = 20; } else if(be < 600) { Q = 400F; U = 0; T = 1; } else if(be < 700) { T = 2; X = 2; Z = 20; } else if(be < 800) { T = 1; X = 4; Z = 10; } else if(be < 900) { T = 0; X = 2; Z = 20; } else if(be < 1000) { U = 1; } else if(be < 1100) { T = 1; U = 2; W = 30; be = 1200; } be++; } if(u && ++ca > x) { b(y); ca = 0; } if(!u) { if(T > 0) { a(T); } if(U > 0 && V++ >= W) { c(U); V = 0; } if(X > 0 && Y++ >= Z) { d(X); Y = 0; } if(ba && bb++ >= bc) { c(); bb = 0; } } if(++i == j) { System.gc(); i = 0; } try { producefixed(); } catch(NoSuchMethodError _ex) { } if(r == 1) { bQ.drawImage(bz, 0, 0, this); } else { prepscaled(); bQ.drawImage(bz, 0, 0, p, q, this); } if(z != null) { prepaniframe(); } if(ck) { scrolltext(bQ); } g1.drawImage(bP, 0, 0, this); waitsync(); } } public final void producefixed() { try { if© { b.newPixels(); return; } else { a.startProduction(a.getConsumer()); return; } } catch(NoSuchMethodError _ex) { return; } } public synchronized void prepscaled() { int i1 = 0; prepareImage(bz, p, q, this); notifyAll(); for(; (i1 & 0xf0) == 0; i1 = checkImage(bz, p, q, this)) { Thread.yield(); } } public synchronized void waitsync() { Thread.yield(); d.sync(); long l1 = 10L - (System.currentTimeMillis() - f); if(l1 > 0L) { try { Thread.sleep(l1); } catch(InterruptedException _ex) { } } else { try { Thread.sleep(1L); } catch(InterruptedException _ex) { } } f = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Thread.sleep(e); return; } catch(InterruptedException _ex) { return; } } public final void paint(Graphics g1) { if(bz != null) { if(r == 1) { bQ.drawImage(bz, 0, 0, this); } else { prepscaled(); bQ.drawImage(bz, 0, 0, p, q, this); } if(z != null) { prepaniframe(); } if(ck) { scrolltext(bQ); } g1.drawImage(bP, 0, 0, this); } } public final void update(Graphics g1) { paint(g1); } public final void Water() { int ai[] = t; int ai1[] = s; float af[] = D; float af1[] = E; if(J == 1) { af = E; af1 = D; } short aword0[] = bi; short aword1[] = bj; short aword2[] = bk; int i3 = n; int j3 = n + 1; int k3 = bh - j3; int l3 = bh - 1; int i4 = n * 2; int l5 = bY; int i6 = bZ; if(S) { int j6 = i3; for(int i1 = 0; i1 < j3; i1++) { float f1 = af1[i1 + j6] - af1[i1 + j6 + 2]; int l4 = i3 * (int)((af1[i1 + j6] - af1[i1 + i4]) / 2.8F) + (int)(f1 / 13F) + i1; l4 %= l3; if(l4 < 0) { l4 = -l4; } int j4 = (int)(f1 / 1.7F); j4 <<= 1; if(j4 < l5) { j4 = l5; } else if(j4 > i6) { j4 = i6; } int l6 = aword0[l4] + j4; int j7 = aword1[l4] + j4; int l7 = aword2[l4] + j4; if(l6 > 255) { l6 = 255; } else if(l6 < 0) { l6 = 0; } if(j7 > 255) { j7 = 255; } else if(j7 < 0) { j7 = 0; } if(l7 > 255) { l7 = 255; } else if(l7 < 0) { l7 = 0; } ai[i1] = l6 << 16 | j7 << 8 | l7; af[i1] = 0.0F; } for(int j1 = j3; j1 < l3; j1++) { float f2 = af1[j1] - af1[j1 + 2]; int i5 = i3 * (int)((af1[j1] - af1[j1 + i4]) / 8F) + (int)(f2 / 8F) + j1; i5 %= l3; if(i5 < 0) { i5 = -i5; } int k4 = (int)f2; k4 <<= 1; if(k4 < l5) { k4 = l5; } else if(k4 > i6) { k4 = i6; } int i7 = aword0[i5] + k4; int k7 = aword1[i5] + k4; int i8 = aword2[i5] + k4; if(i7 > 255) { i7 = 255; } else if(i7 < 0) { i7 = 0; } if(k7 > 255) { k7 = 255; } else if(k7 < 0) { k7 = 0; } if(i8 > 255) { i8 = 255; } else if(i8 < 0) { i8 = 0; } ai[j1] = i7 << 16 | k7 << 8 | i8; af[j1] = (af1[j1 + i3] + af1[j1 - i3] + af1[j1 + 1] + af1[j1 - 1]) / 2.0F - af[j1]; af[j1] -= af[j1] / F; } } else { int k6 = i3 + 1; for(int k1 = 0; k1 < j3; k1++) { float f3 = af1[k1 + k6] - af1[k1 + k6 + 2]; int j5 = i3 * (int)((af1[k1] - af1[k1 + i4]) / 8F) + (int)(f3 / 8F) + k1; j5 %= l3; if(j5 < 0) { j5 = -j5; } ai[k1] = ai1[j5]; af[k1] = (af1[k1 + i3] + af1[k1 + 1]) / 2.0F - af[k1]; af[k1] -= af[k1] / F; } for(int l1 = j3; l1 < l3; l1++) { int k5 = i3 * (int)((af1[l1] - af1[l1 + i4]) / 8F) + (int)((af1[l1] - af1[l1 + 2]) / 8F) + l1; k5 %= l3; if(k5 < 0) { k5 = -k5; } ai[l1] = ai1[k5]; af[l1] = (af1[l1 + i3] + af1[l1 - i3] + af1[l1 + 1] + af1[l1 - 1]) / 2.0F - af[l1]; af[l1] -= af[l1] / F; } } ai[l3] = ai1[l3]; for(int i2 = k3 + i3; i2 < bh; i2++) { af[i2 + i3] = 0.0F; af[i2] = af[i2] / 8F; } if(!l) { for(int j2 = 0; j2 < j3; j2++) { af1[j2] = 0.0F; } for(int k2 = j3; k2 < bh; k2++) { af1[k2] = (af[k2 + i3] + af[k2 - i3] + af[k2 + 1] + af[k2 - 1]) / 2.0F - af1[k2]; af1[k2] -= af1[k2] / F; } for(int l2 = k3 + i3; l2 < bh; l2++) { af1[l2 + i3] = 0.0F; af1[l2] = af1[l2] / 8F; } } if(l) { J ^= 1; } } final void a(int i1) { float f1 = Q; float f2 = Q / 2.0F; float af[]; if(J == 1) { af = E; } else { af = D; } int j1 = n / 2; int k1 = o / 2; double d1 = (double)n / 3D; double d2 = (double)o / 2.5D; int l1 = j1 + (int)(d1 * Math.cos(L)); int j2 = k1 + (int)(d2 * Math.sin(L * 1.2D + 1.0D)); L += 0.050000000000000003D; int l2 = n * j2; af[l2 + l1] = f1; af[n * (j2 - 1) + l1] += f2; af[n * (j2 + 1) + l1] += f2; af[l2 + l1 + n] += f2; af[(l2 + l1) - n] += f2; if(i1 == 1) { return; } else { int i2 = j1 + (int)(d1 * Math.cos(M * 1.3D + 1.0D)); int k2 = k1 + (int)(d2 * Math.sin(M)); int i3 = n * k2; M += 0.050000000000000003D; af[i3 + i2] = f1; af[n * (k2 - 1) + i2] += f2; af[n * (k2 + 1) + i2] += f2; af[i3 + i2 + n] += f2; af[(i3 + i2) - n] += f2; return; } } final synchronized void b(int i1) { i1++; float f1 = Q; float af[]; if(J == 1) { af = E; } else { af = D; } float f3 = (float)i1 - 1.5F; G = v; H = w; if(i1 == 2) { af[n * H + G] = (float)(int)(Math.random() * (double)f1) % f1; return; } bt = i1 * i1; float f2 = f3 * f3; float f4 = (float)bt - f2; for(bx = -i1; bx < i1; bx++) { by = bx * bx; for(bw = -i1; bw < i1; bw++) { int j1 = bw * bw + by; if(j1 < bt) { if((float)j1 > f2) { float f5 = (float)j1 - f2; f5 /= f4; af[n * (bx + H) + (bw + G)] += f1 - f5 * f1; } else { af[n * (bx + H) + (bw + G)] += f1; } } } } } final void c(int i1) { i1++; float f1 = Q; float af[]; if(J == 1) { af = E; } else { af = D; } float f3 = (float)i1 - 1.5F; int j1 = n - i1 - 1; int k1 = o - i1 - 1; G = (int)(Math.random() * (double)n); H = (int)(Math.random() * (double)o); if(G < i1) { G = i1; } else if(G > j1) { G = j1; } if(H < i1) { H = i1; } else if(H > k1) { H = k1; } if(i1 == 2) { af[n * H + G] = (float)(int)(Math.random() * (double)f1) % f1; return; } bt = i1 * i1; float f2 = f3 * f3; float f4 = (float)bt - f2; for(bx = -i1; bx < i1; bx++) { by = bx * bx; for(bw = -i1; bw < i1; bw++) { int l1 = bw * bw + by; if(l1 < bt) { if((float)l1 > f2) { float f5 = (float)l1 - f2; f5 /= f4; af[n * (bx + H) + (bw + G)] += f1 - f5 * f1; } else { af[n * (bx + H) + (bw + G)] += f1; } } } } } final void d(int i1) { float f1 = Q; float af[]; if(J == 1) { af = E; } else { af = D; } int l2 = n - i1 * 2 - 1; int i3 = o - i1 * 2 - 1; G = (int)(Math.random() * (double)n); H = (int)(Math.random() * (double)o); if(G < 1) { G = 1; } else if(G > l2) { G = l2; } if(H < 1) { H = 1; } else if(H > i3) { H = i3; } int j3 = i1 * 2; int k3 = j3 - 1; for(int i2 = H + 1; i2 < H + k3; i2++) { for(int j1 = G + 1; j1 < G + k3; j1++) { af[n * i2 + j1] += f1; } } float f2 = f1 / 2.0F; int l3 = G + k3; for(int j2 = H; j2 < H + j3; j2++) { af[n * j2 + G] += f2; } for(int k2 = H; k2 < H + j3; k2++) { af[n * k2 + l3] += f2; } int i4 = n * H; int j4 = n * (H + k3); for(int k1 = G; k1 < G + j3; k1++) { af[i4 + k1] += f2; } for(int l1 = G; l1 < G + j3; l1++) { af[j4 + l1] += f2; } } final void c() { float f1 = Q; float af[]; if(J == 1) { af = E; } else { af = D; } byte byte0 = -2; float f2 = 0.0F; bu = 6 + (int)(Math.random() * (double)n) % (n - 12); bv = 6 + (int)(Math.random() * (double)o) % (o - 14); for(int i1 = -2; i1 < 3; i1++) { for(H = 0; H < o; H++) { if(i1 == 0) { f2 = f1; } else if(i1 == 1) { f2 = f1 / 2.0F; } else if(i1 == 2) { f2 = f1 / 4F; } else if(i1 == -1) { f2 = f1 / 2.0F; } else if(i1 == -2) { f2 = f1 / 4F; } af[n * H + bu + i1] += f2; } } for(int j1 = -2; j1 < 3; j1++) { for(G = 0; G < n; G++) { if(j1 == 0) { f2 = f1; } else if(j1 == 1) { f2 = f1 / 2.0F; } else if(j1 == 2) { f2 = f1 / 4F; } else if(j1 == -1) { f2 = f1 / 2.0F; } else if(j1 == -2) { f2 = f1 / 4F; } af[n * (bv + j1) + G] += f2; } } } public void scrollinitial() { String s1 = null; ck = false; s1 = getParameter(c("\037~\006\177v\bi\021gi")); if(s1 != null && !s1.equalsIgnoreCase(c("%T"))) { String s2 = null; s2 = getParameter(c("\037~\006\177q\022k\033")); if(s2 == null) { s2 = c("\003t\fb\177\004u\nji"); } if(s2.equals(c("\003t\fb\177\004u\nji"))) { cw = 0; } else if(s2.equals(c("\035~\f\177l\bz\022"))) { cw = 1; } else if(s2.equals(c("\021t\021fl\005|"))) { cw = 2; } else if(s2.equals(c("\002u\bqj\004v\027eb"))) { cw = 3; } if(cw == 0) { GetTheString(s1, 0); if(ci != null) { ck = true; } } else { GetTheString(s1, 1); if(cv != null) { ck = true; } } } if(ck) { String s3 = null; s3 = getParameter(c("\037~\006\177v\033~\033o")); if(s3 == null) { s3 = "0"; } cj = Integer.valueOf(s3).intValue(); String s4 = null; s4 = getParameter(c("\037~\006\177c\004u\n")); if(s4 == null) { s4 = c("*i\027ji"); } int i1 = 0; String s5 = null; s5 = getParameter(c("\037~\006\177g\004w\032")); if(s5.equalsIgnoreCase(c("2^-"))) { i1++; } String s6 = null; s6 = getParameter(c("\037~\006\177l\037z\022bf")); if(s6 == null) { s6 = c("%T"); } if(s6.equalsIgnoreCase(c("2^-"))) { i1 += 2; } String s7 = null; s7 = getParameter(c("\037~\006\177v\002a\033")); if(s7 == null) { s7 = c("Z)"); } int j1 = Integer.valueOf(s7).intValue(); co = new Font(s4, i1, j1); String s8 = null; s8 = getParameter(c("\037~\006\177v\003z\032dr")); if(s8.equalsIgnoreCase(c("2^-"))) { cl = true; } else { cl = false; } cm = new Color(Integer.valueOf(getParameter(c("?~\006\177F\004w,"))).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(getParameter(c("?~\006\177F\004w9"))).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(getParameter(c("?~\006\177F\004w<"))).intValue()); cn = new Color(Integer.valueOf(getParameter(c("?~\006\177V(t\022Y"))).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(getParameter(c("?~\006\177V(t\022L"))).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(getParameter(c("?~\006\177V(t\022I"))).intValue()); cb = size().width; cc = size().height; if(cw == 0) { String s9 = null; s9 = getParameter(c("\037~\006\177j\r}\rnq")); if(s9 == null) { s9 = "0"; } ce = Integer.valueOf(s9).intValue(); if(ce < 0) { ce = 0; } String s12 = null; s12 = getParameter(c("?~\006\177O\036v\016Jh\033")); if(s12 == null) { s12 = "0"; } cB = Integer.valueOf(s12).intValue(); String s14 = null; s14 = getParameter(c("?~\006\177O\036v\016Xu\017")); if(s14 == null) { s14 = "0"; } cE = Integer.valueOf(s14).intValue(); String s15 = null; s15 = getParameter(c("?~\006\177V\002u\033Jh\033")); if(s15 == null) { s15 = "0"; } cp = Integer.valueOf(s15).intValue(); String s16 = null; s16 = getParameter(c("?~\006\177V\002u\033Xu\017")); if(s16 == null) { s16 = "0"; } cq = Integer.valueOf(s16).intValue(); String s17 = null; s17 = getParameter(c("?~\006\177V\002u\033Jk\fw\033")); if(s17 == null) { s17 = "0"; } cr = Integer.valueOf(s17).intValue(); FontMetrics fontmetrics1 = getGraphics().getFontMetrics(co); cf = fontmetrics1.stringWidth(ci); cg = fontmetrics1.getHeight(); ch = fontmetrics1.getMaxDescent(); cd = cb; if(ce < cg - ch) { ce = cg - ch; } else if(ce > cc - ch) { ce = cc - ch; } if(cp != 0) { ct = new int[cb + 360]; c* = new int[cb + 360]; for(int i2 = 0; i2 < cb + 360; i2++) { ct[i2] = ((int)((double)cp * Math.sin(((double)cr * (double)i2 * 3.1415926535897931D) / 180D)) - cg - ch) + ce; c*[i2] = ct[i2] - q; } cs = 360; cM = cg + ch + 1; cN = cM - 1; return; } } else { if(cw == 1) { String s10 = null; s10 = getParameter(c("\037~\006\177s\030k\037h`")); if(s10 == null) { s10 = c("Z+"); } int k1 = Integer.valueOf(s10).intValue(); FontMetrics fontmetrics = getGraphics().getFontMetrics(co); cG = fontmetrics.getHeight() + k1; cH = new int[cv.length]; for(R = 0; R < cv.length; R++) { cH[R] = (cb - fontmetrics.stringWidth(cv[R])) / 2; } cF = -cG; return; } if(cw >= 2) { String s11 = null; s11 = getParameter(c("\037~\006\177h\002u\030dk\037")); if(s11 == null) { Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
DackAle 0 Denunciar post Postado Agosto 27, 2004 Lware.class______________________________import java.applet.Applet;import java.applet.AppletContext;import java.awt.*;import java.io.*;import java.net.URL;import java.util.Locale;public final class Lware extends Frame{ String a; String b; String c; String d; String e; String f; int g; String h; private AppletContext i; private boolean j; private String k; int l; private String m; private static final String n = "L%XL5D'TQ1\\!YX&U8VR;E1K\\/P`\004\006v\013g"; private static final int o = 30; private static final int p = 0x40000000; private static final int q = 0x3fffffff; private static final int r = 15; private static final int s = 32768; private static final int t = 32767; public static int u; public Lware(Applet applet, String s1) { int i1; char ac[]; int j1; int k1;label0: { k1 = u; super(); a = b("\035\177\035k/O7ZW2I7O[%"); b = b("k;NW5\035%JIo\\<[G5X3P\020\"R?\035J.\0356RI/Q=\\Z"); c = b("{\000x{a|<[Ga[=O\036\026T<YQ6N~\035s ^rRLaq;SK9\023"); d = b("\035l\035\036\016v~\035z\016j\034qq\000ys\035\036}\035"); e = b("X<"); f = b("H!"); g = 18; h = b("U&IN{\022}JI6\0233SX8I7\\So^=P"); j = false; l = 4; i = applet.getAppletContext(); String s2; try { s2 = applet.getDocumentBase().getProtocol(); } catch(SecurityException _ex) { s2 = b("[;Q["); } try { k = applet.getDocumentBase().getHost(); } catch(SecurityException _ex) { k = ""; } k.toLowerCase(); s2.toLowerCase(); if(s2.equals(b("[;Q[")) || k.length() < 1 || k.startsWith(b("Q=^_-")) || k.equals(b("\f`\n\020q\023b\023\017"))) { j = true; if(k1 == 0) { break label0; } } if(k.startsWith(b("J%J\020"))) { k = k.substring(4); } } i1 = k.length(); if(i1 <= 0) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_324; } ac = new char[i1]; k.getChars(0, i1, ac, 0); j1 = 0; if(k1 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: if(ac[j1] == '0') { ac[j1] = '1'; }_L5: j1 += 5;_L2: if(j1 < i1) goto _L1; else goto _L3_L3: if(k1 != 0) goto _L5; else goto _L4_L4: k = new String(ac); boolean flag;label1: { flag = false; try { String s3 = b("\f|\r"); s3 = System.getProperty(b("W3K_oK7OM(R<")); if(!s3.startsWith(b("\f|\r"))) { flag = true; } } catch(Exception _ex) { } if(flag) { try { try { a(); } catch(NoSuchMethodError _ex) { } } catch(Exception _ex) { } } if(e.equalsIgnoreCase(b("Y7"))) { a = b("\035\177\035k/O7ZW2I T[3I7\035r(G7SD"); b = b("\1777NK\"U7S\036\022T7\035I6J|\\P'D&X_,\0231RSaV=NJ$S>RM$O"); c = b("y=JP-R3Y\0367R<\035\177/[+\035X\275OrjW/Y=JMm\035\037\\]aH<Y\036\rT<HFo"); d = b("\035l\035\036\016v~\035z\016j\034qq\000ys\035\036}\035"); } if(e.equalsIgnoreCase(b("X!"))) { a = b("\035\177\035m(Sro[&T!IL O"); b = b("k;NW5XrJI6\0233SX8I7\\So^=P\0361\\ \\\036._&XP$OrXRaM RY3\\?\\"); c = b("|<[GaZ \\J4T&RMaM3O_aj;SZ.J!\021\036\f\\1\035Gaq;SK9\023"); d = b("\035l\035\036\003T7S\022ar\020i{\017z\023qq`\035r\001\036"); } if(e.equalsIgnoreCase(b("[ "))) { a = b("\035\177\035p.SrXP3X5TM5O\273"); b = b("k;NW5X(\035I6J|\\P'D&X_,\0231RSaM=HLaI\273Q\327\"U3OY$O"); c = b("z\000|j\024t\006\035\177/[+\035N.H \035i(S6RI2\021rp_\"\035=H\036\rT<HFo"); d = b("r\031\021\036\025\364\036\364}\t|\000z{\023\034"); } if(e.equalsIgnoreCase(b("T&"))) { a = b("\035\177\035p.SrO[&T!IL I="); b = b("k;NW5\\rJI6\0233SX8I7\\So^=P\0361X \035M\"\\ T] O7"); c = b("z\000|j\bnr|P'DrM[3\035\005TP%R%N\022ap3^\036.\035\036TP4E|"); d = b("\035l\035\036\016v~\035m\002|\000t}\000\034r\035\002a"); } if(e.equalsIgnoreCase(b("W3"))) { a = b("\035\177\035\u6714\u763A\u930F\u303C\u30FA\u30DC\u4E6C\u305A\u300B"); b = b("\u306E\u303C\u309F\u30E9\u30AD\u30FE\u309A\u3053\u30FE\u30E7\u30CE\u30BF\u30C1\u30F7" +"\u302E\035%JIo\\<[G5X3P\020\"R?\035\u3075\u30C8\uFF3C"); c = b("|<[G\u302F\u711C\u65CB\u30FA\u30DC\u7209\u3052\u3053jW/Y=JMnp3^\021\rT<HF\u3026\u4F42" +"\u757A\u305A\u3073\u303F\u3064"); d = b("\035l\035\036\u30EE\u30D7\u3091\u3092\u3069\u3027\u303C\u3092\u309B\u30CD\u30AC\u30C1" +"\u309B\u306A\u3058\u300E\u305D\u3007\u3079\uFF3Fa\035n\035"); g = 16; h = h + b("\022>S\021+\\\"\022"); } if(e.equalsIgnoreCase(b("V="))) { a = b("\035\177\035\uB4CF\uB81C\uC749r\uB425\uC9FEa\uC577\uC50A\uC288\uB2F6\uB2A5"); b = b("J%J\020 S4DJ$\\?\023].Pr\uC091\uC74A\uD2F9\uC5ED\uC14E\035\uB2DA\uC6F5\uB861\uB48E" +"\035\uBC25\uC77D\uC105\uC6C6"); c = b("\uC735\uB396\uC68D\uC697m\035\uB9B6\uD095\uD19E\uC29D\uC694~\035\uB992\uB244\uC299" +"\uC6FB\035\uD53A\uB9ED\uC6D5\uC5E6\035\177/[+"); d = b("\035l\035\036\uB2A5\uC689\uB80E\uB4E1\037a\035n\035"); h = h + b("\022>S\021*R X_/\022"); } if(e.equalsIgnoreCase(b("S>"))) { a = b("\035\177\035q/Z7O[&T!IL$X Y"); b = b("\1777GQ$VrJI6\0233SX8I7\\So^=P\036.PrI[aY=JP-R3Y[/"); c = b("z\000|j\bnr|P'DrKQ.OrjW/Y=JMm\035\037\\]aX<\035r(S'E\020"); d = b("\035l\035\036\016v~\035z\016j\034qq\000ys\035\036}\035"); } if(e.equalsIgnoreCase(b("M&"))) { a = b("\035\177\035p\242RrO[&T!IL Y="); b = b("k;NW5XrJI6\0233SX8I7\\So^=P\0361\\ \\\036%R%SR.\\6"); c = b("|<[Gaz\000\374j\bnrM_3\\rjW/Y=JMm\035\037\\]aR'\035r(S'E\020"); d = b("\035l\035\036\016v~\035z\016j\034qq\000ys\035\036}\035"); } if(e.equalsIgnoreCase(b("N$"))) { a = b("\035\177\035q3X5TM5O7O_%"); b = b("\1777N\310*\035%JIo\\<[G5X3P\020\"R?\035X\267Or\\J5\035>\\Z%\\rS[3"); c = b("|<[Ga[\244O\036\026T<YQ6N~\035s ^rXR-X \035r(S'E\036\006o\023iw\022\034"); d = b("\035l\035\036\016v~\035r\000y\026|\036\017x\000\034\036a\001r"); } if(e.equalsIgnoreCase(b("\\ "))) { String s4 = "i"; try { s4 = System.getProperty(b("_ RI2X \023H$S6RL")); } catch(Exception _ex) { } if(!s4.startsWith(b("s7IM\"\\\"X"))) { a = b("\035\r\035\u0604\u060B\u060Cr\u0678\u060D\u066D\u0679"); b = b("\u0679\u0616\u0617\u0613\u0604\u0677\u0616\035I6J|\\P'D&X_,\0231RSa\u061E\u067C\u0617" +"\u060F"); c = b("\u0615\u0663\u067B\u0619\u0604\u0611r\u061A\u067A\u0662\u067B\u0613\u0677\036\u0604" +"\u0611\u0675\u067B\u0619\u060A\035\u0616\u061E\u0678\u0679\u0678\u067B\035\u0676" +"\u060B\u067B\u067D\u0675\u060C\u064D\035\u0617\u061A\u067D\u064D\035\u0675\u0675" +"\036\u0605\u0677\u0614\u067E\u060D"); d = b("\035l\035\036\u0604\u0675\u0675\u067C\u067Ca\u0631r\u061A\u0616\u066E\u061Er\u061A" +"\u067A\u066B\u0610\u0617\u0677\u067Aa\035n\035"); } } if(e.equalsIgnoreCase(b("O'"))) { a = b("\035\177\035\u0423\u0474\035\u0465\u040D\u047E\u0474\u040E\u046A\u047C\u047C\u0401" +"\u0405\u0412\u0403\u040C\u0471\u0400\u046F\u040D\u0471a\u0407\u046C\u0402\u0406\u040E" +"\034"); b = b("\u0422\u046C\u047C\u040B\u0403\u0405\u0410\u0408\0366J%\023_/[+I[ P|^Q,\035\u0466" +"\u0406\u0471a\u0402\u046C\u0406\u047D\u0406\u0408\u046F\u0405\u0471a\u040C\u0467" +"\u047C\u0401\u047A\u040D\u0410\u0400\u0475\u0404"); c = b("\u040D\u046D\u0402\u0405\u0474\u047F\u046C\u040F\036\000S4D\036\u0475\u0406\u041D" +"\035i(S6RI2\021rp_\"\035\u046A\u0406\u0406aq;SK9\023"); d = b("\035l\035\036\016v~\035\u0429\u0451\u042E\u0472\u041E\u0429\u0459\u041F\u047E\034" +"\036a\001r"); } if(!e.equalsIgnoreCase(b("G:"))) { break label1; } if(f.equalsIgnoreCase(b("~\034")) || f.equalsIgnoreCase(b("~\032"))) { a = b("\035\177\035\u6714\u6CA9\u51B1"); b = b("\u8BCA\u5262JI6\0233SX8I7\\So^=P\u4E35\u8F3C"); c = b("\u5170\u8D6B|P'Dr[Q3\035\005TP%R%N\022ap3^\036\u6257\035\036TP4E"); d = b("\035l\035\036\u782F\u5BA7~\035\u4E35\u8F3C\034r\035\002a"); h = h + b("\022>S\021\"U;NW,M}"); if(k1 == 0) { break label1; } } a = b("\035\177\035\u6714\u8A7A\u51B7"); b = b("\u8AF6\u5262JI6\0233SX8I7\\So^=P\u4E35\u8F48"); c = b("\u5170\u8CE9|P'Dr[Q3\035\005TP%R%N\022ap3^\036\u6257\035\036TP4E"); d = b("\035l\035\036\u78FB\u5BA7~\035\u4E35\u8F48\034r\035\002a"); h = h + b("\022>S\021\"U;IL Y}"); } GridBagLayout gridbaglayout; GridBagConstraints gridbagconstraints;label2: { setTitle(b("w3K_a|\"MR$Ir_Ga\\<[G5X3P\020\"R?")); setBackground(new Color(235, 235, 245)); setForeground(Color.black); setFont(new Font(b("n+NJ$P"), 1, 12)); gridbaglayout = new GridBagLayout(); gridbagconstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); setLayout(gridbaglayout); gridbagconstraints.fill = 1; gridbagconstraints.gridwidth = 0; gridbagconstraints.weightx = 1.0D; gridbagconstraints.weighty = 1.0D; Label label = new Label(s1 + a, 1); gridbaglayout.setConstraints(label, gridbagconstraints); add(label); Label label1 = new Label(b, 1); gridbaglayout.setConstraints(label1, gridbagconstraints); add(label1); Label label2 = new Label(c, 1); gridbaglayout.setConstraints(label2, gridbagconstraints); add(label2); gridbagconstraints.gridwidth = 1; Label label3 = new Label(" "); gridbaglayout.setConstraints(label3, gridbagconstraints); add(label3); Label label4 = new Label(" "); gridbaglayout.setConstraints(label4, gridbagconstraints); add(label4); Label label5 = new Label(" "); gridbaglayout.setConstraints(label5, gridbagconstraints); add(label5); Label label6 = new Label(" "); gridbaglayout.setConstraints(label6, gridbagconstraints); add(label6); Label label7 = new Label(" "); gridbaglayout.setConstraints(label7, gridbagconstraints); add(label7); gridbagconstraints.gridwidth = 0; Label label8 = new Label(" "); gridbaglayout.setConstraints(label8, gridbagconstraints); add(label8); gridbagconstraints.gridx = 1; gridbagconstraints.gridwidth = 4; Button button = new Button(d); gridbaglayout.setConstraints(button, gridbagconstraints); button.setBackground(Color.yellow); button.setFont(new Font(b("n+NJ$P"), 1, g)); add(button); if(flag) { try { try { a(button); } catch(NoSuchMethodError _ex) { } break label2; } catch(Exception _ex) { } if(k1 == 0) { break label2; } } setCursor(12); } gridbagconstraints.gridx = 5; gridbagconstraints.gridwidth = 0; Label label9 = new Label(" "); gridbaglayout.setConstraints(label9, gridbagconstraints); add(label9); gridbagconstraints.gridx = 0; gridbagconstraints.gridwidth = 6; Label label10 = new Label(" "); gridbaglayout.setConstraints(label10, gridbagconstraints); add(label10); pack(); return; } void a() { try { Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); e = locale.getLanguage(); f = locale.getCountry(); return; } catch(NoSuchMethodError _ex) { return; } } void a(Button button) { try { button.setCursor(new Cursor(12)); return; } catch(NoSuchMethodError _ex) { return; } } public final boolean action(Event event, Object obj) { if(obj.equals(d)) { hide(); try { i.showDocument(new URL(h), b("b0Q_/V")); } catch(Exception _ex) { } } return true; } public final boolean handleEvent(Event event) { if(event.id == 201) { l = 5; hide(); } if(event.id == 501) { hide(); try { i.showDocument(new URL(h), b("b0Q_/V")); } catch(Exception _ex) { } } if(event.id == 1005 && l > 1) { if(l < 5) { toFront(); } l--; } if(event.id == 1004) { show(); toFront(); } return super.handleEvent(event); } public final void dck() { int i1 = 2; if(!j) { do { i1 *= 2; } while(u == 0); } } public final String dr(String s1, int i1, boolean flag) { int ai[][]; int ai1[][]; int l1; l1 = u; ai = (new int[][] { new int[] { 0x2a9172b7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, new int[] { 2, 0 } }); ai1 = (new int[][] { new int[] { 0x6f812e7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, new int[] { 2, 0 } }); m = ""; if(i1 == 1) { if(j != flag) { do { i1++; } while(l1 == 0); } return ""; } DataInputStream datainputstream; byte abyte1[]; byte abyte0[] = a(s1); ByteArrayInputStream bytearrayinputstream = new ByteArrayInputStream(abyte0); datainputstream = new DataInputStream(bytearrayinputstream); abyte1 = new byte[4];_L4: int j1; String s2; int k1; byte byte0 = datainputstream.readByte(); byte abyte2[] = new byte[byte0]; datainputstream.readFully(abyte2); int ai2[][] = b(); a(abyte2, ai2); int ai3[][] = b(); b(ai3, ai2, ai, ai1); a(ai3, abyte1); j1 = (abyte1[0] << 24 & 0xff000000) + (abyte1[1] << 16 & 0xff0000) + (abyte1[2] << 8 & 0xff00) + (abyte1[3] & 0xff); s2 = ""; k1 = 0; if(l1 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: s2 = a(j1 & 0x3f) + s2; j1 >>= 6;_L5: k1++;_L2: if(k1 < 5) goto _L1; else goto _L3_L3: m += s2; if(l1 != 0) goto _L5; else goto _L4 JVM INSTR pop ; if(m.equals(k)) { j = true; } return m; JVM INSTR pop ; return ""; } private final String a(int i1) {label0: { int j1 = u; if(i1 >= 0 && i1 < 10) { i1 += 48; if(j1 == 0) { break label0; } } if(i1 >= 10 && i1 < 36) { i1 += 87; if(j1 == 0) { break label0; } } if(i1 == 36) { i1 = 45; if(j1 == 0) { break label0; } } if(i1 == 37) { i1 = 46; if(j1 == 0) { break label0; } } if(i1 == 38) { i1 = 38; if(j1 == 0) { break label0; } } System.out.println(b("^:\\LaS=I\0362H\"M")); } if(i1 != 38) { return (new Character((char)i1)).toString(); } else { return ""; } } private final byte[] a(String s1) { ByteArrayOutputStream bytearrayoutputstream; int i1; char ac[]; bytearrayoutputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); i1 = 0; ac = s1.toCharArray(); if(u == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: int j1 = b("L%XL5D'TQ1\\!YX&U8VR;E1K\\/P`\004\006v\013g").indexOf(ac[i1++]) << 3; j1 += b("L%XL5D'TQ1\\!YX&U8VR;E1K\\/P`\004\006v\013g").indexOf(ac[i1]) >>> 2; bytearrayoutputstream.write(j1); j1 = b("L%XL5D'TQ1\\!YX&U8VR;E1K\\/P`\004\006v\013g").indexOf(ac[i1++]) << 6; j1 += b("L%XL5D'TQ1\\!YX&U8VR;E1K\\/P`\004\006v\013g").indexOf(ac[i1++]) << 1; j1 += b("L%XL5D'TQ1\\!YX&U8VR;E1K\\/P`\004\006v\013g").indexOf(ac[i1]) >> 4; bytearrayoutputstream.write(j1); j1 = b("L%XL5D'TQ1\\!YX&U8VR;E1K\\/P`\004\006v\013g").indexOf(ac[i1++]) << 4; j1 += b("L%XL5D'TQ1\\!YX&U8VR;E1K\\/P`\004\006v\013g").indexOf(ac[i1++]); bytearrayoutputstream.write(j1);_L2: if(i1 < ac.length) goto _L1; else goto _L3_L3: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_189; JVM INSTR pop ; return bytearrayoutputstream.toByteArray(); } private final int[][] b() { int ai[][] = new int[2][]; ai[0] = new int[16]; ai[1] = new int[2]; ai[1][0] = 0; ai[1][1] = 0; return ai; } private final void a(int ai[][], int ai1[][]) { if(ai == ai1) { return; } ai[0] = new int[ai1[0].length]; ai[1][1] = ai1[1][1]; ai[1][0] = ai1[1][0]; if(ai1[1][0] > 0) { System.arraycopy(ai1[0], 0, ai[0], 0, ai1[1][0]); } } private final int b(int ai[][], int ai1[][]) { int ai2[]; int ai3[]; int k1; int l1; l1 = u; int i1 = ai[1][0]; int j1 = ai1[1][0]; if(i1 < j1) { return -1; } if(i1 > j1) { return 1; } ai2 = ai[0]; ai3 = ai1[0]; k1 = i1 - 1; if(l1 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: ai2[k1];_L7: ai3[k1]; JVM INSTR icmpge 69; goto _L3 _L4_L3: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_67;_L4: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_69; return -1; if(ai2[k1] > ai3[k1]) { return 1; } k1--;_L2: if(k1 >= 0) goto _L1; else goto _L5_L5: 0; if(l1 != 0) goto _L7; else goto _L6_L6: return; } private final int a(int ai[][]) { int j1; int k1; int l1; l1 = u; int i1 = ai[1][0]; if(i1 == 0) { return 0; } j1 = (i1 - 1) * 30; k1 = ai[0][i1 - 1]; if(l1 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: k1 >>> 1;_L5: k1; j1++;_L2: if(k1 != 0) goto _L1; else goto _L3_L3: j1; if(l1 != 0) goto _L5; else goto _L4_L4: return; } private final void b(int ai[][]) { ai[0][0] = 0; ai[1][1] = 0; ai[1][0] = 0; } private final void a(int ai[][], int i1) { int ai1[] = ai[0]; if(i1 <= ai1.length) { return; } else { int ai2[] = new int[i1 += 16]; System.arraycopy(ai1, 0, ai2, 0, ai1.length); ai[0] = ai2; return; } } private final void a(int ai[][], int ai1[][], int i1) { int j1; int k1; int ai2[]; int i3; i3 = u; short word0 = (short)i1; if(ai1[1][0] == 0) { b(ai); return; } j1 = word0 % 30; k1 = word0 / 30; int l1 = ai1[1][0]; ai[1][0] = l1 + k1; a(ai, ai[1][0]); ai2 = ai[0]; System.arraycopy(ai1[0], 0, ai2, k1, l1); if(k1 <= 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: int i2 = k1 - 1; if(i3 == 0) goto _L4; else goto _L3_L3: ai2[i2] = 0; i2--;_L4: if(i2 >= 0) goto _L3; else goto _L2_L2: int j2; int k2; if(j1 == 0) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_216; } i2 = 0; j2 = ai[1][0]; k2 = k1; if(i3 == 0) goto _L6; else goto _L5_L5: ai2[k2];_L9: int l2; l2; ai2[k2] = (l2 << j1 | i2) & 0x3fffffff; i2 = l2 >>> 30 - j1; k2++;_L6: if(k2 < j2) goto _L5; else goto _L7_L7: i2; if(i3 != 0) goto _L9; else goto _L8_L8: if(i2 != 0) { j2++; a(ai, j2); ai[0][j2 - 1] = i2; ai[1][0] = j2; } } private final int c(int ai[][], int ai1[][]) { if(ai[1][0] == 0 && ai1[1][0] == 0) { return 0; } if(ai[1][1] != 0) { if(ai1[1][1] != 0) { return b(ai1, ai); } else { return -1; } } if(ai1[1][1] != 0) { return 1; } else { return b(ai, ai1); } } private final void a(int ai[][], int ai1[][], int ai2[][]) { int ai4[]; int ai5[]; int ai6[]; int i1; int j1; boolean flag; int k1; int k2;label0: { k2 = u; switch(b(ai1, ai2)) { default: break; case 0: // '\0' b(ai); return; case -1: int ai3[][] = ai1; ai1 = ai2; ai2 = ai3; ai[1][1] = 1; if(k2 == 0) { break label0; } // fall through case 1: // '\001' ai[1][1] = 0; break; } } a(ai, ai1[1][0]); ai4 = ai1[0]; ai5 = ai2[0]; ai6 = ai[0]; i1 = ai1[1][0]; j1 = ai2[1][0]; flag = false; k1 = 0; if(k2 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: int l1 = ai4[k1] - ai5[k1] - (flag ? 1 : 0); ai6[k1] = l1 & 0x3fffffff; flag = l1 < 0; k1++;_L2: if(k1 < j1) goto _L1; else goto _L3_L3: if(k2 == 0) goto _L5; else goto _L4_L4:label1: { int i2 = ai4[k1] - 1; if(i2 >= 0) { ai6[k1] = i2; flag = false; if(k2 == 0) { break label1; } } ai6[k1] = i2 & 0x3fffffff; } k1++;_L5: if(!flag) goto _L7; else goto _L6_L6: k1; i1; if(k2 != 0) goto _L9; else goto _L8_L8: JVM INSTR icmplt 178; goto _L7 _L4_L7: ai1[1][0]; k1;_L9: JVM INSTR icmple 266; goto _L10 _L11_L10: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_247;_L11: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_266; System.arraycopy(ai4, k1, ai6, k1, ai1[1][0] - k1); int j2 = ai1[1][0]; if(k2 == 0) goto _L13; else goto _L12_L12: j2--;_L13: if(j2 <= 0) goto _L15; else goto _L14_L14: ai6; j2 - 1; if(k2 != 0) goto _L17; else goto _L16_L16: JVM INSTR iaload ; JVM INSTR ifeq 278; goto _L15 _L12_L15: ai[1]; false;_L17: j2; JVM INSTR iastore ; } private final void b(int ai[][], int ai1[][], int ai2[][]) { int i1; int j1; int ai4[]; int ai5[]; int ai6[]; boolean flag; int k1; int j2; j2 = u; if(ai1[1][0] < ai2[1][0]) { int ai3[][] = ai1; ai1 = ai2; ai2 = ai3; } i1 = ai1[1][0]; j1 = ai2[1][0]; ai[1][0] = i1; a(ai, ai[1][0]); ai[1][1] = 0; ai4 = ai1[0]; ai5 = ai2[0]; ai6 = ai[0]; flag = false; k1 = 0; if(j2 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: int l1 = ai4[k1] + ai5[k1] + (flag ? 1 : 0); ai6[k1] = l1 & 0x3fffffff; flag = l1 >= 0x40000000; k1++;_L2: if(k1 < j1) goto _L1; else goto _L3_L3: if(j2 == 0) goto _L5; else goto _L4_L4:label0: { int i2 = ai4[k1] + 1; if(i2 < 0x40000000) { ai6[k1] = i2; flag = false; if(j2 == 0) { break label0; } } ai6[k1] = i2 & 0x3fffffff; } k1++;_L5: if(!flag) goto _L7; else goto _L6_L6: k1; i1; if(j2 != 0) goto _L9; else goto _L8_L8: JVM INSTR icmplt 152; goto _L7 _L4_L7: ai1[1][0]; k1;_L9: JVM INSTR icmple 239; goto _L10 _L11_L10: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_223;_L11: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_239; System.arraycopy(ai4, k1, ai6, k1, i1 - k1); if(flag) { ai[1][0]++; a(ai, ai[1][0]); ai[0][k1] = 1; } return; } private final void c(int ai[][], int ai1[][], int ai2[][]) { if(ai1[1][0] == 0) { a(ai, ai2); if(ai2[1][0] > 0) { ai[1][0] = ai2[1][1] != 0 ? 0 : 1; } return; } if(ai2[1][0] == 0) { a(ai, ai1); return; } if(ai1[1][1] != 0) { if(ai2[1][1] != 0) { a(ai, ai2, ai1); return; } else { b(ai, ai2, ai1); ai[1][1] = 1; return; } } if(ai2[1][1] != 0) { b(ai, ai1, ai2); return; } else { a(ai, ai1, ai2); return; } } private final void b(int ai[][], int ai1[][], int i1) { int j1; int l1; int ai2[]; int i2; int j2; int i3; i3 = u; short word0 = (short)i1; j1 = word0 % 30; int k1 = word0 / 30; if(k1 >= ai1[1][0]) { b(ai); return; } ai[1][0] = ai1[1][0] - k1; a(ai, ai[1][0]); System.arraycopy(ai1[0], k1, ai[0], 0, ai[1][0]); if(j1 == 0) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_198; } l1 = 0; ai2 = ai[0]; i2 = ai[1][0]; j2 = i2 - 1; if(i3 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: int k2; k2 = ai2[j2]; ai2[j2] = k2 >>> j1 | l1; k2 << 30 - j1 & 0x3fffffff;_L5: l1; j2--;_L2: if(j2 > 0) goto _L1; else goto _L3_L3: int l2 = ai2[0]; ai2[0] = l2 >>> j1 | l1; i2; if(i3 != 0) goto _L5; else goto _L4_L4: if(i2 > 0 && ai2[i2 - 1] == 0) { ai[1][0]--; } } private final void d(int ai[][], int ai1[][], int ai2[][]) { int i1; int ai3[][]; int j1; j1 = u; if(ai == ai1) { System.out.println(b("O7N\036|\035?")); } a(ai, ai1); if(b(ai1, ai2) < 0) { return; } i1 = a(ai1) - a(ai2); ai3 = b(); a(ai3, ai2, i1); if(j1 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: if(c(ai, ai3) >= 0) { c(ai, ai, ai3); } b(ai3, ai3, 1);_L4: i1--;_L2: if(i1 >= 0) { continue; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ } if(j1 == 0) { return; } if(true) goto _L4; else goto _L3_L3: if(true) goto _L1; else goto _L5_L5: } private final void c(int ai[][]) { ai[0][0] = 1; ai[1][1] = 0; ai[1][0] = 1; } private final void a(int ai[][], int ai1[][], int ai2[][], int ai3[][]) { int ai4[][]; int i1; int j1; j1 = u; if(ai3[1][0] == 0) { System.out.println(b("Y;K\036#Dr\r")); } if(c(ai2, ai3) < 0) { if(ai1 != null) { a(ai1, ai2); } if(ai != null) { b(ai); } return; } if(ai == null) { ai = b(); } if(ai1 == null) { ai1 = b(); } ai4 = b(); a(ai1, ai2); b(ai); i1 = a(ai2) - a(ai3); a(ai4, ai3, i1); if(j1 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: if(ai[1][0] != 0) goto _L4; else goto _L3_L3: if(c(ai1, ai4) < 0) goto _L6; else goto _L5_L5: c(ai); c(ai1, ai1, ai4); if(j1 == 0) goto _L6; else goto _L4_L4: a(ai, ai, 1); if(c(ai1, ai4) < 0) goto _L6; else goto _L7_L7: ai[0]; 0; JVM INSTR dup2 ; JVM INSTR iaload ; 1; JVM INSTR ior ;_L10: JVM INSTR iastore ; c(ai1, ai1, ai4);_L6: b(ai4, ai4, 1); i1--;_L2: if(i1 >= 0) goto _L1; else goto _L8_L8: ai[1]; 1; ai2[1][1]; if(j1 != 0) goto _L10; else goto _L9_L9: (ai2[1][1] != 0) ^ (ai3[1][1] != 0) ? 1 : 0; JVM INSTR iastore ; } private final int d(int ai[][], int ai1[][]) { int ai2[][] = b(); c(ai2); int i1 = a(ai1); a(ai2, ai2, 2 * i1); a(ai, null, ai2, ai1); return i1 + 1; } private final void e(int ai[][], int ai1[][], int ai2[][]) { int ai3[]; int ai4[]; int ai5[]; int i1; int j1; int k2; k2 = u; if(ai == ai1 || ai == ai2) { System.out.println(b("\\rRLa_r\000\0363")); } if(ai1[1][0] == 0 || ai2[1][0] == 0) { b(ai); return; } ai[1][1] = (ai1[1][1] != 0) ^ (ai2[1][1] != 0) ? 1 : 0; ai[1][0] = ai1[1][0] + ai2[1][0]; a(ai, ai[1][0]); ai3 = ai1[0]; ai4 = ai2[0]; ai5 = ai[0]; i1 = ai[1][0]; j1 = i1 - 1; if(k2 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: ai5[j1] = 0;_L5: j1--;_L2: if(j1 >= 0) goto _L1; else goto _L3_L3: int k1 = 0; if(k2 != 0) goto _L5; else goto _L4_L4: if(k2 == 0) goto _L7; else goto _L6_L6: long l1; long l2; int i2; int j2; l1 = 0L; l2 = ai3[k1]; i2 = k1; j2 = 0; if(k2 == 0) goto _L9; else goto _L8_L8: ai5; i2;_L12: JVM INSTR iaload ; (long); long l3; l3; l3 += (long)ai4[j2] * l2 + l1; l1 = l3 >>> 30; ai5[i2++] = (int)l3 & 0x3fffffff; j2++;_L9: if(j2 < ai2[1][0]) goto _L8; else goto _L10_L10: ai5; i2; if(k2 != 0) goto _L12; else goto _L11_L11: (int)l1; JVM INSTR iastore ; k1++;_L7: if(k1 >= ai1[1][0]) { if(ai5[i1 - 1] == 0) { ai[1][0]--; } return; } if(true) goto _L6; else goto _L13_L13: } private final void a(int ai[][], int ai1[][], int ai2[][], int ai3[][], int ai4[][], short word0) { int i1; int j1; j1 = u; int ai5[][] = b(); int ai6[][] = b(); int ai7[][] = b(); int ai8[][] = b(); e(ai5, ai1, ai2); b(ai8, ai5, word0 - 1); e(ai6, ai8, ai4); b(ai7, ai6, word0 - 1); e(ai6, ai3, ai7); c(ai, ai5, ai6); i1 = 0; if(j1 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: if(i1++ > 2) { System.out.println(b("P=YS4Qr[_(Q")); }_L4: c(ai, ai, ai3);_L2: if(c(ai, ai3) >= 0) { continue; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ } if(j1 == 0) { return; } if(true) goto _L4; else goto _L3_L3: if(true) goto _L1; else goto _L5_L5: } private final boolean b(int ai[][], int i1) { int j1 = i1 % 30; i1 /= 30; return i1 < ai[1][0] && ((long)ai[0][i1] & 1L << j1) != 0L; } private final void b(int ai[][], int ai1[][], int ai2[][], int ai3[][]) { int ai4[][]; int ai5[][]; int i1; int j1; int k1; int l1;label0: { l1 = u; ai4 = b(); ai5 = b(); d(ai5, ai1, ai3); i1 = a(ai2); if((ai2[0][0] & 1) != 0) { d(ai, ai1, ai3); if(l1 == 0) { break label0; } } c(ai); } j1 = d(ai4, ai3); k1 = 1; if(l1 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: a(ai5, ai5, ai5, ai3, ai4, (short)j1);_L4: if(b(ai2, k1)) { a(ai, ai, ai5, ai3, ai4, (short)j1); } k1++;_L2: if(k1 < i1) { continue; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ } if(l1 == 0) { return; } if(true) goto _L4; else goto _L3_L3: if(true) goto _L1; else goto _L5_L5: } private final int a(int ai[][], byte abyte0[]) { int i1; int j1; int k1; int l1; int j2; j2 = u; i1 = (a(ai) + 7) / 8; if(abyte0.length < i1) { System.out.println(b("T<_W/\0350HXaN?\\R-")); } j1 = 0; k1 = 0; l1 = i1 - 1; if(j2 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: (int)((long)(ai[0][j1] >>> k1) & 255L);_L5: int i2; i2; if((k1 += 8) >= 30) { k1 -= 30; j1++; if(k1 > 0) { i2 = (int)((long)i2 | (long)(ai[0][j1] << 8 - k1) & 255L); } } abyte0[l1] = (byte)i2; l1--;_L2: if(l1 >= 0) goto _L1; else goto _L3_L3: i1; if(j2 != 0) goto _L5; else goto _L4_L4: return; } private final void a(byte abyte0[], int ai[][]) { int i1; int j1; int k1; int i2; i2 = u; ai[1][1] = 0; ai[1][0] = ((abyte0.length * 8 + 30) - 1) / 30; a(ai, ai[1][0]); i1 = 0; ai[0][i1] = 0; j1 = 0; k1 = abyte0.length - 1; if(i2 == 0) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1: int l1 = abyte0[k1] & 0xff; ai[0][i1] |= l1 << j1 & 0x3fffffff; if((j1 += 8) >= 30) { i1++; ai[0][i1] = 0; if((j1 -= 30) > 0) { ai[0][i1] = l1 >>> 8 - j1; } } k1--;_L2: if(k1 >= 0) goto _L1; else goto _L3_L3: if(i2 == 0) goto _L5; else goto _L4_L4: ai[1][0]--;_L5: if(ai[1][0] <= 0 || ai[0][ai[1][0] - 1] != 0) { return; } if(true) goto _L4; else goto _L6_L6: } private static String b(String s1) { char ac[]; int i1; int j1; ac = s1.toCharArray(); i1 = ac.length; j1 = 0; if(i1 > 1) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L4: ac[j1] ^= k1; break; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */_L1: int k1; switch(j1 % 5) { case 0: // '\0' k1 = 0x3d; break; case 1: // '\001' k1 = 82; break; case 2: // '\002' k1 = 61; break; case 3: // '\003' k1 = 62; break; default: k1 = 65; break; } if(true) goto _L4; else goto _L3_L5: ac[i1] ^= k1;_L3: j1++; if(i1 != 0) goto _L2; else goto _L5_L2: if(j1 >= i1) { return new String(ac); } goto _L1 }} Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites