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Tenho um script que cria um calendário, mais gostaria de incrementa-lo com uma agenda de eventos. Ou seja quando a pessoa clicar em um dia do mês, se este tiver o evento, abrira um pagina com os eventos do dia escolhido. Como posso incrementar este codigo???segue o codigo:<%Option Explicit%><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Calendário</TITLE><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></HEAD><BODY bgcolor=#FFFF99><%'Lógica para construir o calendárioSession.LCID = 1046 'BRASILDim URL,Dia, mesID, Ano, Agora, PrimeiroDiamesID, UltimoDiamesID Dim Inicio,Fim, Start, TheEnd,i, jURL= Request.ServerVAriables("SCRIPT_NAME") if (Request.QueryString("mesID") <> Month(now))AND(Request.QueryString("mesID") <> "") ThenmesID=CInt(Request.QueryString("mesID"))'força que o resultado seja um inteiroelsemesID = Month(now)end ifDia=Day(now)Ano = Year(now)Agora = DateSerial(Ano, mesID, dia)PrimeiroDiamesID=DateSerial(Year(Now),mesID,1)UltimoDiamesID=DateSerial(Year(Now),mesID+1,1-1)Inicio = ABS(1 - WeekDay(PrimeiroDiamesID))Fim = 7 - WeekDay(UltimoDiamesID)Start=1-InicioTheEnd = Day(UltimoDiamesID) + Fim J=1 %><TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=160 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=left> <TR> <TD WIDTH="1%" VALIGN=top><TABLE CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=1 WIDTH="100%"> <TR><TD NOWRAP COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=dcdcdc> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD><A HREF="<%=URL&"?mesID="&(mesID-1)%>"><IMG SRC="left4.gif" WIDTH=11 HEIGHT=11 BORDER=0></A>  </TD> <TD NOWRAP VALIGN=middle> <TT><B><%Response.Write MonthName(Month(Agora))& " " & Year(Agora) %></B></TT> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="<%=URL&"?mesID="&(mesID+1)%>"><IMG SRC="right4.gif" WIDTH=11 HEIGHT=11 BORDER=0></A> </TD> </TR> </TABLE></TD></TR><TR bgcolor="#FF0000"> <TD COLSPAN=4 align="Center"> <TABLE CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=1 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=1 align="center" width=85><font face="Arial" SIZE="1" color=white><b>Dom</b></font></TD> <TD COLSPAN=1 align="center" width=85><font face="Arial" SIZE="1" color=white><b>Seg</b></font></TD> <TD COLSPAN=1 align="center" width=85><font face="Arial" SIZE="1" color=white><b>Ter</b></font></TD> <TD COLSPAN=1 align="center" width=85><font face="Arial" SIZE="1" color=white><b>Qua</b></font></TD> <TD COLSPAN=1 align="center" width=85><font face="Arial" SIZE="1" color=white><b>Qui</b></font></TD> <TD COLSPAN=1 align="center" width=85><font face="Arial" SIZE="1" color=white><b>---</b></font></TD> <TD COLSPAN=1 align="center" width=85><font face="Arial" SIZE="1" color=white><b>Sáb</b></font></TD> </TR> </Table> </TD></TR><TR> <TD COLSPAN=4 align="Center"> <TABLE CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=1 BORDER=0> <TR bgcolor="#fef7e9"><%For i= Start to TheEnd if (i = day(now)) And (mesID=Month(now)) Then Response.Write "<TD align= center width=85><FONT face=Arial,Helvetica size=-1 COLOR=red>"& Day(DateSerial(Year(Now),mesID,i)) & "</font></TD>" Elseif (i<1) or (i > Day(UltimoDiamesID)) Then Response.Write "<TD align= center width=85><FONT face=Arial,Helvetica size=-1 COLOR=gray><B>"& Day(DateSerial(Year(Now),mesID,i)) & "</B></TD>" Else Response.Write "<TD align= center width=85><FONT face=Arial,Helvetica size=-1 COLOR=blue>"& Day(DateSerial(Year(Now),mesID,i)) & "</TD>" End if If j = 7 then J = 0 Response.Write "</tr>" %> <TR bgcolor="#fef7e9"> <% end if J = j + 1 Next %> </TR> <Table> </TD></tr></Table></BODY></HTML>Por favor me ajudem!!!Marcus

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<%For i= Start to TheEnd if (i = day(now)) And (mesID=Month(now)) ThenResponse.Write "<TD align= center width=85><FONT face=Arial,Helvetica size=-1 COLOR=red>"& Day(DateSerial(Year(Now),mesID,i)) & "</font></TD>"Elseif (i<1) or (i > Day(UltimoDiamesID)) ThenResponse.Write "<TD align= center width=85><FONT face=Arial,Helvetica size=-1 COLOR=gray><B>"& Day(DateSerial(Year(Now),mesID,i)) & "</B></TD>"ElseResponse.Write "<TD align= center width=85><FONT face=Arial,Helvetica size=-1 COLOR=blue>"& Day(DateSerial(Year(Now),mesID,i)) & "</TD>"End if

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Será que você pode me ajudar, meu problema é só a associação do dia como o evento pela data, pois já tenho um script de calendário, que peguei na internet, este que esta no começo.Se puder me ajudar

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Dá uma olhada no código e ve se entende...qualquer dúvida me manda um e-mail---------------------------------------------<FORM ACTION="./index.asp" METHOD=GET><%Function GetDaysInMonth(iMonth, iYear) Dim dTemp dTemp = DateAdd("d", -1, DateSerial(iYear, iMonth + 1, 1)) GetDaysInMonth = Day(dTemp)End FunctionFunction GetWeekdayMonthStartsOn(dAnyDayInTheMonth) Dim dTemp dTemp = DateAdd("d", -(Day(dAnyDayInTheMonth) - 1), dAnyDayInTheMonth) GetWeekdayMonthStartsOn = WeekDay(dTemp)End FunctionFunction SubtractOneMonth(dDate) SubtractOneMonth = DateAdd("m", -1, dDate)End FunctionFunction AddOneMonth(dDate) AddOneMonth = DateAdd("m", 1, dDate)End Function' ***End Function Declaration***Dim dDate ' Date we're displaying calendar forDim iDIM ' Days In MonthDim iDOW ' Day Of Week that month starts onDim iCurrent ' Variable we use to hold current day of month as we write tableDim iPosition ' Variable we use to hold current position in tableIf IsDate(Request.QueryString("date")) Then session("dDate") = DataF(Request.QueryString("date"))Else If IsDate(Request.QueryString("month") & "/" & Request.QueryString("day") & "/" & Request.QueryString("year")) Then session("dDate") = Request.QueryString("day") & "/" & Request.QueryString("month") & "/" & Request.QueryString("year") Else if session("dDate") = "" then session("dDate") = Date() end if End IfEnd Ifsession("dDate") = DataF(session("dDate"))'Now we've got the date. Now get Days in the choosen month and the day of the week it starts on.iDIM = GetDaysInMonth(Month(session("dDate")), Year(session("dDate")))iDOW = GetWeekdayMonthStartsOn(session("dDate"))session("idpesquisa") = session("dDate")%><table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="fontenormal & tamanho1 & Cor-Branco & negrito" bgcolor="#3366CC" align="center" nowrap width="5"> <img src="imagens/canto_esquerdo_azul_peq.gif" > </td> <td class="fontenormal & tamanho1 & Cor-Branco & negrito" bgcolor="#3366CC" align="center" nowrap width="100%"> Calendário de Notícias </td> <td class="fontenormal & tamanho1 & Cor-Branco & negrito" bgcolor="#3366CC" align="center" nowrap width="5"> <img src="imagens/canto_direito_azul_peq.gif"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="fontenormal & tamanho1 & Cor-Branco" bgcolor="#3366CC" width="100%" align="center" height="1" colspan="3"> </td> </tr></table> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 style="font-size: 8 pt" WIDTH="160"> <TR> <TD> <TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1 BGCOLOR=#008000 style="font-size: 8 pt" WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD ALIGN="Center" valign="middle" colspan="7">  <A HREF="./index.asp?date=<%= SubtractOneMonth(session("dDate")) %>"><FONT COLOR=#FFFF00 style="font-size: 10 pt"><< </FONT></A>  <A HREF="./index.asp?date=<%= Date()%>"><FONT COLOR=#FFFF00 style="font-size: 10 pt">Hoje</FONT></a>  <A HREF="./index.asp?date=<%= AddOneMonth(session("dDate")) %>"> <FONT COLOR=#FFFF00 style="font-size: 10 pt">>></FONT></A>  </TD> </TR> <TD BGCOLOR=#008000 ALIGN="center" COLSPAN=7> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 style="font-size: 8 pt" > <TR> <TD ALIGN="center"> <input type="hidden" NAME="day" VALUE="<%=DiaF(session("dDate"))%>"> <!-- <SELECT NAME="day" style="font-size: 8 pt"> <% for iday = 1 to 31 %> <%if DiaF(session("dDate")) = iday then selecionar="selected" else selecionar=" "%> <%Response.Write "<OPTION VALUE=" & iday & " " & selecionar & ">" & iday & "</OPTION>"%> <%next%> </SELECT> --> <SELECT NAME="month" style="font-size: 8 pt"> <OPTION VALUE=1 <%if Month(session("dDate")) = 1 then Response.Write "Selected"%>>Janeiro</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=2 <%if Month(session("dDate")) = 2 then Response.Write "Selected"%>>Fevereiro</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=3 <%if Month(session("dDate")) = 3 then Response.Write "Selected"%>>Março</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=4 <%if Month(session("dDate")) = 4 then Response.Write "Selected"%>>Abril</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=5 <%if Month(session("dDate")) = 5 then Response.Write "Selected"%>>Maio</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=6 <%if Month(session("dDate")) = 6 then Response.Write "Selected"%>>Junho</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=7 <%if Month(session("dDate")) = 7 then Response.Write "Selected"%>>Julho</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=8 <%if Month(session("dDate")) = 8 then Response.Write "Selected"%>>Agosto</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=9 <%if Month(session("dDate")) = 9 then Response.Write "Selected"%>>Setembro</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=10 <%if Month(session("dDate")) = 10 then Response.Write "Selected"%>>Outubro</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=11 <%if Month(session("dDate")) = 11 then Response.Write "Selected"%>>Novembro</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=12 <%if Month(session("dDate")) = 12 then Response.Write "Selected"%>>Dezembro</OPTION> </SELECT> <SELECT NAME="year" style="font-size: 8 pt"> <% for iyear = Year(session("dDate")) - 10 to Year(session("dDate")) + 10%> <%if Year(session("dDate")) = iyear then selecionar="selected" else selecionar=" "%> <%Response.Write "<OPTION VALUE=" & iyear & " " & selecionar & ">" & iyear & "</OPTION>"%> <%next%> </SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="OK" style="font-size: 8 pt"> </TD> </tr> </TABLE> </TD> <TR> <TD ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR=#339933><FONT style="font-size: 7 pt" COLOR=#FFFF00>Dom</FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR=#339933><FONT style="font-size: 7 pt" COLOR=#FFFF00>Seg</FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR=#339933><FONT style="font-size: 7 pt" COLOR=#FFFF00>Ter</FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR=#339933><FONT style="font-size: 7 pt" COLOR=#FFFF00>Qua</FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR=#339933><FONT style="font-size: 7 pt" COLOR=#FFFF00>Qui</FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR=#339933><FONT style="font-size: 7 pt" COLOR=#FFFF00>---</FONT></TD> <TD ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR=#339933><FONT style="font-size: 7 pt" COLOR=#FFFF00>Sab</FONT></TD> </TR> <%' Write spacer cells at beginning of first row if month doesn't start on a Sunday.If iDOW <> 1 Then Response.Write vbTab & "<TR>" & vbCrLf iPosition = 1 Do While iPosition < iDOW Response.Write vbTab & vbTab & "<TD> </TD>" & vbCrLf iPosition = iPosition + 1 LoopEnd If' Write days of month in proper day slotsiCurrent = 1iPosition = iDOWDo While iCurrent <= iDIM' If we're at the begginning of a row then write TRIf iPosition = 1 Then Response.Write "<TR>"End Ifif icurrent = 1 then end ifSQLDATA = iCurrent & "/" & month(session("dDate")) & "/" & Year(session("dDate"))SQLDATA = DataF(SQLDATA)SQL_VERNOTICIA = "SELECT * FROM tblcalendário WHERE DataPublicação = " & "'" & SQLDATA & "'" SQL_VERNOTICIA & ";",BD,,,adcmdtextIf NOT rsnoticiascalendario.EOF Then If iCurrent = Day(session("dDate")) Then%> <TD ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF><A HREF="./index.asp?date=<%=SQLDATA%>"><FONT COLOR=#00000 style="font-size: 7 pt"><span style="background-color: #FFFF00"><%=iCurrent%></span></FONT></A></TD> <% Else%> <TD ALIGN="center" ><A HREF="./index.asp?date=<%=SQLDATA%>"><FONT COLOR=#00000 style="font-size: 7 pt"><span style="background-color: #FFFF00"><%=iCurrent%></span></FONT></A></TD> <% End IfElse ' If the day we're writing is the selected day then highlight it somehow. If iCurrent = Day(session("dDate")) Then%> <TD ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF><FONT style="font-size: 7 pt"><B><%=iCurrent%></B></FONT></TD> <% Else%> <TD ALIGN="center"><FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF style="font-size: 7 pt"><%=iCurrent%></FONT></TD> <% End Ifend if rsnoticiascalendario.close ' If we're at the endof a row then write /TR If iPosition = 7 Then Response.Write "</TR>" iPosition = 0 End If ' Increment variables iCurrent = iCurrent + 1 iPosition = iPosition + 1Loop' Write spacer cells at end of last row if month doesn't end on a Saturday.If iPosition <> 1 Then Do While iPosition <= 7 Response.Write vbTab & vbTab & "<TD> </TD>" & vbCrLf iPosition = iPosition + 1 Loop Response.Write vbTab & "</TR>" & vbCrLfEnd If%> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> </TABLE></FORM>

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Iaê Mvca.... você conseguiu fazer a agenda funcionar?Eu tava precisando de uma agenda também, e pesquisando acabei encontrando esse seu post, mas quando tentei utilizar o código que o nosso amigo mandou, não consegui que ele funcionasseele tá dando erro... tá retornando "Tipos incompatíveis: 'DataF'". Dei uma olhada no código, e vi que tem um "if" que (eu acho) determina o dado que vai entrar na variável de seção, não consegui descobrir extamente pq tá dando erro, imagino que falte algum parâmetro passado pela querystring que faça o "DataF" receber algum valor quando da entrada no loop. Mas como não tenho certeza, e já fiz alguns testes sem sucesso, tô aki pra saber se você conseguiu fazer o código funcionarVou ficar na espera da sua resposta cara.....falow

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