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Igor FV

Erro de paginação com Repeat Religion Vertical

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Boa noite Comunidade.


Estou com um problema na hora de criar a paginação, usando o Repeat Religion Vertical.


Estou usando uma extensão para criar o Repeat na Vertical, e também uma outra extensão para criar a paginação.


Já tentei utilizar a propria paginação do DW, mas não fiuncionou.


Estou postando o código para analises.


A 1º linha é a linha que esta apresentando erro e o outro bloco de linha são as linhas da paginação.


Valeu amigos.


Um abraço.






Dim Repeat_rs_raven__numRowsHL

Dim Repeat_rs_raven__indexHL


Repeat_rs_raven__numRowsHL = 9

Repeat_rs_raven__indexHL = 0

rs_raven_numRows = rs_raven_numRows + Repeat_rs_raven__numRowsHL



' *** Recordset Stats, Move To Record, and Go To Record: declare stats variables


' set the record count

rs_raven_total = rs_raven.RecordCount


' set the number of rows displayed on this page

If (rs_raven_numRows < 0) Then

rs_raven_numRows = rs_raven_total

Elseif (rs_raven_numRows = 0) Then

rs_raven_numRows = 1

End If


' set the first and last displayed record

rs_raven_first = 1

rs_raven_last = rs_raven_first + rs_raven_numRows - 1


' if we have the correct record count, check the other stats

If (rs_raven_total <> -1) Then

If (rs_raven_first > rs_raven_total) Then rs_raven_first = rs_raven_total

If (rs_raven_last > rs_raven_total) Then rs_raven_last = rs_raven_total

If (rs_raven_numRows > rs_raven_total) Then rs_raven_numRows = rs_raven_total

End If



' *** Move To Record and Go To Record: declare variables


Set MM_rs = rs_raven

MM_rsCount = rs_raven_total

MM_size = rs_raven_numRows

MM_uniqueCol = ""

MM_paramName = ""

MM_offset = 0

MM_atTotal = false

MM_paramIsDefined = false

If (MM_paramName <> "") Then

MM_paramIsDefined = (Request.QueryString(MM_paramName) <> "")

End If



' *** Move To Record: handle 'index' or 'offset' parameter


if (Not MM_paramIsDefined And MM_rsCount <> 0) then


' use index parameter if defined, otherwise use offset parameter

r = Request.QueryString("index")

If r = "" Then r = Request.QueryString("offset")

If r <> "" Then MM_offset = Int®


' if we have a record count, check if we are past the end of the recordset

If (MM_rsCount <> -1) Then

If (MM_offset >= MM_rsCount Or MM_offset = -1) Then ' past end or move last

If ((MM_rsCount Mod MM_size) > 0) Then ' last page not a full repeat region

MM_offset = MM_rsCount - (MM_rsCount Mod MM_size)


MM_offset = MM_rsCount - MM_size

End If

End If

End If


' move the cursor to the selected record

i = 0

While ((Not MM_rs.EOF) And (i < MM_offset Or MM_offset = -1))


i = i + 1


If (MM_rs.EOF) Then MM_offset = i ' set MM_offset to the last possible record


End If



' *** Move To Record: if we dont know the record count, check the display range


If (MM_rsCount = -1) Then


' walk to the end of the display range for this page

i = MM_offset

While (Not MM_rs.EOF And (MM_size < 0 Or i < MM_offset + MM_size))


i = i + 1



' if we walked off the end of the recordset, set MM_rsCount and MM_size

If (MM_rs.EOF) Then

MM_rsCount = i

If (MM_size < 0 Or MM_size > MM_rsCount) Then MM_size = MM_rsCount

End If


' if we walked off the end, set the offset based on page size

If (MM_rs.EOF And Not MM_paramIsDefined) Then

If (MM_offset > MM_rsCount - MM_size Or MM_offset = -1) Then

If ((MM_rsCount Mod MM_size) > 0) Then

MM_offset = MM_rsCount - (MM_rsCount Mod MM_size)


MM_offset = MM_rsCount - MM_size

End If

End If

End If


' reset the cursor to the beginning

If (MM_rs.CursorType > 0) Then




End If


' move the cursor to the selected record

i = 0

While (Not MM_rs.EOF And i < MM_offset)


i = i + 1


End If



' *** Move To Record: update recordset stats


' set the first and last displayed record

rs_raven_first = MM_offset + 1

rs_raven_last = MM_offset + MM_size

If (MM_rsCount <> -1) Then

If (rs_raven_first > MM_rsCount) Then rs_raven_first = MM_rsCount

If (rs_raven_last > MM_rsCount) Then rs_raven_last = MM_rsCount

End If


' set the boolean used by hide region to check if we are on the last record

MM_atTotal = (MM_rsCount <> -1 And MM_offset + MM_size >= MM_rsCount)



' *** Go To Record and Move To Record: create strings for maintaining URL and Form parameters


' create the list of parameters which should not be maintained

MM_removeList = "&index="

If (MM_paramName <> "") Then MM_removeList = MM_removeList & "&" & MM_paramName & "="



' add the URL parameters to the MM_keepURL string

For Each Item In Request.QueryString

NextItem = "&" & Item & "="

If (InStr(1,MM_removeList,NextItem,1) = 0) Then

MM_keepURL = MM_keepURL & NextItem & Server.URLencode(Request.QueryString(Item))

End If



' add the Form variables to the MM_keepForm string

For Each Item In Request.Form

NextItem = "&" & Item & "="

If (InStr(1,MM_removeList,NextItem,1) = 0) Then

MM_keepForm = MM_keepForm & NextItem & Server.URLencode(Request.Form(Item))

End If



' create the Form + URL string and remove the intial '&' from each of the strings

MM_keepBoth = MM_keepURL & MM_keepForm

if (MM_keepBoth <> "") Then MM_keepBoth = Right(MM_keepBoth, Len(MM_keepBoth) - 1)

if (MM_keepURL <> "") Then MM_keepURL = Right(MM_keepURL, Len(MM_keepURL) - 1)

if (MM_keepForm <> "") Then MM_keepForm = Right(MM_keepForm, Len(MM_keepForm) - 1)


' a utility function used for adding additional parameters to these strings

Function MM_joinChar(firstItem)

If (firstItem <> "") Then

MM_joinChar = "&"


MM_joinChar = ""

End If

End Function



' *** Move To Record: set the strings for the first, last, next, and previous links


MM_keepMove = MM_keepBoth

MM_moveParam = "index"


' if the page has a repeated region, remove 'offset' from the maintained parameters

If (MM_size > 0) Then

MM_moveParam = "offset"

If (MM_keepMove <> "") Then

params = Split(MM_keepMove, "&")

MM_keepMove = ""

For i = 0 To UBound(params)

nextItem = Left(params(i), InStr(params(i),"=") - 1)

If (StrComp(nextItem,MM_moveParam,1) <> 0) Then

MM_keepMove = MM_keepMove & "&" & params(i)

End If


If (MM_keepMove <> "") Then

MM_keepMove = Right(MM_keepMove, Len(MM_keepMove) - 1)

End If

End If

End If


' set the strings for the move to links

If (MM_keepMove <> "") Then MM_keepMove = MM_keepMove & "&"

urlStr = Request.ServerVariables("URL") & "?" & MM_keepMove & MM_moveParam & "="

MM_moveFirst = urlStr & "0"

MM_moveLast = urlStr & "-1"

MM_moveNext = urlStr & Cstr(MM_offset + MM_size)

prev = MM_offset - MM_size

If (prev < 0) Then prev = 0

MM_movePrev = urlStr & Cstr(prev)



' *** Recordset Stats, Move To Record, and Go To Record: declare stats variables


Dim rs_raven_total

Dim rs_raven_first

Dim rs_raven_last


' set the number of rows displayed on this page

If (rs_raven_numRows < 0) Then

rs_raven_numRows = rs_raven_total

Elseif (rs_raven_numRows = 0) Then

rs_raven_numRows = 1

End If


' set the first and last displayed record

rs_raven_first = 1

rs_raven_last = rs_raven_first + rs_raven_numRows - 1


' if we have the correct record count, check the other stats

If (rs_raven_total <> -1) Then

If (rs_raven_first > rs_raven_total) Then

rs_raven_first = rs_raven_total

End If

If (rs_raven_last > rs_raven_total) Then

rs_raven_last = rs_raven_total

End If

If (rs_raven_numRows > rs_raven_total) Then

rs_raven_numRows = rs_raven_total

End If

End If



' *** Recordset Stats: if we don't know the record count, manually count them


If (rs_raven_total = -1) Then


' count the total records by iterating through the recordset


While (Not rs_raven.EOF)

rs_raven_total = rs_raven_total + 1




' reset the cursor to the beginning

If (rs_raven.CursorType > 0) Then




End If


' set the number of rows displayed on this page

If (rs_raven_numRows < 0 Or rs_raven_numRows > rs_raven_total) Then

rs_raven_numRows = rs_raven_total

End If


' set the first and last displayed record

rs_raven_first = 1

rs_raven_last = rs_raven_first + rs_raven_numRows - 1


If (rs_raven_first > rs_raven_total) Then

rs_raven_first = rs_raven_total

End If

If (rs_raven_last > rs_raven_total) Then

rs_raven_last = rs_raven_total

End If


End If



' *** Recordset Stats, Move To Record, and Go To Record: declare stats variables

' set the number of rows displayed on this page

If (rs_raven_numRows < 0) Then

rs_raven_numRows = rs_raven_total

Elseif (rs_raven_numRows = 0) Then

rs_raven_numRows = 1

End If


' set the first and last displayed record

rs_raven_first = 1

rs_raven_last = rs_raven_first + rs_raven_numRows - 1


' if we have the correct record count, check the other stats

If (rs_raven_total <> -1) Then

If (rs_raven_first > rs_raven_total) Then rs_raven_first = rs_raven_total

If (rs_raven_last > rs_raven_total) Then rs_raven_last = rs_raven_total

If (rs_raven_numRows > rs_raven_total) Then rs_raven_numRows = rs_raven_total

End If


<!--#include file="Connections/produtos.asp" -->


Dim rs_raven__MMColParam

rs_raven__MMColParam = "Ferramentas Universais."

If (Request("MM_EmptyValue") <> "") Then

rs_raven__MMColParam = Request("MM_EmptyValue")

End If



Dim rs_raven

Dim rs_raven_numRows


Set rs_raven = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

rs_raven.ActiveConnection = strCon

rs_raven.Source = "SELECT * FROM raven WHERE categoria = '" + Replace(rs_raven__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "'"

rs_raven.CursorType = 0

rs_raven.CursorLocation = 2

rs_raven.LockType = 1



rs_raven_numRows = 0

%><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<title>Untitled Document</title>

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color: #000000;

font-weight: bold;


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font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 10px;

color: #333333;


.style3 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #333333; font-weight: bold; }

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color: FF0033;








<div align="center">

<table width="210" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">



' Horizontal Looper

While ((Repeat_rs_raven__numRowsHL <> 0) AND (NOT rs_raven.EOF))


<td><table width="192" height="127" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">


<td width="19"> </td>

<td width="19" height="10"><div align="right"></div></td>

<td width="125" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div align="center" class="style1"></div></td>

<td width="19"><div align="left"></div></td>

<td width="19"> </td>



<td width="19"> </td>

<td width="19" height="9"><div align="right"><img src="imagens/jpg/tabelas/canto_sup_esq.gif" width="19" height="19"></div></td>

<td bgcolor="#FFCC99"><div align="center" class="style1"><%=(rs_raven.Fields.Item("codigo").Value)%></div></td>

<td width="19"><img src="imagens/jpg/tabelas/canto_sup_dir.gif" width="19" height="19"></td>

<td width="19"> </td>



<td> </td>

<td><div align="center"></div></td>

<td><div align="center"><img src="<%=(rs_raven.Fields.Item("imagem").Value)%>" width="60" height="60"></div></td>

<td> </td>

<td> </td>



<td> </td>

<td><div align="center"></div>

<div align="center" class="style3"></div></td>

<td class="style2"><%=(rs_raven.Fields.Item("desc_resumida").Value)%></td>

<td> </td>

<td> </td>



<td height="17" colspan="5"><div align="center" class="style3"><%=(rs_raven.Fields.Item("fabricante").Value)%></div></td>



<td> </td>

<td><div align="right"><img src="imagens/jpg/tabelas/canto_inf_esq.gif" width="19" height="19"></div></td>

<td bgcolor="#FFCC99"> </td>

<td><div align="left"><img src="imagens/jpg/tabelas/canto_inf_dir.gif" width="19" height="19"></div></td>

<td> </td>



<td> </td>

<td> </td>

<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td>

<td> </td>

<td> </td>




'Horizontal Looper




if len(nested_rs_raven)<=0 then

nested_rs_raven = 1

end if

if ((Repeat_rs_raven__numRowsHL <> 0) AND (NOT rs_raven.EOF) AND (nested_rs_raven mod 3 = 0)) then

Response.Write "</tr><tr>"

end if

nested_rs_raven = nested_rs_raven + 1

'end horizontal looper







<span class="style3"><br>


Página:</span> <br>


TM_counter = 0

For i = 1 to rs_raven_total Step MM_size

TM_counter = TM_counter + 1

TM_PageEndCount = i + MM_size - 1

if TM_PageEndCount > rs_raven_total Then TM_PageEndCount = rs_raven_total

if i <> MM_offset + 1 then

Response.Write("<a href=""" & Request.ServerVariables("URL") & "?" & MM_keepMove & "offset=" & i-1 & """>")

Response.Write(TM_counter & "</a>")


Response.Write("<b>" & TM_counter & "</b>")

End if

if(TM_PageEndCount <> rs_raven_total) then Response.Write(" | ")








Set rs_raven = Nothing


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