TheMaker 0 Denunciar post Postado Dezembro 20, 2004 Olá,Como faço p/ impedir q o usuário afobado clique várias vezes no ícone do meu programa e o mesmo abra inúmeras vezes? Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Dopi 0 Denunciar post Postado Dezembro 20, 2004 Achei esse código na Web... Insira no arquivo .DPR {$R *.res}beginApplication.Initialize;////////////////////////////////////////////////CreateMutex(nil, True, 'CodigoParaExcucaoUnicaDoAplicativo');if GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS thenbegin messagedlg('O sistema já foi inicializado!',mtinformation,[mbok],0); exit;end;////////////////////////////////////////////////Application.Title := 'Fidelizando';Application.CreateForm(TFLogin, FLogin);Application.CreateForm(TFPrincipal, FPrincipal);.... Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
TheMaker 0 Denunciar post Postado Dezembro 20, 2004 Salve Dopi!!! Deu certo sim!! Valeu!! você por acaso saberia como eu faço p/ alem de fechar a 2º execução do programa maximizar a 1° execução? Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Dopi 0 Denunciar post Postado Dezembro 20, 2004 Hummm.. é bem mais complicado pois é necessário "achar" a janela do programa anterior... Achei o código abaixo no CODCENTRAL da Borland. Esta bem documentado... mas mesmo assim é bem complexo... (* Just include this unit in your project *)(* ONE Instance APP Author : Clément Doss Date : 6 - DEZ - 2000 VErsion : 0.0 - First relaease*)(* If you have any suggestions or bug reports please do email it to *)(* How it works *)(* I am just trying to keep it simply stupid. I just wanted to add a unit to my project that will ensure that one and only one instance will be running. I never liked to change the Project Source to add stuff there... That´s why I wrote this unit. Just Add this unit to your project and only one application (with the same title) will be allowed to run.*)(* A few more details.... I am using the Application.Title property as an application identifier. If you are using two application with the same Application.Title, then the second one will not open.... I used the Title because it seems to be adequate to the following rules: 1) No code will be added. Just add the unit! 2) Two applications with the same title seems unlikely to happen. 3) ... Just not figured this one yet... I am using MUTEXes to check the existance of a second instance of the same application. Both CreateMutex and WaitForSingleObjects are available for Win9x and Windows NT. I have tested it with Windows 2000 pro, and delphi 5 E. But it should work with earlier versions of delphi. Enjoy... *)unit uDHSOneInstanceApp;interfaceimplementationuses Windows, // THandle defined here SysUtils, // strPCopy defined here Forms; // Application defined heretype TdhsOneInstanceApp = Class(TObject) private FMutex : THandle; FAppTitle : Array[0..$100] of char; procedure CheckForAnotherInstance; public { Public declarations } constructor Create; end;(* ////////// \\\\\\\\\\ *)var OneInstanceApp : TdhsOneInstanceApp;{ TdhsOnceInstance }constructor TdhsOneInstanceApp.Create;begin strPCopy(FappTitle,Application.Title); CheckForAnotherInstance;end;procedure TdhsOneInstanceApp.CheckForAnotherInstance;var hRunningApp : THandle;begin // .. This mutex will be freed when the applcation closes! FMutex := CreateMutex (nil, FALSE, FAppTitle ); if WaitForSingleObject (FMutex, 0) = wait_TimeOut then begin // Found another instance SetWindowText(Application.Handle,''); // We must not found this one again;) // Retrieving handle of the first instance; hRunningApp := FindWindow(nil,FAppTitle); if hRunningApp<>0 then begin if IsIconic(hRunningApp) then // First instance is minimized.. Restore it ShowWindow(hRunningApp,SW_RESTORE); BringWindowToTop(hRunningApp); SetForegroundWindow(hRunningApp); end; // Finish this second instance ... Application.ShowMainForm := False; // Well... don´t show the main windows Application.Terminate; Halt(2); end;end;initialization OneInstanceApp := TdhsOneInstanceApp.Create;finalization OneInstanceApp.Free;end. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
TheMaker 0 Denunciar post Postado Dezembro 21, 2004 Show de Bola Daniel!!! Funcionou perfeitamente!!! Valeu pela força!!!! Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites