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Como configurar o "global.asa"?

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Ae pessoal, não manjo de ASP... :(

Mas estou precisando configurar o ConquerChat que pede pra modificar o arquivo global.asa ... mas não sei como, no readme.txt dele diz isso:


This archive contains my ASP chat application. Most other chat-applications works using "Cookies" but not this one. This allows you to run this chat without requiring to set a cookie on the client-machine; something some users will appreciate. By using all files in this archive, you are actually able to set up and customise your own chatroom on your ASP enabled web site. In order to make the chat work properly, you will have to add a couple of lines in your "global.asa" file. The lines below are also included in the downloadable package. You should insert them in the top of your file, i.e. not in any of the default defined Sub functions.	<OBJECT RUNAT=Server  SCOPE=Application  ID=conquerChatUsers  PROGID="Scripting.Dictionary">	</OBJECT>	<OBJECT RUNAT=Server  SCOPE=Application  ID=conquerChatRooms  PROGID="Scripting.Dictionary">	</OBJECT>	<OBJECT RUNAT=Server  SCOPE=Application  ID=conquerChatMessages  PROGID="Scripting.Dictionary">	</OBJECT>The lines above makes it possible to store currently logged in chat users, rooms and messages. We check this object every time we refresh the chat window page and kick out inactive users. If you do not have a 'global.asa' file use the one provided with this package. You have to place it in the root of your web server and not in the "chat" directory or where you place all the other files. You *have* to place this in the ROOT of your web server .. and *NOT* in the "chat" directory.

Valeu ae.

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modificar pra fazer o que???

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ainda não entendi sua duvida...você já tem algo ou quer começar do zero??

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você tem q por esse arquivo na pasta raíz do seu server....... ex: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\seusiteE tira aquelas linhas de texto explicativo, só deixa oq está dentre os <object></object>

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