Makiba 0 Denunciar post Postado Abril 10, 2005 Por favor, se alguém puder me ajudar!!Instalei o Oracle 8.1.7 e preciso instalar o Report Builder. Quando começo a instaló-lo, é pedido definições da instalações oracle como: diretório do oracle home - nome(coloco OraHome81) - localização(não fica habilitado)Porém, mais adiante na instalação, há uma mensagem dizendo que o local especificado (c:\oracle\ora81) já está sendo utilizado como um oracle home e não pode ser feita a instalação. É pedido então que eu mude a localização.Mas se eu mudar a localização para qualquer outra, é mudado também o nome do oracle home(OraHome81) e mais adiante é dito que precisa ser instalado em 'OraHome81'.Estou sem alternativas...não tenho experiência e não sei o que fazer.No aguardo!! Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
alphamek 2 Denunciar post Postado Abril 11, 2005 Veja se isso pode te ajudar. 2.6.1 Co-existence in the same $ORACLE_HOME with Previous Releases Oracle Developer 1.6.1 and Oracle Reports Developer 6i can co- exist in the same $ORACLE_HOME. Oracle Developer 2.1 and Oracle Reports Developer 6i can co-exist in the same $ORACLE_HOME. Oracle Developer 1.6.1 and Oracle Developer 2.1 CANNOT co-exist in the same $ORACLE_HOME. Oracle Developer 6.0 and Oracle Reports Developer 6i CANNOT co- exist in the same $ORACLE_HOME.Olhe isso também.Path Requirement for Multiple ORACLE_HOMEs In order for the Reports CGI rwcgi60.exe to run successfully on NT when there are multiple ORACLE_HOMEs, it is imperative that the %ORACLE_HOME%\bin directory be in the machine's PATH environment setting, ahead of any other <ORACLE_HOME>\bin directories. This path setting has to have been in effect WHEN THE MACHINE WAS LAST BOOTED, in order for it to be "seen" by the CGI (assuming that whatever Web Listener the user is using is being run as an NT service, which will usually be the case). If these conditions are not met, there are two possible consequences: 1. The CGI's may fail to run because one or more DLLs on which they depend, such as core40.dll, cannot be found. This occurs if the %ORACLE_HOME%\bin directory is not present in the PATH. 2. The CGI's may crash, because an incompatible version of core40.dll is being used. This can occur in the case of multiple ORACLE_HOMEs, if an ORACLE_HOME other than that into which Forms or Reports was installed appears in the PATH before the Forms or Reports ORACLE_HOME). Of these, situation #1 should not normally be a problem, because the installation process always adds %ORACLE_HOME%\bin to the PATH and instructs the user to reboot the machine if one of the CGI's was installed. Situation #2 is known to occur if you install Reports into one ORACLE_HOME, then install OEM into a separate ORACLE_HOME (which is in fact mandatory). This second ORACLE_HOME's bin directory will be added into the machine's PATH environment setting, by the installation process, ahead of the first one (giving for example (c:\orant2\bin;c:\orant1\bin;c:\winNT\system32;...etc). Once the user reboots, this will cause the Forms and Reports CGIs to Beleza. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites