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msn + php

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Bom é o seguinte queria saber como eu posso fazer um programa via Site que acesse o MSN online ...Tipo queria colocar no site da empresa pela qual presto serviço estilo este ...www.meebo.comQueria saber se é possivel .....Obs: aqui na empresa nao posso procurar nada relacionado com MSN,ETC,etc .... por isto estou postando aqui.. hehehe :rolleyes: Se alguem souber um site bala que explique tudo sobre como desenvolver um MSN online agradeço .. :D Outra OBs: na Url nao pode ter MSN escrito ... tipo etc Flw

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kra da uma olhada nessa classe phpdeve ser isso que você procura

Tche velho tu poderia salva um site pra download ou colocar o codigo aqui é ta bloqueando quando tento acessar o link MSN .. Que m***** Mas vlw mesmo vou salvar o link e tentar abrir em casa

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Ai consegui o so agora so falta entender o como eu chamo etc etc.. se alguem souber


<?ob_implicit_flush();class MSN{	var $_AccountName = '';	var $_AccountPassword = '';//	var $_DisServerAddress = '';	var $_DisServerAddress = '';	var $_DisServerPort = 1863;	var $_NotServerAddress;	var $_NotServerPort;	var $_Debug = false;	var $_Connected = false;	var $_Socket;	var $_iD = 0;	var $_EncodeProtocol = 'MD5';	var $_MSNver = '5.0.0543';	var $_Status = array(						"Online"		  => "NLN",		// Áª»ú						"Offline"		 => "FLN",		// ÍÑ»ú						"Hidden"		  => "HDN",		// ÒþÉí						"Idle"			=> "IDL",		// ·¢´ô						"Away"			=> "AWY",		// À뿪						"Busy"			=> "BSY",		// æµ						"Be Right Back"   => "BRB",		// ÂíÉÏ»ØÀ´						"On the Phone"	=> "PHN",		// ½ÓÌýµç»°						"Out to Lunch"	=> "LUN",		// Íâ³ö¾Í²Í						);	var $_ConnectStatus = '';	var $_useLanguage = '0x0804'; 	var $MSNProtocol = 'MSNP2';	var $ScreenName = '';	var $TimeOut = 30;	var $ScanTime = 1;	var $ERRiD;	var $ERRiNFO = '';	function MSN( $_AccountName, $_AccountPassword, $ScreenName = "", $_ConnectStatus = "Online" )	{		if ( $_AccountName )			$this->_AccountName = $_AccountName;		else			return false;		if ( $_AccountPassword )			$this->_AccountPassword = $_AccountPassword;		else			return false;		if ( $ScreenName )			$this->ScreenName = $ScreenName;		else			$this->ScreenName = $this->_AccountName;		if ( $_ConnectStatus )			$this->_ConnectStatus = $this->_Status[$_ConnectStatus];		else			$this->_ConnectStatus = $this->_Status["Online"];	}	function Login()	{		if ( $this->_Debug )			$this->_ShowDebug( "ÕýÔÚÁ¬½Ó MSN µÄ Dispatch ·þÎñÆ÷¡­¡­", "black" );		if ( !$this->_Connected )			if ( $this->_Socket = @fsockopen( $this->_DisServerAddress, $this->_DisServerPort, $this->ERRiD, $this->ERRiNFO, $this->TimeOut ) )				$this->_Connected = true;			else				die( "Á¬½Ó Dispatch ·þÎñÆ÷³ö´í£¡" );		$this->_SendCMD( 'VER '.$this->_iD.' '.$this->MSNProtocol );		if ( eregi( '^VER ', $this->_RecvData() ) )		{			if ( $this->_Debug )				$this->_ShowDebug( "Óë MSN µÄ Dispatch ·þÎñÆ÷£º$this->_DisServerAddress ͨѶ³É¹¦", "green" );		}		$this->_SendCMD( 'INF '.$this->_iD++ );		if ( eregi( '^INF ', $this->_RecvData() ) )		{			if ( $this->_Debug )				$this->_ShowDebug( "ÒѾ­µÃµ½¼ÓÃÜ°üÁË£¡", "green" );		}		$this->_SendCMD('USR ' . $this->_iD++ . ' ' . $this->_EncodeProtocol . ' I ' . $this->_AccountName);		$inbound = $this->_RecvData();		if (eregi('^XFR ', $inbound))		{			if ( $this->_Debug )				$this->_ShowDebug( "Óû§µÄ Passport ×ÊÁÏÕýÔÚ·¢ËÍ£¬µÈ´ý´«ÊäÖÐ", "black" );			@list($cmd, $trid, $type, $info, $etc) = explode(' ', $inbound);			$info = trim($info);			if ( $this->_Debug )				$this->_ShowDebug( "ÒѾ­½ÓÊÕµ½´«Êä·þÎñÆ÷µÄÐÅÏ¢£º$info", "black" );			@list($srv, $prt) = explode(':', $info);			$this->_NotServerAddress = $srv;			$this->_NotServerPort = $prt;			if ( $this->_Debug )				$this->_ShowDebug( "Notification ·þÎñÆ÷µÄµØַΪ£º$srv", "blue" );			if ( $this->_Debug )				$this->_ShowDebug( "Notification ·þÎñÆ÷µÄµØַΪ£º$prt", "blue" );			if ( $this->_Debug )				$this->_ShowDebug( "¹Ø±ÕÓë Dispatch ·þÎñÆ÷µÄ SocketÁ¬½ÓÖС­¡­", "blue" );			$this->_Connected = false;			$this->_LoginNotificationServer();		}	}	function KeepConnect()	{		while( 1 )		{			$_RecivedData = $this->_RecvData();			if( eregi( '^RNG ', $_RecivedData ) )				$bla = new _MSNuser( $_RecivedData, $this->_AccountName );//			usleep( $this->ScanTime * 1000 );		}	} 	function Debug( $_DebugStatus = true )	{		$this->_Debug = $_DebugStatus;	} // ½áÊø Debug º¯Êý	function _LoginNotificationServer() {		if ( $this->_Debug )			$this->_ShowDebug( "¿ªÊ¼Óë Notification ·þÎñÆ÷Á¬½Ó", "black" );		if ( !$this->_Connected )		{			if ( !($this->_Socket = @fsockopen( $this->_NotServerAddress, $this->_NotServerPort, $this->ERRiD, $this->ERRiNFO, $this->TimeOut )) )				die("noti");			$this->_Connected = true;			$this->_SendCMD( 'VER '.$this->_iD++.' '.$this->MSNProtocol );			if ( eregi( '^VER ', $this->_RecvData() ) ) 			{				if ( $this->_Debug )					$this->_ShowDebug( "Óë Notification µÄ·þÎñÆ÷£¨$this->_NotServerAddress£©Í¨Ñ¶³É¹¦", "green" );			}			$this->_SendCMD( 'INF '.$this->_iD++ );			if ( eregi( '^INF ', $this->_RecvData() ) )			{				// ¼ÙÈçÉèÖÃÐèÒªµ÷ÊÔ±ê¼Ç£¬ÔòÊä³öµ±Ç°Ö´ÐеÄ״̬				if ( $this->_Debug )					$this->_ShowDebug( "ÒѾ­È¡µÃ¼ÓÃÜ°ü", "green" );			}			$this->_SendCMD( 'USR '.$this->_iD++.' '.$this->_EncodeProtocol.' I '.$this->_AccountName );			$inbound = $this->_RecvData();			if ( eregi( '^USR ', $inbound ) )			{				@list( $cmd, $trid, $enc, $mode, $digest ) = explode( ' ', $inbound );				if ( trim( $mode ) == 'S' )				{					// ¼ÙÈçÉèÖÃÐèÒªµ÷ÊÔ±ê¼Ç£¬ÔòÊä³öµ±Ç°Ö´ÐеÄ״̬					if ( $this->_Debug )						$this->_ShowDebug( "ÒѾ­È¡µÃ¼ÓÃÜģʽ", "green" );					$encpass = md5( trim( $digest ) . $this->_AccountPassword );					$this->_SendCMD( 'USR '.$this->_iD++.' MD5 S '.$encpass );					// ¼ÙÈçÉèÖÃÐèÒªµ÷ÊÔ±ê¼Ç£¬ÔòÊä³öµ±Ç°Ö´ÐеÄ״̬					if ( $this->_Debug )						$this->_ShowDebug( "¼ÓÃܺóµÄÕ˺óÃÜÂë·¢ËÍÖУº$encpass", "black" );				}			}			$final = $this->_RecvData();			if ( eregi( '^USR ', $final ) )			{				@list( $cmd, $trid, $stat, $usr, $sn, $etc ) = explode( ' ', $final );				if ( trim( $stat ) == 'OK' )				{					// ¼ÙÈçÉèÖÃÐèÒªµ÷ÊÔ±ê¼Ç£¬ÔòÊä³öµ±Ç°Ö´ÐеÄ״̬					if ( $this->_Debug )						$this->_ShowDebug( "µÇ½ MSN ³É¹¦¡£", "green" );					// ·¢Ë͵ǽºóÏÔʾÎÒµÄ״̬µÄÖ¸Áî					$this->_SendCMD( 'CHG '.$this->_iD++.' '.$this->_ConnectStatus );					$this->_SendCMD( 'BLP '.$this->_iD++.' AL' );					// ·¢ËÍÏÔʾÃû³Æ					$this->_SendCMD( 'REA '.$this->_iD++.' '.$this->_AccountName.' '.urlencode( $this->ScreenName ) );//						$this->_SendCMD('CVR '.$this->_iD++.' 5.0.0543 5.0.0543 1.0.0000');					$this->_SendCMD('CVR '.$this->_iD++.' '.$this->_useLanguage.' win 4.10 i386 MSMSGS '.$this->_MSNver.' MSMSGS');				}			}		}	}	function _RecvData()	{		if ( !$this->_Connected )			return false;		$OriginalData = fgets( $this->_Socket, 2048 );		if( $OriginalData != "" )		{			if ( $this->_Debug )				$this->_ShowDebug( "ÒѾ­ÊÕµ½Êý¾Ý£º$OriginalData", "green" );			flush();			return $OriginalData;		}		else			return false;	}	function _SendCMD( $Data, $DataStream = "ASCII" )	{		if ( !$this->_Connected )			return false;		if ( $this->_Debug )			$this->_ShowDebug( "ÕýÔÚ·¢ËÍÖ¸Á$Data", "red" );		flush();		if( $DataStream == "ASCII" )			$Data = $Data."\r\n";		return fputs( $this->_Socket, $Data );	} // ½áÊø _SendCMD º¯Êý	function _ShowDebug( $_descINFO, $_descCOLOR )	{		echo "<font color=$_descCOLOR>";		echo $_descINFO;		echo "</font><br>";	} // ½áÊø _ShowDebug º¯Êý} // ½áÊø MSN Àà¿âclass _MSNuser{	var $TimeOut = 30;	var $_Connected = false;	var $ERRiD;	var $ERRiNFO = '';	var $ScanTime = 1;	var $_Socket;	var $_switchip;	var $_switchport;	var $_iD = 1;	var $_end = false;	function _MSNuser( $_OriginalData, $_AccountName ){		echo "nieuwe";//		$this->_iD = 1;		@list( $cmd, $sesid, $switchip, $bla, $hash, $contact_email, $contact_name ) = explode( " ", $_OriginalData );//echo "·ÖÎöµÃµ½£º".$switchip;		@list( $this->_switchip, $this->_switchport ) = explode( ":", $switchip );		if ( $this->_Debug )			$this->_ShowDebug( "ÕýÔÚÁ¬½ÓµØÖ·£º$this->_switchip", "red" );		if ( $this->_Debug )			$this->_ShowDebug( "ÕýÔÚÁ¬½Ó¶Ë¿Ú£ºthis->_switchport", "red" );		if ( $this->_Socket = fsockopen( $this->_switchip, $this->_switchport, $this->ERRiD, $thos->ERRiNFO, $this->TimeOut ) )			$this->_Connected = true;//		die("unablue cont contact");		//set_file_buffer($this->_Socket,0);		//ANS 1 989495494.750408580 11742066		$this->_SendCMD( "ANS ".$this->_iD++." ".$_AccountName." ".$hash." ".$sesid );/*		while( $this->_Connected )		{			if ($this->_RecvData()) {				if ($this->_end) {//					usleep( 10 * 1000 );				}			}		}*///		$this->SendMSG("ÄãºÃ£¬ÎÒÊÇ»úÆ÷ÈË£¬\r\nÈç¹ûÄãÓÐʲôÊÂÇéÇëÊäÈëÒÔÏÂÖ¸Á\r\n\/help\r\n\/time\r\n\/date\r\n\/bye\r\n\/killserver");while (!feof($this->_Socket)){	$output=fgets( $this->_Socket,2048);	if(ereg("hi",$output))	{		$this->SendMSG("hello ".$_AccountName);	}	if(ereg("fuck",$output))	{		$this->SendMSG("hey man, dont say this!");	}	if(ereg("/time",$output))	{		$time=date("H:i");		$this->SendMSG($time);	}	if(ereg("/date",$output))	{		$time=date("m-d-y");		$this->SendMSG($time);	}	if(ereg("/bye",$output))	{		$this->SendMSG( "Bai" );		$this->_SendCMD( "OUT", "BIN" );/*		echo"Connection to switchboard closed<br><script>self.close();</script>";*///		exit;	}	if(ereg("/killserver",$output))	{		$this->SendMSG( "Bai" );		$this->_SendCMD( "OUT", "BIN" );/*		echo"Connection to switchboard closed<br><script>self.close();</script>";*/		exit;	}	if(ereg("TypingUser: ",$output))	{/*		echo "<script>document.bgColor = \"#113311\";setTimeout(\"black()\", 5000);</script>"; */	}}	} // ½áÊø _MSNuser µÄϤ¹¹º¯Êý	function SendMSG( $_MSG ){//		$header = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\nX-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0\r\n\r\n";	$header ="MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";	$header .="Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n\r\n";	  $header .= $_MSG;	$this->_SendCMD( 'MSG '.$this->_iD++.' N '.strlen( $header )."\r\n".$header, "BIN" );	}	function _RecvData()	{		$d = fgets ( $this->_Socket, 2048 );		$_result = trim( $d );if ($_result){	flush();//	return $_}		// Çå¿Õ Socket ÖеÄÄÚÈÝ		return $d;	}	function _ParseData($Origin)	{		$d = fgets ( $this->_Socket, 2048 );		flush();		return $d;	}	function _SendCMD( $_CMD, $_DataType = "ASCII" )	{//		$_Data = $_CMD." ".$this->_iD++." ".$_Data;		$_Data = $_CMD;		if ( $this->_Debug )			$this->_ShowDebug( "ÕýÔÚ·¢ËÍÊý¾Ý£¨µ½¶Ô·½Óû§£©£º$data", "red" );		if( $_DataType = "ASCII" )			$_Data .= "\r\n";		return fputs( $this->_Socket, $_Data );		flush();	} // ½áÊø _SendCMD º¯Êý	function _ShowDebug( $_descINFO, $_descCOLOR )	{		echo "<font color=$_descCOLOR>";		echo $_descINFO;		echo "</font><br>";	} } ?>




E aqui chama a class ...


<?include('class.msn.php');flush();$msn = new MSN( '', 'password-at-here', 'screen-name', "Online" );$msn->Debug();$msn->Login();$msn->KeepConnect();?>

O problema que o codigo é muito confuzo :<


Gostaria que alguem me ajudasse a desenvolver um MSN proprio





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mto bom vlw

só uma pergunta: se eu colocar esses codigos acima em arquivos PHP com os nomes sample1.php e class.msn.php o script funciona normalmente??

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