trdc 0 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 23, 2006 Pessoal,Preciso atualizar uma tabela no Mysql.E os dados estão em um arquivo XML.Consegui exportar do Banco para o XML mas o contrário não.Como faço isso.Abração Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
trdc 0 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 23, 2006 Vamos lá pessoal.Por favor. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Fabyo 66 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 23, 2006 posta como você ta fazendo Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
trdc 0 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 23, 2006 Ai é que tá. eu não sei como fazer.Peguei uns exemplos usando o DOM XML aqui e não deu certo.Nem sei se isso é o que preciso. O DOM XML.<?php$doc = DOMDocument::load('book.xml');echo $doc->saveXML();$doc = new DOMDocument();$doc->load('teste.xml');echo $doc->saveXML();?> Assim ele deu este erro:Fatal error: Undefined class name 'domdocument' in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\teste_php\com_xml\dom.php on line 2Dá uma mão por favor.To desesperado. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Fabyo 66 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 23, 2006 você quer exportar do xml pra banco de dados? Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
trdc 0 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 23, 2006 Isso. Exportar do arquivo XML que tem a mesma estrutura do banco de dados.O cliente irá gerar um XML do Banco off-line para dentro do FTP com o mesmo formato que está o banco MYSQL on-line.Dai eu tenho que criar um programação para que com um clique ele atualize o Banco on-line. Buscando os registros atualizados dentro do XML.Tendeu? Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
trdc 0 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 23, 2006 Pessoal eu sou iniciante em PHP. Realmente preciso de ajuda para entender certas coisas. Achei uns arquivos que parecem muito bons. mas não funciona nada aqui. Eles tem uma extensão que desconheço. (.phtml) Tenho certeza que o problema é comigo. Alguem poderia me esclarer? Vi que existem muitos com a mesma dúvida. Espero que alguem decifre. Os arquivos são os seguintes: class.mysql_xml.phtml <?php // // Por Ricardo Costa - - 2002 // Classe conversão de query MySQL em XML // Requer as classes recordSet e XMLFile // // mysql2xml // +---- recordSet // Instancia de recordSet // +---- xml // Instancia de XMLFile // +---- mysql2xml() // Inicia as Instancias de recordset e XMLFile // +---- convertToXML( Seltença SQL, Nome do Arquivo ) // +---- insertIntoMySQL( Nome do Arquivo, Nome da Tabela) { // // require("class.recordset.phtml"); require("class.xml.phtml"); class mysql2xml { var $recordSet; var $xml; # Inicializa criando os membros function mysql2xml() { $this->recordSet = new recordSet(); $this->xml = new XMLFile(); } # Inicializa criando os membros # Convert a query em XML function convertToXML($sql, $filename) { $result = $this->recordSet->select($sql); $this->xml->create_root(); $this->xml->roottag->name = "table"; while ($list_result = $this->recordSet->setRow($result)) { $this->xml->roottag->add_subtag("ROW", array()); $tag = &$this->xml->roottag->curtag; for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->recordSet->fieldsCount($result)- 1; $i++){ $tag->add_subtag($this->recordSet->getFieldName($result, $i), array()); $tag->curtag->cdata = $list_result[$i]; } } $xml_file = fopen($filename, "w" ); $this->xml->write_file_handle( $xml_file ); } # Convert a query em XML # Inseri XML em tabela function insertIntoMySQL($filename, $tablename) { $xml_file = fopen($filename, "r"); $this->xml->read_file_handle($xml_file); $numRows = $this->xml->roottag->num_subtags(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i++) { $arrFields = null; $arrValues = null; $row = $this->xml->roottag->tags[$i]; $numFields = $row->num_subtags(); for ($ii = 0; $ii < $numFields; $ii++) { $field = $row->tags[$ii]; $arrFields[] = $field->name; $arrValues[] = "\"".$field->cdata."\""; } $fields = join($arrFields, ", "); $values = join($arrValues, ", "); $this->recordSet->exec("Insert Into $tablename ($fields) Values ($values)"); } } # Inseri XML em tabela } # Final da Classe ?> class.xml.phtml <?php # XMLFile -- Initial version June 1, 2000 # May 29, 2002 # Fixed to work with later versions of PHP that have deprecated the call-time # pass by reference syntax. This may break versions of PHP older than 3, so # if you are using this on those versions, go with an earlier version. # Also added some more comments on how to use it to create XML files. Some # people (a surprising number of them, in fact) were having difficulty # understanding the recursive nature of XML files, and that each tag has # subtags, each of which can have subtags, each of which.... # July 12, 2001 # Fixed an oops in the find_subtags_by_name function. # July 11, 2001 # Incorporated Kevin Howe's read_xml_string function. # Incorporated Mike Konkov's find_subtags_by_name function (with some changes). # Fixed an errant documentation comment (open instead of fopen -- oops). # # September 29, 2000 # by Chris Monson -- This PHP module is licensed under the GNU LGPL ( # Please become familiar with this license before sending this thing all over # the place! I would like to have any changes submitted back to me, and this # comment must be included with any distribution of this component. # # The purpose of this module was to provide a simple interface for dealing with # small to medium sized XML files. It is probably not suitable for very large # files since it reads the entire file into a structure in memory. For very # large files, the XML parsing functions should be used more or less directly # so that pieces of the file can be dealt with as they are read in. # # The basic idea is this: Read the XML file into an internal tree structure # that is easy to traverse. This module also allows you to create such a # structure in memory and then write it out to disk. The output is formatted # in a nice, readable way, using whitespace to delimit tag containment, etc. # It makes it very easy to write nice-looking XML files. # # I have included some usage comments. They are almost certainly incomplete. # If you get stumped, first use the source, then email me. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### USAGE ### #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Reading an XML file: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # $xml = new XMLFile(); # $fh = fopen( 'myxmlfile.xml', 'r' ); # $xml->read_file_handle( $fh ); # close( $fh ); # # Now the tags can be accessed via the root node of $xml: # # $root = &$xml->roottag; # $tagname = $root->name; # $tagdata = $root->cdata; # # Note that a tag is of the following form: # <NAME attribute=value>CDATA</NAME> # Each tag contains an attributes array, which is associative by nature. In # other words, you would access the value of "attribute" as follows: # # $value = $root->attributes['attribute']; # # Also, each tag has a 'tags' proprerty, which is an ordered array (integer # indices, not associative!) which has the tags that were contained within # this tag in their order of appearance. The reason that this is not # associative is that there can be multiple tags of the same name. There is # nothing in the XML spec (barring a DTD) that declares the uniqueness of tag # names. For example: # # <OUTER> # <INNER>CDATA</INNER> # <INNER name="hello"/> # </OUTER> # # In the above example, the outer tag would have a tags array that has two # entries, each of which has a tag name of "INNER". The one with CDATA wrapped # inside would be at index 0, and the other would be at index 1. # # Once you have finished with the XMLFile object, you need to call the cleanup # method. If you don't, you will get a memory leak, since PHP is reference # counted and each element in the tree refers to its parent. 'cleanup' simply # traverses the tree and disconnects the parent pointers. The PHP cleans up # everything else. # # $xml->cleanup(); # # Note that you can change the elements, delete tags, and do other things # to the tree once it has been read from the file. After it has been changed, # you can write it back out and the file will reflect your changes. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Writing a new file: # # $xml = new XMLFile(); # $xml->create_root(); # necessary -- no root is created until requested # $xml->roottag->name = 'ROOT'; # $xml->roottag->add_subtag( 'INNER', array() ); # $innertag = &$xml->roottag->curtag; # $innertag->add_subtag( 'REALLYINNER', array() ); # # Or, you can do this: # $xml->roottag->curtag->add_subtag( 'INNER2', array() ); # # The point is that each tag can have subtags. The most recently added # # subtag is always the curtag of its parent. # $xml->roottag->add_subtag( 'INNER', array( 'name' => 'value' ) ); # $xml->roottag->curtag->cdata = "Hello!"; # curtag is the most recent addition # $fh = fopen( 'myxmlfile.xml', 'w' ); # $xml->write_file_handle( $fh ); # close( $fh ); # # The file will look like this: (no space between ? and >) # # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ? > # <ROOT> # <INNER> # <REALLYINNER/> # <INNER2/> # </INNER> # <INNER name="value">Hello!</INNER> # </ROOT> # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # if (!isset($XMLFile_Included) || !$XMLFile_Included) { $XMLFile_Included = 1; ############################################################################### class XMLTag { var $cdata; var $attributes; var $name; var $tags; var $parent; var $curtag; function XMLTag(&$parent) { if (is_object( $parent )) { $this->parent = &$parent; } $this->_init(); } function _init() { $this->attributes = array(); $this->cdata = ''; $this->name = ''; $this->tags = array(); } function add_subtag($name, $attributes=0) { $tag = new XMLTag( $this ); $tag->set_name( $name ); if (is_array($attributes)) { $tag->set_attributes( $attributes ); } $this->tags[] = &$tag; $this->curtag = &$tag; } function find_subtags_by_name( $name ) { $result = array(); $found=false; for($i=0;$i<$this->num_subtags();$i++) { if(strtoupper($this->tags[$i]->name)==strtoupper($name)) { $found=true; $array2return[]=&$this->tags[$i]; } } if($found) { return $array2return; } else { return false; } } function clear_subtags() { # Traverse the structure, removing the parent pointers $numtags = sizeof($this->tags); $keys = array_keys( $this->tags ); foreach( $keys as $k ) { $this->tags[$k]->clear_subtags(); unset($this->tags[$k]->parent); } # Clear the tags array $this->tags = array(); unset( $this->curtag ); } function remove_subtag($index) { if (is_object($this->tags[$index])) { unset($this->tags[$index]->parent); unset($this->tags[$index]); } } function num_subtags() { return sizeof( $this->tags ); } function add_attribute( $name, $val ) { $this->attributes[strtoupper($name)] = $val; } function clear_attributes() { $this->attributes = array(); } function set_name( $name ) { $this->name = strtoupper($name); } function set_attributes( $attributes ) { $this->attributes = (is_array($attributes)) ? $attributes : array(); } function add_cdata( $data ) { $this->cdata .= $data; } function clear_cdata() { $this->cdata = ""; } function write_file_handle( $fh, $prepend_str='' ) { # Get the attribute string $attrs = array(); $attr_str = ''; foreach( $this->attributes as $key => $val ) { $attrs[] = strtoupper($key) . "=\"$val\""; } if ($attrs) { $attr_str = join( " ", $attrs ); } # Write out the start element $tagstr = "$prepend_str<{$this->name}"; if ($attr_str) { $tagstr .= " $attr_str"; } $keys = array_keys( $this->tags ); $numtags = sizeof( $keys ); # If there are subtags and no data (only whitespace), # then go ahead and add a carriage # return. Otherwise the tag should be of this form: # <tag>val</tag> # If there are no subtags and no data, then the tag should be # closed: <tag attrib="val"/> $trimmeddata = trim( $this->cdata ); if ($numtags && ($trimmeddata == "")) { $tagstr .= ">\n"; } elseif (!$numtags && ($trimmeddata == "")) { $tagstr .= "/>\n"; } else { $tagstr .= ">"; } fwrite( $fh, $tagstr ); # Write out the data if it is not purely whitespace if ($trimmeddata != "") { fwrite( $fh, $trimmeddata ); } # Write out each subtag foreach( $keys as $k ) { $this->tags[$k]->write_file_handle( $fh, "$prepend_str\t" ); } # Write out the end element if necessary if ($numtags || ($trimmeddata != "")) { $tagstr = "</{$this->name}>\n"; if ($numtags) { $tagstr = "$prepend_str$tagstr"; } fwrite( $fh, $tagstr ); } } } ############################################################################### class XMLFile { var $parser; var $roottag; var $curtag; function XMLFile() { $this->init(); } # Until there is a suitable destructor mechanism, this needs to be # called when the file is no longer needed. This calls the clear_subtags # method of the root node, which eliminates all circular references # in the xml tree. function cleanup() { if (is_object( $this->roottag )) { $this->roottag->clear_subtags(); } } function init() { $this->roottag = ""; $this->curtag = &$this->roottag; } function create_root() { $null = 0; $this->roottag = new XMLTag($null); $this->curtag = &$this->roottag; } # read_xml_string # Same as read_file_handle, but you pass it a string. Note that # depending on the size of the XML, this could be rather memory intensive. # Contributed July 06, 2001 by Kevin Howe function read_xml_string( $str ) { $this->init(); $this->parser = xml_parser_create("UTF-8"); xml_set_object( $this->parser, $this ); xml_set_element_handler( $this->parser, "_tag_open", "_tag_close" ); xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->parser, "_cdata" ); xml_parse( $this->parser, $str ); xml_parser_free( $this->parser ); } function read_file_handle( $fh ) { $this->init(); $this->parser = xml_parser_create("UTF-8"); xml_set_object( $this->parser, $this ); xml_set_element_handler( $this->parser, "_tag_open", "_tag_close" ); xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->parser, "_cdata" ); while( $data = fread( $fh, 4096 )) { if (!xml_parse( $this->parser, $data, feof( $fh ) )) { die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser))); } } xml_parser_free( $this->parser ); } function write_file_handle( $fh, $write_header=1 ) { if ($write_header) { fwrite( $fh, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" ); } # Start at the root and write out all of the tags $this->roottag->write_file_handle( $fh ); } ###### UTIL ####### function _tag_open( $parser, $tag, $attributes ) { #print "tag_open: $parser, $tag, $attributes\n"; # If the current tag is not set, then we are at the root if (!is_object($this->curtag)) { $null = 0; $this->curtag = new XMLTag($null); $this->curtag->set_name( $tag ); $this->curtag->set_attributes( $attributes ); } else { # otherwise, add it to the tag list and move curtag $this->curtag->add_subtag( $tag, $attributes ); $this->curtag = &$this->curtag->curtag; } } function _tag_close( $parser, $tag ) { # Move the current pointer up a level $this->curtag = &$this->curtag->parent; } function _cdata( $parser, $data ) { $this->curtag->add_cdata( $data ); } } ############################################################################### } // included ############################################################################### example_mysql_to_xml.phtml <?php require("class.xml.phtml"); require("class.mysql_xml.phtml"); $conv = new mysql2xml; $conv->convertToXML("Select * From users", "users.xml"); ?> example_xml_to_mysql.phtml <?php require("class.xml.phtml"); require("class.mysql_xml.phtml"); # Clear table only for example $table = new recordset; $table->exec("Delete From users"); # Clear table only for example $conv = new mysql2xml; $conv->insertIntoMySQL("users.xml", "users"); ?> Tem tambem uma isntrução em SQL para criar este banco: users.sql # MySQL-Front Dump 2.5 # # Host: Database: icorp_master # -------------------------------------------------------- # Server version 3.23.36 # # Table structure for table 'users' # CREATE TABLE users ( iduser int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, login varchar(16) default NULL, senha varchar(16) default NULL, email varchar(160) default NULL, nome varchar(160) default NULL, fone varchar(16) default NULL, celular varchar(16) default NULL, admin tinyint(1) default NULL, grupo varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', dataace varchar(22) NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', endereco varchar(120) NOT NULL default '', ramal varchar(6) NOT NULL default '', fonecasa varchar(16) NOT NULL default '', valorhora double(4,2) NOT NULL default '0.00', horasc double(4,2) NOT NULL default '0.00', alimentacao double(4,2) NOT NULL default '0.00', transporte double(4,2) NOT NULL default '0.00', ativo int(1) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (iduser), UNIQUE KEY iduser (iduser) ) TYPE=ISAM PACK_KEYS=1; # # Dumping data for table 'users' # INSERT INTO users VALUES("2", "jorge", "oxe", "", "Fernando Jorge", "439-9148", "9292-2664", "0", "Produção", "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "", "", "", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0"); INSERT INTO users VALUES("5", "itamar", "itamac", "", "Itamar Medeiros", "3247-1959", "9987-7082", "0", "Produção", "31/08/2001 17:30:55", "", "211", "3469-2168", "4.50", "8.00", "5.00", "3.00", "0"); INSERT INTO users VALUES("6", "eduardo", "fUror", "", "Eduardo Fernandes", "3247-1959", "92629666", "0", "Gerente de Projeto", "21/05/2002 18:07:36", "", "213", "3427-6943", "5.00", "8.00", "5.00", "2.00", "0"); INSERT INTO users VALUES("7", "daniel", "110981", "", "Daniel Almeida", "3427-1359", "9911-4386", "0", "Produção", "30/08/2001 15:20:00", "Rua Jose Mariano 355/102 - Jardim Atlantico - Olinda", "217", "", "3.50", "4.00", "0.00", "2.60", "0"); INSERT INTO users VALUES("17", "raquel", "almeida", "", "Raquel Almeida", "3427-1092", "9292-6782", "0", "Gerente de Projeto", "31/08/2001 18:06:49", "emidio carvalheira 82", "217", "3251-0829", "3.00", "4.00", "5.00", "2.00", "0"); INSERT INTO users VALUES("18", "ubertino", "rosso", "", "Riccardo Rosso", "3427-1092", "", "0", "Produção", "10/07/2001 15:24:37", "", "215", "3466-3097", "3.00", "4.00", "0.00", "2.00", "0"); INSERT INTO users VALUES("20", "berardo", "ihfirma", "", "José Berardo", "3427-1092", "92626071", NULL, "Produção", "05/09/2001 18:43:42", "Av. Beira Mar nº 630", "217", "33610027", "4.50", "8.00", "5.00", "2.00", "0"); Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Ivan Carvalho 0 Denunciar post Postado Fevereiro 25, 2009 alguem já teve o seguinte problema: Call to a member function num_subtags() on a non-object in a linha de erro e: $numFields = $row->num_subtags(); este erro acontece quando um xml tam subtags com quantidade variavel de uma tag para outra. Alguem tem alguma luz de como eu arumo este erro? Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Skyo 1 Denunciar post Postado Fevereiro 25, 2009 Nossa, ressucitou o tópico hein, melhor criar um outro com sua dúvida Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites