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Desabilitar F5

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Esse aqui eh mto bom, desabilita as teclas FX.


<script language="JavaScript">		var msg = 'Função desativada!';	//ESSAS SERÃO AS TECLAS DESABILITADAS	var asciiF2		= 113;	var asciiF3		= 114;	var asciiF4		= 115;	var asciiF5		= 116;	var asciiF6		= 117;	var asciiF11		= 122;	var asciiF12		= 123;	var asciiF1		= 112;		if(document.all){ //ie has to block in the key down		document.onkeydown = onKeyPress;	}else if (document.layers || document.getElementById){ //NS and mozilla have to block in the key press		document.onkeypress = onKeyPress;	}		function onKeyPress(evt) {		window.status = '';		//get the event object		var oEvent = (window.event) ? window.event : evt;	   		//hmmm in mozilla this is jacked, so i have to record these seperate		//what key was pressed		var nKeyCode =  oEvent.keyCode ? oEvent.keyCode : oEvent.which ? oEvent.which : void 0;		var bIsFunctionKey = false;			//hmmm in mozilla the keycode would contain a function key ONLY IF the charcode IS 0   		//else key code and charcode read funny, the charcode for 't'		//returns 116, which is the same as the ascii for F5		//SOOO,... to check if a the keycode is truly a function key,		//ONLY check when the charcode is null OR 0, IE returns null, mozilla returns 0		if(oEvent.charCode == null || oEvent.charCode == 0){			bIsFunctionKey = (nKeyCode >= asciiF1 && nKeyCode <= asciiF12)	||								( 									nKeyCode == asciiALT									|| nKeyCode == asciiMS									|| nKeyCode == asciiView									|| nKeyCode == asciiHome									|| nKeyCode == asciiBack								)		}	   		//convert the key to a character, makes for more readable code 		var sChar = String.fromCharCode(nKeyCode).toUpperCase();			//get the active tag that has the focus on the page, and its tag type		var oTarget = ( ? : oEvent.srcElement;		var sTag = oTarget.tagName.toLowerCase();		var sTagType = oTarget.getAttribute("type");	   		var bAltPressed = (oEvent.altKey) ? oEvent.altKey : oEvent.modifiers & 1 > 0;		var bShiftPressed = (oEvent.shiftKey) ? oEvent.shiftKey : oEvent.modifiers & 4 > 0;		var bCtrlPressed = (oEvent.ctrlKey) ? oEvent.ctrlKey : oEvent.modifiers & 2 > 0;		//var bMetaPressed = (oEvent.metaKey) ? oEvent.metaKey : oEvent.modifiers & 8 > 0;			var bRet = true; //assume true as that will be the case most times		//alert (nKeyCode + ' ' + sChar + ' ' + sTag + ' ' + sTagType + ' ' + bShiftPressed + ' ' + bCtrlPressed + ' ' + bAltPressed);			if(sTagType != null){sTagType = sTagType.toLowerCase();}			//allow these keys inside a text box		if  (sTag == "textarea" || (sTag == "input" && (sTagType == "text" || sTagType == "password")) && (nKeyCode == asciiBack || nKeyCode == asciiSHIFT || KeyCode == asciiHome || bShiftPressed || (bCtrlPressed && (nKeyCode == asciiLeftArrow || nKeyCode == asciiRightArrow)))){			return true;		} else if(bAltPressed && (nKeyCode == asciiLeftArrow || nKeyCode == asciiRightArrow)){ // block alt + left or right arrow			bRet = false;		}else if(bCtrlPressed && (sChar == 'A' || sChar == 'C' || sChar == 'V' || sChar == 'X')){ // ALLOW cut, copy and paste, and SELECT ALL			bRet = true;		}else if(bShiftPressed && nKeyCode == asciiTab){//allow shift + tab			bRet = true;		}else if(bIsFunctionKey){ // Capture and stop these keys			bRet = false;		}else if(bCtrlPressed || bShiftPressed || bAltPressed){ //block ALL other sequences, includes CTRL+O, CTRL+P, CTRL+N, etc....			bRet = false;		}	   		if(!bRet){			try{				oEvent.returnValue = false;				oEvent.cancelBubble = true;					if(document.all){ //IE					oEvent.keyCode = 0;				}else{ //NS					oEvent.preventDefault();					oEvent.stopPropagation();				}				//window.status = msg;	  alert(msg);			}catch(ex){				alert(msg);			}		}		return bRet;	}	</script>

Deve se colocado dentro das tags <body>

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Como posso impedir o refresh em uma página?Seguinte, fiz uma página de consulta para um preencher alguns campos do meu formulário com dados dos nossos Agrônomos, tudo bem e beleza, preenche certinho...... mas tenho uma outra consulta para preencher alguns campos do mesmo form com nomes dos nossos cooperados, mas quando a consulta é enviada para a minha página os dados que estavam preenchidos na 1ª busca são esvaziados porque ocorre um refresh.Alguém tem alguma dica?Valeu e fiquem na paz de Cristo

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