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calendário + agenda, dificuldade!!!

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O que o ocorre é o seguinte baixei esse código na net, e ae tudo bem funciona legal, supre minhas necessidades, mas não aparece os eventos cadastrados no calendário, ex: você cadastra um evento no dia 18/03 e qndo vai lá não aparece o link para você clicar e aparecer a pop-up, não estou entendendo onde devo alterar, alguém pode me ajudar.


O código é esse:

<%Option Explicitresponse.buffer = true'Declare all necessary variables hereDim http,image,path,imagePath,sqlDim x,xx,xxx,y,yy,yyy,num,x1,x2Dim lastDay,curMonth,curDay,curYear,eventTypeDim searchEnd,searchStart,currentDay,maxRowsDim today,todayCell,events,eventsIDDim cn_connection,rs_getEvent,rs_getTypeDim eventID(),eventName(),curDateDim dayCellDim bg1,bg2,bg3,fnt1,fnt2,cell_width1,cell_height1,cell_width2,cell_height2%><!--#include file="global.asp"--><!--#include file="getparameter.asp"--><!--#include file="schema.asp"--><%'search for valid date (2/31/2001 -> 2/28/2001)while not isDate(curMonth&"/"&curDay&"/"&curYear)   curDay = curDay - 1wend'look for lasy day number of the current monthsearchEnd = 31while not isDate(curMonth&"/"&searchEnd&"/"&curYear)  searchEnd = searchEnd - 1wend'searchStart is the first day of month'searchEnd is the last day of monthsearchStart = cdate(curMonth&"/1/"&curYear)searchEnd = cdate(curMonth&"/"&searchEnd&"/"&curYear)%><!--#include file="connect.asp"--><%sql = "SELECT id, startDate, endDate, name FROM calendarEvent " & _	  "WHERE ((startDate >= #" & searchStart & "# AND endDate <= #" & searchEnd & "#) "  & _			"OR (startDate < #"&searchStart&"# AND endDate >= #"&searchStart&"# AND endDate <= #"&searchEnd&"#) " & _			"OR (startDate <= #"&searchEnd&"# AND startDate >= #"&searchStart&"# AND endDate > #"&searchEnd&"#) " & _			"OR (startDate < #"&searchStart&"# AND endDate > #"&searchEnd&"#)) "if trim(eventType) = "" then'ignore itelseif  cint(eventType) = 1 then  sql = sql & "AND eventType = 1"elseif cint(eventType) = 2 then  sql = sql & "AND eventType = 2"elseif cint(eventType) = 3 then  sql = sql & "AND eventType = 3"elseif cint(eventType) = 4 then  sql = sql & "AND eventType = 4"else  'ignore itend ifSet rs_getEvent = cn_Connection.Execute(sql)%><%'response.write("sql = " & sql & "<br>")%><%sql = "SELECT id,eventType FROM eventType"Set rs_getType = cn_Connection.Execute(sql)curDate = searchStartfor x = 1 to day(searchEnd)	redim preserve eventID(x)  redim preserve eventName(x)	if not rs_getEvent.BOF then rs_getEvent.movefirst  while not rs_getEvent.EOF	x1 = rs_getEvent("startDate"):x2 = rs_getEvent("endDate")	  if x1 = curDate OR x2 = curDate OR (x1 < curDate AND x2 > curDate) then			'make a list for event for each day		eventID(x) = eventID(x) & rs_getEvent("id") & "~||~"			eventName(x) = eventName(x) & rs_getEvent("name") & "~||~"		end if	rs_getEvent.movenext  wend	%><%'response.write("<b>eventName("&x&") = "&eventName(x)&"</b><br><br>")%><%	'move current day to next day	curDate = dateAdd("d",1,curDate)next'check if date is in this monthif Not month(DateAdd("d", curDay-1, curMonth&"/1/"&curYear)) = cint(curMonth) then curDay = 1lastDay = day(dateserial(curYear,curMonth+1,1-1))today = curMonth&"/"&curDay&"/"&curYear%><table><tr><td><table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>  <td bgcolor="<%=bg1%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>><a href="<%=http%>calendar.asp?curDay=<%= curDay %>&curMonth=<%= month(dateAdd("m", -1, today)) %>&curYear=<%= year(dateAdd( "m", -1, today)) %>&eventType=<%= eventType %>"><%= monthName(month(dateAdd( "m", -1, today))) %></a></font></td>  <td bgcolor="<%=bg1%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1*5%>" colspan="5"><font <%=fnt1%>><%= monthName(curMonth) %> <%= curYear %></font></td>  <td bgcolor="<%=bg1%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>><a href="<%=http%>calendar.asp?curDay=<%= curDay %>&curMonth=<%= month(dateAdd("m", 1, today)) %>&curYear=<%= year(dateAdd( "m", 1, today)) %>&eventType=<%= eventType %>"><%= monthName(month(dateAdd( "m", 1, today))) %></a></font></td></tr><tr>    <form action="<%=http%>calendar.asp" name="search" method="post">  <td bgcolor="<%=bg1%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>><a href="<%=http%>calendar.asp?curDay=<%= curDay %>&curMonth=<%= curMonth %>&curYear=<%=curYear-1%>&eventType=<%= eventType %>"><%= curYear-1 %></a></font></td>  <td bgcolor="<%=bg1%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1*5%>" colspan="5"><select name="curMonth"><% for x = 1 to 12 %><option value="<%= x %>" <% if cint(curMonth) = x then %> selected <% end if %>><%= monthName(x) %></option><% next %></select><select name="curYear"><% for x = 1990 to 2020 %><option value="<%= x %>" <% if cint(curYear) = x then %> selected <% end if %>><%= x %></option><% next %></select><input type="hidden" name="eventType" value="<%= eventType %>"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search"></td>  <td bgcolor="<%=bg1%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>><a href="<%=http%>calendar.asp?curDay=<%= curDay %>&curMonth=<%= curMonth %>&curYear=<%=curYear+1%>&eventType=<%= eventType %>"><%= curYear+1 %></a></font></td>  </form></tr><tr>  <td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Sun</font></td>  <td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Mon</font></td>  <td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Tue</font></td>  <td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Wed</font></td>  <td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Thu</font></td>  <td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Fri</font></td>  <td bgcolor="<%=bg2%>" align="center" height="<%=cell_height1%>" width="<%=cell_width1%>"><font <%=fnt1%>>Sat</font></td>	</tr><tr><%currentDay = 1 - weekday(dateserial(curYear,curMonth,1))+1lastDay = day(dateserial(curYear,curMonth+1,1-1))if cint(currentDay) = -4 AND lastDay >  30 then  maxRows = 5elseif cint(currentDay) = -5 AND lastDay >=  30 then  maxRows = 5else maxRows = 4end Ifnum = 1for x = 0 to maxRows	%><tr><%	for xx = 0 to 6		if currentDay > 0 AND currentDay <= lastDay then	  today = curMonth&"/"&currentDay&"/"&curYear		%>		<td align="left" valign="top" height="<%=cell_height2%>" width="<%=cell_width2%>""<%			if cstr(today) = cstr(month(now())&"/"&day(now())&"/"&year(now())) then				%> bgcolor="<%=todayCell%>"<%			else				%> bgcolor="<%=bg3%>"<%			end if %>>			<font <%=fnt1%>><%= currentDay %></font><br>			<%			'outputting today's event name by looping through events array			if eventName(num) <> "" then			  events = ""				eventsID = ""			  events = split(eventName(num),"~||~")				eventsID = split(eventID(num),"~||~")			  for y = 0 to ubound(events) 				%><a href="#" onclick="'<%=HTTP%>detail.asp?id=<%=eventsID(y)%>','detail','scrollbars=yes,location=no,width=440,height=400')"><%=events(y)%></a><%				if y <> ubound(events) then %><br><% end if			  next			else			  %> <%			end if	  %></font></td><%			  num = num + 1	else	  %><td><br></tr><%	  end if	  currentDay = currentDay + 1  next  %><tr><%next%></tr><tr>  <form name="viewtype" action="<%=http%>calendar.asp" method="post">  <td colspan="4" align="center"><select name="eventType"><option value="-1"<%if cint(eventType) = -1 then%> selected<%end if%>>Todos</option><%while not rs_getType.EOF %><option value="<%=rs_getType("id")%>"<%if cint(eventType) = cint(rs_getType("id")) then%> selected<%end if%>><%= rs_getType("eventType") %></option><% rs_getType.moveNext %><%wend%></select><input type="hidden" name="curMonth" value="<%= curMonth %>"><input type="hidden" name="curYear" value="<%= curYear %>"> <input type="submit" name="viewevent1" value="Select Event Type"></td>  </form>  <form name="backtoday" action="<%=http%>calendar.asp" method="post">  <td colspan="3" align="center"><input type="submit" name="bakctoday1" value="Back to Today"></td>  </form>		</tr></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></body></html><!--#include file="disconnect.asp"--><!--#include file="replace.asp"-->

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