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Armazenamento das tabelas do mysql

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Olá.Estou fazendo algumas modificações aqui nas estruturas dos dados dos meus clientes.Pergunta: tenho como alterar a estrutura de armazenamento do mysql para mais de uma pasta no meu servidor???Hoje todos os bancos de dados dos meus clientes ficam na pasta Default do mysql C:\mysql\dataQueria consentrar mais os dados de meus clientes colocando cada banco de dados na pasta do cliente.Se algum tiver alguma dica ae, já procurei bastante por isso e não achei nada.Valews!!!!!!!

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Uma solução seria você criar um database para cada cliente e colocar as tabelas lá, alterar a configuração além de sair de um padrão pode te dar alguns problemas.

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Achei, o mysql possui uma configuração para isso. LinksVou colocar abaixo o conteudo do link: Using Symbolic Links for Databases on WindowsBeginning with MySQL 3.23.16, the mysqld-max and mysql-max-nt servers for Windows are compiled with the -DUSE_SYMDIR option. This enables you to put a database directory on a different disk by setting up a symbolic link to it. This is similar to the way that symbolic links work on Unix, although the procedure for setting up the link is different. It is necessary to define USE_SYMDIR explicitly only before MySQL 4.0; for mysqld-max and mysql-max-nt, you can enable symbolic links by using the --symbolic-links option. As of MySQL 4.0, symbolic links are enabled by default for all Windows servers. If you do not need them, you can disable them with the --skip-symbolic-links option. On Windows, create a symbolic link to a MySQL database by creating a file in the data directory that contains the path to the destination directory. The file should be named db_name.sym, where db_name is the database name. Suppose that the MySQL data directory is C:\mysql\data and you want to have database foo located at D:\data\foo. Set up a symlink using this procedure: 1 - Make sure that the D:\data\foo directory exists by creating it if necessary. If you already have a database directory named foo in the data directory, you should move it to D:\data. Otherwise, the symbolic link will be ineffective. To avoid problems, make sure that the server is not running when you move the database directory. 2 - Create a text file C:\mysql\data\foo.sym that contains the pathname D:\data\foo\. After this, all tables created in the database foo are created in D:\data\foo. Note that the symbolic link is not used if a directory with the same name as the database exists in the MySQL data directory.

Fica a dica ae para quem quiser espalhar as tabelas pelo hd do servidor, pelo que testei hoje de manhã ele funciona normalmente como se a tabela estivesse no local default.Falows!!!!!!!!!!

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