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Servidor ASP

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Bom dia pessoal, tenho um server Windows e gostaria de instalar vários componentes nele. Exite algum site que baixe um pacote completo de componente para instalar, pois estou tendo dificuldades de encontrar alguns componentes.


Agradeço à ajuda de todos vocês

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Depende do que você está querendo instalar.Muitas coisas tem no CD do windows.Escreva oque você quer instalar.[]'s

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é verdade que o aspimage custa R$ 210,00 reaise o aspjpeg R$ 600,00???

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Os valores eu não sei, mas eles são pagos sim.

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certo e se eu quiser redimensionar uma imagem ou inserir marca d agua é so com o aspjpeg ou com o aspimage que funciona, se eu quiser fazer na mão nao rola????................

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To vendo que o tópico é antigo mas ai vai...

Nem é dificil pra redimencionar automaticamente...


No meu caso eu uso assim para redimensionar...

80px, 80px são os tamanhos maximos

Por ex:

se a imagem for 120pxx100px, o script abaixa proporcionalmente o lado com 120px para 80px e o 100px para 60px



<img src="<%=RSrich("Imagem")%>" <%=ImageResize(endereco_fisico&RSrich("Imagem"), 80, 80)%> border="0">

<%Path = endereco_fisico '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 'redimensiona imagens 	function ImageResize(strImageName, intDesiredWidth, intDesiredHeight)   dim TargetRatio   dim CurrentRatio   dim strResize   dim w, h, c, strType   if gfxSpex(strImageName, w, h, c, strType) = true then	  TargetRatio = intDesiredWidth / intDesiredHeight	  CurrentRatio = w / h	  if CurrentRatio > TargetRatio then  ' We'll scale height		 strResize = "width=""" & intDesiredWidth & """"	  else		 ' We'll scale width		 strResize = "height=""" & intDesiredHeight & """" 	  end if   else	  strResize = ""   end if   ImageResize = strResizeend Function'/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////function GetBytes(flnm, offset, bytes)	 Dim objFSO	 Dim objFTemp	 Dim objTextStream	 Dim lngSize	 on error resume next	 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")	 	 ' First, we get the filesize	 Set objFTemp = objFSO.GetFile(flnm)	 lngSize = objFTemp.Size	 set objFTemp = nothing	 fsoForReading = 1	 Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(flnm, fsoForReading)	 if offset > 0 then		strBuff = objTextStream.Read(offset - 1)	 end if	 if bytes = -1 then		' Get All!		GetBytes = objTextStream.Read(lngSize)  'ReadAll	 else		GetBytes = objTextStream.Read(bytes)	 end if	 objTextStream.Close	 set objTextStream = nothing	 set objFSO = nothing  end function  '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  	function lngConvert(strTemp)	 lngConvert = clng(asc(left(strTemp, 1)) + ((asc(right(strTemp, 1)) * 256)))  end function  function lngConvert2(strTemp)	 lngConvert2 = clng(asc(right(strTemp, 1)) + ((asc(left(strTemp, 1)) * 256)))  end function  '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////		 function gfxSpex(flnm, width, height, depth, strImageType)	 dim strPNG 	 dim strGIF	 dim strBMP	 dim strType	 strType = ""	 strImageType = "(unknown)"	 gfxSpex = False	 strPNG = chr(137) & chr(80) & chr(78)	 strGIF = "GIF"	 strBMP = chr(66) & chr(77)	 strType = GetBytes(flnm, 0, 3)	 if strType = strGIF then				' is GIF		strImageType = "GIF"		Width = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 7, 2))		Height = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 9, 2))		Depth = 2 ^ ((asc(GetBytes(flnm, 11, 1)) and 7) + 1)		gfxSpex = True	 elseif left(strType, 2) = strBMP then		' is BMP		strImageType = "BMP"		Width = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 19, 2))		Height = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 23, 2))		Depth = 2 ^ (asc(GetBytes(flnm, 29, 1)))		gfxSpex = True	 elseif strType = strPNG then			' Is PNG		strImageType = "PNG"		Width = lngConvert2(GetBytes(flnm, 19, 2))		Height = lngConvert2(GetBytes(flnm, 23, 2))		Depth = getBytes(flnm, 25, 2)		select case asc(right(Depth,1))		   case 0			  Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)))			  gfxSpex = True		   case 2			  Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)) * 3)			  gfxSpex = True		   case 3			  Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)))  '8			  gfxSpex = True		   case 4			  Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)) * 2)			  gfxSpex = True		   case 6			  Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)) * 4)			  gfxSpex = True		   case else			  Depth = -1		end select	 else		strBuff = GetBytes(flnm, 0, -1)		' Get all bytes from file		lngSize = len(strBuff)		flgFound = 0		strTarget = chr(255) & chr(216) & chr(255)		flgFound = instr(strBuff, strTarget)		if flgFound = 0 then		   exit function		end if		strImageType = "JPG"		lngPos = flgFound + 2		ExitLoop = false		do while ExitLoop = False and lngPos < lngSize		   do while asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos, 1)) = 255 and lngPos < lngSize			  lngPos = lngPos + 1		   loop		   if asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos, 1)) < 192 or asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos, 1)) > 195 then			  lngMarkerSize = lngConvert2(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 1, 2))			  lngPos = lngPos + lngMarkerSize  + 1		   else			  ExitLoop = True		   end if	   loop	   '	   if ExitLoop = False then		  Width = -1		  Height = -1		  Depth = -1	   else		  Height = lngConvert2(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 4, 2))		  Width = lngConvert2(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 6, 2))		  Depth = 2 ^ (asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 8, 1)) * 8)		  gfxSpex = True	   end if				   	 end if  end function  '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  %>

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Se alguem tiver dificuldade pra entender o código é só perguntar e destacar a parte que eu comento o código pra vcs....

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