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Lisbao para ASP conversão

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O código inicial estava em PHP, daí eu usei o PHPConvert para ficar em, pq pensei que o servidor suportava, mas aí eu vi que não suporta e somente asp....


e daí deu nisso


Eu tenho uma página em aspx e gostaria passar pra asp normal...



<%@ Page language="c#" %><script runat="server" language="c#">	public string arquivo;	public object pasta;	public string msg;	public System.IO.FileStream arq;	public System.IO.FileStream arq1;	public string pastas;</script><%	if (PHP.TypeSupport.ToBoolean(new PHP.OrderedMap(Request.Form, false)))	{		arquivo = PHP.TypeSupport.ToString((Request.Files["arquivo"] != null)?Request.Files["arquivo"].FileName:"");		pasta = Request.Form["pasta"];		msg = "<% response.redirect(\"" + PHP.TypeSupport.ToString(pasta) + "/" + arquivo + "\") %>";		if (!(System.IO.File.Exists("msg_atual.asp") || System.IO.Directory.Exists("msg_atual.asp")))		{			//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'fopen' was converted to 'PHP.FileSystemSupport.FileOpen' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/fopen.htm 			arq = PHP.FileSystemSupport.FileOpen("msg_atual.asp", "a+");			//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'fputs' was converted to 'PHPFileSystemSupport.Write' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/fputs.htm 			PHP.FileSystemSupport.Write(arq, msg, msg.Length);			//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'fclose' was converted to 'PHP.FileSystemSupport.Close' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/fclose.htm 			PHP.FileSystemSupport.Close(arq);		}		else		{			//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'unlink' was converted to 'System.IO.File.Delete' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/unlink.htm 			System.IO.File.Delete("msg_atual.php");			//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'fopen' was converted to 'PHP.FileSystemSupport.FileOpen' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/fopen.htm 			arq = PHP.FileSystemSupport.FileOpen("msg_atual.php", "a+");			//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'fputs' was converted to 'PHPFileSystemSupport.Write' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/fputs.htm 			PHP.FileSystemSupport.Write(arq, msg, msg.Length);			//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'fclose' was converted to 'PHP.FileSystemSupport.Close' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/fclose.htm 			PHP.FileSystemSupport.Close(arq);		}		PHP.MiscSupport.End("Arquivo atualizado");	}		%><html><head><title>Atualizar Arquivo</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></head><body><form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="<%Response.Write(Request.Path);%>">  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Última Mensagem   do dia:</font>   <input type = "file" name = "arquivo">  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">na série:</font>   <select name="pasta">	<%	if (System.IO.File.Exists("select_pasta.txt") || System.IO.Directory.Exists("select_pasta.txt"))	{		//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'fopen' was converted to 'PHP.FileSystemSupport.FileOpen' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/fopen.htm 		arq1 = PHP.FileSystemSupport.FileOpen("select_pasta.txt", "r+");		//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'feof' was converted to 'System.IO.FileStream.Position' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/feof.htm 		while (!(arq1.Position >= arq1.Length))		{			//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'fgets' was converted to 'PHP.FileSystemSupport.ReadLine' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/fgets.htm 			pastas = PHP.FileSystemSupport.ReadLine(arq1, 1024);			Response.Write(pastas);		}		//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'fclose' was converted to 'PHP.FileSystemSupport.Close' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/fclose.htm 		PHP.FileSystemSupport.Close(arq1);	}	%>  </select>  <input name = "Enviar" type = "submit" value = "Enviar Arquivo"></form><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href = "select_pasta.aspx">Atualizar Séries</a></font> </body></html>

e select_pasta.aspx

<%@ Page language="c#" %><script runat="server" language="c#">	public string msg;	public System.IO.FileStream arq;</script><%Response.Write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?" + ">");%><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><%	if (PHP.TypeSupport.ToBoolean(new PHP.OrderedMap(Request.Form, false)))	{		//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'isset' was converted to '!=' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/isset.htm 		if (Request.Form["nova_pasta"] != null)		{			msg = "<option value = \"" + PHP.TypeSupport.ToString(Request.Form["nova_pasta"]) + "\">" + PHP.TypeSupport.ToString(Request.Form["nova_pasta"]) + "</option>";			//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'fopen' was converted to 'PHP.FileSystemSupport.FileOpen' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/fopen.htm 			arq = PHP.FileSystemSupport.FileOpen("select_pasta.txt", "a+");			//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'fputs' was converted to 'PHPFileSystemSupport.Write' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/fputs.htm 			PHP.FileSystemSupport.Write(arq, msg + "\r\n", msg.Length + 4);			//CONVERSION_WARNING: Method 'fclose' was converted to 'PHP.FileSystemSupport.Close' which has a different behavior. Copy this link in your browser for more info: ms-its:C:\phpconverter\PHPToAspNet.chm::/fclose.htm 			PHP.FileSystemSupport.Close(arq);		}		Response.Write("<a href =" + PHP.TypeSupport.ToString(Request.Path) + ">Atualizar Novamente</a>");		PHP.MiscSupport.End("<br>Arquivo atualizado");	}	%><html xmlns=""><head><title>Mandar Pasta</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /></head><body><form action="<%Response.Write(Request.Path);%>" method="post">  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Digite o nome da nova pasta   criada: </font>   <input name = "nova_pasta" type = "text" id = "nova_pasta" />  <input name = "" type = "submit" value = "Mandar Pasta" /></form></body></html>

tem como converter essas páginas em páginas asp normal?



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cara de boa ! nao acho que alguem aqui vai converter o codigo pra você ! vai dar muito trabalho !

mas se tiver alguem a fim de fazer fica mais facil você mandar o codigo php pro cara ver !!! é mais facil converter php pra asp do que pra asp hehhehe ao menos eu acho isso.

isso falando na mao né !!! nao sei se existe uma ferramente que faça isso direto.

bota o codigo php ai que deve ta mais limpo ai fica mais facil

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cara de boa ! nao acho que alguem aqui vai converter o codigo pra você ! vai dar muito trabalho !mas se tiver alguem a fim de fazer fica mais facil você mandar o codigo php pro cara ver !!! é mais facil converter php pra asp do que pra asp hehhehe ao menos eu acho isso.isso falando na mao né !!! nao sei se existe uma ferramente que faça isso direto.bota o codigo php ai que deve ta mais limpo ai fica mais facil

eu coloquei...tipo achei que fosse mais fácil de aspx para asp... mas.... beleza...a página em phpatualizar_link.php
<?php	if($_POST)		{			$arquivo = $_FILES["arquivo"]["name"];			$pasta = $_POST["pasta"];			$msg = '<?php header("Location:'.$pasta.'/'.$arquivo.'"); ?>';			if(!file_exists("msg_atual.php"))				{					$arq = fopen("msg_atual.php","a+");					fputs($arq,$msg,strlen($msg));					fclose($arq);							}				else				{					unlink("msg_atual.php");					$arq = fopen("msg_atual.php","a+");					fputs($arq,$msg,strlen($msg));					fclose($arq);												}		die("Arquivo atualizado");		}	?><html><head><title>Atualizar Arquivo</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></head><body><form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Última Mensagem   do dia:</font>   <input type="file" name="arquivo">  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">na série:</font>   <select name="pasta">	<?php		if(file_exists("select_pasta.txt"))		{		$arq1 = fopen("select_pasta.txt","r+");		while(!feof($arq1))			{				$pastas = fgets($arq1,1024);				echo $pastas;			}		fclose($arq1);		}	?>  </select>  <input name="Enviar" type="submit" value="Enviar Arquivo"></form><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="select_pasta.php">Atualizar Séries</a></font> </body></html>

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