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preciso programar uma calculadora em linguagem cutilizando funçoes, ma

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funções de que ?!?!?!por exemplo para facturiais tens que fazer um simples algoritmo, para potenciais outro ... etc não te vou mostar a sintaxe da soma porqe isso seria humilhante :D

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Se você tiver alguem enunciado, poste! para que fique mais facil... ou diga os tipos de operações...Pois como disse o Cypher é meio complicado, postarmos um código para + e -... se for esta feito....Falows...

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GALERA ISSO FOI O QUE EU CONSEGUI FAZER.#include <stdio.h>float adicao(float a, float B){ return a+b;}float subtracao(float a, float B){ return a-b;}float multiplicacao(float a, float B){ return a*b;}float divisao(float a, float B){ if(B) return a/b; else return 0;}main(){ float total=0, numero=0; char sinal; printf("Valor: "); scanf("%f",&total);fflush(stdin); printf("Sinal: "); scanf("%c",&sinal);fflush(stdin); while(sinal!='=') { printf("Valor: "); scanf("%f",&numero);fflush(stdin); switch(sinal) { case '+' : total=adicao(total,numero); break; case '-' : total=subtracao(total,numero); break; case '*' : total=multiplicacao(total,numero); break; case '/' : total=divisao(total,numero); break; } printf("Resultado Parcial: %f\n",total); printf("Sinal: "); scanf("%c",&sinal);fflush(stdin); } printf("Resultado Total: %f\n",total); getchar();} BJOS A TODOS

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main(){float resultado =0, a=0,b=0;char sinal;do{printf("\nDigite um valor para A: ");scanf("%f",&a);printf("\nDigite um valor para B: ");scanf("%f",&B);printf("\nDigite a operação que deseja efetuar: ");scanf("%c",&sinal);switch(sinal){case '+' : resultado=adicao(a,B); prb); printf("\nO resultado da soma é: %f",resultado);break;case '-' : resultado=subtracao(a,B); printf("\nO resultado da subtração é: %f",resultado); break;case '*' : resultado=multiplicacao(a,B); printf("\nO resultado da multiplicaçao é: %f",resultado);break;case '/' : resultado=divisao(a,B); printf("\nO resultado da divisao é: %f",resultado);break;}}while(true);}

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Essa é uma calculadora em pascal segue essa lógica....Carlos....program Calc;{$B-}{$R CALC.RES}uses WObjects, WinTypes, WinProcs, Strings;const{ Application name } AppName: PChar = 'Calc';{ Number of digits in calculator display } DisplayDigits = 15;{ Control ID of display static text } id_Display = 400;{ Color constants } rgb_Yellow = $0000FFFF; rgb_Blue = $00FF0000; rgb_Red = $000000FF;type{ Calculator state } TCalcState = (cs_First, cs_Valid, cs_Error);{ Calculator dialog window object } PCalc = ^TCalc; TCalc = object(TDlgWindow) CalcStatus: TCalcState; Number: array[0..DisplayDigits] of Char; Negative: Boolean; Operator: Char; Operand: Real; BlueBrush: HBrush; constructor Init; destructor Done; virtual; function GetClassName: PChar; virtual; procedure GetWindowClass(var AWndClass: TWndClass); virtual; procedure WMControlColor(var Msg: TMessage); virtual wm_First + wm_CtlColor; procedure WMPaint(var Msg: TMessage); virtual wm_First + wm_Paint; procedure DefChildProc(var Msg: TMessage); virtual; procedure DefCommandProc(var Msg: TMessage); virtual; procedure FlashButton(Key: Char); procedure CalcKey(Key: Char); procedure Clear; procedure UpdateDisplay; virtual; end;{ Calculator application object } TCalcApp = object(TApplication) procedure InitMainWindow; virtual; procedure InitInstance; virtual; function ProcessAppMsg(var Message: TMsg) : Boolean; virtual; end;var{ Application instance } CalcApp: TCalcApp;{ Calculator constructor. Create blue brush for calculator background, and do a clear command. }constructor TCalc.Init;begin TDlgWindow.Init(nil, AppName); BlueBrush := CreateSolidBrush(rgb_Blue); Clear;end;{ Calculator destructor. Dispose the background brush. }destructor TCalc.Done;begin DeleteObject(BlueBrush); TDlgWindow.Done;end;{ We're changing the window class so we must supply a new class name. }function TCalc.GetClassName: PChar;begin GetClassName := AppName;end;{ The calculator has its own icon which is installed here. }procedure TCalc.GetWindowClass(var AWndClass: TWndClass);begin TDlgWindow.GetWindowClass(AWndClass); AWndClass.hIcon := LoadIcon(HInstance, AppName);end;{ Colorize the calculator. Allows background to show through corners of buttons, uses yellow text on black background in the display, and sets the dialog background to blue. }procedure TCalc.WMControlColor(var Msg: TMessage);begin case Msg.LParamHi of ctlColor_Btn: Msg.Result := GetStockObject(null_Brush); ctlColor_Static: begin SetTextColor(Msg.WParam, rgb_Yellow); SetBkMode(Msg.WParam, transparent); Msg.Result := GetStockObject(black_Brush); end; ctlcolor_Dlg: begin SetBkMode(Msg.WParam, Transparent); Msg.Result := BlueBrush; end; else DefWndProc(Msg); end;end;{ Even dialogs can have their background's painted on. This creates a red ellipse over the blue background. }procedure TCalc.WMPaint(var Msg: TMessage);var OldBrush: HBrush; OldPen: HPen; R: TRect; PS: TPaintStruct;begin BeginPaint(HWindow, PS); OldBrush := SelectObject(PS.hdc, CreateSolidBrush(rgb_Red)); OldPen := SelectObject(PS.hdc, GetStockObject(null_Pen)); GetClientRect(HWindow, R); R.bottom := R.right; OffsetRect(R, -R.right div 4, -R.right div 4); Ellipse(PS.hdc, R.left,, R.right, R.bottom); SelectObject(PS.hdc, OldPen); DeleteObject(SelectObject(PS.hdc, OldBrush)); EndPaint(HWindow, PS);end;{ Flash a button with the value of Key. Looks exactly like a click of the button with the mouse. }procedure TCalc.FlashButton(Key: Char);var Button: HWnd; Delay: Word;begin if Key = #13 then Key := '='; Button := GetDlgItem(HWindow, Integer(UpCase(Key))); if Button <> 0 then begin SendMessage(Button, bm_SetState, 1, 0); for Delay := 1 to 30000 do; SendMessage(Button, bm_SetState, 0, 0); end;end;{ Rather then handle each button individually with child ID response methods, it is possible to handle them all at once with the default child procedure. }procedure TCalc.DefChildProc(var Msg: TMessage);begin if (Msg.WParamHi = 0) and (Msg.LParamHi = bn_Clicked) then CalcKey(Char(Msg.WParamLo)); TDlgWindow.DefChildProc(Msg);end;{ Rather then handle each accelerator individually with command ID response methods, it is possible to handle them all at once with the default command procedure. }procedure TCalc.DefCommandProc(var Msg: TMessage);begin if Msg.WParamHi = 0 then begin FlashButton(Char(Msg.WParamLo)); { flash button as if it were pushed } CalcKey(Char(Msg.WParamLo)); end; TDlgWindow.DefCommandProc(Msg);end;{ Set Display text to the current value. }procedure TCalc.UpdateDisplay;var S: array[0..DisplayDigits + 1] of Char;begin if Negative then StrCopy(S, '-') else S[0] := #0; SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(HWindow, id_Display), StrCat(S, Number));end;{ Clear the calculator. }procedure TCalc.Clear;begin CalcStatus := cs_First; StrCopy(Number, '0'); Negative := False; Operator := '=';end;{ Process calculator key. }procedure TCalc.CalcKey(Key: Char);var R: Real; procedure Error; begin CalcStatus := cs_Error; StrCopy(Number, 'Error'); Negative := False; end; procedure SetDisplay(R: Real); var First, Last: PChar; S: array[0..63] of Char; begin Str(R: 0: 10, S); First := S; Negative := False; if S[0] = '-' then begin Inc(First); Negative := True; end; if StrLen(First) > DisplayDigits + 1 + 10 then Error else begin Last := StrEnd(First); while Last[Word(-1)] = '0' do Dec(Last); if Last[Word(-1)] = '.' then Dec(Last); StrLCopy(Number, First, Last - First); end; end; procedure GetDisplay(var R: Real); var E: Integer; begin Val(Number, R, E); if Negative then R := -R; end; procedure CheckFirst; begin if CalcStatus = cs_First then begin CalcStatus := cs_Valid; StrCopy(Number, '0'); Negative := False; end; end; procedure InsertKey; var L: Integer; begin L := StrLen(Number); if L < DisplayDigits then begin Number[L] := Key; Number[L + 1] := #0; end; end;begin Key := UpCase(Key); if (CalcStatus = cs_Error) and (Key <> 'C') then Key := ' '; case Key of '0'..'9': begin CheckFirst; if StrComp(Number, '0') = 0 then Number[0] := #0; InsertKey; end; '.': begin CheckFirst; if StrPos(Number, '.') = nil then InsertKey; end; #8: begin CheckFirst; if StrLen(Number) = 1 then StrCopy(Number, '0') else Number[strLen(Number) - 1] := #0; end; '_': Negative := not Negative; '+', '-', '*', '/', '=', '%', #13: begin if CalcStatus = cs_Valid then begin CalcStatus := cs_First; GetDisplay®; if Key = '%' then case Operator of '+', '-': R := Operand * R / 100; '*', '/': R := R / 100; end; case Operator of '+': SetDisplay(Operand + R); '-': SetDisplay(Operand - R); '*': SetDisplay(Operand * R); '/': if R = 0 then Error else SetDisplay(Operand / R); end; end; Operator := Key; GetDisplay(Operand); end; 'C': Clear; end; UpdateDisplay;end;procedure TCalcApp.InitMainWindow;begin MainWindow := New(PCalc, Init);end;procedure TCalcApp.InitInstance;begin TApplication.InitInstance; HAccTable := LoadAccelerators(HInstance, AppName);end;function TCalcApp.ProcessAppMsg(var Message: TMsg): Boolean;begin ProcessAppMsg := ProcessAccels(Message) or ProcessDlgMsg(Message);end;begin CalcApp.Init(AppName); CalcApp.Run; CalcApp.Done;end.

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