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Problema com guestbook/flash

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<%	dim filename  'name of database file	dim maxfld 'record counter	dim cmtStr ' comment string	filename="D:\Inetpub\clientes\\Data\guestbook"	cs="Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.3.51;"	cs=cs & "Persist Security info=false;"	cs=cs & "data source="	cs=cs & filename & ";"	set adocon=server.createobject("adodb.connection") cs	txtname=request.form.item("txtname")	txtemail=request.form.item("txtemail")	txtwebsite=request.form.item("txtwebsite")	txtcomments=request.form.item("txtcomments")		set rs_max_value=adocon.execute("select max(val(gid)) as x from tbguest")	maxfld=rs_max_value.fields("x")	if isnull(maxfld) then		maxfld=1	else		maxfld=maxfld+1	end if	rs_max_value.closeif request.form.item("submit1")="Y" then	cmtstr = "Name: <b>" & txtname & "</b><br>Email: <b><u><a href=" & "'" & "mailto:" & txtemail & "'" & ">" & txtemail & "</a></u></b><br>"	cmtstr = cmtstr & "Website: <b><u><a href=" & "'" & txtwebsite & "'" & " target=" & "'" & "_blank"  & "'" & ">" & txtwebsite & "</a></u></b><br>"	cmtstr = cmtstr & "Comments: <b>" & txtcomments & "</b><br>"	cmtstr = cmtstr & "<i>Posted on: " & Now() & "<br>"		dim commandobject 	dim insertionstr		set commandobject=server.createobject("adodb.command")	set commandobject.activeconnection=adocon		insertionstr="insert into tbguest (gid,gcomments) values (?,?)"	commandobject.commandtext=insertionstr	commandobject.prepared=true	commandobject.parameters.append commandobject.createparameter("gid",3,,1000)	commandobject.parameters.append commandobject.createparameter("gcomments",200,,500)		commandobject("gid")=maxfld	commandobject("gcomments")=cmtstr		commandobject.execute		set commandobject=nothingend if	dim llimit	dim hlimit		llimit=request.form.item("lowlimit")	hlimit=request.form.item("highlimit")	dim sqlstr	dim flashstr	sqlstr="select max(gid) as x from tbguest"	set rs_flash=adocon.execute(sqlstr)	totalent=rs_flash.fields("x")	rs_flash.close if totalent>0 then	sqlstr="select * from tbguest order by gid desc"	set rs_flash=adocon.execute(sqlstr)	dim strflash	rs_flash.movefirst	if totalent>=hlimit then		hlimit=totalent	end if	upto=llimit-1	j=0	for j=1 to upto		rs_flash.movenext	next 	i=0	for i=1 to (hlimit-llimit)+1		if rs_flash.eof then exit for		strflash=strflash & rs_flash.fields("gcomments")		rs_flash.movenext	next 	strflash=strflash & "<br><br>" & " Nada abaixo desta mensagem "else	 strflash="Não há mensagens"	 rs_flash.close	end if	response.write("&txtll=" & llimit & "&txthl=" & hlimit & "&totalentries=" & totalent & "&txtmain=" )	response.write(strflash)adocon.close%>


Esse código de cima me liga o flash ao bd. Mas, quando coloco pr rolar, seja on-line ou local, no campo onde deveria me retornar a mensagem aparece só:

" )	response.write(strflash)adocon.close

Me parece, pela resposta do flash que tem alguma aspa a mais ou a menos ai...ou um "&"..sei lá. Infelizmente não capisco nhente de asp.


Podem me dar uma mão?


Este é o retorno da listagem de variáveis do flash:


"\"N�h�ensagens\"\r\n	 rs_flash.close\t\r\nend if\r\n	response.write(\""


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