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[RESOLVIDO] Gerar GIF animado

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Eu gostaria de saber se há algum jeito de ler uma imagem "GIF ANIMADO"

Em PHP e mudar o tamanho dela sem perder a animação???


tipo eu sei gerar "thumbs" com PHP

porem elas perdem a animação



Tem algum jeito de fazer com animação???


Please respostas

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Com essa clasee separo os frames:

<?php/*:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	GIFDecoder Version 2.0 by László Zsidi,	Created at 2007. 02. 01. '07.47.AM'::::::::::  Try on-line GIFBuilder Form demo based on GIFDecoder.::::*/Class GIFDecoder {	var $GIF_buffer = Array ( );	var $GIF_arrays = Array ( );	var $GIF_delays = Array ( );	var $GIF_stream = "";	var $GIF_string = "";	var $GIF_bfseek =  0;	var $GIF_screen = Array ( );	var $GIF_global = Array ( );	var $GIF_sorted;	var $GIF_colorS;	var $GIF_colorC;	var $GIF_colorF;	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GIFDecoder ( $GIF_pointer )	::	*/	function GIFDecoder ( $GIF_pointer ) {		$this->GIF_stream = $GIF_pointer;		GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( 6 );	// GIF89a		GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( 7 );	// Logical Screen Descriptor		$this->GIF_screen = $this->GIF_buffer;		$this->GIF_colorF = $this->GIF_buffer [ 4 ] & 0x80 ? 1 : 0;		$this->GIF_sorted = $this->GIF_buffer [ 4 ] & 0x08 ? 1 : 0;		$this->GIF_colorC = $this->GIF_buffer [ 4 ] & 0x07;		$this->GIF_colorS = 2 << $this->GIF_colorC;		if ( $this->GIF_colorF == 1 ) {			GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( 3 * $this->GIF_colorS );			$this->GIF_global = $this->GIF_buffer;		}		/*		 *		 *  05.06.2007.		 *  Made a little modification		 *		 *		 -	for ( $cycle = 1; $cycle; ) {		 +		if ( GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( 1 ) ) {		 -			switch ( $this->GIF_buffer [ 0 ] ) {		 -				case 0x21:		 -					GIFDecoder::GIFReadExtensions ( );		 -					break;		 -				case 0x2C:		 -					GIFDecoder::GIFReadDescriptor ( );		 -					break;		 -				case 0x3B:		 -					$cycle = 0;		 -					break;		 -			  }		 -		}		 +		else {		 +			$cycle = 0;		 +		}		 -	}		*/		for ( $cycle = 1; $cycle; ) {			if ( GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( 1 ) ) {				switch ( $this->GIF_buffer [ 0 ] ) {					case 0x21:						GIFDecoder::GIFReadExtensions ( );						break;					case 0x2C:						GIFDecoder::GIFReadDescriptor ( );						break;					case 0x3B:						$cycle = 0;						break;				}			}			else {				$cycle = 0;			}		}	}	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GIFReadExtension ( )	::	*/	function GIFReadExtensions ( ) {		GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( 1 );		for (;; ) {			GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( 1 );			if ( ( $u = $this->GIF_buffer [ 0 ] ) == 0x00 ) {				break;			}			GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( $u );			/*			 * 07.05.2007.			 * Implemented a new line for a new function			 * to determine the originaly delays between			 * frames.			 *			 */			if ( $u == 4 ) {				$this->GIF_delays [ ] = ( $this->GIF_buffer [ 1 ] | $this->GIF_buffer [ 2 ] << 8 );			}		}	}	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GIFReadExtension ( )	::	*/	function GIFReadDescriptor ( ) {		$GIF_screen	= Array ( );		GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( 9 );		$GIF_screen = $this->GIF_buffer;		$GIF_colorF = $this->GIF_buffer [ 8 ] & 0x80 ? 1 : 0;		if ( $GIF_colorF ) {			$GIF_code = $this->GIF_buffer [ 8 ] & 0x07;			$GIF_sort = $this->GIF_buffer [ 8 ] & 0x20 ? 1 : 0;		}		else {			$GIF_code = $this->GIF_colorC;			$GIF_sort = $this->GIF_sorted;		}		$GIF_size = 2 << $GIF_code;		$this->GIF_screen [ 4 ] &= 0x70;		$this->GIF_screen [ 4 ] |= 0x80;		$this->GIF_screen [ 4 ] |= $GIF_code;		if ( $GIF_sort ) {			$this->GIF_screen [ 4 ] |= 0x08;		}		$this->GIF_string = "GIF87a";		GIFDecoder::GIFPutByte ( $this->GIF_screen );		if ( $GIF_colorF == 1 ) {			GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( 3 * $GIF_size );			GIFDecoder::GIFPutByte ( $this->GIF_buffer );		}		else {			GIFDecoder::GIFPutByte ( $this->GIF_global );		}		$this->GIF_string .= chr ( 0x2C );		$GIF_screen [ 8 ] &= 0x40;		GIFDecoder::GIFPutByte ( $GIF_screen );		GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( 1 );		GIFDecoder::GIFPutByte ( $this->GIF_buffer );		for (;; ) {			GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( 1 );			GIFDecoder::GIFPutByte ( $this->GIF_buffer );			if ( ( $u = $this->GIF_buffer [ 0 ] ) == 0x00 ) {				break;			}			GIFDecoder::GIFGetByte ( $u );			GIFDecoder::GIFPutByte ( $this->GIF_buffer );		}		$this->GIF_string .= chr ( 0x3B );		/*		   Add frames into $GIF_stream array...		*/		$this->GIF_arrays [ ] = $this->GIF_string;	}	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GIFGetByte ( $len )	::	*/	/*	 *	 *  05.06.2007.	 *  Made a little modification	 *	 *	 -	function GIFGetByte ( $len ) {	 -		$this->GIF_buffer = Array ( );	 -	 -		for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {	 +			if ( $this->GIF_bfseek > strlen ( $this->GIF_stream ) ) {	 +				return 0;	 +			}	 -			$this->GIF_buffer [ ] = ord ( $this->GIF_stream { $this->GIF_bfseek++ } );	 -		}	 +		return 1;	 -	}	 */	function GIFGetByte ( $len ) {		$this->GIF_buffer = Array ( );		for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {			if ( $this->GIF_bfseek > strlen ( $this->GIF_stream ) ) {				return 0;			}			$this->GIF_buffer [ ] = ord ( $this->GIF_stream { $this->GIF_bfseek++ } );		}		return 1;	}	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GIFPutByte ( $bytes )	::	*/	function GIFPutByte ( $bytes ) {		for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $bytes ); $i++ ) {			$this->GIF_string .= chr ( $bytes [ $i ] );		}	}	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	PUBLIC FUNCTIONS	::	::	::	GIFGetFrames ( )	::	*/	function GIFGetFrames ( ) {		return ( $this->GIF_arrays );	}	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GIFGetDelays ( )	::	*/	function GIFGetDelays ( ) {		return ( $this->GIF_delays );	}}?><?php$fp = fread ( fopen ( "test.gif", "rb" ), filesize ( "test.gif" ) );if ( $fp ) {	$gif = new GIFDecoder ( $fp );	$arr = $gif->GIFGetFrames ( );	$dly = $gif->GIFGetDelays ( );	for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $arr ); $i++ ) {		fwrite ( fopen ( ( $i < 10 ? "frames/0$i_frame.gif" : "frames/$i_frame.gif" ), "wb" ), $arr [ $i ] );	}	for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $dly ); $i++ ) {		sprintf ( "Delay of %d frame is %d ms<br>", $i, ( $dly [ $i ] * 10 /* milliseconds */ ) );	}}?>

ae é só eu fazer com que esses frames que foram salvos na pasta "FRAMES" sejam reduzidas

isso é facil :P


e com essa classe eu junto os frames:

<?php/*:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	GIFEncoder Version 2.0 by László Zsidi,	This class is a rewritten 'GifMerge.class.php' version.::::  Modification:::   - Simplified and easy code,::   - Ultra fast encoding,::   - Built-in errors,::   - Stable working::::::	Updated at 2007. 02. 13. '00.05.AM'::*/Class GIFEncoder {	var $GIF = "GIF89a";		/* GIF header 6 bytes	*/	var $VER = "GIFEncoder V2.06";	/* Encoder version		*/	var $BUF = Array ( );	var $LOP =  0;	var $DIS =  2;	var $COL = -1;	var $IMG = -1;	var $ERR = Array (		'ERR00' =>"Does not supported function for only one image!",		'ERR01' =>"Source is not a GIF image!",		'ERR02' =>"Unintelligible flag ",		'ERR03' =>"Could not make animation from animated GIF source",	);	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GIFEncoder...	::	*/	function GIFEncoder	(							$GIF_src, $GIF_dly, $GIF_lop, $GIF_dis,							$GIF_red, $GIF_grn, $GIF_blu, $GIF_mod						) {		if ( ! is_array ( $GIF_src ) && ! is_array ( $GIF_tim ) ) {			printf	( "%s: %s", $this->VER, $this->ERR [ 'ERR00' ] );			exit	( 0 );		}		$this->LOP = ( $GIF_lop > -1 ) ? $GIF_lop : 0;		$this->DIS = ( $GIF_dis > -1 ) ? ( ( $GIF_dis < 3 ) ? $GIF_dis : 3 ) : 2;		$this->COL = ( $GIF_red > -1 && $GIF_grn > -1 && $GIF_blu > -1 ) ?						( $GIF_red | ( $GIF_grn << 8 ) | ( $GIF_blu << 16 ) ) : -1;		for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $GIF_src ); $i++ ) {			if ( strToLower ( $GIF_mod ) == "url" ) {				$this->BUF [ ] = fread ( fopen ( $GIF_src [ $i ], "rb" ), filesize ( $GIF_src [ $i ] ) );			}			else if ( strToLower ( $GIF_mod ) == "bin" ) {				$this->BUF [ ] = $GIF_src [ $i ];			}			else {				printf	( "%s: %s ( %s )!", $this->VER, $this->ERR [ 'ERR02' ], $GIF_mod );				exit	( 0 );			}			if ( substr ( $this->BUF [ $i ], 0, 6 ) != "GIF87a" && substr ( $this->BUF [ $i ], 0, 6 ) != "GIF89a" ) {				printf	( "%s: %d %s", $this->VER, $i, $this->ERR [ 'ERR01' ] );				exit	( 0 );			}			for ( $j = ( 13 + 3 * ( 2 << ( ord ( $this->BUF [ $i ] { 10 } ) & 0x07 ) ) ), $k = TRUE; $k; $j++ ) {				switch ( $this->BUF [ $i ] { $j } ) {					case "!":						if ( ( substr ( $this->BUF [ $i ], ( $j + 3 ), 8 ) ) == "NETSCAPE" ) {							printf	( "%s: %s ( %s source )!", $this->VER, $this->ERR [ 'ERR03' ], ( $i + 1 ) );							exit	( 0 );						}						break;					case ";":						$k = FALSE;						break;				}			}		}		GIFEncoder::GIFAddHeader ( );		for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $this->BUF ); $i++ ) {			GIFEncoder::GIFAddFrames ( $i, $GIF_dly [ $i ] );		}		GIFEncoder::GIFAddFooter ( );	}	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GIFAddHeader...	::	*/	function GIFAddHeader ( ) {		$cmap = 0;		if ( ord ( $this->BUF [ 0 ] { 10 } ) & 0x80 ) {			$cmap = 3 * ( 2 << ( ord ( $this->BUF [ 0 ] { 10 } ) & 0x07 ) );			$this->GIF .= substr ( $this->BUF [ 0 ], 6, 7		);			$this->GIF .= substr ( $this->BUF [ 0 ], 13, $cmap	);			$this->GIF .= "!\377\13NETSCAPE2.0\3\1" . GIFEncoder::GIFWord ( $this->LOP ) . "\";		}	}	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GIFAddFrames...	::	*/	function GIFAddFrames ( $i, $d ) {		$Locals_str = 13 + 3 * ( 2 << ( ord ( $this->BUF [ $i ] { 10 } ) & 0x07 ) );		$Locals_end = strlen ( $this->BUF [ $i ] ) - $Locals_str - 1;		$Locals_tmp = substr ( $this->BUF [ $i ], $Locals_str, $Locals_end );		$Global_len = 2 << ( ord ( $this->BUF [ 0  ] { 10 } ) & 0x07 );		$Locals_len = 2 << ( ord ( $this->BUF [ $i ] { 10 } ) & 0x07 );		$Global_rgb = substr ( $this->BUF [ 0  ], 13,							3 * ( 2 << ( ord ( $this->BUF [ 0  ] { 10 } ) & 0x07 ) ) );		$Locals_rgb = substr ( $this->BUF [ $i ], 13,							3 * ( 2 << ( ord ( $this->BUF [ $i ] { 10 } ) & 0x07 ) ) );		$Locals_ext = "!\xF9\x04" . chr ( ( $this->DIS << 2 ) + 0 ) .						chr ( ( $d >> 0 ) & 0xFF ) . chr ( ( $d >> 8 ) & 0xFF ) . "\x0\x0";		if ( $this->COL > -1 && ord ( $this->BUF [ $i ] { 10 } ) & 0x80 ) {			for ( $j = 0; $j < ( 2 << ( ord ( $this->BUF [ $i ] { 10 } ) & 0x07 ) ); $j++ ) {				if	(						ord ( $Locals_rgb { 3 * $j + 0 } ) == ( $this->COL >>  0 ) & 0xFF &&						ord ( $Locals_rgb { 3 * $j + 1 } ) == ( $this->COL >>  8 ) & 0xFF &&						ord ( $Locals_rgb { 3 * $j + 2 } ) == ( $this->COL >> 16 ) & 0xFF					) {					$Locals_ext = "!\xF9\x04" . chr ( ( $this->DIS << 2 ) + 1 ) .									chr ( ( $d >> 0 ) & 0xFF ) . chr ( ( $d >> 8 ) & 0xFF ) . chr ( $j ) . "\x0";					break;				}			}		}		switch ( $Locals_tmp { 0 } ) {			case "!":				$Locals_img = substr ( $Locals_tmp, 8, 10 );				$Locals_tmp = substr ( $Locals_tmp, 18, strlen ( $Locals_tmp ) - 18 );				break;			case ",":				$Locals_img = substr ( $Locals_tmp, 0, 10 );				$Locals_tmp = substr ( $Locals_tmp, 10, strlen ( $Locals_tmp ) - 10 );				break;		}		if ( ord ( $this->BUF [ $i ] { 10 } ) & 0x80 && $this->IMG > -1 ) {			if ( $Global_len == $Locals_len ) {				if ( GIFEncoder::GIFBlockCompare ( $Global_rgb, $Locals_rgb, $Global_len ) ) {					$this->GIF .= ( $Locals_ext . $Locals_img . $Locals_tmp );				}				else {					$byte  = ord ( $Locals_img { 9 } );					$byte |= 0x80;					$byte &= 0xF8;					$byte |= ( ord ( $this->BUF [ 0 ] { 10 } ) & 0x07 );					$Locals_img { 9 } = chr ( $byte );					$this->GIF .= ( $Locals_ext . $Locals_img . $Locals_rgb . $Locals_tmp );				}			}			else {				$byte  = ord ( $Locals_img { 9 } );				$byte |= 0x80;				$byte &= 0xF8;				$byte |= ( ord ( $this->BUF [ $i ] { 10 } ) & 0x07 );				$Locals_img { 9 } = chr ( $byte );				$this->GIF .= ( $Locals_ext . $Locals_img . $Locals_rgb . $Locals_tmp );			}		}		else {			$this->GIF .= ( $Locals_ext . $Locals_img . $Locals_tmp );		}		$this->IMG  = 1;	}	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GIFAddFooter...	::	*/	function GIFAddFooter ( ) {		$this->GIF .= ";";	}	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GIFBlockCompare...	::	*/	function GIFBlockCompare ( $GlobalBlock, $LocalBlock, $Len ) {		for ( $i = 0; $i < $Len; $i++ ) {			if	(					$GlobalBlock { 3 * $i + 0 } != $LocalBlock { 3 * $i + 0 } ||					$GlobalBlock { 3 * $i + 1 } != $LocalBlock { 3 * $i + 1 } ||					$GlobalBlock { 3 * $i + 2 } != $LocalBlock { 3 * $i + 2 }				) {					return ( 0 );			}		}		return ( 1 );	}	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GIFWord...	::	*/	function GIFWord ( $int ) {		return ( chr ( $int & 0xFF ) . chr ( ( $int >> 8 ) & 0xFF ) );	}	/*	:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::	::	::	GetAnimation...	::	*/	function GetAnimation ( ) {		return ( $this->GIF );	}}/*	Build a frames array from sources...*/if ( $dh = opendir ( "frames/" ) ) {	while ( false !== ( $dat = readdir ( $dh ) ) ) {		if ( $dat != "." && $dat != ".." ) {			$frames [ ] = "frames/$dat";			$framed [ ] = 5;		}	}	closedir ( $dh );}/*		GIFEncoder constructor:		=======================		image_stream = new GIFEncoder	(							URL or Binary data	'Sources'							int					'Delay times'							int					'Animation loops'							int					'Disposal'							int					'Transparent red, green, blue colors'							int					'Source type'						);*/$gif = new GIFEncoder	(							$frames,							$framed,							0,							2,							0, 0, 0,							"url"		);/*		Possibles outputs:		==================		Output as GIF for browsers :			- Header ( 'Content-type:image/gif' );		Output as GIF for browsers with filename:			- Header ( 'Content-disposition:Attachment;filename=myanimation.gif');		Output as file to store into a specified file:			- FWrite ( FOpen ( "myanimation.gif", "wb" ), $gif->GetAnimation ( ) );*/Header ( 'Content-type:image/gif' );echo	$gif->GetAnimation ( );?>

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Sim, realmente estas 2 classes são muito boas e funcionam perfeitamente para fazer isso que você quer. Por sinal eu também fiz um script parecido, onde redimenciono automaticamente os avatares que os usuários enviam para o site.


Só tem um problema aí.


Quando os usuários enviam gifs animadas com fundo transparente para usar como avatar, a classe que quebra a gif em frames faz com que esses frames percam a transparência e aí quando junto novamente o gif ele não ta mais com o fundo transparente.


Caso alguém tenha uma solução para isso eu agradeceria pois já estou quebrando a cabeça há alguns dias nisso e ainda sem solução.


Eu até postei uma mensagem no fórum dessa classe do cara lá no mas até agora ele não respondeu. (


É isso aí.



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Olá amigos, está apresentando o seguinte erro na classe que junta os frames:

"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '!' in ... on line 128"


Se alguém souber e puder postar a solução ficarei grato!

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