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alguém conhece algum componente ao similar ASPHTTP.CONN e free?


Preciso fazer um WHOIS na Internic como esse mas não tenho esse componente.

<%Set HttpObj = Server.CreateObject("AspHTTP.Conn")HTTPObj.Url = ""&request.form("dominio")&"&type=domain"HTTPObj.PostData = ""HTTPObj.RequestMethod = "GET"strResult = HTTPObj.GetURLfrase = strResultinicio = instr(frase,"<pre>")resultado1 = mid((frase),(inicio+5)) fim = instr(resultado1,"</pre>")resultado2 = left((resultado1),(fim-1))  if  instr(resultado2, "No match for domain") > 0  then   existe = "Dominio Liberado<br>" else    existe = "Dominio já Registrado<br>" end if  Response.write existeresponse.write "<pre>"& resultado2 & "</pre>"%>

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<% Option Explicit %><% 'Fixa a resposta True ou falseResponse.Buffer = False ' Fixa o intervalo do script a 90 segundosServer.ScriptTimeout = 90'funcionam para examinar o servidor de buscasPrivate Function whoisResult(whoisURL, strMethod, strResultsStart, strResultsEnd)'Dimensões da variavélDim objXMLHTTP 'Holds the XML HTTP ObjectDim strWhoisResultString 'Holds the reult of the whois query' Cria um objeto de XML para examinar o servidor de buscas remotoSet objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")'componente alternativo, para versão 3.0 de XMLHTTP'Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")'Abre uma conexão com o servidor de buscaobjXMLHTTP.Open strMethod, whoisURL, False'Envia o pedido e devolve os dadosobjXMLHTTP.Send'Coloca a resposta do registro da buscastrWhoisResultString = objXMLHTTP.ResponseText'Se o nome do domínio é curto fala que é inválidoIf Len(strDomainName) < 3 Then'Não mostar o resultado de retorno da função para válidowhoisResult = "O domínio não e válido - deve ser pelo menos 3 caráters"'Outros errosElseIF InStr(1, strWhoisResultString, "Error", vbTextCompare) Then'Mostra o resultado do retorno da funçãowhoisResult = "Um erro ocorreu"'Else there was a resultElse'Strip the whois result leaving the data we wantwhoisResult = resultFormater(strWhoisResultString, strResultsStart, strResultsEnd)End If'Clean upSet objXMLHTTP = NothingEnd Function'Function to strip all non estential returned inputPrivate Function resultFormater(strWhoisResultString, strResultsStart, strResultsEnd)'Dimension variablesDim lngResultsStartPosDim lngResultsEndPos'Find the start position in the returned data of the resultlngResultsStartPos = InStr(1, strWhoisResultString, strResultsStart, 1) + Len(strResultsStart)'Find the end position in the returned data of the resultlngResultsEndPos = InStr(lngResultsStartPos, strWhoisResultString, strResultsEnd, 1)'Make sure the end position is not in errorIf lngResultsEndPos - lngResultsStartPos =< Len(strResultsStart) Then lngResultsEndPos = lngResultsStartPos + Len(strResultsStart)'Now we know the start and end position of the result, strip the rest and return the resultresultFormater = Trim(Mid(strWhoisResultString, lngResultsStartPos, (lngResultsEndPos - lngResultsStartPos))) End Function'Function to strip non alphanumeric charactersPrivate Function characterStrip(strTextInput)'Variáveis de dimensãoDim intLoopCounter 'Holds the loop counter'Loop through the ASCII characters up to - hyphenFor intLoopCounter = 0 to 44strTextInput = Replace(strTextInput, CHR(intLoopCounter), "", 1, -1, 0) Next'Olha caráters de ASCII para caracaters numéricosFor intLoopCounter = 46 to 47strTextInput = Replace(strTextInput, CHR(intLoopCounter), "", 1, -1, 0) Next'Loop through the ASCII characters numeric characters to lower-case charactersFor intLoopCounter = 58 to 96strTextInput = Replace(strTextInput, CHR(intLoopCounter), "", 1, -1, 0) Next'Olha os caráters de ASCII estendidosFor intLoopCounter = 123 to 255strTextInput = Replace(strTextInput, CHR(intLoopCounter), "", 1, -1, 0) Next'Retorna a stringcharacterStrip = strTextInputEnd Function'Variáveis de dimensãoDim strDomainName 'Holds the domain name to search forDim strSuffix 'Holds the domain name suffix to search'Leir o nome do domínio a ser procuraradostrDomainName = Trim(Request.QueryString("domain"))strSuffix = Trim(Request.QueryString("suffix"))'Se um nome de domínio foi colocado retira qualquer caráter não desejadoIf strDomainName <> "" Then'Converte o nome de domínio para conferir, para minúsculastrDomainName = LCase(strDomainName)'Remove o www e http da frentestrDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "http://", "", 1, -1, 1)strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "www.", "", 1, -1, 1)'Remove os sufixosstrDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, ".com", "", 1, -1, 1)strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, ".net", "", 1, -1, 1)strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, ".org", "", 1, -1, 1)strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "", "", 1, -1, 1)'Remove qualquer um dos primeiro e últimos carátersIf Left(strDomainName, 1) = "-" Then strDomainName = Mid(strDomainName, 2, Len(strDomainName))If Right(strDomainName, 1) = "-" Then strDomainName = Mid(strDomainName, 1, Len(strDomainName)-1)'Retira o caracters em dobrostrDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "--", "-", 1, -1, 1)'Retira todos os caracters alphanumericosstrDomainName = characterStrip(strDomainName)End If%><html><head><title>Busca de dominios</title><STYLE TYPE="text/css"> A:link, A:visited { text-decoration: none; } </STYLE></head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#FF0000"><form strMethod="get" name="frmDomainCheck" action="<%=request.serverVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500" align="center"><tr> <td height="66" width="111" align="right" rowspan="3" valign="middle"> </td><td height="66" width="31" align="left" rowspan="3" valign="middle"> </td><td class="arial" height="4" width="356"> Entre com o nome do domínio: </td></tr><tr> <td class="normal" height="2" width="356"> www.<input type="TEXT" name="domain" maxlength="35" size="20" value="<% = strDomainName %>"><select name="suffix"><option<% If Request.QueryString("suffix") = "" Then Response.Write(" selected")%>></option><option<% If Request.QueryString("suffix") = ".com" Then Response.Write(" selected")%>>.com</option><option<% If Request.QueryString("suffix") = ".net" Then Response.Write(" selected")%>>.net</option><option<% If Request.QueryString("suffix") = ".org" Then Response.Write(" selected")%>>.org</option></select><input type="submit" value="Buscar>>" name="submit"></td></tr><tr> <td class="normal" height="34" width="356" valign="top"> </td></tr></table></form><center><table width="70%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"><tr><td><%'If a domain name is enterd check itIf strDomainName <> "" Then'Display the avialbilityResponse.Write("<b>O resultado da sua busca para o domínio foi www." & strDomainName & strSuffix & "</b><pre>")'Call the domain checking function depending on domain suffix'Check for .comIf strSuffix = ".com" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("" & strDomainName & ".com&type=domain", "GET", "<pre>", "</pre>"))Response.Write("% pesquisa by")'check for .netElseIf strSuffix = ".net" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("" & strDomainName & ".net&type=domain", "GET", "<pre>", "</pre>"))Response.Write("% pesquisa by")'Check for .org ElseIf strSuffix = ".org" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("" & strDomainName & ".org&type=domain", "GET", "<pre>", "</pre>"))Response.Write("% pesquisa by")'Check for .com.brElseIf strSuffix = "" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("" & strDomainName & "", "GET", "<pre>", "</pre>"))Response.Write("% pesquisa by")End If 'Finsh the red span tagResponse.Write("</pre>") End If %></td></tr></table></html>

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