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Rodrigo B.A

Notice: Undefined variable: Categories

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Peguei um script pronto e estou tentando entende-lo,porem existe alguns erros que não consigo solucionar


abaixo alguns erros:


Notice: Undefined variable: bath in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\imobiliaria\busca_avancada.php on line 263Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\imobiliaria\admin\acesso.php on line 2Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\imobiliaria\admin\acesso.php:2) in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\imobiliaria\admin\acesso.php on line 12

Bom estes são os principais erros.

Na " Undefined variable" seria uma variavel indefinida e eu so axo a variavel de "bath1" e "bath2" a "bath" eu não axo no script.


Ja os outros erros e não faço a minima ideia doque podem ser mesmo.


Bom se alguem quizer me dar uma ajuda eu ficarei grato


Um Abraço

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O primeiro erro é porque a variável não foi declarada. Ou você declara ela ou desabilita o register_globals.O segundo erro é porque tu declarou session_start() duas vezesO terceiro é porque tu criou um header após código PHP.Use ob_start(); antes de todo seu código (html e php) e use ob_end_flush(); no final de todo o código.

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está ai :


<?require_once("configuracao_mysql.php");if(isset($_POST[s1])){	if(!empty($_POST[cat]))	{		$CatInfo = explode("|", $_POST[cat]);		$c = $CatInfo[0];				if($CatInfo[1] > '0')		{			$s = $CatInfo[1];		}	}	if(!empty($_POST[search_country]))	{		$search_country = $_POST[search_country];	}	if(!empty($_POST[search_state]))	{		$state = $_POST[search_state];	}	if(!empty($_POST[search_city]))	{		$search_city = $_POST[search_city];	}	if(!empty($_POST[search_PropertyType]))	{		$search_PropertyType = $_POST[search_PropertyType];	}	if(!empty($_POST[MinPrice]))	{		$MinPrice = $_POST[MinPrice];	}	if(!empty($_POST[MaxPrice]))	{		$MaxPrice = $_POST[MaxPrice];	}	if(!empty($_POST[MinRooms]))	{		$rooms1 = $_POST[MinRooms];	}	if(!empty($_POST[MaxRooms]))	{		$rooms2 = $_POST[MaxRooms];	}	if(!empty($_POST[MinBath]))	{		$bath1 = $_POST[MinBath];	}	if(!empty($_POST[MaxBath]))	{		$bath2 = $_POST[MaxBath];	}	if(!empty($_POST[AgentID]))	{		$agent = $_POST[AgentID];	}	if(!empty($_POST[old]))	{		$before = $_POST[old];	}	if(!empty($_POST[NearSchool]))	{		$school = $_POST[NearSchool];	}	if(!empty($_POST[NearTransit]))	{		$transit = $_POST[NearTransit];	}	if(!empty($_POST[NearPark]))	{		$park = $_POST[NearPark];	}	if(!empty($_POST[OceanView]))	{		$ocean_view = $_POST[OceanView];	}	if(!empty($_POST[LakeView]))	{		$lake_view = $_POST[LakeView];	}	if(!empty($_POST[MountainView]))	{		$mountain_view = $_POST[MountainView];	}	if(!empty($_POST[OceanWaterfront]))	{		$ocean_waterfront = $_POST[OceanWaterfront];	}	if(!empty($_POST[LakeWaterfront]))	{		$lake_waterfront = $_POST[LakeWaterfront];	}	if(!empty($_POST[RiverWaterfront]))	{		$river_waterfront = $_POST[RiverWaterfront];	}	$url = "buscador.php?c=$c&s=$s&search_country=$_POST[search_country]&search_state=$_POST[search_state]&search_city=$_POST[search_city]&search_PropertyType=$_POST[search_PropertyType]&MaxPrice=$MaxPrice&MinPrice=$MinPrice&rooms1=$rooms1&rooms2=$rooms2&bath1=$bath1&bath2=$bath2&AgentID=$agent&before=$before&school=$school&transit=$transit&park=$park&ocean_view=$ocean_view&lake_view=$lake_view&mountain_view=$mountain_view&ocean_waterfront=$ocean_waterfront&lake_waterfront=$lake_waterfront&river_waterfront=$river_waterfront";	header("location:$url");	exit();}require_once("includes.php");/*//create the category menu$CategoryMenu = "<select name=cat>\n\t<option value=\"\"></option>\n\t";$q1 = "select * from re2_categories order by CategoryName";$r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());if(mysql_num_rows($r1) > '0'){	while($a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1))	{		$CategoryMenu .= "<option value=\"$a1[CategoryID]|0\">$a1[CategoryName]</option>\n\t";		//get the subcategories		$q2 = "select * from re2_subcategories where CategoryID = '$a1[CategoryID]' order by SubcategoryName ";		$r2 = mysql_query($q2) or die(mysql_error());			while($a2 = mysql_fetch_array($r2))		{			$CategoryMenu .= "<option value=\"$a1[CategoryID]|$a2[SubcategoryID]\">$a1[CategoryName] - $a2[SubcategoryName]</option>\n\t";		}	}}$CategoryMenu .= "</select>\n";*///create the state menu$StateMenu = "<select name=search_state>\n\t<option value=\"\">Todos os Estados</option>\n\t";$q1 = "select distinct state from re2_listings order by state";$r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());if(mysql_num_rows($r1) > '0'){	while($a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1))	{		$StateMenu .= "<option value=\"$a1[state]\">$a1[state]</option>\n\t";	}}$StateMenu .= "</select>\n";//create the city menu$CityMenu = "<select name=search_city>\n\t<option value=\"\">Todas as Cidades</option>\n\t";$q1 = "select distinct city from re2_listings order by city";$r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());if(mysql_num_rows($r1) > '0'){	while($a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1))	{		$CityMenu .= "<option value=\"$a1[city]\">$a1[city]</option>\n\t";	}}$CityMenu .= "</select>\n";//create the country menu$CountryMenu = "<select name=search_country>\n\t<option value=\"\">Todos os países</option>\n\t";$q1 = "select distinct country from re2_listings order by country";$r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());if(mysql_num_rows($r1) > '0'){	while($a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1))	{		$CountryMenu .= "<option value=\"$a1[country]\">$a1[country]</option>\n\t";	}}$CountryMenu .= "</select>\n";//create the PropertyType menu$TypeMenu = "<select name=search_PropertyType>\n\t<option value=\"\">Todos os tipos</option>\n\t";$q1 = "select distinct PropertyType from re2_listings order by PropertyType";$r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());if(mysql_num_rows($r1) > '0'){	while($a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1))	{		$TypeMenu .= "<option value=\"$a1[PropertyType]\">$a1[PropertyType]</option>\n\t";	}}$TypeMenu .= "</select>\n";//create the Price Minimum menu$MinPrice = "<select name=MinPrice>\n\t<option value=\"\">Mínimo</option>\n\t";$q1 = "select distinct Price from re2_listings order by Price asc";$r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());if(mysql_num_rows($r1) > '0'){	while($a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1))	{		$prices .= "<option value=\"$a1[Price]\">R$ $a1[Price]</option>\n\t";	}}$MinPrice .= $prices."</select>\n";//create the max price menu$MaxPrice = "<select name=MaxPrice>\n\t<option value=\"\">Máximo</option>\n\t";$MaxPrice .= $prices."</select>\n";//bedrooms$MinBed = "<select name=MinRooms>\n\t<option value=\"\">Mínimo</option>\n\t";for($i = '0'; $i <= '20'; $i++){	$bed .= "<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n\t";}$MinBed .= $bed."</select>\n";$MaxBed = "<select name=MaxRooms>\n\t<option value=\"\">Máximo</option>\n\t";$MaxBed .= $bed."</select>\n";//bathrooms$MinBath = "<select name=MinBath>\n\t<option value=\"\">Mínimo</option>\n\t";for($i = '0'; $i <= '10'; $i++){	$bath .= "<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n\t";}$MinBath .= $bath."</select>\n";$MaxBath = "<select name=MaxBath>\n\t<option value=\"\">Máximo</option>\n\t";$MaxBath .= $bath."</select>\n";//agents menu$q1 = "select AgentID, FirstName, LastName from re2_agents order by FirstName, LastName";$r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());$AgentsMenu = "<select name=AgentID>\n\t<option value=\"\">Todos os agentes</option>\n\t";if(mysql_num_rows($r1) > '0'){	while($a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1))	{		$AgentsMenu .= "<option value=\"$a1[AgentID]\">$a1[FirstName] $a1[LastName]</option>\n\t";	}}$AgentsMenu .= "</select>\n";require_once("templates/HeaderTemplate.php");require_once("templates/AdvancedSearchTemplate.php");if(!ereg("index.php", $_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME])){	require_once("templates/FooterTemplate.php");	}?>


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o primeiro erro você está dando erro pq a variável "bath" não foi inicializadoquanto aos outros erros, esqueci de avisar para postar o acesso.php =)

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ola amigo.

axo que meu problema está no easyphp.

pois mandei o mesmo sctipt para um servidor de teste e ele funfou normalmente.

você sabe de algo de errado que possa causar isso no easyphp?


obrigado pela grande ajuda amigo

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hum... acho que no EASYPHP você tem de desabilitar o register_globals, ou você coloca $bath = 0 no seu script. Mas isso é uma gambiarra horrível =)

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