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Daniel Paes

Problemas com aspJpeg

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Galera, to com dificuldades para pegar o upload.form e colocar no codigo abaixo:



nome = upload.form("nome")AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Color = &H000000AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Family = "Tahoma"AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Bold = TrueAspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Size = 28AspJpeg.Canvas.Print AspJpeg.Width-225, AspJpeg.Height-85, [b][color="#ff0000"]"& nome &"[/color][/b]


Tipo.. Desse jeito aqui em baixo, funciona na moral.. Mas fica com um nome especifico e não da para trocar:


AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Color = &H000000AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Family = "Tahoma"AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Bold = TrueAspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Size = 28AspJpeg.Canvas.Print AspJpeg.Width-225, AspJpeg.Height-85, [b][color="#ff0000"]"Daniel Paes"[/color][/b]

Espero q alguem possa me ajudar.. estou quebrando a Kbça aki e ainda naum resolvi...


Um abração

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Tenta assim:


nome = upload.form("nome")AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Color = &H000000AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Family = "Tahoma"AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Bold = TrueAspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Size = 28AspJpeg.Canvas.Print AspJpeg.Width-225, AspJpeg.Height-85, ""& nome &""


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Tenta assim:

nome = upload.form("nome")AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Color = &H000000AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Family = "Tahoma"AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Bold = TrueAspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Size = 28AspJpeg.Canvas.Print AspJpeg.Width-225, AspJpeg.Height-85, ""& nome &""
Pow Rodrigo, quando eu faço isso não aparece nada.. fica em branco

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Hum.. então pode ser porque a variavel nome naum estaja com conteudo, tenta assim:


nome = upload.form("nome")response.Write(""&nome&"")response.End()AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Color = &H000000AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Family = "Tahoma"AspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Bold = TrueAspJpeg.Canvas.Font.Size = 28AspJpeg.Canvas.Print AspJpeg.Width-225, AspJpeg.Height-85, ""& nome &""

Isso vai fazer voltar o conteudo da variavel, caso esteja com conteudo, posta aê pra nois tentar de outra forma.



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Naum naum, num presisa naum, mas apareceu alguma coisa? ou ficou a pagina toda branca?

Calma ai que eu to testando essa budega online pq eu não tenho o componente AspJpeg instalado... E o ftp agora cismou de naum entrar .. rs.. Mas ja fiz as modificações.. só falta mandar para o servidor.... Pronto..Deu esse erro:Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0409'Unterminated string constant/figurinha/function3.asp, line 44"-^a linha é essa:AspJpeg.Canvas.Print AspJpeg.Width-225, AspJpeg.Height-85, ""& nome &""

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TentaAspJpeg.Canvas.Print AspJpeg.Width-225, AspJpeg.Height-85, nome

Ai dá esse erro:Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'Object required: ''/figurinha/function3.asp, line 2

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Acho que o nome está sem valor como disse o Rodrigo.


Só para testar faz o seguinte:

nome = "nome qualquer"

Realmente amigo, não esta pegando o valor.. eu testei do jeito q você falou e deu certo...


O que acontece é o segunte.. Eu uso uma Class para fazer o script funfar... Mas quando eu coloco o "upload.form" no script para pegar um valor ele da esse erro:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01f4'


Variable is undefined: upload


Ai eu vou lá e defino a variavel com"dim upload" .. mas ai ele da esse erro:


Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0411'


Name redefined


/figurinha/function3.asp, line 2


dim upload



Isso tudo acho q é por causa da Class q eu coloquei para fazer o script funfar... pq a principio ele pegaria um texto fixo para por na imagem...


Vou colocar a class aqui para vcs.. vai ficar um pouco grande.. já peço desculpas por antecedencia rs:



' Author: Adrian Forbes

' See UploadHelp.htm for usage instructions


Class Upload

Private sExtensions

Private lMax

Private iMode

Private objForm, objFiles

Private adVarChar, adBoolean, adInteger, adLongVarChar, adDouble

Private lDataLen

Private sData

Private sUploadPath


Public Property Get UploadPath()

UploadPath = sUploadPath

End Property


Public Property Let UploadPath(sPath)

sUploadPath = sPath

if strcomp(right(sUploadPath,1), "\") <> 0 then

sUploadPath = sUploadPath & "\"

end if

End Property


Public Property Get FormCollection()

Set FormCollection = objForm

End Property


Public Property Get FilesCollection()

Set FilesCollection = objFiles

End Property


Public Property Get FormCount()

FormCount = objForm.Count

End Property


Public Property Get FileCount()

FileCount = objFiles.Count

End Property


Public Function Form(vIndex)

Dim aData


if IsNumeric(vIndex) then

aData = objForm.Items

Form = aData(vIndex - 1)


if objForm.Exists (vIndex) then

Form = objForm.Item(vIndex)

end if

end if


End Function


Public Function FormName(vIndex)

Dim aData


if IsNumeric(vIndex) then

aData = objForm.Keys

FormName = aData(vIndex - 1)


if objForm.Exists (vIndex) then

FormName = vIndex

end if

end if


End Function


Public Function File(vIndex)

Dim aData


if IsNumeric(vIndex) then

aData = objFiles.Items

set File = aData(vIndex - 1)


if objFiles.Exists (vIndex) then

set File = objFiles.Item(vIndex)

end if

end if


End Function


Public Property Get ValidExtensions()

ValidExtensions = sExtensions

End Property


Public Property Let ValidExtensions(sExt)

sExtensions = sExt

End Property


Public Property Get MaxUploadSize()

MaxUploadSize = lMax

End Property


Public Property Let MaxUploadSize(lMaxUpload)

lMax = lMaxUpload

End Property


Public Property Get OverwriteMode()

OverwriteMode = iMode

End Property


Public Property Let OverwriteMode(iOWMode)

iMode = iOWMode

End Property


Public Property Get DataLength()

DataLength = lDataLen

End Property


Public Property Let DataLength(lBytes)

lDataLen = lBytes

End Property


Public Property Get RawData()

RawData = sData

End Property


Private Sub Class_Initialize()


set objForm = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

set objFiles = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")


' Define the ADO constants, you can INCLUDE adoinc.vbs or reference

' the type library instead if you want


adVarChar = 200

adBoolean = 11

adInteger = 3

adLongVarChar = 201

adDouble = 5


owNoOverwrite = 0 ' the upload will not overwrite an existing file of the same name

owOverwrite = 1 ' the upload will overwrite an existing file of the same name

owUnique = 2 ' if a file exists with the same name the uploaded file will be given a new, unique name


sExtensions = ""

lMax = 0

iMode = 0


UploadPath = Server.MapPath (".")


end sub


Private Sub Class_Terminate()


set objForm = nothing



set objFiles = nothing


End Sub


Public Sub ProcessRequest

Dim aData, iHeadPos, iPos, iDelimLen, iFileCount

Dim objRS, sDelimeter, iHeadEnd, sHeader

Dim lFormDataStart, lFormDataEnd, lSize

Dim sFieldname, sPath, sFormData, bFile

Dim objFSO, bExists, lCount, iFilenameStart

Dim sFilename, lMIMEStart, lMIMEEnd, sMIME

Dim objFile, bSave, sSaveAs, objUploadFile

Dim tmpData, aFilename


' Find out how much data is in the request

lDataLen = Request.TotalBytes


' Load the data into aData which will be a safe array

aData = Request.BinaryRead(lDataLen)


' The problem with this data is that VBScript can't manipulate the binary

' data so we need to convert it into text. There are routines to do this,

' but we're going to get the Recordset object to do it for us


if lenb(aData) > 0 then

Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")


' Append a field of type LongVarChar that is the length of our data

objRS.Fields.Append "Data", adLongVarChar, lenb(aData)



' Add a new record



' Insert the data into the field

objRS("Data").AppendChunk aData



' And then get it out as ASCII text!

sData = objRS("Data")

set objRS = nothing


sData = ""

end if


' Clean up the array

aData = ""


' We want to find out the delimeter that separates each FORM item

' The delimeter will be the first line so look for the first CRLF

' and the delimeter is everything before that CRLF

iPos = Instr(sData, vbCRLF)

if iPos > 0 then

sDelimeter = left(sData, iPos - 1)

end if


' If the FORM is empty then there will have been no CRLF so sDelimeter will

' be empty. Do a check just to make sure some data has been posted

if len(sDelimeter) > 0 then

' We're going to keep track of our position through the data, starting at the start!

iPos = 1


' Find the start of the delimeter

iPos = Instr(iPos, sData, sDelimeter, 1)


' Move past the delimeter and the CRLF to come to the header

iPos = iPos + len(sDelimeter & vbCRLF)


' The header data ends with CRLFCRLF so find the position of the

' next CRLFCRLF. Adding 3 to this value means we get past the

' header and the trailing CRLFCRLF

iHeadEnd = Instr(iPos, sData, vbCrLf & vbCrLf, 1) + 3


' We know that iPos is the start of the header and iHeadEnd is the end

' so get the text inbetween

sHeader = Mid(sData, iPos, iHeadEnd - iPos + 1)


' The data starts at the position 1 after the header

lFormDataStart = iHeadEnd + 1


' The data ends with a CRLF and then the next delimeter so find out where

' the delimeter is and subtract 3 which takes us before the CRLF and

' to the end of the data

lFormDataEnd = Instr(lFormDataStart, sData, sDelimeter, 1) - 3


' Calculate the size of the data

lSize = lFormDataEnd - lFormDataStart + 1


' The name of the field is in the header's "name" field. We have written

' a small function called GetFieldData that reads the values of fields in

' the header

sFieldname = GetFieldData(sHeader, "name", bExists)


' To find out if this FORM data is an uploaded file we want to search

' the header for the presence of a filename header.

sPath = GetFieldData(sHeader, "filename", bExists)


' If a filename has been found then we know it's a file

if bExists then

bFile = true


iFilenameStart = 0

sFilename = ""

aFilename = Split(sPath,"\")


if UBound(aFilename) >= 0 then

sFilename = aFilename(UBound(aFilename))


sFilename = ""

end if


' As it's a file we want to find the MIME type. This is held in the Content-Type field

' Find the start of the Content-Type field

lMIMEStart = Instr(1, sHeader, "Content-Type:", 1)

if lMIMEStart > 0 then

' Add 13 to this to get past Content-Type: and to the start of the data

lMIMEStart = lMIMEStart + 13

' Find the trailing vbCRLF

lMIMEEnd = Instr(lMIMEStart, sHeader, vbCRLF, 0)

if lMIMEEnd > 0 then

' Get the text in the middle

sMIME = trim(mid(sHeader, lMIMEStart, lMIMEEnd - lMIMEStart))

end if

end if


' If bExists returned false then it is not a file but a FROM element.

' We know where the data starts and ends so let's get it. We only do

' this if it isn't a file to aid performance as we will return to

' save the files later on

sFormData = mid(sData, lFormDataStart, lFormDataEnd - lFormDataStart + 1)

bFile = false

end if


' There is a collection of files and a collection of FORM elements, now that we

' know what we are dealing with we can add to the appropriate collection (dictionary object)

if bFile then

' If it is a file we want to create a new FileDetails class and store

' the relevant data inside it


set objFile = New FileDetails


objFile.Name = sFieldName

objFile.Filename = sFilename

objFile.OriginalPath = sPath

objFile.Size = lSize / 1000

objFile.DataStart = lFormDataStart

objFile.MIME = sMIME


' Add the class to the dictionary object

objFiles.Add sFieldName, objFile


' Ok, here is an HTTP "gotcha". There is nothing to stop you having

' multiple items called the same thing. We want to search the already

' saved FORM items to see if this is a duplicate name.

if objForm.Exists(sFieldName) then

' There is already an item in the objForm collection so we want to

' append to the existing entry rather than create a new one


tmpData = objForm.Item(sFieldName)


' We now add the new field to the end of the existing one and

' separate the two with a comma.

' So "ExistingData" will become "ExistingData,NewData"

objForm.Item(sFieldName) = tmpData & "," & sFormData


' This is a new FORM element so add a new entry to the collection

objForm.Add sFieldName, sFormData

end if

end if

' Now that FORM element has been processed let's move on to the next

' one. The next section is the end of the data for this one + 3. The

' extra 3 is to take us past the CRLF that trails the data

iPos = lFormDataEnd + 3


' Now we want to know if there is another FORM element after this one. The

' final element is followed by the delimeter and then "--". At this

' point iPos is pointing at the next delimeter, if that delimeter is

' followed directly by "--" then we don't want to continue processing

loop until (iPos = instr(iPos, sData, sDelimeter & "--", 1))


' OK, all the FORM elements (file and non-file) have been stored in the

' appropriate collection. We want to revisit all of the file elements and save

' their data to disk. The reason we do it in this two-phase manner is so that

' we can contol the file saving process by elements in the FORM

' data. I also feel it just makes for a neater and more flexible solution.

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

for iFileCount = 1 to objFiles.Count

' Get a handle on the instance of the FileDetails object in the collection

set objFile = File(iFileCount)


bSave = true


' Check the size of the file to ensure it is below any limit

' we have set

if lMax > 0 then

if cdbl(objFile.Size) > lMax then

bSave = false

' The file was bigger than the set limit so lets make that clear by

' saying so in the SavedAs field. I just think it's a nice touch.

objFile.ErrorDescription = "File exceeded size limit of " & lMax

end if

end if


' Get the physical path to save the file to

sPath = sUploadPath


' Get the original filename

sFilename = objFile.Filename


if len(trim(sFilename)) = 0 then

' There is no filename so the user did not select a file to upload

bSave = false

objFile.ErrorDescription = "A file was not selected for uploading"


' GetFilename will return the name we have to save the file to. If it returns empty

' the file cannot be saved. This will only happen if the file already exists and iMode

' is owNoOverwrite

sFilename = GetFilename(sPath, sFilename, iMode)

if len(sFilename) = 0 then

bSave = false

objFile.ErrorDescription = "A file of this name already exists and cannot be overwritten"

end if

end if


if bSave then

' We only want to save if the file's extension is in the list of valid extensions

if not IsValidExtension (sFilename, sExtensions) then

bSave = false

objFile.ErrorDescription = "The file's extension is invalid. Only these files can be uploaded: " & sExtensions

end if

end if


if bSave then


' Find out the path of the file to save by appending the filename to the upload path

sSaveAs = sPath & sFilename


' The file size and extensions are all OK so we're ready to save.

' We saved the start position and length of the file data so let's use

' that to get the file. Remember that the size was previously

' divided by 1000 to show the size in kbs so we have to multiply it

' by 1000 to get the real size again

sFormData = mid(sData, Cdbl(objFile.DataStart), Cdbl(objFile.Size) * 1000)


' Create the file and save the data to it

set objUploadFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile (sSaveAs, true)

objUploadFile.write sFormData


set objUploadFile = nothing


' Now lets update the file object to show where the file was saved to

objFile.SavedAs = sSaveAs

end if


set objFSO = nothing

end if


End Sub


Private Function GetFieldData(sText, sTarget, ByRef bHeaderExists)

' Extract the value from a named field in the header. The format is

' fieldname="fielddata"

' sText is the header, sTarget is the fieldname and the function returns fielddata

Dim iPosS, iPosE


bHeaderExists = False


iPosS = instr(1, sText, sTarget & "=""")

if iPosS < 1 then

GetFieldData = ""

exit function

end if


iPosS = iPosS + len(sTarget & "=""")

iPosE = Instr(iPosS, sText, """")


if iPosE < iPosS then

GetFieldData = ""

exit function

end if


GetFieldData = mid(sText, iPosS, iPosE - iPosS)


bHeaderExists = True


End Function


function GetFilename(ByVal sPath, ByVal sFilename, ByVal iMode)

' This function will return the name of the file to be created

' If the file cannot be created then it returns an empty string

dim objFSO, lIndex, bFound, sTempFilename, sFile, iPos, sExt


select case iMode

case owOverwrite

' We are using overwrite mode so it doesn't matter if the file

' already exists

GetFilename = sFilename

case owNoOverwrite

' We are not in overwritw mode so check to see if the

' file exists

set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

if objFSO.FileExists (sPath & sFilename) then

' It does so return an empty string

GetFilename = ""


' It doesn't so return the filename as it's OK to save.

GetFilename = sFilename

end if

set objFSO = nothing

case owUnique

' Unique mode means that the file will be saved but amended

' if neccessary so that it doesn't overwrite existing files

set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


' First check to see if the file exists, if it doesn't things

' are nice and simple

if objFSO.FileExists (sPath & sFilename) then

' The file already exists so we need to find a new name for it

' First of all split it up into its name and extension

sFile = sFilename

sExt = ""

for iPos = len(sFilename) to 1 step -1

If Strcomp(Mid(sFilename, iPos, 1), ".") = 0 Then

sFile = left(sFilename, iPos - 1)

sExt = mid(sFilename, iPos+1)

exit for

end if



' We will get a unique name by adding a number in parenthesis until

' we get a unique name. So for file.txt we will try file(2).txt

' then file(3).txt and so on

bFound = false

lIndex = 2

while not bFound

sFilename = sFile & "(" & lIndex & ")." & sExt

if objFSO.FileExists(sPath & sFilename) then

lIndex = lIndex + 1


bFound = true

end if


set objFSO = nothing

' Return the new, unique filename

GetFilename = sFilename


' The file doesn't exists so it can keep its name

GetFilename = sFilename

end if

set objFSO = nothing

end select

end function


function IsValidExtension(byval sFilename, byval sValidExtensions)

' Given a filename and comma separated list of valid extensions this

' function checks that the filename has an extension that appears

' in the valid list

dim iPos, sExt, aExt, iIndex


if len(trim(sValidExtensions)) = 0 then

IsValidExtension = true

exit function

end if


sFilename = Trim(sFilename)

for iPos = len(sFilename) to 1 step -1

If Strcomp(Mid(sFilename, iPos, 1), ".") = 0 Then

sExt = mid(sFilename, iPos+1)

aExt = split(sValidExtensions, ",")

for iIndex = lbound(aExt) to ubound(aExt)

if strcomp(trim(aExt(iIndex)), sExt, 1) = 0 then

IsValidExtension = true

exit function

end if


end if



IsValidExtension = false


end function


end class


Class FileDetails

' This class is simply a glorified UDT to store data about each file. An instance

' of this class for each submitted file will be stored in a dictionary object

Private sFormName

Private sFileName

Private lFileSize

Private sOriginalPath

Private lDataStart

Private sMIME

Private sError

Private bSaved

Private sSavedAs


Public Property Get SavedAs()

SavedAs = sSavedAs

End Property


Public Property Let SavedAs(sFile)

sSavedAs = sFile

bSaved = True

End Property


Public Property Get Saved()

Saved = bSaved

End Property


Public Property Let Saved(bVal)

bSaved = bVal

End Property


Public Property Get ErrorDescription()

ErrorDescription = sError

End Property


Public Property Let ErrorDescription(sDesc)

sError = sDesc

End Property


Public Property Get MIME()


End Property


Public Property Let MIME(sType)

sMIME = sType

End Property


Public Property Get DataStart()

DataStart = lDataStart

End Property


Public Property Let DataStart(lStart)

lDataStart = lStart

End Property


Public Property Get OriginalPath()

OriginalPath = sOriginalPath

End Property


Public Property Let OriginalPath(sPath)

sOriginalPath = sPath

End Property


Public Property Get Size()

Size = lFileSize

End Property


Public Property Let Size(lSize)

lFileSize = lSize

End Property


Public Property Get Filename()

Filename = sFileName

End Property


Public Property Let Filename(sFile)

sFileName = sFile

End Property


Public Property Get Name()

Name = sFormName

End Property


Public Property Let Name(sName)

sFormName = sName

End Property


Private Sub Class_Initialize()

bSaved = False

End Sub


End Class



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As vezes essas classes são "case sensitive" ou sejaupload.form("nome")é diferente deupload.form("Nome")que é diferente deupload.form("NOME")Verifique se o campo no form casa com o request.

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As vezes essas classes são "case sensitive" ou sejaupload.form("nome")é diferente deupload.form("Nome")que é diferente deupload.form("NOME")Verifique se o campo no form casa com o request.

Rapaz... a parada esta no esquema certo.. ta tudo em minuscula

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Fala galera.... to passsando só para informar que eu resolvi o problema... resolvi tem uns dias mas só deu para postar agora


Eu coloquei o upload.form dentro do set e ai tudo deu certo(que coisa não rs).. eu estava colocando no topo rs Ficou assim:


set objFile = objUpload.File(1)

nome = objUpload.form("nome")



Obrigado a todos pela ajuda


Um abração e até a próxima hehehehehe

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