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Paulo Cézar Júnior

Não carrega as imagens

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Oi pessoal, beleza.




Estou com um problema bem estranho.




Acontece assim.

Eu criei no minha default.asp um espaço para banners. Inseri normalmente, com as imagens tudo certinho... quando acesso a página, aparece o espaço em branco, aonde deveria aparecer os banner, o engraçado é que nem dá erro de imagem quebrada ou ainda qualquer outro erro~.




O que pode fazer isso.




Já tentei fazer aparece ro banner na default chamando a include, mas acontece a mesma coisa, só aparece o espaço em branco.




Porque acontece isso?


Veja o site:




Se ajudar to postando abaixo o código, abaixo trecho aonde acontece o erro, as imagens não aparecem, mas tb nem dá link quebrado, fica apenas na default um espaço em branco, como se não tivesse nada...



<td height="19" valign="top">

<table width="457%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<td><div align="center">

<table width="457" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td><table width="457%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">




<TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_01.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=84 ALT=""></TD>

<TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_02.gif" WIDTH=119 HEIGHT=12 ALT=""></TD>

<TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_03.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=84 ALT=""></TD>



<TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/publi_01.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 ALT=""></TD>



<TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_05.gif" WIDTH=119 HEIGHT=12 ALT=""></TD>



<td width="3%"> </td>



<TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_01.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=84 ALT=""></TD>

<TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_02.gif" WIDTH=119 HEIGHT=12 ALT=""></TD>

<TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_03.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=84 ALT=""></TD>



<TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/publi_02.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 ALT=""></TD>



<TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_05.gif" WIDTH=119 HEIGHT=12 ALT=""></TD>



<td width="5%"> </td>



<TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_01.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=84 ALT=""></TD>

<TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_02.gif" WIDTH=119 HEIGHT=12 ALT=""></TD>

<TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_03.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=84 ALT=""></TD>



<TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/publi_03.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 ALT=""></TD>



<TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_05.gif" WIDTH=119 HEIGHT=12 ALT=""></TD>

















<!--#Include file="Includes/Config.asp"--><!--#Include file="Includes/Funcoes.asp"--><link href="Includes/Estilos.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><%Call AbreBancoDim objDestSet objDest = Banco.Execute("SELECT TOP 1 ID, Titulo, Foto1, ExibicaoDe, Breve, IDColunas FROM Noticias WHERE ExibicaoDe <= #"& vData &"# AND ExibicaoAte >= #"& vData &"# AND DestPrincipalTexto = on AND Status = on ORDER BY DataHora DESC")Dim objDestPrincipalif not objDest.EOF then Set objDestPrincipal = Banco.Execute("SELECT TOP 3 ID, Titulo, Foto1, ExibicaoDe, Breve, IDColunas FROM Noticias WHERE ID not in ( " & objDest("ID") & " ) and ExibicaoDe <= #"& vData &"# AND ExibicaoAte >= #"& vData &"# AND DestPrincipal = on AND Status = on  ORDER BY DataHora DESC")else Set objDestPrincipal = Banco.Execute("SELECT TOP 3 ID, Titulo, Foto1, ExibicaoDe, Breve, IDColunas FROM Noticias WHERE ExibicaoDe <= #"& vData &"# AND ExibicaoAte >= #"& vData &"# AND DestPrincipal = on AND Status = on ORDER BY DataHora DESC")end ifDim objDestTextif not objDest.EOF then if not objDestPrincipal.EOF then  Set objDestText = Banco.Execute("SELECT TOP 3 ID, Titulo, Foto1, ExibicaoDe, Breve, IDColunas FROM Noticias WHERE ID not in ( " & objDest("ID") & ", " & objDestPrincipal("ID") & " ) and ExibicaoDe <= #"& vData &"# AND ExibicaoAte >= #"& vData &"# AND DestColuna = on AND Status = on  ORDER BY DataHora DESC") else  Set objDestText = Banco.Execute("SELECT TOP 3 ID, Titulo, Foto1, ExibicaoDe, Breve, IDColunas FROM Noticias WHERE ID not in ( " & objDest("ID") & " ) and ExibicaoDe <= #"& vData &"# AND ExibicaoAte >= #"& vData &"# AND DestColuna = on AND Status = on  ORDER BY DataHora DESC") end ifelse if not objDestPrincipal.EOF then  Set objDestText = Banco.Execute("SELECT TOP 3 ID, Titulo, Foto1, ExibicaoDe, Breve, IDColunas FROM Noticias WHERE ID not in ( " & objDestPrincipal("ID") & " ) ExibicaoDe <= #"& vData &"# AND ExibicaoAte >= #"& vData &"# AND DestColuna = on AND Status = on ORDER BY DataHora DESC") else  Set objDestText = Banco.Execute("SELECT TOP 3 ID, Titulo, Foto1, ExibicaoDe, Breve, IDColunas FROM Noticias WHERE ExibicaoDe <= #"& vData &"# AND ExibicaoAte >= #"& vData &"# AND DestColuna = on AND Status = on ORDER BY DataHora DESC") end ifend ifDim BannerBottomDim BannerBottomDesativarDim BannerBottomValorDim BannerBottomTotalDim sql_contagem_bannerBottomDim contadorBottomSet BannerBottom = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")BannerBottom.CursorType = 3BannerBottom.Open("SELECT Cod, Banner, Link, Extensao, Target FROM Banners WHERE CodLocal=2 and Status=on AND DataDe <= #"& vData &"# AND DataAte >= #"& vData &"#"), BancoIf not BannerBottom.EOF Then BannerBottomTotal = BannerBottom.RecordCount Randomize() BannerBottomValor = Int(Rnd * BannerBottomTotal) BannerBottom.Move(BannerBottomValor)Else BannerBottomDesativar = 1End If%><table width="909" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">  <tr>	<td width="778" height="775"> 	  <table width="778" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="FFFFFF">		<tr>		  <td colspan="2">			<!--#Include file="Includes/Topo.asp"-->		  </td>		</tr>		<tr> 		  <td valign="top"> <table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">			  <tr> 				<td width="170" height="100%" rowspan="4" valign="top"> 				  <!--#Include file="Includes/BarraEsq.asp"-->				</td>				<td height="176" valign="top"> <table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5">					<%If Not objDest.EOF Then%>					<tr> 					  <td height="19" valign="top"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">						  <tr> 							<td><a href="Noticia.asp?ID=<%=objDest("ID")%>" class="lArialxx-largePretoBold"><%=objDest("Titulo")%></a></td>						  </tr>						  <tr> 							<td><a href="Noticia.asp?ID=<%=objDest("ID")%>" class="lVerdana11Preto"><%=objDest("Breve")%></a></td>						  </tr>						</table></td>					</tr>					<%end if	   objDest.close	   set objDest = nothing	   if not objDestPrincipal.EOF then%>					<tr> 					  <td height="125" valign="top"> <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0">						  <tr> 							<td width="115" height="115" valign="top"><a href="Noticia.asp?ID=<%=objDestPrincipal("ID")%>"><img src="<%=vLocalFotos & objDestPrincipal("Foto1")%>" width="160" border="0"></a></td>							<td width="338" valign="top"> <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">								<tr> 								  <td valign="top"><a href="Noticia.asp?ID=<%=objDestPrincipal("ID")%>" class="lArialxx-largePretoBold"><%=objDestPrincipal("Titulo")%></a></td>								</tr>								<tr> 								  <td valign="top"><a href="Noticia.asp?ID=<%=objDestPrincipal("ID")%>" class="lVerdana11Preto"><%=objDestPrincipal("Breve")%></a></td>								</tr>							  </table></td>						  </tr>						</table></td>					</tr>					<%End If	   objDestPrincipal.close	   set objDestPrincipal = nothing%>				  </table></td>			  </tr>			  [color="#FF0000"]<tr>				<td height="19" valign="top"> 				  <table width="457%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">					<tr>					  <td><div align="center">						  <table width="457" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">							<tr> 							  <td><table width="457%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">								  <tr> 									<td width="38%"><TABLE WIDTH=152 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0>										<TR> 										  <TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_01.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=84 ALT=""></TD>										  <TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_02.gif" WIDTH=119 HEIGHT=12 ALT=""></TD>										  <TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_03.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=84 ALT=""></TD>										</TR>										<TR> 										  <TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/publi_01.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 ALT=""></TD>										</TR>										<TR> 										  <TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_05.gif" WIDTH=119 HEIGHT=12 ALT=""></TD>										</TR>									  </TABLE></td>									<td width="3%"> </td>									<td width="14%"><TABLE WIDTH=152 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0>										<TR> 										  <TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_01.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=84 ALT=""></TD>										  <TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_02.gif" WIDTH=119 HEIGHT=12 ALT=""></TD>										  <TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_03.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=84 ALT=""></TD>										</TR>										<TR> 										  <TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/publi_02.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 ALT=""></TD>										</TR>										<TR> 										  <TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_05.gif" WIDTH=119 HEIGHT=12 ALT=""></TD>										</TR>									  </TABLE></td>									<td width="5%"> </td>									<td width="40%"><TABLE WIDTH=152 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0>										<TR> 										  <TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_01.gif" WIDTH=23 HEIGHT=84 ALT=""></TD>										  <TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_02.gif" WIDTH=119 HEIGHT=12 ALT=""></TD>										  <TD ROWSPAN=3> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_03.gif" WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=84 ALT=""></TD>										</TR>										<TR> 										  <TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/publi_03.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 ALT=""></TD>										</TR>										<TR> 										  <TD> <IMG SRC="banner/images/banner_05.gif" WIDTH=119 HEIGHT=12 ALT=""></TD>										</TR>									  </TABLE></td>								  </tr>								</table></td>							</tr>						  </table>						</div></td>					</tr>				  </table></td>			  </tr>[/color]			  <tr> 				<td height="198" valign="top"> 				  <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0">					<tr> 					  <%While Not objDestText.EOF 'APCJJ0001566		 Dim objColuna		 Set objColuna = Banco.Execute("SELECT Titulo FROM Colunas WHERE ID = "& objDestText("IDColunas"))		 Dim i		 i = i + 1%>					  <td height="100%" valign="top"> <table width="145" height="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">						  <tr> 							<td height="20" background="Imagens/FundoDegrade2.gif"><span class="tTahoma11PretoBold"> <%=UCase(objColuna("Titulo"))%></span></td>						  </tr>						  <tr> 							<td valign="top"> <table width="100%" height="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">								<tr> 								  <td valign="top"> <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">									  <tr> 										<td height="18"><a href="Noticia.asp?ID=<%=objDestText("ID")%>" class="lTahoma11PretoBold"><%=objDestText("Titulo")%></a></td>									  </tr>									</table></td>								</tr>								<tr> 								  <td valign="top"> <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">									  <tr> 										<td height="10" valign="top"><a href="Noticia.asp?ID=<%=objDestText("ID")%>" class="lTahoma11Preto"><%=objDestText("Breve")%></a></td>									  </tr>									</table></td>								</tr>								<tr> 								  <td align="right"><a href="Noticia.asp?ID=<%=objDestText("ID")%>" class="lTahoma11PretoBold">Veja 									mais</a></td>								</tr>							  </table></td>						  </tr>						</table></td>					  <%If i Mod vTotalPrincipalPorLinha = 0 Then%>					</tr>					<tr> 					  <td height="1" valign="top" colspan="3"><img src="Imagens/b_ag.gif" width="458" height="30"></td>					</tr>					<tr> 					  <td height="28" colspan="3" valign="top"> <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0">						  <tr> 							<td> 							  <%Dim objDestTexto			   Set objDestTexto = Banco.Execute("SELECT TOP 20 ID, Titulo, ExibicaoDe FROM Noticias WHERE ExibicaoDe <= #"& vData &"# AND ExibicaoAte >= #"& vData &"# AND DestTexto = on AND Status = on ORDER BY ExibicaoDe DESC")			   While not objDestTexto.EOF				Response.Write "<a href='Noticia.asp?ID="& objDestTexto("ID") &"' class='lVerdana11Azul'>"& objDestTexto("ExibicaoDe") &" - "& objDestTexto("Titulo") &"</a><br>"			   objDestTexto.MoveNext : Wend			   Set objDestTexto = Nothing%>							</td>						  </tr>						</table></td>					</tr>					<tr> 					  <td valign="top"> </td>					</tr>					<%End If		objDestText.MoveNext : Wend		objDestText.close		set objDestText = nothing%>				  </table></td>			  </tr>			  <%if not BannerBottomDesativar = 1 then%>			  <tr align="center"> 				<td valign="middle"> 				  <%if BannerBottom("extensao")="swf" then%>				  <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="468" height="60">					<param name="movie" value="<%=BannerBottom("banner")%>">					<param name="quality" value="high">					<embed src="<%=BannerBottom("banner")%>" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="468" height="60"></embed> 				  </object> 				  <%Else		   If BannerBottom("Link") = "" or BannerBottom("Link") = "http://" OR IsNull(BannerBottom("Link")) Then%>				  <img src="<%=BannerBottom("banner")%>" width="468" height="60" border="0"> 				  <%Else%>				  <a href="ContaClick.asp?Banner=<%=BannerBottom("Cod")%>&Link=<%=BannerBottom("Link")%>" target="<%=BannerBottom("target")%>"><img src="<%=BannerBottom("banner")%>" width="468" height="60" border="0"></a> 				  <%End If		  end if		  sql_contagem_bannerBottom = "UPDATE banners SET pageviews = pageviews + 1 WHERE cod="&BannerBottom("cod")		  set contadorBottom = Banco.execute(sql_contagem_bannerBottom)%>				</td>			  </tr>			  <%End If%>			</table></td>		  <td width="130" height="700" valign="top" align="right"> 			<!--#Include file="Includes/BarraDir.asp"-->		  </td>		</tr>		<tr>		  <td colspan="2">			<!--#Include file="Includes/Rodape.asp"-->		  </td>		</tr>	  </table>	  <%Dim AltContador   Set AltContador = Banco.Execute("UPDATE Contador SET Contador = Contador + 1")   Call FechaBanco%>	</td>	<td width="131" align="center" valign="top"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="Imagens/bannerjr.gif" width="120" height="600" border="0"></a></td>  </tr></table></body></html>

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cara no firefox abriu os gifs normalmente, vi no ie e aparece em branco msm, o q pode ser eh o seguinte,alguma tag na tabela ou esta faltando ou esta errado, faz o seguinte antes de criar o codigo em si, faz no dreamweaver uma tabela do jeito q quer q fique, dai depois vai alterando com o codigo em si.espero ter ajudado,falou

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