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'***************** CreateTextFile

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set folderObject = fso.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("\fso") & "\")

Set textStreamObject = folderObject.CreateTextFile("testfile.txt",true,false)


textStreamObject.WriteLine("a new text file")

textStreamObject.Close ' remember to close it so that it writes the file


Set textStreamObject = Nothing

Set folderObject = Nothing

Set fso = Nothing


' Creates a text file called "testfile.txt" in the folder, overwrites if it exists

' and sets it to ascii (false to indicate not unicode). Then write "a new text file"

' to the testfile.txt, and closes it

' NB remember the trailing slash in the GetFolder method





Mais informações olhe esta referencia FSO "Manipulação de Arquivos"

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