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Walter Albuquerque

Fatal error: Call to a member function Execute()

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Estou com uma aplicação rodando (dotproject) e em todas suas páginas está aparencendo o seguinte erro:


Fatal error: Call to a member function Execute() on a non-object in E:\Inetpub\dotproject\classes\query.class.php on line 650


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<?php/*{{{ Copyright 2003,2004 Adam Donnison <>	This file is part of the collected works of Adam Donnison.	This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or	(at your option) any later version.	This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of	MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the	GNU General Public License for more details.	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License	along with this; if not, write to the Free Software	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA}}}*/if (! defined('DP_BASE_DIR')) {	die('This file should not be called directly');}require_once DP_BASE_DIR."/lib/adodb/";define('QUERY_STYLE_ASSOC', ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC);define('QUERY_STYLE_NUM' , ADODB_FETCH_NUM);define('QUERY_STYLE_BOTH', ADODB_FETCH_BOTH);/** {{{1 class DBQuery * Container for creating prefix-safe queries.  Allows build up of * a select statement by adding components one at a time. * * @version	$Id: query.class.php,v 2007/01/31 09:36:52 ajdonnison Exp $ * @package	dotProject * @access	public * @author	Adam Donnison <> * @license	GPL version 2 or later. * @copyright	(c) 2003 Adam Donnison */class DBQuery {  var $query;  var $table_list;  var $where;  var $order_by;  var $group_by;  var $limit;  var $offset;  var $join;  var $type;  var $update_list;  var $value_list;  var $create_table;  var $create_definition;  var $_table_prefix;	var $_query_id = null;	var $_old_style = null;  function DBQuery($prefix = null)   {	global $dPconfig;	if (isset($prefix))	  $this->_table_prefix = $prefix;	else if (isset($dPconfig['dbprefix']))	  $this->_table_prefix = $dPconfig['dbprefix'];	else	  $this->_table_prefix = "";	$this->clear();  }    function clear()  {		global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;		if (isset($this->_old_style)) {			$ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $this->_old_style;			$this->_old_style = null;		}	$this->type = 'select';	$this->query = null;	$this->table_list = null;	$this->where = null;	$this->order_by = null;	$this->group_by = null;	$this->limit = null;	$this->offset = -1;	$this->join = null;	$this->value_list = null;	$this->update_list = null;	$this->create_table = null;	$this->create_definition = null;		if ($this->_query_id)			$this->_query_id->Close();		$this->_query_id = null;  }	function clearQuery()	{		if ($this->_query_id)			$this->_query_id->Close();		$this->_query_id = null;	}    /**   * Add a hash item to an array.   *   * @access	private   * @param	string	$varname	Name of variable to add/create   * @param	mixed	$name	Data to add   * @param	string 	$id	Index to use in array.   */  function addMap($varname, $name, $id)  {	if (!isset($this->$varname))	  $this->$varname = array();	if (isset($id))	  $this->{$varname}[$id] = $name;	else	  $this->{$varname}[] = $name;  }  /**   * Adds a table to the query.  A table is normally addressed by an   * alias.  If you don't supply the alias chances are your code will   * break.  You can add as many tables as are needed for the query.   * E.g. addTable('something', 'a') will result in an SQL statement   * of {PREFIX}table as a.   * Where {PREFIX} is the system defined table prefix.   *   * @param	string	$name	Name of table, without prefix.   * @parem	string	$id	Alias for use in query/where/group clauses.   */  function addTable($name, $id = null)  {	$this->addMap('table_list', $name, $id);  }  /**   * Add a clause to an array.  Checks to see variable exists first.   * then pushes the new data onto the end of the array.   */  function addClause($clause, $value, $check_array = true)  {	dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 8, "Adding '$value' to $clause clause");	if (!isset($this->$clause))	  $this->$clause = array();	if ($check_array && is_array($value)) {	  foreach ($value as $v) {	array_push($this->$clause, $v);	  }	} else {	  array_push($this->$clause, $value);	}  }  /**   * Add the actual select part of the query.  E.g. '*', or 'a.*'   * or 'a.field, b.field', etc.  You can call this multiple times   * and it will correctly format a combined query.   *   * @param	string	$query	Query string to use.   */  function addQuery($query)  {	$this->addClause('query', $query);  }  function addInsert($field, $value, $set = false, $func = false)  {		if ($set)		{			if (is_array($field))				$fields = $field;			else				$fields = explode(',', $field);			if (is_array($value))				$values = $value;			else				$values = explode(',', $value);			for($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++)				$this->addMap('value_list', $this->quote($values[$i]), $fields[$i]);		}		else if (!$func)		$this->addMap('value_list', $this->quote($value), $field);		else		$this->addMap('value_list', $value, $field);	$this->type = 'insert';  }    // implemented addReplace() on top of addInsert()    function addReplace($field, $value, $set = false, $func = false)  {	   $this->addInsert($field, $value, $set, $func);	 $this->type = 'replace';  }  function addUpdate($field, $value, $set = false)  {		if ($set)		{			if (is_array($field))				$fields = $field;			else				$fields = explode(',', $field);			if (is_array($value))				$values = $value;			else				$values = explode(',', $value);			for($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++)				$this->addMap('update_list', $values[$i], $fields[$i]);		}		else			$this->addMap('update_list', $value, $field);	$this->type = 'update';  }  function createTable($table)  {	$this->type = 'createPermanent';	$this->create_table = $table;  }    function createTemp($table)  {	$this->type = 'create';	$this->create_table = $table;  }    function dropTable($table)  {	$this->type = 'drop';	$this->create_table = $table;  }  function dropTemp($table)  {	$this->type = 'drop';	$this->create_table = $table;  }	function alterTable($table)	{		$this->create_table = $table;		$this->type = 'alter';	}	function addField($name, $type)	{		if (! is_array($this->create_definition))			$this->create_definition = array();		$this->create_definition[] = array('action' => 'ADD',			'type' => '',			'spec' => $name . ' ' . $type);	}	function dropField($name)	{		if (! is_array($this->create_definition))			$this->create_definition = array();		$this->create_definition[] = array('action' => 'DROP',			'type' => '',			'spec' => $name);	}	function addIndex($name, $type)	{		if (! is_array($this->create_definition))			$this->create_definition = array();		$this->create_definition[] = array('action' => 'ADD',			'type' => 'INDEX',			'spec' => $name . ' ' . $type);	}	function dropIndex($name)	{		if (! is_array($this->create_definition))			$this->create_definition = array();		$this->create_definition[] = array('action' => 'DROP',			'type' => 'INDEX',			'spec' => $name);	}	function dropPrimary()	{		if (! is_array($this->create_definition))			$this->create_definition = array();		$this->create_definition[] = array('action' => 'DROP',			'type' => 'PRIMARY KEY',			'spec' => '');	}  function createDefinition($def)  {	$this->create_definition = $def;  }	function setDelete($table)	{		$this->type = 'delete';		$this->addMap('table_list', $table, null);	}  /**    * Add where sub-clauses.  The where clause can be built up one   * part at a time and the resultant query will put in the 'and'   * between each component.   *   * Make sure you use table aliases.   *   * @param	string 	$query	Where subclause to use   */  function addWhere($query)  {	if (isset($query))	  $this->addClause('where', $query);  }  /**   * Add a join condition to the query.  This only implements   * left join, however most other joins are either synonymns or   * can be emulated with where clauses.   *   * @param	string	$table	Name of table (without prefix)   * @param	string	$alias	Alias to use instead of table name (required).   * @param	mixed	$join	Join condition (e.g. ' = b.other_id')   *				or array of join fieldnames, e.g. array('id', 'name);   *				Both are correctly converted into a join clause.   */  function addJoin($table, $alias, $join, $type = 'left')  {	$var = array ( 'table' => $table,	  'alias' => $alias,	  'condition' => $join,	  'type' => $type );	$this->addClause('join', $var, false);  }  function leftJoin($table, $alias, $join)  {	$this->addJoin($table, $alias, $join, 'left');  }  function rightJoin($table, $alias, $join)  {	$this->addJoin($table, $alias, $join, 'right');  }  function innerJoin($table, $alias, $join)  {	$this->addJoin($table, $alias, $join, 'inner');  }  /**   * Add an order by clause.  Again, only the fieldname is required, and   * it should include an alias if a table has been added.   * May be called multiple times.   *   * @param	string	$order	Order by field.   */  function addOrder($order)  {	if (isset($order))	  $this->addClause('order_by', $order);  }  /**   * Add a group by clause.  Only the fieldname is required.   * May be called multiple times.  Use table aliases as required.   *   * @param	string	$group	Field name to group by.   */  function addGroup($group)  {	$this->addClause('group_by', $group);  }  /**   * Set a limit on the query.  This is done in a database-independent   * fashion.   *   * @param	integer	$limit	Number of rows to limit.   * @param	integer	$start	First row to start extraction.   */  function setLimit($limit, $start = -1)  {	$this->limit = $limit;	$this->offset = $start;  }  /**   * Prepare a query for execution via db_exec.   *   */  function prepare($clear = false)  {	switch ($this->type) {	  case 'select':	  $q = $this->prepareSelect();	break;	  case 'update':		$q = $this->prepareUpdate();	break;	  case 'insert':		$q = $this->prepareInsert();	break;	  case 'replace':		$q = $this->prepareReplace();	break;	  case 'delete':	  $q = $this->prepareDelete();	break;	  case 'create':	// Create a temporary table		$s = $this->prepareSelect();	$q = 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ' . $this->_table_prefix . $this->create_table;	if (!empty($this->create_definition))	  $q .= ' ' . $this->create_definition;	$q .= ' ' . $s;	break;	  case 'alter':		$q = $this->prepareAlter();  break;	  case 'createPermanent':	// Create a temporary table		$s = $this->prepareSelect();	$q = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this->_table_prefix . $this->create_table;	if (!empty($this->create_definition))	  $q .= ' ' . $this->create_definition;	$q .= ' ' . $s;	break;	  case 'drop':	$q = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $this->_table_prefix . $this->create_table;	break;	}		if ($clear)			$this->clear();	return $q;	dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 2, $q);  }  function prepareSelect()  {	$q = 'SELECT ';	if (isset($this->query)) {	  if (is_array($this->query)) {	$inselect = false;	$q .= implode(',', $this->query);	  } else {	$q .= $this->query;	  }	} else {	  $q .= '*';	}	$q .= ' FROM ';	if (isset($this->table_list)) {	  if (is_array($this->table_list)) {	$q .= '( ';	// Required for MySQL 5 compatability.	$intable = false;	foreach ($this->table_list as $table_id => $table) {	  if ($intable)		$q .= ",";	  else		$intable = true;	  $q .= '`' . $this->_table_prefix . $table . '`';	  if (! is_numeric($table_id))		$q .= " as $table_id";	}	$q .= ' )'; // MySQL 5 compat.	  } else {	$q .= $this->_table_prefix . $this->table_list;	  }	} else {	  return false;	}	$q .= $this->make_join($this->join);	$q .= $this->make_where_clause($this->where);	$q .= $this->make_group_clause($this->group_by);	$q .= $this->make_order_clause($this->order_by);	return $q;  }  function prepareUpdate()  {	// You can only update one table, so we get the table detail	$q = 'UPDATE ';	if (isset($this->table_list)) {	  if (is_array($this->table_list)) {			reset($this->table_list);	// Grab the first record	list($key, $table) = each ($this->table_list);	  } else {	$table = $this->table_list;	  }	} else {	  return false;	}	$q .= '`' . $this->_table_prefix . $table . '`';	$q .= ' SET ';	$sets = '';	foreach( $this->update_list as $field => $value) {	  if ($sets)		$sets .= ", ";	  $sets .= "`$field` = " . $this->quote($value);	}	$q .= $sets;	$q .= $this->make_where_clause($this->where);	return $q;  }  function prepareInsert()  {	$q = 'INSERT INTO ';	if (isset($this->table_list)) {	  if (is_array($this->table_list)) {			reset($this->table_list);	// Grab the first record	list($key, $table) = each ($this->table_list);	  } else {	$table = $this->table_list;	  }	} else {	  return false;	}	$q .= '`' . $this->_table_prefix . $table . '`';	$fieldlist = '';	$valuelist = '';	foreach( $this->value_list as $field => $value) {	  if ($fieldlist)	$fieldlist .= ",";	  if ($valuelist)	$valuelist .= ",";	  $fieldlist .= '`' . trim($field) . '`';	  $valuelist .= $value;	}	$q .= "($fieldlist) values ($valuelist)";	return $q;  }  function prepareReplace()  {	$q = 'REPLACE INTO ';	if (isset($this->table_list)) {	  if (is_array($this->table_list)) {			reset($this->table_list);	// Grab the first record	list($key, $table) = each ($this->table_list);	  } else {	$table = $this->table_list;	  }	} else {	  return false;	}	$q .= '`' . $this->_table_prefix . $table . '`';	$fieldlist = '';	$valuelist = '';	foreach( $this->value_list as $field => $value) {	  if ($fieldlist)	$fieldlist .= ",";	  if ($valuelist)	$valuelist .= ",";	  $fieldlist .= '`' . trim($field) . '`';	  $valuelist .= $value;	}	$q .= "($fieldlist) values ($valuelist)";	return $q;  }    function prepareDelete()  {	$q = 'DELETE FROM ';	if (isset($this->table_list)) {	  if (is_array($this->table_list)) {	// Grab the first record	list($key, $table) = each ($this->table_list);	  } else {	$table = $this->table_list;	  }	} else {	  return false;	}	$q .= '`' . $this->_table_prefix . $table . '`';	$q .= $this->make_where_clause($this->where);	return $q;  }	//TODO: add ALTER DROP/CHANGE/MODIFY/IMPORT/DISCARD/...	//definitions:	function prepareAlter()	{		$q = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $this->_table_prefix . $this->create_table . '` ';		if (isset($this->create_definition)) {		  if (is_array($this->create_definition)) {			$first = true;			foreach ($this->create_definition as $def) {			  if ($first)			$first = false;			  else			$q .= ', ';			  $q .= $def['action'] . ' ' . $def['type'] . ' ' . $def['spec'];			}		  } else {			$q .= 'ADD ' . $this->create_definition;		  }		}		return $q; 	}  /**   * Execute the query and return a handle.  Supplants the db_exec query   */  function &exec($style = ADODB_FETCH_BOTH, $debug = false)  {	  global $db;	  global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;	  if (! isset($this->_old_style))	  $this->_old_style = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;	  $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $style;	  $this->clearQuery();	  if ($q = $this->prepare()) {		  dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 7, "executing query($q)");	  if ($debug) {		// Before running the query, explain the query and return the details.		$qid = $db->Execute('EXPLAIN ' . $q);		if ($qid) {		  $res = array();		  while ($row = $this->fetchRow()) {		$res[] = $row;		  }		  dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 0, "QUERY DEBUG: " . var_export($res, true));		  $qid->Close();		}	  }		  if (isset($this->limit)) {			$this->_query_id = $db->SelectLimit($q, $this->limit, $this->offset);		  } else {###	 $this->_query_id =  $db->Execute($q);		  }		  if (! $this->_query_id) {			  $error = $db->ErrorMsg();			  dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 0, "query failed($q) - error was: " . $error);			  return $this->_query_id;		  }		  return $this->_query_id;	  } else {		  return $this->_query_id;	  }  }	function fetchRow()	{		if (! $this->_query_id) {			return false;		}		return $this->_query_id->FetchRow();	}	/**	 * loadList - replaces dbLoadList on 	 */	function loadList($maxrows = null)	{		global $db;		global $AppUI;		if (! $this->exec(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC)) {			$AppUI->setMsg($db->ErrorMsg(), UI_MSG_ERROR);			$this->clear();			return false;		}		$list = array();		$cnt = 0;		while ($hash = $this->fetchRow()) {			$list[] = $hash;			if ($maxrows && $maxrows == $cnt++)				break;		}		$this->clear();		return $list;	}	function loadHashList($index = null) {		global $db;		if (! $this->exec(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC)) {			exit ($db->ErrorMsg());		}		$hashlist = array();		$keys = null;		while ($hash = $this->fetchRow()) {			if ($index) {				$hashlist[$hash[$index]] = $hash;			} else {				// If we are using fetch mode of ASSOC, then we don't				// have an array index we can use, so we need to get one				if (! $keys)					$keys = array_keys($hash);				$hashlist[$hash[$keys[0]]] = $hash[$keys[1]];			}		}		$this->clear();		return $hashlist;	}	function loadHash()	{		global $db;		if (! $this->exec(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC)) {			exit ($this->db->ErrorMsg());		}		$hash = $this->fetchRow();		$this->clear();		return $hash;	}	function loadArrayList($index = 0) {		global $db;		if (! $this->exec(ADODB_FETCH_NUM)) {			exit ($db->ErrorMsg());		}		$hashlist = array();		$keys = null;		while ($hash = $this->fetchRow()) {			$hashlist[$hash[$index]] = $hash;		}		$this->clear();		return $hashlist;	}	function loadColumn() {		global $db;		if (! $this->exec(ADODB_FETCH_NUM)) {		  die ($db->ErrorMsg());		}		$result = array();		while ($row = $this->fetchRow()) {		  $result[] = $row[0];		}		$this->clear();		return $result;	}	function loadObject( &$object, $bindAll=false , $strip = true) {		if (! $this->exec(ADODB_FETCH_NUM)) {			die ($this->_db->ErrorMsg());		}		if ($object != null) {			$hash = $this->fetchRow();			$this->clear();			if( !$hash ) {				return false;			}			$this->bindHashToObject( $hash, $object, null, $strip, $bindAll );			return true;		} else {			if ($object = $this->_query_id->FetchNextObject(false)) {				$this->clear();				return true;			} else {				$object = null;				return false;			}		}	}		/**	 * Using an XML string, build or update a table.	 */	function execXML($xml, $mode = 'REPLACE') {		global $db, $AppUI;		include_once DP_BASE_DIR.'/lib/adodb/';		$schema = new adoSchema($db);		$schema->setUpgradeMode($mode);		if (isset($this->_table_prefix) && $this->_table_prefix) {			$schema->setPrefix($this->_table_prefix, false);		}		$schema->ContinueOnError(true);		if (($sql = $scheme->ParseSchemaString($xml)) == false) {			$AppUI->setMsg(array('Error in XML Schema', 'Error', $db->ErrorMsg()), UI_MSG_ERR);			return false;		}		if ($schema->ExecuteSchema($sql, true))			return true;		else			return false;	}  /** {{{2 function loadResult   * Load a single column result from a single row   */  function loadResult()  {	global $AppUI;	$result = false;	if (! $this->exec(ADODB_FETCH_NUM)) {	  $AppUI->setMsg($db->ErrorMsg(), UI_MSG_ERROR);	} else if ($data = $this->fetchRow()) {	  $result =  $data[0];	}	$this->clear();	return $result;  }  //2}}}  /** {{{2 function make_where_clause   * Create a where clause based upon supplied field.   *   * @param	mixed	$clause	Either string or array of subclauses.   * @return	string   */  function make_where_clause($where_clause)  {	$result = '';	if (! isset($where_clause))	  return $result;	if (is_array($where_clause)) {	  if (count($where_clause)) {	$started = false;	$result = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where_clause);	  }	} else if (strlen($where_clause) > 0) {	  $result = " where $where_clause";	}	return $result;  }  //2}}}  /** {{{2 function make_order_clause   * Create an order by clause based upon supplied field.   *   * @param	mixed	$clause	Either string or array of subclauses.   * @return	string   */  function make_order_clause($order_clause)  {	$result = "";	if (! isset($order_clause))	  return $result;	if (is_array($order_clause)) {	  $started = false;	  $result = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $order_clause);	} else if (strlen($order_clause) > 0) {	  $result = " ORDER BY $order_clause";	}	return $result;  }  //2}}}  //{{{2 function make_group_clause  function make_group_clause($group_clause)  {	$result = "";	if (! isset($group_clause))	  return $result;	if (is_array($group_clause)) {	  $started = false;	  $result = ' GROUP BY ' . implode(',', $group_clause);	} else if (strlen($group_clause) > 0) {	  $result = " GROUP BY $group_clause";	}	return $result;  }  //2}}}  //{{{2 function make_join  function make_join($join_clause)  {	$result = "";	if (! isset($join_clause))	  return $result;	if (is_array($join_clause)) {	  foreach ($join_clause as $join) {	$result .= ' ' . strtoupper($join['type']) . ' JOIN `' . $this->_table_prefix . $join['table'] . '`';	if ($join['alias'])	  $result .= ' AS ' . $join['alias'];	if (is_array($join['condition'])) {	  $result .= ' USING (' . implode(',', $join['condition']) . ')';	} else {	  $result .= ' ON ' . $join['condition'];	}	  }	} else {	  $result .= ' LEFT JOIN `' . $this->_table_prefix . $join_clause . '`';	}	return $result;  }  //2}}}	function quote($string)	{		global $db;		return $db->qstr($string, get_magic_quotes_runtime());	}}//1}}}// vim600: fdm=marker sw=2 ts=8 ai:?>

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