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galera me ajudem, estou com um problema aki no meu negocinho de carregar, nao estou encontrando o erro... olhem aki...

testem vcs também e vejam se o código funciona...


<html><head><title>Untitled Document</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><meta content="MSHTML 5.50.4134.100" name=GENERATOR></head><body bgcolor="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" scroll="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"><p>   <script language=JavaScript><!--function SymError(){  return true;}window.onerror = SymError;//--></script>  <script language=JavaScript1.2><!-- begin hidingstartingColor = new Array() // <-- Do not modify!endingColor = new Array() // <-- Do not modify!// YOU MAY MODIFY THE FOLLOWING:var yourImages = new Array("ia_r1_c1.gif","ia_r3_c5.gif","ia_r2_c2.gif","ia_r2_c15.gif","ia_r1_c2.gif","ia_r5_c2.gif","ia_r5_c4.gif","ia_r5_c9.gif","ia_r5_c11.gif","ia_r5_c13.gif","ia_r4_c14.gif","ia_r6_c6.gif","ia_r7_c1.gif","ia_r7_c7.gif","baixo.jpg","spacer.gif") // Fill this array with the images you wish to preloadvar locationAfterPreload = "ia.htm" // The script will redirect here when the preloading finishes *successfully*var preloadbarWidth = 150 // The length of the preload bar. Should be greater than total amount of images you want to preload!var preloadbarHeight = 10 // The height of the gradient/preload barvar backgroundOfGradient = "#000000" // Default color while the preload bar is "filling up" #ffffff// Color the preloadbar is starting with - enter 1st, 3rd and 5th numbers/letters of color codestartingColor[0] = "7" startingColor[1] = "4"startingColor[2] = "1"// Color the preloadbar is going to end up with - enter the 1st, 3rd and 5th numbers/letters of color codeendingColor[0] = "5"endingColor[1] = "0"endingColor[2] = "0"// FOR TROUBLESHOOTING:var gap = 2 // PLAY AROUND WITH THIS SETTING IF YOU GET A JAVASCRIPT ERROR!!! 2 is the minumum value!!!// DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING BEYOND THIS POINT!!!if (!document.all) location.replace(locationAfterPreload)var a = 10, b = 11, c = 12, d = 13, e = 14, f=15, i, j, ones = new Array(), sixteens = new Array(), diff = new Array();var convert = new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f"), imgLen = yourImages.length;var loaded = new Array(), preImages = new Array(), currCount = 0, pending = 0, h = 0, hilite = new Array(), cover = new Array();var num = Math.floor(preloadbarWidth/gap);for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {	startingColor[i] = startingColor[i].toLowerCase();	endingColor[i] = endingColor[i].toLowerCase();	startingColor[i] = eval(startingColor[i]);	endingColor[i] = eval(endingColor[i]);	diff[i] = (endingColor[i]-startingColor[i])/num;	ones[i] = Math.floor(diff[i]);	sixteens[i] = Math.round((diff[i] - ones[i])*15);}endingColor[0] = 0;endingColor[1] = 0;endingColor[2] = 0;i = 0, j = 0;while (i <= num) {	hilite[i] = "#";	while (j < 3) {  hilite[i] += convert[startingColor[j]];  hilite[i] += convert[endingColor[j]];  startingColor[j] += ones[j];  endingColor[j] += sixteens[j];  if (endingColor[j] > 15) { 	 endingColor[j] -= 15; 	 startingColor[j]++;  }  j++;	}	j = 0;	i++;}function loadImages() {	for (i = 0; i < imgLen; i++) {  preImages[i] = new Image();  preImages[i].src = "images/" + yourImages[i];  loaded[i] = 0;  cover[i] = Math.floor(num/imgLen)*(i+1)	}	cover[cover.length-1] += num%imgLen	checkLoad();}function checkLoad() {	if (pending) { changeto(); return }	if (currCount == imgLen) { location.replace(locationAfterPreload); return }	for (i = 0; i < imgLen; i++) {  if (!loaded[i] && preImages[i].complete) { 	 loaded[i] = 1; pending++; currCount++; 	 checkLoad(); 	 return;  }	}	setTimeout("checkLoad()",10);}function changeto() {	if (h+1 > cover[currCount-1]) {  var percent = Math.round(100/imgLen)*currCount;  if (percent > 100) while (percent != 100) percent--;  if (currCount == imgLen && percent < 100) percent = 100;  defaultStatus = "Carregando " + currCount + " de " + imgLen + " images [" + percent + "%].";  pending--;  checkLoad();  return;	}	eval("document.all.cell" + (h+1) + ".style.backgroundColor = hilite[h]");;	h++;	setTimeout("changeto()",1);}defaultStatus = "Carregando 0 de " + imgLen + " images [0%]."// end hiding --></script></p><table height="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" border=0>  <tbody>   <tr>     <td valign=center align=middle>      <div align="center"> <br>        <br>        <a href="javascript:location.replace(locationAfterPreload)"><img src="teste.gif" width="310" height="285" border="0"></a>         <script language=JavaScript1.2><!-- beging hidingdocument.write('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="##66CC00"><tr><td>');document.write('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#006600" width="' + preloadbarWidth + '"><tr height="' + preloadbarHeight + '" bgcolor="' + backgroundOfGradient + '">');for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {document.write('<td width="' + gap + '" id="cell' + (i+1) + '"></td>');}document.write('</tr></table>');document.write('</td></tr></table>');loadImages();// end hiding -->      </script>      </div>    </table><p> </p></body></html>

ele caregga as 15 imagens... so que fala q tem 16... e nao passa de 15 o carregando.. oq está acontecendo?



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porque o array possui 16 imagens:"ia_r1_c1.gif","ia_r3_c5.gif","ia_r2_c2.gif","ia_r2_c15.gif","ia_r1_c2.gif","ia_r5_c2.gif","ia_r5_c4.gif","ia_r5_c9.gif","ia_r5_c11.gif","ia_r5_c13.gif","ia_r4_c14.gif","ia_r6_c6.gif","ia_r7_c1.gif","ia_r7_c7.gif","baixo.jpg","spacer.gif"verifique se você tem o arquivo "spacer.gif" ou retire-o do array

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spacer.gif não é uma imagem pequena transparente usada delo dreamweaver para ajudar a formatar layout de páginas?nem precisa colocá-lo no carregador, o peso é insignificante.

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então, aki mostrou 23 imagens e carregou até a 15 e parou, daí uns 3 ou 4 segundos continuou uso WIN2k Professional com IE 6.0.2800.1106

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