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Nescau Gelado

q erro é esse?

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Pessoal estou tentando validar meu css.. mas está acusando 3 erros... seguem:


linha 4*Family names containing whitespace should be quoted. If quoting is omitted, any whitespace characters before and after the name are ignored and any sequence of whitespace characters inside the name is converted to a single space.[b]conteudo do *[/b]*{	pading: 0;	margin: 0;linha 4 ->	font-family:Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}

linha 134#conteudoFamily names containing whitespace should be quoted. If quoting is omitted, any whitespace characters before and after the name are ignored and any sequence of whitespace characters inside the name is converted to a single space.[b]conteudo do #conteudo[/b]#conteudo{	margin-top:60px;	margin-left:70px;	margin-right:70px;linha134->	font-family:Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	font-size:12px;	text-align:center;}

linha 170#rodapeFamily names containing whitespace should be quoted. If quoting is omitted, any whitespace characters before and after the name are ignored and any sequence of whitespace characters inside the name is converted to a single space.[b]conteudo do #rodape[/b]#rodape{	background:url(../images/fundo_menu.jpg) repeat-x;	height:59px;	font-size:11px;linha170->	font-family:Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}


que erro é esse? alguem pode ajudar?

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font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

Isso deve resolver o problema.

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