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Dificuldades para instalar jogo em PHP

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Galera, ah um tempo atrás (2003/2004) eu jogava um jogo chamado Third Reich, era um jogo baseado em turnos que era pelo browser, ele era programado em PHP, o jogo foi inspirado em um Open Source chamado Promisance (Vocês podem achar ele na Source Forge). Eu estou tentando instalar ele para jogar com os amigos só que estou tendo certas dificuldades por falta de conhecimento. Estou postando as explicações de instalação e o download completo dos arquivos para instalar o jogo. Quem puder dar uma luz ai, eu agradeço. O jogo parou de ser feito em 2004, acho que pode ser por ele estar desatualizado para os programas atuais que não consigo instalar e pede-se para fazer contrab e CGI P


Link para baixar os arquivos do jogo:;big_mirror=0


Install quem vem com os arquivos do jogo e as partes em negrito são as que eu não sei fazer ou não conheço.


Já agradeço de apenas olharem esse topico.


To install Promisance, you will need:


1. A webserver (Apache is preferred)

2. PHP4 version 4.0.5 or greater; you may use a module for your

webserver, but the CGI binary is required for the turns script

3. PHP GD library 1.8 or greater for the '# players registered' image


4. MySQL version 3.23.36 or greater

5. Knowledge necessary to configure crontab jobs.


Installing Promisance can be done in nine easy steps:


1. Extract Promisance to its own path, one visible from your web



2. If you wish to add new races or eras, edit prom.sql to your liking.

Note that if you wish to add additional eras, you must also edit:

* funcs.php: line 201, to define exploration multipliers

line 252, to define any era bonuses while taking


* magicfun.php: line 87, to define the magic spell names

* promisance.css: line 119, to define the era-specific colors


3. Create a MySQL database for Promisance.

If you cannot create a database (e.g. you do not have permission),

you may rename the SQL tables by editing prom.sql and const.php



4. Create the MySQL tables:

$ mysql -uusername -p[password] databasename <prom.sql


5. Edit const.php to your liking (taking care to set the database

host/login/password variables)


6. Browse to the folder in which you have installed Promisance.

Click the 'Signup' link and create your account.

You will be given the following privileges:

* 'Set User' to any other user in the game.

* User Administration - check for multis, disable/delete accounts,


* Clan Administration - edit any clan as if you are the founder.

* View Empire Communications - filter through all messages sent

in-game; this is ideal for bringing attention to usage of

profanity or any other violations of game rules.


7. Copy the following text into the public page from which you will

allow users to create accounts and log into Promisance:


<img style="background-color:white;width:48px;height:16px" src="/promisance/promisance.php?action=count&digits=3&style=1" alt="[num]"> Players Registered<br>

<form method="post" action="/promisance/promisance.php?action=login">


Username: <input type="text" name="login_username" size="8"><br>

Password: <input type="password" name="login_password" size="8"><br>

<input type="submit" name="do_login" value="Login">



<a href="/promisance/promisance.php?action=signup"><b>- Create Empire -</b></a><br>

<a href="/promisance/promisance.php?action=top10"><b>- Top 10 Players -</b></a><br>


8. Make a crontab entry to run the turns script:

"/usr/local/bin/php turns.php"

substituting the proper path to the PHP CGI binary.

Schedule it according to the settings you chose in const.php.


9. If you wish to use the game's directory as a front page, you may

edit index.php, removing the Header("...") command and replacing it

with code to generate your own front page.



The first account created is given administrative privileges.

It is flagged such that other empires are not capable of attacking or

sending aid to you. As such, you will also be unable to access the war

center and you will not be allowed to join clans.

Through User Administration, you may appoint other users to be

administrators, giving them the same abilities and restrictions as


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O sistema operacional que você vai instala-lo é linux? Qual Linux?Você já instalou o apache?Voce já instalou o php?Você já instalou o MySQL?Crontad equivale ao agendador de tarefas do windows, deixa pra mexer com isso por último pois ele é que controlará o tempo dos turnos de acordo com a sua configuração.

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Slipce, obrigado por responder.Bom, vamos lá.Não é Linux, aqui é WindowsO Apache que eu tenho aqui veio no EasyPHP junto com o PhpMyAdmin e MySQL, a alguns meses eu fui testar um sistema de Forum e usei ele esse EasyPHP e tudo ocorreu bem, por isso achei que nesse caso seria a mesma coisa. De qualquer jeito, estou baixando o Apache, PHP e MySQL separados.

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Hum, dei uma olhada nesse Easyphp e parece que ele é um daqueles pacotes( tudo em um ), se você já usou e funcionou não tem problema de usa-lo, só que você vai ter que verificar as versões do apache, php e mysql que ele usa pra ver se estão compátiveis com o que o jogo pede. O próximo passo será habilitar a biblioteca gd, para isso você terá que ir até o arquivo php.ini e verificar se a linha "extension=php_gd2.dll" está sem o ";" , se estiver com o ponto e virgula você deverá tira-lo, salvar o arquivo e reiniciar o apache.

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Deletei lá o ";" e tentei de novo, quando cheguei no: "Browse to the folder in which you have installed Promisance." e joguei no browser deu o seguinte:

Notice: Use of undefined constant protection - assumed 'protection' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 16Notice: Use of undefined constant initturns - assumed 'initturns' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 17Notice: Use of undefined constant maxturns - assumed 'maxturns' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 18Notice: Use of undefined constant maxstoredturns - assumed 'maxstoredturns' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 19Notice: Use of undefined constant valturns - assumed 'valturns' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 20Notice: Use of undefined constant minvacation - assumed 'minvacation' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 22Notice: Use of undefined constant vacationdelay - assumed 'vacationdelay' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 23Notice: Use of undefined constant armtrp - assumed 'armtrp' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 48Notice: Use of undefined constant lndtrp - assumed 'lndtrp' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 49Notice: Use of undefined constant flytrp - assumed 'flytrp' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 50Notice: Use of undefined constant seatrp - assumed 'seatrp' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 51Notice: Use of undefined constant food - assumed 'food' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 52Notice: Use of undefined constant loanbase - assumed 'loanbase' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 54Notice: Use of undefined constant savebase - assumed 'savebase' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 55Notice: Use of undefined constant buildings - assumed 'buildings' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 56Notice: Use of undefined constant market - assumed 'market' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 57Notice: Use of undefined constant bmperc - assumed 'bmperc' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 58Notice: Use of undefined constant mktshops - assumed 'mktshops' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 59Notice: Use of undefined constant indc - assumed 'indc' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 60Notice: Use of undefined constant jackpot - assumed 'jackpot' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 61Notice: Use of undefined constant news - assumed 'news' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 67Notice: Use of undefined constant main - assumed 'main' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 69Notice: Use of undefined constant sitedir - assumed 'sitedir' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 71Notice: Use of undefined constant servname - assumed 'servname' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 73Notice: Use of undefined constant home - assumed 'home' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 75Notice: Use of undefined constant forums - assumed 'forums' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 77Notice: Use of undefined constant adminemail - assumed 'adminemail' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 79Notice: Use of undefined constant valemail - assumed 'valemail' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php on line 81Notice: Use of undefined constant sitedir - assumed 'sitedir' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\index.php on line 3Notice: Use of undefined constant main - assumed 'main' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\index.php on line 3Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\const.php:16) in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\index.php on line 3

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Baixei esse jogo aqui, você vai ter que modifica-los para que ele reconheça os arraysAcho que você vai ter muitos problemas, inicialmente nesse arquivo const.php e index.phpTá vendo as os arrays tipo esse $config[protection] , você vai ter que modificar todos e deixa-los assim $config['protection'] Viu que eu coloquei aspas simples nele, voce terá que colocar apas em todos arrays dessas duas páginas.Só se for um número que não precisa.Não sei se tem outra forma de resolver isso.

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Cara, esse negócio vai precisar de muita modificação e configuração pra funcionar, já vou de adiantar que você vai ter que alterar No php.ini procure por "register_globals" se estiver Off mude para On. "short_open_tag" se estiver Off mude para On.Reinicie o Apache.Se você não fizer isso não irá funcionar, esse script é antigo algumas coisas ainda da pra configurar, se não você teria que modificar todos scripts se você não fizer essas alterações no php.ini.

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Slipce, nesses $config[protection] eu coloquei e "$protection" e ele foi, eu consegui sair de outros passo lá e to fiz uns que nem estavam falando para fazer e ai quando peço para executar no Browser, dá o seguinte:

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_VARIABLE' or `'$'' in c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-8\www\sdg_clan\promisance.php on line 5

O codigo do promisance.php :
<?include("const.php");if ((stristr($HTTP_REFERER,$SERVER_NAME)) || ($action == "gameranks") || ($action == "top10") || ($action == "login") || ($action == "signup") || ($action == "count") || (($action == "game") && ($HTTP_REFERER))){	if (!$link = @mysql_connect($localhost,$root,$123456))	{		include("html.php");		HTMLbegincompact("Database Error!");		print "The game database is currently unavailable. Please try again later.\n";		HTMLendcompact();		exit;	}	mysql_select_db($promisance);	if ($action == "game")		$action = "main";	include("$action.php");}else{	include("html.php");	HTMLbegincompact("Error!");?><table><tr><th style="color:#00006F;background-color:#FFFF9F">Security Violation</th></tr><tr><td>We have determined that you are accessing the game the wrong way, or an error might have occurred.<br><?	if (!$HTTP_REFERER)		print "You may NOT access in-game pages via bookmarks!<br>\n";	else	print "You attempted to view this page from $HTTP_REFERER, which is not on $SERVER_NAME.<br>\n";?>If this error persists take the following steps in the following order:<br>1) Return to <?=home?> and re-login.<br>2) Upgrade your internet browser.<br>3) Contact the game administrator at <?=$adminemail?><br>4) Contact your ISP.<br></td></tr></table><?	HTMLendcompact();}?>
Tá na linha 5, mas qual é o erro?

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E esta linha 5, verifique:

if (!$link = @mysql_connect($localhost,$root,$123456))


não seria assim:


if (!$link =mysql_connect($localhost,$root,123456))


Testa ai e vê no que da.

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$dbhost = 'localhost';			// MySQL server hostname$dbuser = 'root';			// MySQL username$dbpass = '123456';			// MySQL password$dbname = 'promisance';			// MySQL database name$version = '4.3';		// Game version number$playerdb = 'players';		// Player table name$clandb = 'clan';		// Clan table name$racedb = 'races';		// Races table name$eradb = 'eras';		// Eras table name$lotterydb = 'lottery';		// Lottery table name$marketdb = 'market';		// Public Market table name$messagedb = 'messages';	// Messages table name$newsdb = 'news';		// News table name$protection = 200;	// Duration of protection$initturns = 100;	// Turns given on signup$maxturns = 250;	// Max accumulated turns$maxstoredturns = 100;	// Max stored turns$valturns = 150;	// How long before validation is necessary$minvacation = 72;	// Minimum vacation duration$vacationdelay = 12;	// Delay before empire is protected$signupsclosed = 0;		// Signups closed?$lockdb = 0;			// Lock the players database?$lastweek = 0;			// Last week of the game? don't allow loans$turnsper = 1;			// X turns$perminutes = 10;		// per Y minutes$turnoffset = 0;		// in case we don't run exactly 0 minutes after the hour				// Note: perminutes must divide evenly into 60$maxtickets = 3;		// Maximum # of lottery tickets per empire$tick_curjp = 0;		// DO NOT MODIFY THESE$tick_lastjp = 1;		// DO NOT MODIFY THESE$tick_lastnum = 2;		// DO NOT MODIFY THESE$tick_lastwin = 3;		// DO NOT MODIFY THESE$tick_jpgrow = 4;		// DO NOT MODIFY THESE$trplst[0] = 'armtrp';		// an array of troop names so for loops can be used when all types are referenced$trplst[1] = 'lndtrp';		// DO NOT MODIFY THESE$trplst[2] = 'flytrp';		// DO NOT MODIFY THESE$trplst[3] = 'seatrp';		// DO NOT MODIFY THESE$trplst[4] = 'food';		// this commonly follows the troop listings$armtrp = 500;		// Base market costs$lndtrp = 1000;$flytrp = 2000;$seatrp = 3000;$food = 30;$loanbase = 5;		// Base savings/loan rates$savebase = 4;$buildings = 2500;	// Base building cost$market = 6;		// Hours to arrive on market$bmperc = 8450;		// Percentage of troops that can be sold on black market (divide by 100 for percentage)$mktshops = 0.20;	// Percentage of black market cost bonus for which shops are responsible$indc = 2.8;		// Industry output multiplier$jackpot = 100000000;	// Base jackpot$styles = array(1=>"promisance.css");$stylenames = array(1=>"Default Theme");				// News text$news = 'Welcome to Promisance!';				// Name of primary script file. DO NOT MODIFY$main = 'promisance.php';				// Site/path in which the game resides$sitedir = 'sdg_clan';				// server title$servname = 'Promisance';				// where we go when we logout$home = '';				// link to forum for this game$forum = '';				// administrative contact$adminemail = '';				// From address of validation emails$valemail = '';$time = time();			// not really constants, but stuff used for all pages$datetime = date('r');$cookie = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS;?>

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troque as linhas:

if (!$link =mysql_connect($localhost,$root,123456))



if (!$link =mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass))

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Olha essa página eu já tinha adaptado aqui, na minha máquina ela não está dando mais erro, cola o código no lugar da que você já tem.

Tem algumas imcopatibilidades de versão do php que eu fui mudando, só não resolvi o problema do HTTP_REFERER.


<?phpinclude("const.php");$action = $_GET['action'];$SERVER_NAME  = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];$HTTP_REFERER = 'alguma coisa';if ((stristr($HTTP_REFERER,$SERVER_NAME)) || ($action == "gameranks") || ($action == "top10") || ($action == "login") || ($action == "signup") || ($action == "count") || (($action == "game") && ($HTTP_REFERER))){	if (!$link = @mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass))	{		include("html.php");		HTMLbegincompact("Database Error!");		print "The game database is currently unavailable. Please try again later.\n";		HTMLendcompact();		exit;	}	mysql_select_db($dbname);	if ($action == "game")		$action = "main";	include("$action.php");}else{	include("html.php");	HTMLbegincompact("Error!");?><table><tr><th style="color:#00006F;background-color:#FFFF9F">Security Violation</th></tr><tr><td>We have determined that you are accessing the game the wrong way, or an error might have occurred.<br><?php	if (!$HTTP_REFERER)		print "You may NOT access in-game pages via bookmarks!<br>\n";	else	print "You attempted to view this page from $HTTP_REFERER, which is not on $SERVER_NAME.<br>\n";?>If this error persists take the following steps in the following order:<br>1) Return to <?php echo $config['home'];?> and re-login.<br>2) Upgrade your internet browser.<br>3) Contact the game administrator at <?php echo $config['adminemail'];?><br>4) Contact your ISP.<br></td></tr></table><?php	HTMLendcompact();}?>

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Troque esta linha:


if (!$link =mysql_connect($localhost,$root,123456))



if (!$link =mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass))


Agora está correto, teste ai novamente.

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O erro agora é na hora de escolher as raças, aparece que o erro está na linha em negrito. O erro é Use of Indefined constant id - assumed "id" na linha 157 e Use of Indefined constant name - assumed "name" na 157 também. Coloquei a 157 que lá no final em negrito.








function EndNow ($reason)


print "$reason<br>\n";





if ($signupsclosed)

EndNow("Sorry, the game is currently not accepting new accounts. Please check back in a few days.");

$lockdb = 0; // need to allow DB modifications for signups

if ($do_signup)


if (($signup_username == "") || ($signup_password == ""))

EndNow("You must specify both a username and a password!");

if (!strstr($signup_name," "))

EndNow("Sorry, you cannot signup without FULL and CORRECT information.<br>

Everybody has a last name, and I doubt you're an exception.<br>

Why do we ask? Prevent cheating, that's all.");

if (stristr($signup_name,"the "))

EndNow("Nice try, but nobody has 'The' as part of their name.");

if ((strstr($signup_email,",")) || (strstr($signup_email," ")) || (!strstr($signup_email,".")) || (!strstr($signup_email,"@")))

EndNow("Please enter a valid E-mail address.");

if ($signup_password != $signup_password_verify)

EndNow("Your password does not match!");

if ($signup_email != $signup_email_verify)

EndNow("Your E-mail address does not match!");

if (sqleval("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $playerdb WHERE username='$signup_username';"))

EndNow("Sorry, that username is already being used!");

if (sqleval("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $playerdb WHERE empire='$signup_empire';"))

EndNow("Sorry, that empire name is already being used!");


$multi = sqleval("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $playerdb WHERE email='$signup_email' AND land>0 AND disabled!=2;");


mysql_query("INSERT INTO $playerdb (num) VALUES (NULL);"); // add a new user entry (with defaults)

$users = loadUser(mysql_insert_id()); // and load it


$users[username] = $signup_username;

$users[password] = md5($signup_password);

$users[name] = $signup_name;

$users = $signup_email;

$users[iP] = $REMOTE_ADDR;


$users[signedup] = $time;

if ($users[num] == 1)

$users[disabled] = 2;

else $users[disabled] = 0;

$users[valcode] = md5($users[username].mt_rand().$users);// should be fairly unique

$users[idle] = $time;


$users[empire] = trim(HTMLSpecialChars($signup_empire));

$users[race] = $signup_race;

$users[era] = 1;

$users[rank] = $users[num];


$users[turns] = $config[initturns];


$users[msgtime] = $time;

$users[newstime] = $time;


saveUserDataNet($users,"networth username password name email IP signedup disabled valcode idle empire race era rank turns msgtime newstime");


if ($multi)

mysql_query("UPDATE $playerdb SET ismulti=1,disabled=3 WHERE email='$signup_email' AND disabled!=2;");


mail($users,"Promisance Signup for $config[servname] - $users[empire] (#$users[num])","

Thank you for signing up for $config[servname]!


If you did not sign up for an account with us, please let us know

and delete this message with our apologies.



You entered the following information when you signed up:

Username: $signup_username

Password: $signup_password

Validation Code: $users[valcode]


Once you have used $config[valturns] turns, you will be prompted to enter the above

validation code in order to continue playing.

Please do NOT delete this e-mail until you have validated!



Be sure to check out the latest creations from us at

$config[home] and tell your friends about our great

services and games!


Your e-mail address shall remain strictly confidential and will NOT

be given out to anyone.


Should you want to reply to this e-mail, please use $config[adminemail]

","From: Promisance Web Game <$config[valemail]>\nX-Mailer: Promisance Automatic Validation Script");


Welcome to Promisance, <b><? print stripslashes("$users[empire]"); ?> (#<?=$users[num]?>)</b>!<br>

Please <a href="<?=$config[main]?>?action=login">Login</a> and manage your new empire!<br><br>





<h2><i>Promisance</i>: Signup Form</h2>

Welcome to Promisance, the first step to running your own empire is to signup!<br>

The administrators reserve the right to delete any accounts not abiding by the rules.<br><br>

<a href=promisance.php?action=guide>Promisance Playing Guide</a>

<table class="inputtable">

<caption style="font-size:large;font-weight:bold">Basic Rules:</caption>

<tr><th style="font-size:large">Multiple Accounts</th></tr>

<tr><td class="acenter">

Multiple accounts <b>ARE NOT PERMITTED</b> in this game, including sharing acounts and baby-sitting.<br>

If anyone is found using multiple accounts, all of the accounts in question will be disabled.<br>

<b>If, however, you have a special situation (e.g. family member plays too), please send e-mail <a href="mailto:<?=$config[adminemail]?>">here</a> with an explanation.</b></td></tr>

<tr><th style="font-size:large">Server Abuse</th></tr>

<tr><td class="acenter">

Foul language, hacking, ---, warez, etc. are not permitted on this server; offenders will be deleted and banned.</td></tr>

<tr><th style="font-size:large">Technical Support</th></tr>

<tr><td class="acenter">

If you have any problems in this game and must send e-mail to an administrator,

you <b>MUST include all of the following</b> in your e-mail message:<br><br>

1. The game in which you are having a problem (<?=Promisance?>).<br>

2. The name and number of all empires involved (i.e. your empire).<br>

3. The nature of the problem.<br><br>

<b>Failure to include all 3</b> of the above will likely result in your message being <b>ignored and deleted</b>.</td></tr>


A <b>VALIDATION CODE</b> will be sent to your e-mail address.<br>


<h3>You will <i>NOT</i> be able to change it later!</h3>

<form method="post" action="<?=$config[main]?>?action=signup">

<table class="inputtable">

<tr><th colspan="2" style="font-size:large">Personal Information</th></tr>

<tr><th class="aright">Name:</th>

<td><input type="text" name="signup_name" size="24"></td></tr>

<tr><th class="aright">E-Mail:</th>

<td><input type="text" name="signup_email" size="24"></td></tr>

<tr><th class="aright">Verify E-Mail:</th>

<td><input type="text" name="signup_email_verify" size="24"></td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="2" style="font-size:small;text-align:center">Your personal information will remain strictly confidential.</td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>

<tr><th colspan="2" style="font-size:large">Game Information</th></tr>

<tr><th class="aright">Username:</th>

<td><input type="text" name="signup_username" size="8"></td></tr>

<tr><th class="aright">Password:</th>

<td><input type="password" name="signup_password" size="8"></td></tr>

<tr><th class="aright">Verify Password:</th>

<td><input type="password" name="signup_password_verify" size="8"></td></tr>

<tr><th class="aright">Empire Name:</th>

<td><input type="text" name="signup_empire" size="24" maxlength="32"></td></tr>

<tr><th class="aright">Your Race: <a href=races.html>Help</a></th>

<td><select name="signup_race" size="1">


$races = mysql_query("select id,name from $racedb;");

while ($race = mysql_fetch_array($races))



<option value="<?=$race[id]?>"<?if ($race[id] == 1) print "selected";?>><?=$race[name]?></option>





<tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>

<tr><td><input type="submit" name="do_signup" value="Sign Me Up!"></td>

<td class="aright"><input type="reset" value="Reset Form!"</td></tr>






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É o mesmo problema que estava dando no começo, você vai ter que colocar aspas $race['id'] ou $race["id"] , como você preferir. Na variavel array $race[name] mude para $race['name'] ou com "

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