Replicane 0 Denunciar post Postado Setembro 26, 2007 Continuando :P Agora deu: You don't have permission to access /sdg_clan/<br /><b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: config in <b>c:/arquivos de programas/easyphp1-8/www/sdg_clan/signup.php</b> on line <b>130</b><br /> on this server. Esqueci a linha 130, ela ta em negrito: <? include("funcs.php"); setcookie("usernamecookie",""); setcookie("passwordcookie",""); HTMLbegincompact("Signup"); function EndNow ($reason) { print "$reason<br>\n"; HTMLendcompact(); exit; } if ($signupsclosed) EndNow("Sorry, the game is currently not accepting new accounts. Please check back in a few days."); $lockdb = 0; // need to allow DB modifications for signups if ($do_signup) { if (($signup_username == "") || ($signup_password == "")) EndNow("You must specify both a username and a password!"); if (!strstr($signup_name," ")) EndNow("Sorry, you cannot signup without FULL and CORRECT information.<br> Everybody has a last name, and I doubt you're an exception.<br> Why do we ask? Prevent cheating, that's all."); if (stristr($signup_name,"the ")) EndNow("Nice try, but nobody has 'The' as part of their name."); if ((strstr($signup_email,",")) || (strstr($signup_email," ")) || (!strstr($signup_email,".")) || (!strstr($signup_email,"@"))) EndNow("Please enter a valid E-mail address."); if ($signup_password != $signup_password_verify) EndNow("Your password does not match!"); if ($signup_email != $signup_email_verify) EndNow("Your E-mail address does not match!"); if (sqleval("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $playerdb WHERE username='$signup_username';")) EndNow("Sorry, that username is already being used!"); if (sqleval("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $playerdb WHERE empire='$signup_empire';")) EndNow("Sorry, that empire name is already being used!"); $multi = sqleval("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $playerdb WHERE email='$signup_email' AND land>0 AND disabled!=2;"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $playerdb (num) VALUES (NULL);"); // add a new user entry (with defaults) $users = loadUser(mysql_insert_id()); // and load it $users[username] = $signup_username; $users[password] = md5($signup_password); $users[name] = $signup_name; $users = $signup_email; $users[iP] = $REMOTE_ADDR; $users[signedup] = $time; if ($users[num] == 1) $users[disabled] = 2; else $users[disabled] = 0; $users[valcode] = md5($users[username].mt_rand().$users);// should be fairly unique $users[idle] = $time; $users[empire] = trim(HTMLSpecialChars($signup_empire)); $users[race] = $signup_race; $users[era] = 1; $users[rank] = $users[num]; $users[turns] = $config[initturns]; $users[msgtime] = $time; $users[newstime] = $time; saveUserDataNet($users,"networth username password name email IP signedup disabled valcode idle empire race era rank turns msgtime newstime"); if ($multi) mysql_query("UPDATE $playerdb SET ismulti=1,disabled=3 WHERE email='$signup_email' AND disabled!=2;"); mail($users,"Promisance Signup for $config[servname] - $users[empire] (#$users[num])"," Thank you for signing up for $config[servname]! If you did not sign up for an account with us, please let us know and delete this message with our apologies. --- You entered the following information when you signed up: Username: $signup_username Password: $signup_password Validation Code: $users[valcode] Once you have used $config[valturns] turns, you will be prompted to enter the above validation code in order to continue playing. Please do NOT delete this e-mail until you have validated! --- Be sure to check out the latest creations from us at $config[home] and tell your friends about our great services and games! Your e-mail address shall remain strictly confidential and will NOT be given out to anyone. Should you want to reply to this e-mail, please use $config[adminemail] ","From: Promisance Web Game <$config[valemail]>\nX-Mailer: Promisance Automatic Validation Script"); ?> Welcome to Promisance, <b><? print stripslashes("$users[empire]"); ?> (#<?=$users[num]?>)</b>!<br> Please <a href="<?=$config[main]?>?action=login">Login</a> and manage your new empire!<br><br> <? EndNow(""); } ?> <h2><i>Promisance</i>: Signup Form</h2> Welcome to Promisance, the first step to running your own empire is to signup!<br> The administrators reserve the right to delete any accounts not abiding by the rules.<br><br> <a href=promisance.php?action=guide>Promisance Playing Guide</a> <table class="inputtable"> <caption style="font-size:large;font-weight:bold">Basic Rules:</caption> <tr><th style="font-size:large">Multiple Accounts</th></tr> <tr><td class="acenter"> Multiple accounts <b>ARE NOT PERMITTED</b> in this game, including sharing acounts and baby-sitting.<br> If anyone is found using multiple accounts, all of the accounts in question will be disabled.<br> <b>If, however, you have a special situation (e.g. family member plays too), please send e-mail <a href="mailto:<?=$config[adminemail]?>">here</a> with an explanation.</b></td></tr> <tr><th style="font-size:large">Server Abuse</th></tr> <tr><td class="acenter"> Foul language, hacking, ---, warez, etc. are not permitted on this server; offenders will be deleted and banned.</td></tr> <tr><th style="font-size:large">Technical Support</th></tr> <tr><td class="acenter"> If you have any problems in this game and must send e-mail to an administrator, you <b>MUST include all of the following</b> in your e-mail message:<br><br> 1. The game in which you are having a problem (<?=Promisance?>).<br> 2. The name and number of all empires involved (i.e. your empire).<br> 3. The nature of the problem.<br><br> <b>Failure to include all 3</b> of the above will likely result in your message being <b>ignored and deleted</b>.</td></tr> </table><br> A <b>VALIDATION CODE</b> will be sent to your e-mail address.<br> <h2>MAKE SURE IT IS CORRECT!</h2> <h3>You will <i>NOT</i> be able to change it later!</h3> <form method="post" action="<?=$config["main"]?>?action=signup"> <table class="inputtable"> <tr><th colspan="2" style="font-size:large">Personal Information</th></tr> <tr><th class="aright">Name:</th> <td><input type="text" name="signup_name" size="24"></td></tr> <tr><th class="aright">E-Mail:</th> <td><input type="text" name="signup_email" size="24"></td></tr> <tr><th class="aright">Verify E-Mail:</th> <td><input type="text" name="signup_email_verify" size="24"></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" style="font-size:small;text-align:center">Your personal information will remain strictly confidential.</td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr> <tr><th colspan="2" style="font-size:large">Game Information</th></tr> <tr><th class="aright">Username:</th> <td><input type="text" name="signup_username" size="8"></td></tr> <tr><th class="aright">Password:</th> <td><input type="password" name="signup_password" size="8"></td></tr> <tr><th class="aright">Verify Password:</th> <td><input type="password" name="signup_password_verify" size="8"></td></tr> <tr><th class="aright">Empire Name:</th> <td><input type="text" name="signup_empire" size="24" maxlength="32"></td></tr> <tr><th class="aright">Your Race: <a href=races.html>Help</a></th> <td><select name="signup_race" size="1"> <? $races = mysql_query("select id,name from $racedb;"); while ($race = mysql_fetch_array($races)) { ?> <option value="<?=$race["name"]?>"<?if ($race["id"] == 1) print "selected";?>><?=$race["name"]?></option> <? } ?> </select></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr> <tr><td><input type="submit" name="do_signup" value="Sign Me Up!"></td> <td class="aright"><input type="reset" value="Reset Form!"</td></tr> </table> </form> <? HTMLendcompact(); ?> Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
slipce 0 Denunciar post Postado Setembro 26, 2007 $config[main] coloca as aspas aqui também se você não colocou.Isso está aparecendo quando você submete o formulário? Ou simplismente quando você entra na página. Está acusando problema de permissão. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Replicane 0 Denunciar post Postado Setembro 26, 2007 Quando eu submeto o - se der, me add no MSN Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites