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[Resolvido] Tutorial After Effects (Inglês)

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Tutorial encontrado na web, sinceramente não me recordo a fonte por ter sido um site americano está em inglês, até porque como a maioria do pessoal que trabalha na área sabe inglês não achei necessário traduzir, caso você não saiba inglês não se chateie pois em breve outros tutoriais virão.

Este tutorial visa criar um efeito em textos e logos, o texto vai surgindo de uma chama fumaça e/ou coisas semelhantes, grau de complexidade elevado para iniciantes.Quem estiver disposto e quiser traduzi-lo.


Create your title first. It is not necessary to be a title, but any small visual element on the screen, such as logo, which you may wish to draw attention to. Use the pre-composition of the size, enough to enclose all the potential size of the flowing effect. I will call this composition FXSubject for future reference.


Now, It’s time to create the FXMatte composition. Use the same size as for FXSubject, this will be an intermediate image, used to locate the effect action over the initial image. I used animated turbulent noise (CE Turbulent Noise from Cult Effects) and an oval mask on a moving layer. It is not necessary to use CE plug-in, you just need any kind of stochastic motion, like a time-lapse clouds shot, or just a pre-composition of moving black and white spots. The last is even preferable, because you can tune the effect more precisely if you create each spot individually. The mask and position animation is used to reveal the actual, undistorted image in animation. You may also wish to apply Levels effect in this comp and set the red channel’s Output Black value to 128.


You will also need two extra intermediate comps.


FXDisplacement – includes FXMatte as a layer. It is different from FXMatte only in that it is includes a 50%-gray layer as a background. This gray layer is needed for the Displacement Map, because gray value means zero displacement.


FXBlur – also includes FXMatte, and applies Curves effect, with special settings: black color turns to white, gray color turns to black, white color – to white. The RBG curve should look like upturned triangle. This is done to avoid blurring undistorted areas.




Create a composition (referenced as Flow on the chart) that will be used for the effect itself.


Put those three compositions in it: FXBlur, FXDisplacement and FXSubject; turn off visibility for both FXDisplacement and FXBlur layers.


Apply Compound Blur and Displacement Map effects to the FXSubject layer.


In Displacement Map, specify FXDisplacement layer as a Map layer, in Compound Blur, specify FXBlur layer.


Tune the controls of displacement map to achieve the effect you need.


Animate opacity value for the FXSubject layer if necessary.


Also, you may wish to animate opacity value of the spots in FXMatte layer.


Also use the Levels and Glow or whatever you want to control final image of the flow.


With these two, you can color your flow look like fire, smoke or something unreal.

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