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em que as datas são apresentadas da seguinte forma:





eu preciso que as datas sejam apresentadas de forma diferente

sejam apresentadas assim oh :






o meu cod é :

Sub DisplayCalendar(mMonth, yYear)     dim sToday, dataBrasil     BgColor = "#efefef"   Title = MonthName(mMonth) & " / " & yYear   dDay = DateSerial(yYear,mMonth,1)   mMonth = Month(dDay)   yYear = Year(dDay)        texto = Mid(Title, 1, 1)      Title = UCase(texto) & Mid(Title ,2)    FirstDayOfMonth = Weekday(dDay)           Response.Write "<Table width=140 Border=0 BgColor=" & BgColor & ">" & vbCrlf    Response.Write "<TR Valign=Top Align=Center BgColor=" & bgcolor & ">" & vbCrlf         For i = vbSunday To vbSaturday       Response.Write  "<TD Width='15%'  bgcolor='#CCCCCC'><Font Face='Arial' Size='1' Color='black'><b>" & Ucase(left(WeekDayName(i), 1)) & "</b></Font></TD>" & vbCrlf                 Next Response.Write "</TR>" & vbCrlf dDay = DateSerial(yYear,mMonth,1) For j=1 to 5 Response.Write "<TR>" & vbCrlf For i = vbSunday to vbSaturday CellStr=" " CellColor = "#FDFDFD" If WeekDay(dDay) = i and Month(dDay) = mMonth thensToday = dDay sData = Day(dDay)&"/"&Month(dDay)&"/"&Year(dDay)sData2 = Day(dDay)&"/"&Month(dDay)set agenda = server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")sqlagenda = "select Count(*) as Total from Agenda where data = '"&sData&"'" sqlagenda, conexao TotalComp = agenda("Total") agenda.closeset agenda = nothingset agenda = server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")sqlagenda2 = "select Count(*) as Total from agenda where data = '"&sData&"' and vip = 'S'" sqlagenda2, conexaoTotalAn = agenda("Total") agenda.Close 'response.write sqlcompromissos & "<p>" & sqlaniversariantes & "<p>"'response.write TotalComp & "<br>" & TotalAn'response.End()'para ficar amarelo você faz assim if TotalComp > 0 then CellColor = "#F2F2F2"elseCellColor = CellColorend ifif TotalAn > 0 then CellColor = "#FFCC33" elseCellColor = CellColorend ifif TotalComp > 0 AND TotalAn > 0 then CellColor = "#E6E6E6" elseCellColor = CellColorend if dataBrasil = day(dDay) & "/" & month(dDay) & "/" & year(dDay) if Cdate(dDay) > cDate(now) then CellStr = "<center><a href='agenda.asp?data=" & Day(dDay) & "/" & month(dDay) & "/" & year(dDay) & "' title='" & formatdatetime((Day(dDay) & "/" & Month(dDay) & "/" & Year(dDay)),vblongdate) & "'>" & Day(dDay)& "</a></center>" else If (Day(dDay) = Day(now)) and (Month(dDay) = Month(now)) and (Year(dDay) = Year(now)) then CellColor="#E6FF84" CellStr = "<center><a href='agenda.asp?data=" & Day(dDay) & "/" & month(dDay) & "/" & year(dDay) & "' title='" & formatdatetime((Day(dDay) & "/" & Month(dDay) & "/" & Year(dDay)),vblongdate) & "'>" & Day(dDay) &"</a></center>" else CellColor = CellColorCellStr = "<center><a href='agenda.asp?data=" & Day(dDay) & "/" & month(dDay) & "/" & year(dDay) & "'  title='" & formatdatetime((Day(dDay) & "/" & Month(dDay) & "/" & Year(dDay)),vblongdate) & "'>" & Day(dDay) &"</a></center>" end if end if dDay = DateAdd("d",1,dDay) End If Response.Write "<TD BgColor=" & CellColor & "><Font Face=Arial size=1>" & CellStr & "</Font></TD>" & vbCrlf Next Response.Write "</TR>" & vbCrlf Next Response.Write "</Table>" & vbCrlf End Sub   mMonth = request.querystring("mes")   yYear =  request.querystring("ano")   if mMonth = "" then mMonth= Month(now)   if yYear  = "" then yYear = Year(now)   if mMonth >= 13 then  mMonth = 1   yYear = yyear + 1   else  end if  if mMonth <= 0 then    mMonth = 12	yYear = yyear - 1  end if    %>

POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM...Nao sei como alterar e resolver esta questao...

Muito obrigado !

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Meu isso é configurado no servidor...nas opções regionais/datas : dd/mm/aa, agora se não tiver como alterar o servidor por algum motivo você terá que fazer uma função checando as tipos de data retornados e mandando acrescentar o zero onde você quizer. Um abraço Juliano

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Juca me desculpa cara...Mais acho que tu tá enganadopq se eu dar um response.write dateele exibe pra mim 01/01/04 sacou?se eu der um response.write sDataele me dá 1/1/2004que eh o que eu nao kero entendeu?eu queria o 01/01/04acho que a questao ta por aqui ohsData = Day(dDay)&"/"&Month(dDay)&"/"&Year(dDay)nao tem nada haver nao?Po me ajudemm ai galera...Valeuuuz =)

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Tente usar esta função:


function fDatas(oqData)

Dim oData

oData = split(cstr(oqData),"/")

oData(0) = string(2 - len(oData(0)),"0") & oData(0)

oData(1) = string(2 - len(oData(1)),"0") & oData(1)

oData(2) = right(oData(2), 2)

fDatas = join(oData,"/")

end function

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