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Upload + BD

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Olá, estou fazendo um sistema de cadastro de produtos usando ASP + ACCESS + FSO, para upload de imagens...o código é gigantesco...mas lá vai algumas partes:


<!-- #include file = "upload_funcoes.asp" -->
' Chamando Funções, que fazem o Upload funcionar
byteCount = Request.TotalBytes
RequestBin = Request.BinaryRead(byteCount)
Set UploadRequest = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
BuildUploadRequest RequestBin
' Aqui estão os request's forms, os que não tem a ver com o upload não estão aqui no fórum
tipo_foto = UploadRequest.Item("foto").Item("ContentType")
caminho_foto = UploadRequest.Item("foto").Item("FileName")
nome_foto = Right(caminho_foto,Len(caminho_foto)-InstrRev(caminho_foto,"\"))
foto = UploadRequest.Item("foto").Item("Value")

pasta = Server.MapPath("imagens/")
nome_foto = "/"&nome_foto
cfoto = "imagens" + nome_foto

if foto <> "" then
Set ScriptObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFile = ScriptObject.CreateTextFile(pasta & nome_foto)
For i = 1 to LenB(foto)
MyFile.Write chr(AscB(MidB(foto,i,1)))
end if

' abaixo vão as conexões com BD

E o arquivo upload_funcoes.asp

' Upload Sem componentes ---------------------------------------
Sub BuildUploadRequest(RequestBin)
on error resume next

PosBeg = 1
PosEnd = InStrB(PosBeg, RequestBin, getByteString(Chr(13)))
boundary = MidB(RequestBin, PosBeg, PosEnd - PosBeg)
BoundaryPos = InStrB(1, RequestBin, boundary)

Do Until (BoundaryPos = InStrB(RequestBin, boundary & getByteString("--")))

Dim UploadControl
Set UploadControl = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Pos = InStrB(BoundaryPos, RequestBin, getByteString("Content-Disposition"))
Pos = InStrB(Pos, RequestBin, getByteString("name="))
PosBeg = Pos + 6
PosEnd = InStrB(PosBeg, RequestBin, getByteString(Chr(34)))
Name = getString(MidB(RequestBin, PosBeg, PosEnd - PosBeg))
PosFile = InStrB(BoundaryPos, RequestBin, getByteString("filename="))
PosBound = InStrB(PosEnd, RequestBin, boundary)

If PosFile <> 0 And (PosFile < PosBound) Then
PosBeg = PosFile + 10
PosEnd = InStrB(PosBeg, RequestBin, getByteString(Chr(34)))
FileName = getString(MidB(RequestBin, PosBeg, PosEnd - PosBeg))
UploadControl.Add "FileName", FileName
Pos = InStrB(PosEnd, RequestBin, getByteString("Content-Type:"))
PosBeg = Pos + 14
PosEnd = InStrB(PosBeg, RequestBin, getByteString(Chr(13)))
ContentType = getString(MidB(RequestBin, PosBeg, PosEnd - PosBeg))
UploadControl.Add "ContentType", ContentType
PosBeg = PosEnd + 4
PosEnd = InStrB(PosBeg, RequestBin, boundary) - 2
Value = MidB(RequestBin, PosBeg, PosEnd - PosBeg)
Pos = InStrB(Pos, RequestBin, getByteString(Chr(13)))
PosBeg = Pos + 4
PosEnd = InStrB(PosBeg, RequestBin, boundary) - 2
Value = getString(MidB(RequestBin, PosBeg, PosEnd - PosBeg))
End If

UploadControl.Add "Value", Value
UploadRequest.Add Name, UploadControl
BoundaryPos = InStrB(BoundaryPos + LenB(boundary), RequestBin, boundary)
End Sub

Function getByteString(StringStr)
For i = 1 To Len(StringStr)
Char = Mid(StringStr, i, 1)
getByteString = getByteString & ChrB(AscB(Char))
End Function

Function getString(StringBin)
getString = ""
For intCount = 1 To LenB(StringBin)
getString = getString & Chr(AscB(MidB(StringBin, intCount, 1)))
End Function

' Fim upload sem Componentes -----------------------------------------



O erro é '800a0007' Out of memory: 'CreateObject' nessa linha, no primeiro bloco de código:

Set UploadRequest = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")


Grato desde já

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