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Cleberson Ramos

Form em Div Carregado por Ajax

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Galera estou com um pequeno problema..... tenho um sistema que ao clicar no link carrega o um formulario com alguns paramatros para uma div só que ao enviar esta abrindo a pagina que faz a gravação no banco de dados em outra página e naum nó local da div que estav o form....como posso resolver issu?? alguem entendeu mais ou menos???

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esse eh um pronto que peguei na net



/* $Id: ajaxlib.js,v 1.5 2006/07/01 11:12:38 beboom Exp $



# Copyright © 2006 by Igor Garcia <> #

# Translated to english by Marcio Merlone <> #

# #

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #

# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #

# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #

# (at your option) any later version. #

# #

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #

# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #


# GNU General Public License for more details. #

# #

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #

# along with this program; if not, write to the #

# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #

# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #



/** Ajax Class <br>


* This class abstracts the Ajax technology fundamental concepts with wich

* is possible to establish a conection between the browser and the server.

* Thus, it is possible to dinamically update a page contents on the browser

* without the need to update the whole page.


function Ajax()


var http = null;//!< obj. XMLHttpRequest instance

var timeout = null;//!< Timeout counter

this.ajax_timeout = 10*1000;//!< Default timeout (10 seconds)

this.ajax_timeout_handler = null;//!< Callback function for timeout

this.ajax_receive_handler = null;//!< Callback function for data reception

this.ajax_method = 'GET';//!< Default request method

this.ajax_async = true;//!< Assync/synchronous data transfer

this.ajax_auth_user = null;//!< user for http-based auth

this.ajax_auth_passwd = null;//!< password for http-based auth

this.ajax_input = '';//!< Data to be sent to the server

this.ajax_output = '';//!< Data to be received from the server

this.ajax_response_type = 'TEXT';//!< Receiving data format (TEXT or XML)

this.ajax_do_cache = false;//!< Allow broser cache or not

this.ajax_last_errn = 0;//!< Last error code

this.ajax_last_err = '';//!< Last error description


/** Instatiates the XMLHttpRequest object


* @return XMLHttpRequest object or NULL if error or

* not supported by the browser


this.create = function()


try { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) {}

try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {}

try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {}

return null;



/** Returns the last response the XMLHttpRequest object got.


* @return the last responseText/responseXML data

* (depends on ajax_response_type setting)

* @see ajax_response_type


this.get_output = function ()


return this.ajax_output;



/** Returns all URI parameters for the request

* (i.e. ?parametro1=valor1&parametro2=valor2&parametroN=valorN)

* These parameters are set using the add_input() method.


* @return all URI parameters for the request given by the user

* when calling the class

* @see add_input()


this.get_input = function ()


return this.ajax_input;



/** Obtains all necessary POST parameters to assemble the request

* before we can call the send() method.


* @param param - parameter name

* @param val - parameter value

* @return - String with the formatted URI with the givem parameters so far

* with the add_input() method

* @see add_input()

* @see send()


this.add_input = function(param, val)


if (!param || param == '') return false;

this.ajax_input += (this.ajax_input == '') ? '' : '&';

this.ajax_input += (param+'='+encodeURIComponent(val));

return this.ajax_input;



/** Returns the XMLHttpRequest object.

* used only by this class.

* Used while waiting for the status change (onreadystatechange).


* @return a pointer to a instance of XMLHttpRequest object


this.get_ajax = function()


return http;



/** This method implements a fast way to send all elements in the form to

* the server-side script.

* The add_input() method will be called to each element in the form (so

* you don't need to call add_input() before perform the send()) and then

* call the send() method.


* @param url - Script URL to handle the request on the server

* @param frm - (OPTIONAL) Send only the elements in the form named 'frm'.

* This arguments accepts numeric index, too.

* @return TRUE on success or FALSE otherwise.


this.send_all = function(url)


var q = n = v = t = d = l = new String();

// Get all FORM elements...

var fa = document.getElementsByTagName('FORM');

// Get the optional argument...

var fname = arguments[1];


for (var x=0; x<fa.length; x++)


// Get the form elements array...

e = document.forms[x].elements;


// If 'frm' is set, then skip other forms...

if (fname != "" && fname != undefined && fname != null)


if (document.forms[x] != document.forms[fname]) continue;



// Grab each element in elements array...

for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++)


n =;

t = e.type;


// If it don't have a name/type, then it don't have a future in this world !

if (n == "" || n == undefined) continue;

if (t == "" || t == undefined) continue;


// If the element is a SELECT MULTIPLE, get all selected itens...

if (t.toUpperCase() == 'SELECT-MULTIPLE')


for (var se=0; se<e.length; se++)


if (e[se].selected)

this.add_input(n, e[se].value);





// If element is a radio button, grab only the checked radio...

if (t.toUpperCase() == 'RADIO')


if (e.checked == true)


this.add_input(n, e.value);





// If element is a checkbox, grab only the checked boxes...

if (t.toUpperCase() == 'CHECKBOX')


if (e.checked)


this.add_input(n, e.value);





// Grab other type of elements...

this.add_input(n, e.value);




// If post method is GET, then append the arguments in URL

if (this.get_method().toUpperCase() == 'GET') url = url+"?"+this.get_input();


// call the send() function...



// Get out of here with a wonderful success response: TRUE !!! :)

return true;



/** Issues the request to the server.

* You can get/set many aspects of the request by means of set_* / get_*

* methods within this class.

* You should usually call this method after the 'add_input' method

* when 'ajax_method' is POST.

* When using GET it is best to use synchronous calls and wait for the answer.

* @param url - Script URL to handle the request on the server

* @return TRUE on success or FALSE if no callback function is defined AND

* errors are detected. Por fim, caso nao tenha uma função de

* callback definida para tratar as respostas do servidor e


this.send = function(url)


// Opens the conection with the server..., url, this.ajax_async,

this.ajax_auth_user, this.ajax_auth_passwd);


// Set the charset to talk with...



// Sets wheter to use cache or not...

if (!this.ajax_do_cache && this.ajax_method.toUpperCase() == 'GET')


http.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since","Thu, 5 Feb 1981 20:00:00 GMT");



// Sets the request method to be used...

if (this.ajax_method.toUpperCase() == 'POST')





// Check what to do if timeout...

if (this.ajax_timeout_handler != null)


// and if we have a callback function use it.

timeout = setTimeout(this.ajax_timeout_handler, this.ajax_timeout);




// otherwise abort the request.

timeout = setTimeout(function(){ http.abort(); }, this.ajax_timeout);



// Make a synchronous call

if (!this.ajax_async)



this.ajax_output = (this.ajax_response_type.toUpperCase() == 'XML') ?

http.responseXML :



return this.ajax_output;



// If we got here so we have an assynchronous call


// Sets the callback function to handle the returned data.

var restype = this.ajax_response_type;

var rechandler = this.ajax_receive_handler;

http.onreadystatechange = function()


if (http.readyState != 4) { return; }


if (http.status != 200)


this.ajax_last_errn = http.status;

this.ajax_last_err = http.statusText;


return false;




this.ajax_last_errn = 0;

this.ajax_last_err = '';

this.ajax_output = (restype.toUpperCase() == 'XML') ?

http.responseXML :



if (rechandler != null) rechandler(this.ajax_output);




if (this.ajax_input != '')









return true;



/** Get if cache will be used or not


* @return TRUE if cache is to be used or FALSE otherwise


this.get_cache = function()


return this.ajax_do_cache;



/** Sets if cache will be used or not (default: false)


* @param c - boolean, sets wheter use cache or not (true|false)

* @return TRUE if cache is to be used or FALSE otherwise


this.set_cache = function©


return (this.ajax_do_cache = c);



/** Get the type of response from server (TEXT|XML).


* @return the return type from the server (TEXT|XML)


this.get_response_type = function()


return this.ajax_response_type;



/** Sets the return-type of the data to be give back from the server,

* in other words, defines how the answer will be parsed (plain text or XML).


* @param t - return-type (TEXT | XML)

* @return return-type (TEXT | XML)


this.set_response_type = function(t)


if (t.toUpperCase() != 'TEXT' && t.toUpperCase() != 'XML')


return this.ajax_response_type;


return (this.ajax_response_type = t);




/** Get the password to be used on the connection


* @return plain text password as defined on the 'set_auth_pass' method


this.get_auth_pass = function()


return this.ajax_auth_passwd;



/** Sets the password for http-based authentication, if required by the server


* @param p - the plain-text password

* @return the plain-text password


this.set_auth_pass = function(p)


if (!p) return this.ajax_auth_passwd;

return (this.ajax_auth_passwd = p);



/** Get the user for http-authentication, if required by the server


* @return user as defined by the 'set_auth_user' method


this.get_auth_user = function()


return this.ajax_auth_user;



/** Sets the user for http-based authentication, if required by the server


* @param u - username to be used

* @return username as defined here


this.set_auth_user = function(u)


if (!u) return this.ajax_auth_user;

return (this.ajax_auth_user = u);



/** Get the assynchronous (true) value for the object (false if synchronous)


* @return true if assynchronous or false if synchronous


this.get_async = function()


return this.ajax_async;



/** Sets if synchronous or assynchronous request should be made


* @param a - true if assynchronous or false if synchronous (default: true)

* @return true if assynchronous or false if synchronous


this.set_async = function(a)


return (this.ajax_async = a);



/** Get the request method to be used (POST or GET)


* @return the request method


this.get_method = function()


return this.ajax_method;



/** Sets the request method to be used (POST or GET)


* @param m - String indicates the request method (POST | GET)

* @return the request method


this.set_method = function(m)


if (!m) return this.ajax_method;

return (this.ajax_method = m.toUpperCase());



/** Sets the time in seconds to wait for the server answer before abort the

* XMLHttpRequest request.


* @param t - time in seconds

* @return time in seconds or null on failure


this.set_timeout = function(t)


return ((!isNaN(t)) ? (this.ajax_timeout = t * 1000) : null);



/** Get the time in seconds to wait for the server answer before abort

* the XMLHttpRequest request.


* @return integer - the number of seconds to wait for the answer


this.get_timeout = function()


return this.ajax_timeout;



/** Get the callback function name to be used to parse the request answer


* @return string with the callback function name OR array with the

* callback funtion name

* and its parameters


this.get_receive_handler = function()


return this.ajax_receive_handler;



/** Sets the callback function name to parse the request answer


* @param c - a string with the callback function name OR array with the

* callback funtion name and its parameters

* @return string with the callback function name OR array with the

* callback funtion name and its parameters


this.set_receive_handler = function©


if (!c) c = null;

return (this.ajax_receive_handler = c);



/** Get the callback function name to handle a request timeout


* @return string with the callback function name


this.get_timeout_handler = function()


return this.ajax_timeout_handler;



/** Sets the callback function name to handle a request timeout


* @return string with the callback function name


this.set_timeout_handler = function©


return (this.ajax_timeout_handler = c);



/** Get the timeout counter


* @return a pointer to the timeout counter


this.get_timeout_obj = function()


return timeout;





// Instantiates the XMLHttpRequest object for internal use

http = this.create(); // instatiates the XMLHttpRequest object


// If the browser fails to create the object it does not supports ajax.

if (http == null) alert("Your browser doesn't support AJAX, sorry.");


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TUDO ISSO só pra carregar uma requisição xmlHttp ?????




Usa esse aki...


function showPagS(str)

if (xmlHttp.readyState == 1) { 
document.getElementById("conteudo").innerHTML="<img src='loader.gif'> <br> <font face = 'verdana' color = 'CC0000' size = '2'> <b>Carregando...</b></font>";
return url;

function stateChanged() 
if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 )


function GetXmlHttpObject()
 if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {   
		   a=new XMLHttpRequest(); } 
	   else {  
		 try {   
			a=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");  
		 catch(e) {  
		   try {   
			  a=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); 
		   catch(e) { 
			return a;




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Na função abaixo:

function stateChanged()
if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 )


Entendeu ?



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Cara.. primeiro você deve ENTENDER oq é o AJAX...


O Ajax é um tipo de "ponte" que liga mais rápido o browser do seu cliente com a sua página Server-Side...


Portanto.. se você qr que o clicar em um botão do tipo " Gravar " o seu form seja submetido, e a página responsável pela gravação dos dados seja chamada.... você NAO PRECISA colocar NADA no Action, basta colocar no evento "onClick" do botao a chamada da função AJAX que irá fazer o trabalho...




<input type = "button" value = " Gravar " onClick = "showPagS('NomeDaPagina.asp')">



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uma duvida Dark, no meu form eu montei assim:


<div id="conteudo">
		<form method="post" name="form" action="">
			<input type="text" name="nome" id="nome" value="" /><br /><br />
			<input type="button" value="Gravar" onclick="showPagS('pag1.asp')" />

E na pagina pag1.asp

nome	= Request("nome")

So que o valor esta vindo em branco, como eu posso recuperar os campos dos formularios neste esquema



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você deve passar os valores via QueryString através da url da função AJAX, e recuperá-las no ASP...



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você deve passar os valores via QueryString através da url da função AJAX, e recuperá-las no ASP...



Hum so pra mim entender melhor, isto eu colocaria, no ("GET",url,true);)

ou colocao quando eu chamo a função: onclick="showPagS('pag1.asp')"


Se tiver como passa um pequeno exemplo por favor, e uma outra duvida é possivel enviar os dados via POST



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