Joe_m 0 Denunciar post Postado Março 6, 2008 Estou com o seguinte problema. Tenho uma aplicaçao que rodara com o windows em segundo plano e um leitor de codigo de barra esta ligado a essa maquina. ai o problema essa minha aplicaçao precisa capturar o q o codigo de barra envia, porem a maquina tem que estar livre para ser usada por exemplo se você tiver usando o word e o codigo de barra for ultilizado ele escreve na tela do word. preciso criar uma dll que quando o leitor codigo de barra for utilazado a aplicaçao capture a informaçao independentemente do que esteja sendo feito no pc. essa aplicaçao sera startada com o windows. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
marcio.theis 3 Denunciar post Postado Março 14, 2008 Ao menos que você consiga monitorar a porta onde estiver conectando o leitor, podendo assim ter controle sobre ele. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Joe_m 0 Denunciar post Postado Março 15, 2008 Ao menos que você consiga monitorar a porta onde estiver conectando o leitor, podendo assim ter controle sobre ele. Grato pela ajuda consegui um dll para controlar isso segue ai se alguem tiver o mesmo problema que eu já vai saber como resolver library HOOKLib; uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils; type PHookRec = ^THookRec; THookRec = record AppHnd: Integer; MemoHnd: Integer; end; var Hooked: Boolean; hKeyHook, hMemo, hMemFile, hApp: HWND; PHookRec1: PHookRec; function KeyHookFunc(Code, VirtualKey, KeyStroke: Integer): LRESULT; stdcall; var KeyState1: TKeyBoardState; AryChar: array[0..1] of Char; Count: Integer; begin Result := 0; if Code = HC_NOREMOVE then Exit; Result := CallNextHookEx(hKeyHook, Code, VirtualKey, KeyStroke); {I moved the CallNextHookEx up here but if you want to block or change any keys then move it back down} if Code < 0 then Exit; if Code = HC_ACTION then begin if ((KeyStroke and (1 shl 30)) <> 0) then if not IsWindow(hMemo) then begin {I moved the OpenFileMapping up here so it would not be opened unless the app the DLL is attatched to gets some Key messages} hMemFile := OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_WRITE, False, 'Global7v9k'); PHookRec1 := MapViewOfFile(hMemFile, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if PHookRec1 <> nil then begin hMemo := PHookRec1.MemoHnd; hApp := PHookRec1.AppHnd; end; end; if ((KeyStroke and (1 shl 30)) <> 0) then begin GetKeyboardState(KeyState1); Count := ToAscii(VirtualKey, KeyStroke, KeyState1, AryChar, 0); if Count = 1 then begin SendMessage(hMemo, WM_CHAR, Ord(AryChar[0]), 0); {I included 2 ways to get the Charaters, a Memo Hnadle and a WM_USER+1678 message to the program} PostMessage(hApp, WM_USER + 1678, Ord(AryChar[0]), 0); end; end; end; end; function StartHook(MemoHandle, AppHandle: HWND): Byte; export; begin Result := 0; if Hooked then begin Result := 1; Exit; end; if not IsWindow(MemoHandle) then begin Result := 4; Exit; end; hKeyHook := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, KeyHookFunc, hInstance, 0); if hKeyHook > 0 then begin {you need to use a mapped file because this DLL attatches to every app that gets windows messages when it's hooked, and you can't get info except through a Globally avaiable Mapped file} hMemFile := CreateFileMapping($FFFFFFFF, // $FFFFFFFF gets a page memory file nil, // no security attributes PAGE_READWRITE, // read/write access 0, // size: high 32-bits SizeOf(THookRec), // size: low 32-bits //SizeOf(Integer), 'Global7v9k'); // name of map object PHookRec1 := MapViewOfFile(hMemFile, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); hMemo := MemoHandle; PHookRec1.MemoHnd := MemoHandle; hApp := AppHandle; PHookRec1.AppHnd := AppHandle; {set the Memo and App handles to the mapped file} Hooked := True; end else Result := 2; end; function StopHook: Boolean; export; begin if PHookRec1 <> nil then begin UnmapViewOfFile(PHookRec1); CloseHandle(hMemFile); PHookRec1 := nil; end; if Hooked then Result := UnhookWindowsHookEx(hKeyHook) else Result := True; Hooked := False; end; procedure EntryProc(dwReason: DWORD); begin if (dwReason = Dll_Process_Detach) then begin if PHookRec1 <> nil then begin UnmapViewOfFile(PHookRec1); CloseHandle(hMemFile); end; UnhookWindowsHookEx(hKeyHook); end; end; exports StartHook, StopHook; begin PHookRec1 := nil; Hooked := False; hKeyHook := 0; hMemo := 0; DLLProc := @EntryProc; EntryProc(Dll_Process_Attach); end. ////-------------------segunda parte-----------------///// unit uTeste; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Label1: TLabel; Memo1: TMemo; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private hLib2: THandle; DllStr1: string; procedure DllMessage(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_USER + 1678; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.DllMessage(var Msg: TMessage); begin if (Msg.wParam = 8) or (Msg.wParam = 13) then Exit; {the 8 is the Backspace and the 13 if the Enter key, You'll need to do some special handleing for a string} DllStr1 := DllStr1 + Chr(Msg.wParam); label1.Caption := DllStr1; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); type TStartHook = function(MemoHandle, AppHandle: HWND): Byte; var StartHook1: TStartHook; SHresult: Byte; begin hLib2 := LoadLibrary('HookLib.dll'); @StartHook1 := GetProcAddress(hLib2, 'StartHook'); if @StartHook1 = nil then Exit; SHresult := StartHook1(Memo1.Handle, Handle); if SHresult = 0 then ShowMessage('the Key Hook was Started, good'); if SHresult = 1 then ShowMessage('the Key Hook was already Started'); if SHresult = 2 then ShowMessage('the Key Hook can NOT be Started, bad'); if SHresult = 4 then ShowMessage('MemoHandle is incorrect'); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); type TStopHook = function: Boolean; var StopHook1: TStopHook; begin @StopHook1 := GetProcAddress(hLib2, 'StopHook'); if @StopHook1 = nil then begin ShowMessage('Stop Hook DLL Mem Addy not found'); Exit; end; if StopHook1 then ShowMessage('Hook was stoped'); FreeLibrary(hLib2); {for some reason in Win XP you need to call FreeLibrary twice maybe because you get 2 functions from the DLL? ?} FreeLibrary(hLib2); end; end. Ele faz o seguinte: A dll captura a porta do teclado, no meu caso eu precisava capturar o leitor dai criei um codigo de barra especifico da minha aplicação e funciona perfeitamente!!! Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites