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Preciso de newslatter

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Olá pessoal,É a primeira vez que participo do fórum, eu to precisando de um script de texto na vertical para um newslatter, onde o texto fica rolando e quando você passa o mouse o link pára, tira ele continua.Alguém teria isso?ValeuOtto RangelSIGNWEB

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Procura neste link e ai você manda procurar scroll vertical



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Olá pessoal,


É a primeira vez que participo do fórum, eu to precisando de um script de texto na vertical para um newslatter, onde o texto fica rolando e quando você passa o mouse o link pára, tira ele continua.


Alguém teria isso?




Otto Rangel


;) Cara eu tenho dois scripts desse comigo, seguinte:


Eu uso esse aqui para coisas simples:


<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

<!-- Begin

document.write('<marquee id="iescroller" direction="up" width="90%" height="45" scrollamount="1.5" scrolldelay="100" style="border:0 solid black; background-color:white">');

iescroller.onmouseover=new Function("iescroller.scrollAmount=0");

iescroller.onmouseout=new Function("iescroller.scrollAmount=1.5");

document.write('<font size="2" face="Garamond" color="black">')

document.write('<Div align="center"><a href="J_Enq_13.htm" target="Principal">O Paquistão vai convencerá o Taleban a entregar Bin Laden?</a></div><br>');

document.write('<Div align="center"><a href="J_Enq_14.htm" target="Principal">Quem é o Mal, se esta é a guerra do bem contra o mal?</a></div><br>');

document.write('<Div align="center"><a href="J_Enq_15.htm" target="Principal">Pode ser o começo da Terceira Guerra Mundial?</a></div><br>');

document.write('<Div align="center"><a href="J_Enq_16.htm" target="Principal">Você é a favor da retaliação?</a></div><br>');



// End -->





E esse outro aqui:




<title>Letreiro de Jornal</title>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">


function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed)




this.opera5=this.agent.indexOf("Opera 5")>-1

this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;

this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;

this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;||this.ie5||this.ie6


this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0;

this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0; || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns6 || this.opera5)

return this


var bw=new lib_bwcheck()


//How do you want the script to work?

//0 = Fade in - Fade out

//1 = Slide in - Fade out

//2 = Random

nWorks = 1


//If you use the slide set these variables:

nSlidespeed = 5 //in px

nNewsheight = 80 //This is how long down it should start the slide.


nBetweendelay = 1000 //The delay before fading out.

nFont = 'arial,helvetiva' //The font for the news.

nFontsize = 12 //Font size in pixel.

nFadespeed = 100 //The speed to fade in, in milliseconds.


//Set the colors, first color is same as background, last color is the color it stops at:

//You can have as many colors you want

nColor=new Array('#FFFFFF', '#EEEEEE','#CCCCCC','#999999','#666666','#333333','#000000')


//This is the news you wanna have, set the link and the text. If you don't wan't it to link anywhere

//use a # as the link

nNews=new Array()

//Copy there three lines and change the info and numbers to get more news.

nNews[0]=new Array()

nNews[0]["text"]="New scripts is updated with more scripts then ever!"



nNews[1]=new Array()

nNews[1]["text"]="Dynamic HTML scripts can be found here! ZoomText, FadeNews, TextChange and lot's lot's more.."



nNews[2]=new Array()

nNews[2]["text"]="Search the web with yahoo!"



function makeNewsObj(obj,nest,font,size,color,news,fadespeed,betweendelay,slidespeed,work



nest=(!nest) ? "":'document.'+nest+'.'

this.css=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj).style:bw.ie4?document.all[obj].style:bw.ns4?eval(nest+"document.layers." +obj):0;

this.writeref=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj):bw.ie4?document.all[obj]:bw.ns4?eval(nest+"document.layers." +obj+".document"):0;

if(font){this.color=new Array(); this.color=eval(color); Array();

this.font=font; this.size=size; this.speed=fadespeed; this.delay=betweendelay; this.newsheight=newsheight;

this.fadeIn=b_fadeIn;this.fadeOut=b_fadeOut; this.newsWrite=b_newsWrite; this.y=1

this.slideIn=b_slideIn; this.moveIt=b_moveIt; this.slideSpeed=slidespeed;

if(bw.dom || bw.ie4){this.css.fontFamily=this.font; this.css.fontSize=this.size; this.css.color=this.color[0]}


this.obj = obj + "Object"; eval(this.obj + "=this"); return this



// A unit of measure that will be added when setting the position of a layer.

var px = bw.ns4||window.opera?"":"px";


function b_moveIt(x,y){this.x=x; this.y=y; this.css.left=this.x+px;;}


function b_newsWrite(num,i){

if (bw.ns4){

this.writeref.write("<a href=\""[num]['link']+"\" target=\"myTarget\" style=\"text-decoration:none; font-size:"+this.size+"px\">"

+"<font face=\""+this.font+"\" color=\""+this.color+"\">"[num]['text']+"</font></a>")


}else this.writeref.innerHTML = '<a id="'+this.obj+'link' +'" target="myTarget" style="text-decoration:none; font-size:'+this.size+'px; color:'+this.color+'" href="'[num]['link']+'">'[num]['text']+'</a>'


//Slide in

function b_slideIn(num,i){

if (this.y>0){

if (i==0){this.moveIt(0,this.newsheight); this.newsWrite(num,this.color.length-1)}


i ++


}else setTimeout(this.obj+".fadeOut("+num+","+(this.color.length-1)+")",this.delay)


//The fade functions

function b_fadeIn(num,i){

if (i<this.color.length){

if (i==0 || bw.ns4) this.newsWrite(num,i)


obj = bw.ie4?eval(this.obj+"link"):document.getElementById(this.obj+"link") = this.color


i ++


}else setTimeout(this.obj+".fadeOut("+num+","+(this.color.length-1)+")",this.delay)



function b_fadeOut(num,i){

if (i>=0){

if (i==0 || bw.ns4) this.newsWrite(num,i)


obj = bw.ie4?eval(this.obj+"link"):document.getElementById(this.obj+"link") = this.color


i --



num ++

if( num=0

works = !

if(works==0) setTimeout(this.obj+".fadeIn("+num+",0)",500)

else if (works==1){this.y=1; setTimeout(this.obj+".slideIn("+num+",0)",500)





function fadeInit(){

oNews = new makeNewsObj('divNews','divNewsCont',nFont,nFontsize,"nColor","nNews",nFadespeed,nBetweendelay,nSlidespeed,nWorks,nNewsheight)

oNewsCont = new makeNewsObj('divNewsCont')

works = !

if (works==0) oNews.fadeIn(0,0)

else if (works==1) oNews.slideIn(0,0)

oNewsCont.css.visibility = "visible"



if( onload = fadeInit




<body marginleft="0" marginheight="0">

<div style="position:absolute; left:0; top:0"><a href="#" onclick="self.close(); return false"><img src="/images/logo.gif" width="165" height="54" alt="" border="0" alt="Click to close window"></a></div>



<div id="divNewsCont">

<div id="divNews">

Default text, this is the text that 3.x browsers will see

You can have lot's of ˜ here in stead. Or you can use a

script to write in text only if it's Netscape 4 (you have to

do that so that the layer gets some content or the written in text

won't show correct.







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Seguinte, não sei se eu tenho, mas dá uma visitadinha no meu site (que sairá do ar em dois dias) e lá na seção, codigos, no item javascript, ou melhor, no item DHTML, tem dois tipos de scroller assim, uma na vertical e outra na horizontal!!!tem tbm em forma de menu!![]sRodney

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