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Rodrigo Defende

[Resolvido] Novamente problema no Web.config

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Pessoal no meu web config tah assim:

<configuration xmlns="">
	<add name="cnSIL" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Database=SIL;User ID=XXXX;Password=XXXX;Command Logging=false;"
Na minha pagina to apenas fazendo um open assim:

Imports System.web.Configuration
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient

Dim cn As New MySqlConnection(System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrin
Ele me retorna um erro na linha Dim cn as New.....

Na Immediate Windows me retorna isso:


Warning: Cannot debug script code. Script debugging is disabled for the application you are debugging. Please uncheck the 'Disable script debugging' option on the Internet Options dialog box (Advanced page) for Internet Explorer and restart the process.

A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in MySql.Data.DLL

Auto-attach to process '[1348] aspnet_wp.exe' on machine 'RODRIGO' succeeded.

Warning: Cannot debug script code. Script debugging is disabled for the application you are debugging. Please uncheck the 'Disable script debugging' option on the Internet Options dialog box (Advanced page) for Internet Explorer and restart the process.

A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in MySql.Data.DLL


Sei que deve ser uma coisa simples mas nao estou conseguindo fazer funcionar.


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