alphamek 2 Denunciar post Postado Junho 2, 2008 Caros, Segue um script que dá mais detalhes sobre os objetos que estão no Library Cache. SELECT SUBSTR(owner,1,10) Owner, SUBSTR(type,1,12) Type, SUBSTR(name,1,20) Name, executions, sharable_mem Mem_used, SUBSTR(kept||' ',1,4) "Kept?" FROM v$db_object_cache WHERE TYPE IN ('TRIGGER','PROCEDURE','PACKAGE BODY','PACKAGE') ORDER BY EXECUTIONS DESC Abraços, Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
davidr 0 Denunciar post Postado Julho 22, 2009 Mais um pouco de contribuição para esse laboratório : set lin 150 pages 60 col gethitratio heading 'Get|HitRatio' col pinhitratio heading 'Pin|HitRatio' col name noprint new_value dbname select name from v$database; spool d:\Pro-atividade\libdet.log ttitle left "Database:"dbname" - Relatório de Detalhes sobre a Library Cache" skip 2 select namespace, gets, round(gethitratio*100,2) gethitratio, pins, round(pinhitratio*100,2) pinhitratio, reloads, invalidations from v$librarycache order by 1; spool off E mais um : set pagesize 80 set verify off set heading off set feedback off set termout off col sp_size format 999,999,999 justify right col x_sp_used format 999,999,999 justify right col sp_used_shr format 999,999,999 justify right col sp_used_per format 999,999,999 justify right col sp_used_run format 999,999,999 justify right col sp_avail format 999,999,999 justify right col sp_sz_pins format 999,999,999 justify right col sp_no_pins format 999,999 justify right col sp_no_obj format 999,999 justify right col sp_no_stmts format 999,999 justify right col sp_sz_kept_chks format 999,999,999 justify right col sp_no_kept_chks format 999,999 justify right col val2 new_val x_sp_size noprint select value val2 from v$parameter where name='shared_pool_size' / col val2 new_val x_sp_used noprint select sum(sharable_mem+persistent_mem+runtime_mem) val2 from v$sqlarea / col val2 new_val x_sp_used_shr noprint col val3 new_val x_sp_used_per noprint col val4 new_val x_sp_used_run noprint col val5 new_val x_sp_no_stmts noprint select sum(sharable_mem) val2, sum(persistent_mem) val3, sum(runtime_mem) val4, count(*) val5 from v$sqlarea / col val2 new_val x_sp_no_obj noprint select count(*) val2 from v$db_object_cache / col val2 new_val x_sp_avail noprint select &x_sp_size-&x_sp_used val2 from dual / col val2 new_val x_sp_no_kept_chks noprint col val3 new_val x_sp_sz_kept_chks noprint select decode(count(*),'',0,count(*)) val2, decode(sum(sharable_mem),'',0,sum(sharable_mem)) val3 from v$db_object_cache where kept='YES' / col val2 new_val x_sp_no_pins noprint select count(*) val2 from v$session a, v$sqltext b where a.sql_address||a.sql_hash_value = b.address||b.hash_value / col val2 new_val x_sp_sz_pins noprint select sum(sharable_mem+persistent_mem+runtime_mem) val2 from v$session a, v$sqltext b, v$sqlarea c where a.sql_address||a.sql_hash_value = b.address||b.hash_value and b.address||b.hash_value = c.address||c.hash_value / set termout on set heading off ttitle - center 'Shared Pool`s Library Cache Information' skip 2 select 'Size : ' ||&x_sp_size sp_size, 'Used (total) : ' ||&x_sp_used, ' sharable : ' ||&x_sp_used_shr sp_used_shr, ' persistent : ' ||&x_sp_used_per sp_used_per, ' runtime : ' ||&x_sp_used_run sp_used_run, 'Available : ' ||&x_sp_avail sp_avail, 'Number of SQL statements : ' ||&x_sp_no_stmts sp_no_stmts, 'Number of programmatic constructs : ' ||&x_sp_no_obj sp_no_obj, 'Kept programmatic construct chunks : ' ||&x_sp_no_kept_chks sp_no_kept_chks, 'Kept programmatic construct chunks size : ' ||&x_sp_sz_kept_chks sp_sz_kept_chks, 'Pinned statements : ' ||&x_sp_no_pins sp_no_pins, 'Pinned statements size : ' ||&x_sp_sz_pins sp_sz_pins from dual / ttitle off set heading on set feedback on Abraços, até mais!!!! Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites