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[Resolvido]  Backup

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Ola gente... estou com mais 1 problema :P


estou aqui a tentar realizar o backup da pasta /home/public_html/


ate é facil.. ja meti isto a gerar o .zip com os ficheiros atravez da class zip lib


echo "Gerar Backup do /home/ ";

$zipfile = new zipfile(date("d-m-Y").".zip");

ate aqui tu funciona.. e ele manda-me para a tela o arquivo para fazer download... porem eu nao quero que ele faça o download do ficheiro quero que ele grave o ficheiro na pasta respectia... mas nao estou a conseguir fazer isso


a class é esta



class zipfile {

  var $datasec	   = array();
  var $ctrl_dir	  = array();
  var $eof_ctrl_dir  = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00";
  var $old_offset	= 0;
  var $pathToFPDF	= NULL;
  var $pathToDeepDir = NULL;

  function zipfile ($output_filename = '', $DeepDir = './DeepDir.php', $FPDF = './fpdf.class.php') {

	header('Content-Type: application/x-zip');
	header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $output_filename . '"');
	header('Expires: 0');
	header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
	header('Pragma: public');

	$this->pathToFPDF	= $FPDF;
	$this->pathToDeepDir = $DeepDir;


  function read_File ($file) {

	if (is_file($file)) {

	  $fp = fopen ($file, 'rb');
	  $content = fread ($fp, filesize($file));
	  fclose ($fp);

	  return $content;



  function replaceSuffix ($file, $suffix = 'pdf') {

	$arr = explode('.', $file);
	unset($arr[count($arr) - 1]);
	$file = NULL;
	foreach($arr as $v) $file .= $v . '.';
	$file .= $suffix;

	return $file;


  function getDirContent ($dirName = './') {

	if (is_dir($dirName)) {

	  if (include($this->pathToDeepDir)) {

		$dir = new DeepDir();

		return $dir->files;

	  } else {

		if ($handle = opendir($dirName)) {

		  while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {

			if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..') && (is_file($file))) {

			  $content[] = $file;




		  return $content;





  function addDirContent ($dir = './') {

	foreach ($this->getDirContent($dir) as $input) {
	  $this->addFileAndRead(str_replace('.//', NULL, $input));


  function addFileAndRead ($file) {

	if (is_file($file))
	  $this->addFile($this->read_File($file), $file);


  function addFileAsPDF ($file, $title = 'PDF File', $author = 'Anonymous') {
	//You need FPDF to use this function!
	//get it at

	if (include($this->pathToFPDF)) {

	  $pdf = new PDF();

	  //edit this as you need it

	  $pdf->PrintChapter(1, $author, $file);

	  //nothing to edit below!

	  $this->addFile($pdf->getBuffer(), $this->replaceSuffix($file));

	} else {

	  $filecontent = implode(NULL, file($file));

	  $content	.= '********************************************' . "\n";
	  $content	.= '*										  *' . "\n";
	  $content	.= '*   Couldn\'t find FPDF!				   *' . "\n";
	  $content	.= '*   Adding this File as plain text file.   *' . "\n";
	  $content	.= '*										  *' . "\n";
	  $content	.= '*   Below this box is the sourcefile.	  *' . "\n";
	  $content	.= '*										  *' . "\n";
	  $content	.= '********************************************' . "\n";

	  $content	.= ' ' . "\n";
	  $content	.= ' ' . "\n";
	  $content	.= ' ' . "\n";

	  $content	.= $filecontent;

	  $this->addFile($content, $file);



  function unix2DosTime($unixtime = 0) {

	$timearray = ($unixtime == 0) ? getdate() : getdate($unixtime);

	if ($timearray['year'] < 1980) {

	  $timearray['year']	= 1980;
	  $timearray['mon']	 = 1;
	  $timearray['mday']	= 1;
	  $timearray['hours']   = 0;
	  $timearray['minutes'] = 0;
	  $timearray['seconds'] = 0;


	return (($timearray['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($timearray['mon'] << 21) | ($timearray['mday'] << 16) |
	  ($timearray['hours'] << 11) | ($timearray['minutes'] << 5) | ($timearray['seconds'] >> 1);


  function addFile($data, $name, $time = 0) {

	$name	 = str_replace('\\', '/', $name);

	$dtime	= dechex($this->unix2DosTime($time));
	$hexdtime = '\x' . $dtime[6] . $dtime[7]
			  . '\x' . $dtime[4] . $dtime[5]
			  . '\x' . $dtime[2] . $dtime[3]
			  . '\x' . $dtime[0] . $dtime[1];

	eval('$hexdtime = "' . $hexdtime . '";');

	$fr   = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04";
	$fr   .= "\x14\x00";			// ver needed to extract
	$fr   .= "\x00\x00";			// gen purpose bit flag
	$fr   .= "\x08\x00";			// compression method
	$fr   .= $hexdtime;			 // last mod time and date

	// "local file header" segment
	$unc_len = strlen($data);
	$crc	 = crc32($data);
	$zdata   = gzcompress($data);
	$zdata   = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2); // fix crc bug
	$c_len   = strlen($zdata);
	$fr	  .= pack('V', $crc);			 // crc32
	$fr	  .= pack('V', $c_len);		   // compressed filesize
	$fr	  .= pack('V', $unc_len);		 // uncompressed filesize
	$fr	  .= pack('v', strlen($name));	// length of filename
	$fr	  .= pack('v', 0);				// extra field length
	$fr	  .= $name;

	// "file data" segment
	$fr .= $zdata;

	// "data descriptor" segment (optional but necessary if archive is not
	// served as file)
	$fr .= pack('V', $crc);				 // crc32
	$fr .= pack('V', $c_len);			   // compressed filesize
	$fr .= pack('V', $unc_len);			 // uncompressed filesize

	// add this entry to array
	$this -> datasec[] = $fr;
	$new_offset		= strlen(implode('', $this->datasec));

	// now add to central directory record
	$cdrec  = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02";
	$cdrec .= "\x00\x00";				// version made by
	$cdrec .= "\x14\x00";				// version needed to extract
	$cdrec .= "\x00\x00";				// gen purpose bit flag
	$cdrec .= "\x08\x00";				// compression method
	$cdrec .= $hexdtime;				 // last mod time & date
	$cdrec .= pack('V', $crc);		   // crc32
	$cdrec .= pack('V', $c_len);		 // compressed filesize
	$cdrec .= pack('V', $unc_len);	   // uncompressed filesize
	$cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($name) ); // length of filename
	$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 );			 // extra field length
	$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 );			 // file comment length
	$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 );			 // disk number start
	$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 );			 // internal file attributes
	$cdrec .= pack('V', 32 );			// external file attributes - 'archive' bit set

	$cdrec .= pack('V', $this -> old_offset ); // relative offset of local header
	$this -> old_offset = $new_offset;

	$cdrec .= $name;

	// optional extra field, file comment goes here
	// save to central directory
	$this -> ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;


  function file() {

	$data	= implode(NULL, $this -> datasec);
	$ctrldir = implode(NULL, $this -> ctrl_dir);

	return $data .
		   $ctrldir .
		   $this -> eof_ctrl_dir .
		   pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)) .  // total # of entries "on this disk"
		   pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)) .  // total # of entries overall
		   pack('V', strlen($ctrldir)) .		   // size of central dir
		   pack('V', strlen($data)) .			  // offset to start of central dir
		   "\x00\x00";							 // .zip file comment length



alguem me pode dar uma luz?

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Não tenho certeza... Mas tente tirar isso do começo da classe:

header('Content-Type: application/x-zip');
	header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $output_filename . '"');
	header('Expires: 0');
	header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
	header('Pragma: public');

Faça o teste com isso comentado...

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nem tinha visto isto ahahaha:P


com isso funcionou ~TiuTalk~


muito obrigado :P


para quem


$zipfile = new zipfile(date("d-m-Y").".zip");

$back = fopen("","w");
fwrite($back, $zipfile->file());

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