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Amigos baixei o script do WEBCall, resolvi alguns dos poblema, mais este ta um pouco dificil

E o sequite a pagina abaixo e o de acesso para entrar o atendimento, no plograma que eu tenho para fazer o teste ele me amostra o input text de nome e o input tex de departamento, eu inciro o nome escolho o departamento ckico e ele me da a sequinte mensagen tem que preenche todo o formulario, so que ele não e visivel. No meu site ele vai para o cadastro de Nome, Email. Site e mensahem quando tento enviar ele da paginha não pode ser exibida

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<!--#include file="common.asp" --><!--#include file="check.asp" --><%
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQ,login_o
strQ = Request.querystring("Q")
IF strQ = "1" THEN strQ = strTxtAdminRequest ELSE strQ = "" END IF
'Set some variables
Dim rsChatRequest2 'Chat request record sheet

'Open a new connection to the database
adoCon.Open cString

'Create new SQL string
StrSQL="SELECT * FROM tblActiveUsers WHERE IP='" & strIPAddress & "';"
'StrSQL="SELECT * FROM tblActiveUsers;"

'Create new record sheet
set rsChatRequest2	=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'Set cursor and locktypes
rsChatRequest2.CursorType = 2
rsChatRequest2.LockType = 3

'Open row data where the logged in users IP equals the IP in the database StrSQL, CString



'Close record sheet and clean up
Set rsChatRequest2 = Nothing

'set rs1 = server.createobject("ADODB.RecordSet")
'StrSq1="SELECT * FROM tblSettings"
' StrSq1,cString,3,3

'if rs1.recordcount <= CInt("3") then
'NomeOperador = rsp("OperatorName")
'login_o = rsp("login")
'end if

'if rs1.recordcount => CInt("1") then
'set rs0 = server.createobject("ADODB.RecordSet")
'StrSq0_0="SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tblSettings where o_ocupado <> 1 AND o_online = 1 order by id desc "
' StrSq0_0,cString
'if rs0.EOF then
'response.redirect "una.asp"
'end if
'NomeOperador = rs0("OperatorName")
'login_o = rs0("login")
'end if

	'Redirect the administrator if the password in query string matches the one in the database
	IF strAdminPass	 = QstrAdminPass THEN Response.redirect("chat.asp?addpass="&strAdminPass&"&ID="&intUsrID)
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><LINK 
href="style.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
<script language=javascript>
function centraliza(x,y)


<script language=javascript>
function centraliza(x,y)


<STYLE type=text/css>
.style1 {
	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 10px;
.formulario {  font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #000000}


function carregar(){
var url;
url = '<%=strTxtDominio%>remote1.asp?aux=1&depto='+document.form1.Departamento[document.form1.Departamento.selectedIndex].valu
document.form1.login_o.options.length = 0;
if (document.form1.Departamento.value=="semdepto"){
addItem(document.form1.login_o,"Aguarde...carregando", "",false,document.form1.login_o.length)
myIframe.location = url;


function inicia(){
local1 = new Array();
var maximo1, i, campo1;
local1 =;
campo1 = document.form1.login_o;
maximo1 = local1.length;
document.form1.login_o.options.length = 0;
for (i=0;i<maximo1;i++){

function addItem(obj,strText,strValue,blSel,intPos){ 
	var newOpt,i,ArTemp,selIndex; 
	selIndex = (blSel)?intPos:obj.selectedIndex; 
	newOpt = new Option(strText,strValue); 
	Len = obj.options.length+1 
	if (intPos > Len) return 
	obj.options.length = Len 
	if (intPos != Len) { 
		 ArTemp = new Array(); 
			  ArTemp[i] = Array(obj.options[i].text,obj.options[i].value); 
			  obj.options[i] = new Option(ArTemp[i-1][0],ArTemp[i-1][1]); 
	obj.options[intPos] = newOpt; 
	if (selIndex > intPos) 
		 obj.selectedIndex = selIndex+1; 
	else if (selIndex == intPos)  
		 obj.selectedIndex = intPos; 
function validar(){
  if ((document.form1.login.value=="")||(document.form1.Departamento.value=="semdepto")||(document.form1.login_o.value=="0")){
	alert("Preencha todos os campos!");


<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.3354" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<BODY text=#000000 vLink=#176093 aLink=#176093 link=#176093 bgColor=#ffffff 
leftMargin=0 topMargin=0 
onload="java = 'hidden'" 
marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">
<DIV style="DISPLAY: none; POSITION: absolute" align=left><IFRAME 
src="<%=strTxtDominio%">/chat/remote1.asp name="myIframe" id="myIframe" width="100" height="100" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></IFRAME></DIV>
<TABLE height=300 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=400 border=0>
	<TD vAlign=top><IMG src="images/topo.gif"></TD></TR>
	<TD height=200>
	  <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="98%" align=center border=0>
		  <TD class=main align=middle>
			<FORM id=form1 name=form1 onsubmit=java script:validar(); 
			action=chat_sort.asp method=post>
			<DIV align=center>
			<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center 
				<TD align=middle> </TD></TR>
				<TD align=middle><FONT 
				  face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1><%=strTxtWelcome%></FONT></TD></TR>
				<TD align=middle> </TD></TR>
				<TD align=middle><FONT 
				  face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1>Seu 
				  nome:</FONT> <INPUT class=form size=15 name=login> </TD></TR>
				<TD align=middle><IMG height=5 src="#" width=8></TD></TR>
				<TD align=middle><SELECT class=form 
				  onchange="java script:carregar(); = 'visible' " 
				  name=Departamento> <OPTION value=semdepto selected>Escolha o 
					departamento:</OPTION> <OPTION 
					value="<%=departamento%>"></OPTION></SELECT> </TD></TR>
				<TD align=middle><IMG height=5 src="#" width=8></TD></TR>
				<TD id=operadores align=middle><SELECT class=form size=1 
				  name=login_o></SELECT> </TD></TR>
				<TD align=middle><IMG height=5 src="#" width=8></TD></TR>
				<TD align=middle><INPUT class=form type=submit value=entrar name=Submit></TD></TR>
		align=middle> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></FORM></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>
	<TD height=25>
	  <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center border=0>
		  <TD align=middle><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" 
			color=#666666 size=1>Powered by <A 
			href="" target=_blank>Arldinartfest 
Esta a baixo e a do envio de email, se eu troca pelo meu e meu dominio quando coloco no site da erro

on error resume next
Dim u_7_43536_wef
Server.ScriptTimeout = 90

Dim fwi353
Dim strDataBasePath						'Holds the path to the database
Dim cString																	'Holds the entire connection string
Dim adoCon																'Holds the ado connection
DIM S45_reg

Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
DIM q2345_sds
'banco de dados
strDataBasePath = "/chat/webdbat.mdb"

'Connection string for the database
'If the following line does not work comment it out with a  at the start of the line and uncomment another string
'cString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath(strDataBasePath)

'Uncomment this connection string if you are using Access Database 2000 or 2002
cString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath(strDataBasePath) 

'Uncomment this connection string if you are using a DSN (note:  DSN is slower than the above connection strings)
'cString = "DSN=suporte"
'Replace the NAME_OF_DSN with the DSN

Dim e43Osg


'Language snippet, change the string values to edit text which appears on the page

'Set Variables
Dim strTxtWelcome 
Dim strTxtLogin
Dim strTxtEnter
Dim bn_B253_gr
Dim strTxtTalkingTo
Dim strTxtGuidelines
Dim strTxtHere
Dim strTxtLiveSupport
Dim StrTxtChatBox
Dim Xwr9
Dim strTxtSend
Dim bln45
Dim strTxtTalkingTo2
Dim StrTxtConvWith
Dim strTxtYouentered
Dim strAtExactly
Dim strTxtTimeandDate
Dim strTxtProvider
Dim er_ERgerg33
Dim strTxtWelcome2
Dim M0934ffR4
Dim strTxtPleaseWait
Dim w43_wlssg
Dim sphwg_3
Dim strTxtAdmin
Dim strTxtControlPannel
Dim strTxtThisPannelAllows
Dim strTxtCurrentusersonyourwebsite
Dim strTxtChatOptions
Dim strTxtAdminRequest
Dim Wtw3_
Dim strTxtRules

bln45 = "N"

' Global
strTxtLiveSupport = ""
strTxtAdminRequest = "Sessão requerida pelo operador"

' Admin Pages
strTxtAdmin = "Administração"
strTxtControlPannel = "Painel de Controle"
strTxtThisPannelAllows = "Este Painel de Controle permite que você veja os usuários online no momento.<br>Escolha o usuário e clique em aceitar chat."
strTxtCurrentusersonyourwebsite = "Requisições de Atendimento"
strTxtChatOptions = "Opções do Chat"
strTxtRules = "Regras"

' Text on chat_top.asp
StrTxtChatBox = "Mensagens"
strTxtSend = "Enviar"

'Text on chat_main.asp
strTxtWelcome2 = "Bem Vindo"
strTxtPleaseWait = "aguarde alguns instantes para ser atendido."

' Text on chat_right.asp
strTxtTalkingTo2 = "atendente"
StrTxtConvWith = "Você está falando com "
strTxtYouentered = "Bem vindo ao nosso "
strAtExactly = " "
strTxtTimeandDate = "Data de Entrada"
strTxtProvider = "Provider"

' Text on default.asp
strTxtWelcome = "Digite seu nome na caixa abaixo, selecione o departamento, o operador e clique em entrar."
strTxtLogin = "Login"
strTxtEnter = "Entrar"

'Text on chat.asp (not entire chat room just frameset page)
strTxtTalkingTo = "Falando com"
strTxtGuidelines = "Regras definidas pelos administradores "
strTxtHere = "aqui"

'titulo site
strTxttitulosite = "Atendimento on-Line"

strTxtEmail = ""

'dominio - não colocar / no final
strTxtDominio = ""

'mensagem offline
strTxtMensoff = "<b>Preencha o formulário abaixo</b> e envie sua mensagem para os nossos atendentes. Assim que possível estaremos respondendo !"

'Request some variables from the query string

Dim QStrAdminPass					'Holds the password for admin access if there is one in the string
Dim intUserID											'Holds the ID of the room the user is in/being reidrected to

StrAdminPass = Request.querystring("addpass")		'Get the data from query string
e43Osg = "o"
intUserID = Request.querystring("ID")			'Get the data from the query string
M0934ffR4 = "</"

Dim rsSettings												'Record sheet to open the tabel tblSettings
Dim intOnline														'Holds the value in the database field to see if live support is avaliable
Dim strCompanyName				'Holds the name of the company this application is for
Dim strOperatorName					'Holds the name of the operator currently online
Dim strAdminPass								'Holds the admin password
Dim StrSql																	'Holds SQL string
Dim n3446_FDsdf_f
Dim rg_235235
er_ERgerg33 = "Desenvolvido por WEBcall Suporte"
Dim strExit

'Open the table tblSettings
set rsSettings = server.createobject("ADODB.RecordSet")
StrSql="SELECT * FROM tblSettings" StrSql,cString,3,3

'Take the values from the database field and put them in the variables
intOnline	 = rsSettings("Online")
strCompanyName = rsSettings("CompanyName")
strOperatorName = rsSettings("OperatorName")
strAdminPass = rsSettings("AdminPassword")

'Close the record sheet and clean up
Set rsSettings = Nothing
q2345_sds = "BLANK"

S45_reg = "domain"
Xwr9 = "X"

'Set some variables
fwi353 = "i"
u_7_43536_wef = "w."
Dim strIPAddress														'Holds the current users IP address
Dim rs_Active_Users												'Record sheet for the active users table
Wtw3_ = "RE"

'Give the variables some values
dim random
random = (RND * 5000)
random = int(random)

strIPAddress = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & "-" & random 	'Set the variable to hold the value of IP address

'Open the connection to the database path specified at top of page
adoCon.Open cString

'Open the active users record sheet
Set rs_Active_Users = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'Create a new SQL statement to select the data from the row where users IP equals IP in database
strSQL = "SELECT tblActiveUsers.* From tblActiveUsers WHERE IP='" & strIPAddress & "';"

'Set the cursor and lock types
rs_Active_Users.CursorType = 2
rs_Active_Users.LockType = 3

'Open the record sheets and execute the SQL statement
rs_Active_Users.Open strSQL, CString

'Check the database to see if the user whos online has a field in the database, if not create one
If rs_Active_Users.EOF Then
'Insert the users IP address into a new row in database
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblActiveUsers (IP) VALUES ('" & strIPAddress &"');"

'Write data
'If there is a record for the current user then update, dont create new
'Set new SQL statement, set the last active field to the current time
strSQL = "UPDATE tblActiveUsers SET tblActiveUsers.LastActive=Now() WHERE IP='" & strIPAddress & "';"
'strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblActiveUsers (IP) VALUES ('" & strIPAddress & "-" & random & "');"

'Write data
End If

'Delete records older than 10 minuites, they are no longer active
strSQL = "DELETE FROM tblActiveUsers WHERE tblActiveUsers.LastActive < Now() - 0.0070;"

'Write data

'Requery the record sheet to get data up to date

'Close n' clean!
rg_235235 = "rgE"
bn_B253_gr = "<a"
Set rs_Active_Users = Nothing
w43_wlssg = "://w"
sphwg_3 = "lass"

n3446_FDsdf_f = "TTP"
Alguem pode me da um socorro

Desde ja agradeço

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Resolvido.agora eu estou comoutro, resolvi todos os erros e gostaria de posta eles zipado como faço para zipa-lhos separando por pastas por exemplo

os 2 documentos asp, pasta chat com os outros documentos asp e pasta images com as imagens pois quando zip ele fica tudo juntos

Agradeço desde ja

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