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Problemas com o fsck (Ubuntu)

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Fala galera, sou "a.n.t.a." em linux (no caso o Ubuntu) e tive que assumir o funcionamento do servidor aqui do trampo, estou com um problemão, vejam:


Quando liguei o servidor (Ubuntu) hoje, me deparei com a seguinte mensagem:


FSCK 1.40.8

Filesystem seems to have fatal corruptions Running with --rebuild-tree is required.

Reiserfs super block 16 on 0x803 of format 36 with standard journal.

Filesystem is NOT clean fsck died with exit status 4 [fail].


*An automatic file sustemcheck (fsck) of the root filesystem failed.

A manual fsck must be performed, then the system restarted.

The fsck should be performed in maintenance mode with the root filesystem mounted in read-only mode.


* The root is currently mounted in read-only mode.

A maintenace shel will now be started.

After performing system maintenance, press CONTROL-D to terminate the maintenance shell and restart the system.


Mas, quando coloco a senha do root ele dá a seguinte mensagem:


bash: no job control in this shell

bash: groups: command not found

bash: lesspipe: command not found

bash: Command: command not found

bash: The: command not found

bash: dircolors: command not found

bash: Command: command not found

bash: The: command not found


Se alguém puder dar uma ajudinha ou um toque de como arrumar isso ou onde posso achar dicas para resolver esse problema agradeço muito!


Ps.: lembrem-se que sou totalmente "a.n.t.a." em linux...



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