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qual o codigo????/

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Qual o codigo javascript da pagina de visualização de fotos dessa qual faz com que as fotos pequenas se movimentem apenas passando o mouse em cima das setas???? onde coloco o codigo....????

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Ola pixe00, ta ai todo o codigo, mas em meusite, você encontra isso tbm, só que está p/ menu, e noticias do site, é so adaptar... mas como disse, ta ai o cosdigo, copie e mude tudo seu gosto, ok??


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"><!--function MM_reloadPage(init) {  //reloads the window if Nav4 resized  if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) {    document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }}  else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload();}MM_reloadPage(true);//--></script></head><script language="JavaScript"> var velo_scroll = 60; // velocidade do Srcroll var pixel_scroll = 10; // pixels que vai mudar var window_width = 100; var isNav; var isIE; var coll = ""; var styleObj = ""; if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) {  if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") {   isNav = true;  } else {   isIE = true;   coll = "all.";   styleObj = ".style";  } }  function getObjWidth(obj) {  var theObj = eval("document." + coll + obj);  if (isNav) {   return theObj.clip.width;  } else {   return theObj.clientWidth;  } }  function getObject(obj) {  if (typeof obj == "string") {   theObj = eval("document." + coll + obj + styleObj);  } else {   theObj = obj;  }  return theObj; }  function getInsideWindowWidth() {  if (isNav) {   return window.innerWidth;  } else {   return document.body.clientWidth;  } }  function getObjectLeft(obj) {  var theObj = getObject(obj);  if (isNav) {   return theObj.left;  } else {   return theObj.pixelLeft;  } }  function shiftBy(obj, x, y) {  var theObj = getObject(obj);  if (isNav) {   theObj.left = theObj.left + x; = + y;  } else {   theObj.pixelLeft = theObj.pixelLeft + x;   theObj.pixelTop = theObj.pixelTop + y;  } }  var tim = 0; var noScroll = true;  function mLeft(obj) {  obj = "menu"  if(!noScroll && getObjectLeft(obj) < window_width) {   shiftBy(obj, pixel_scroll, 0);   tim = setTimeout("mLeft()", velo_scroll);  } }  function mRight(obj) {  obj = "menu"   if(!noScroll && getObjectLeft(obj) > -(getObjWidth(obj) - (getInsideWindowWidth())) - window_width) {   shiftBy(obj, -pixel_scroll, 0);   tim = setTimeout("mRight()", velo_scroll);  } }    function noMove() {  clearTimeout(tim);  noScroll = true; }   </script><body bgcolor="#CC9933" text="#FFFFFF" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF"><div id="Mask" style="position:absolute; left:31px; top:5px; width:575px; height:74px; z-index:1; overflow: hidden;">   <div id="menu" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:-2px; width:2786px; height:68px; z-index:2; overflow: hidden;">     <table width="2485" border="0" height="68">      <tr>         <td width="91"><a href="m1.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m1.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m2.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m2.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m3.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m3.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m4.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m4.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m5.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m5.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m6.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m6.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m7.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m7.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m8.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m8.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m9.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m9.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m10.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m10.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m11.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m11.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m12.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m12.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m13.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m13.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m14.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m14.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m15.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m15.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m16.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m16.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m17.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m17.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m18.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m18.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m19.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m19.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m20.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m20.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m21.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m21.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m22.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m22.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a>           <div align="center"></div></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m23.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m23.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m24.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m24.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="91"><a href="m25.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m25.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td><a href="m26.php" target="meio"><img src="peq/m26.JPG" width="91" height="68" border="0"></a></td>        <td width="50"><div align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="" target="_top">Menu             de fotos</a></font></div></td>      </tr>    </table>  </div></div><div id="Layer2" style="position:absolute; 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