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João Paulo Taraciuk

Recuperar senha access

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Olá pessoal, eu esqueci a senha do banco de dados do access e agora estou precisando trabalhar com ele novamente, e pesquisando na net encontrei este tópico

que tem este código

Option Compare Binary
Option Explicit

Public Function StPasswordOfStDatabase(stDatabase As String) As String
	Dim hFile As Integer
	Dim ich As Integer
	Dim stBuffer As String
	Dim rgbytRaw() As Byte
	Dim rgbytPassword() As Byte
	Dim rgbytNoPassword() As Byte
	' Create the byte array with the 20 bytes that are present when there
	' is no database password
	rgbytNoPassword = ChrB(134) & ChrB(251) & ChrB(236) & ChrB(55) & ChrB(93) & _
								ChrB(68) & ChrB(156) & ChrB(250) & ChrB(198) & ChrB(94) & _
								ChrB(40) & ChrB(230) & ChrB(19) & ChrB(182) & ChrB(138) & _
								ChrB(96) & ChrB(84) & ChrB(148) & ChrB(123) & ChrB(54)
	' Grab the 20 bytes from the real file whose password
	' we are supposed to retrieve
	hFile = FreeFile
	Open stDatabase For Binary As #hFile
	Seek #hFile, 66 + 1
	rgbytRaw = InputB(20, #hFile)
	Close #hFile
	' Enough prep, lets get the password now.
	ReDim rgbytPassword(0 To 19)
	For ich = 0 To 19
		rgbytPassword(ich) = rgbytRaw(ich) Xor rgbytNoPassword(ich)
	Next ich

	' Add a trailing Null so one will always be found, even if the password is 20
	' characters. Then grab up to the first null we find and return the password
stBuffer = StrConv(rgbytPassword, vbUnicode) & vbNullChar
StPasswordOfStDatabase = Left$(stBuffer, InStr(1, stBuffer, vbNullChar, vbBinaryCompare) - 1)
End Function
Gostaria de saber como eu poderia fazer esse código em delphi.

eu tentei mas não consegui, se alguém puder me ajudar, eu agradeço.

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Olá pessoal, eu esqueci a senha do banco de dados do access e agora estou precisando trabalhar com ele novamente, e pesquisando na net encontrei este tópico

que tem este código

Option Compare Binary
Option Explicit

Public Function StPasswordOfStDatabase(stDatabase As String) As String
	Dim hFile As Integer
	Dim ich As Integer
	Dim stBuffer As String
	Dim rgbytRaw() As Byte
	Dim rgbytPassword() As Byte
	Dim rgbytNoPassword() As Byte
	' Create the byte array with the 20 bytes that are present when there
	' is no database password
	rgbytNoPassword = ChrB(134) & ChrB(251) & ChrB(236) & ChrB(55) & ChrB(93) & _
								ChrB(68) & ChrB(156) & ChrB(250) & ChrB(198) & ChrB(94) & _
								ChrB(40) & ChrB(230) & ChrB(19) & ChrB(182) & ChrB(138) & _
								ChrB(96) & ChrB(84) & ChrB(148) & ChrB(123) & ChrB(54)
	' Grab the 20 bytes from the real file whose password
	' we are supposed to retrieve
	hFile = FreeFile
	Open stDatabase For Binary As #hFile
	Seek #hFile, 66 + 1
	rgbytRaw = InputB(20, #hFile)
	Close #hFile
	' Enough prep, lets get the password now.
	ReDim rgbytPassword(0 To 19)
	For ich = 0 To 19
		rgbytPassword(ich) = rgbytRaw(ich) Xor rgbytNoPassword(ich)
	Next ich

	' Add a trailing Null so one will always be found, even if the password is 20
	' characters. Then grab up to the first null we find and return the password
stBuffer = StrConv(rgbytPassword, vbUnicode) & vbNullChar
StPasswordOfStDatabase = Left$(stBuffer, InStr(1, stBuffer, vbNullChar, vbBinaryCompare) - 1)
End Function
Gostaria de saber como eu poderia fazer esse código em delphi.

eu tentei mas não consegui, se alguém puder me ajudar, eu agradeço.

kara tem um prog free que usei ontem achei na net ele é bala pode usar que garantido Access PassView

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