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W. Sales

[Resolvido] Como tirar registro de IP da Enquete e deichala livre

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Ai galera tentei remover essa função mas dá erro como remover essa opção de que grava IP da pessoa. Queria que a enquete ficasse livre para

votar a votande.


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Definindo as variáveis:	
var objRadio;
var i;
var checado = 0;

function selecionar(e) {
objRadio = document.forms["form1"].elements["u_input"];	
	if (e==1) {
		objRadio[0].checked = true;
	if (e==2) {
		objRadio[1].checked = true;

function votar() {
objRadio = document.forms["form1"].elements["u_input"];
	for (i=0; i < objRadio.length; i++) {
	   if (objRadio[i].checked == true) {
		 checado = 1;
			 if(confirm("Você escolheu a figura: "+(i+1)+"\nDeseja prosseguir?")) {
	if (checado == 0) {
			alert("Por favor, selecione uma opção.");
			return false;	

'Two varibles are passed into the db
'u_input is the value if the user entered a response to
'the vote/poll question....IP is the address of the user

' if the user did not enter anything in the poll on this visit
' then display the poll question and possible choices
if u_input = "" then

<form name="form1" action="<%= request.servervariables("script_name") %>"  method="post">
Selecione uma opção:
<br><img src="figura1.gif" border="0" onClick="selecionar(1)"><input type="radio" name="u_input" value="1"> 
<br><img src="figura2.gif" border="0" onClick="selecionar(2)"><input type="radio" name="u_input" value="2"> 

<input type="button" value="Votar" onClick="votar();">
' if the user did input a choice on the vote/ballot
' check to see if their ip address is already in the db
cn="driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"
cn=cn & "dbq=" & server.mappath(accessdb)
set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "select ip from ballot where ip ='" & u_ip & "'"

rs.Open sql, cn
if rs.eof then
' if the user has not voted previously indicate it
end if

if been_here_before = "No" then
' Since the user has not voted previously their input
' their vote will be added to the db

sql = "insert into ballot (ip, selection" & u_input &") "
sql = sql & "values ('" & u_ip & "',1)"
rs.Open sql, cn
end if

'This will summerize and count the records in the db
sql= "select distinctrow sum(selection1) as sum_selection1, " 
sql= sql & "sum(selection2) AS sum_selection2, count(*) AS total_votes "
sql= sql & "FROM ballot;"
rs.Open sql, cn
total1=rs ("sum_selection1")
total2=rs ("sum_selection2")
count=rs ("total_votes")

A<img src="images/blue.jpg" height="10" width="<%= (total1/count)*100 %>">
<%= formatnumber((total1/count)*100,1)  %>%<br>
B<img src="images/yellow.jpg" height="10" width="<%= (total2/count)*100 %>">
<%= formatnumber((total2/count)*100,1)  %>%<br>
Total Votes: <%= formatnumber(count,0,0) %><br>
<% if been_here_before <> "No" then %>
<% else %>
<% end if %>
The I.P. Address is <%= u_ip %>
<% end if %>


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veja ai:


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Definindo as variáveis:	
var objRadio;
var i;
var checado = 0;

function selecionar(e) {
objRadio = document.forms["form1"].elements["u_input"];	
	if (e==1) {
		objRadio[0].checked = true;
	if (e==2) {
		objRadio[1].checked = true;

function votar() {
objRadio = document.forms["form1"].elements["u_input"];
	for (i=0; i < objRadio.length; i++) {
	   if (objRadio[i].checked == true) {
		 checado = 1;
			 if(confirm("Você escolheu a figura: "+(i+1)+"\nDeseja prosseguir?")) {
	if (checado == 0) {
			alert("Por favor, selecione uma opção.");
			return false;	

'Two varibles are passed into the db
'u_input is the value if the user entered a response to
'the vote/poll question....IP is the address of the user

' if the user did not enter anything in the poll on this visit
' then display the poll question and possible choices
if u_input = "" then

<form name="form1" action="<%= request.servervariables("script_name") %>"  method="post">
Selecione uma opção:
<br><img src="figura1.gif" border="0" onClick="selecionar(1)"><input type="radio" name="u_input" value="1">
<br><img src="figura2.gif" border="0" onClick="selecionar(2)"><input type="radio" name="u_input" value="2">

<input type="button" value="Votar" onClick="votar();">
' if the user did input a choice on the vote/ballot
' check to see if their ip address is already in the db
cn="driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"
cn=cn & "dbq=" & server.mappath(accessdb)
set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
'sql = "select ip from ballot where ip ='" & u_ip & "'"

'rs.Open sql, cn
'if rs.eof then
' if the user has not voted previously indicate it
'end if

if been_here_before = "No" then
' Since the user has not voted previously their input
' their vote will be added to the db

sql = "insert into ballot (ip, selection" & u_input &") "
sql = sql & "values '1,1)"
rs.Open sql, cn
'end if

'This will summerize and count the records in the db
sql= "select distinctrow sum(selection1) as sum_selection1, "
sql= sql & "sum(selection2) AS sum_selection2, count(*) AS total_votes "
sql= sql & "FROM ballot;"
rs.Open sql, cn
total1=rs ("sum_selection1")
total2=rs ("sum_selection2")
count=rs ("total_votes")

A<img src="images/blue.jpg" height="10" width="<%= (total1/count)*100 %>">
<%= formatnumber((total1/count)*100,1)  %>%<br>
B<img src="images/yellow.jpg" height="10" width="<%= (total2/count)*100 %>">
<%= formatnumber((total2/count)*100,1)  %>%<br>
Total Votes: <%= formatnumber(count,0,0) %><br>
<% end if %>


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Valeu ted K' mas agora ta dando esse erro


Tipo de erro:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)

[Microsoft][Driver ODBC para Microsoft Access] Erro de sintaxe na instrução INSERT INTO.

/sites/radio-evangelica/site-back/perfil/full-vote.asp, line 88



Tipo de navegador:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)



POST 9 bytes to /sites/radio-evangelica/site-back/perfil/full-vote.asp


POST Data:


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