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michael and cris

[Resolvido] autenticação

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Então tenho uma página que ela faz autenticação e queria tirar deixar ela livre o codigo e esse





if ($_SESSION['autentica']<>'foifoifoifoi'){

header("Location: $logoutGoTo");

} else {



$sql="select * from cliente where codigo = $edita";

$rs= mysql_query($sql);

$linha = mysql_fetch_array($rs, MYSQL_ASSOC);




mas aquele require nao pode sair por que preciso mostrar os dados vlwww

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desculpa aos moderadores eu ja consegui arrumar o problema a solução ficou assim



//initialize the session

if (!isset($_SESSION)) {




// ** Logout the current user. **

$logoutAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?doLogout=true";

if ((isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) && ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != "")){

$logoutAction .="&". htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);



if ((isset($_GET['doLogout'])) &&($_GET['doLogout']=="true")){

//to fully log out a visitor we need to clear the session varialbles

$_SESSION['MM_Username'] = NULL;

$_SESSION['MM_UserGroup'] = NULL;

$_SESSION['PrevUrl'] = NULL;





$logoutGoTo = "index.php";

if ($logoutGoTo) {

header("Location: $logoutGoTo");






if (!isset($_SESSION)) {



$MM_authorizedUsers = "";

$MM_donotCheckaccess = "true";


// *** Restrict Access To Page: Grant or deny access to this page

function isAuthorized($strUsers, $strGroups, $UserName, $UserGroup) {

// For security, start by assuming the visitor is NOT authorized.

$isValid = False;


// When a visitor has logged into this site, the Session variable MM_Username set equal to their username.

// Therefore, we know that a user is NOT logged in if that Session variable is blank.

if (!empty($UserName)) {

// Besides being logged in, you may restrict access to only certain users based on an ID established when they login.

// Parse the strings into arrays.

$arrUsers = Explode(",", $strUsers);

$arrGroups = Explode(",", $strGroups);

if (in_array($UserName, $arrUsers)) {

$isValid = true;


// Or, you may restrict access to only certain users based on their username.

if (in_array($UserGroup, $arrGroups)) {

$isValid = true;


if (($strUsers == "") && true) {

$isValid = true;



return $isValid;



$MM_restrictGoTo = "index.php";

if (!((isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) && (isAuthorized("",$MM_authorizedUsers, $_SESSION['MM_Username'], $_SESSION['MM_UserGroup'])))) {

$MM_qsChar = "?";

$MM_referrer = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

if (strpos($MM_restrictGoTo, "?")) $MM_qsChar = "&";

if (isset($QUERY_STRING) && strlen($QUERY_STRING) > 0)

$MM_referrer .= "?" . $QUERY_STRING;

$MM_restrictGoTo = $MM_restrictGoTo. $MM_qsChar . "accesscheck=" . urlencode($MM_referrer);

header("Location: ". $MM_restrictGoTo);




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