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Google Maps com BD

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Aew galera, to postando aew a melhoria de um codigo que ja tinha pego aqui.

Voce salva as cidades/paises no BD e aew pela ID ele exibe o respectivo mapa.


'###### (c) Pieter Cooreman - Free Google Map VBScript Class
'###### You are free to use this script - but you have to leave the copyright statement intact
'###### Before you plan to use this script in any commercial application, make sure to read
'###### the Google Map Terms on
'###### Submit bugs to Thx!
'###### With this VBSript class you can show locations in a Google Map
'###### You can:
'###### -set a custom width, height, title-tag, zoomlevel for the GoogleMap
'###### -set the default maptype - Most common: "G_NORMAL_MAP", "G_SATELLITE_MAP", "G_HYBRID_MAP"
'###### -add multipe addresses to one map
'###### -use a custom icon for each marker
'###### -use JavaScript/HTML to show when you click a marker
'###### -set some custom errorMessages in case something goes wrong
'###### -Check out both classes cls_googleMap and cls_address to read the details

class cls_googleMap

	public key, width, height, sTitle, addresses, zoomlevel, divID, errorMessage, noAddressSet, useDelay, maptype
	public enableGoogleBar,GLargeMapControl,GMapTypeControl,enableScrollWheelZoom,GOverview

		Private Sub Class_Initialize
			useDelay=0 'number of ms to delay each address-search - 200 ms is very useful in case you have many addresses (>100)
			maptype="G_NORMAL_MAP" 'Most common: "G_NORMAL_MAP", "G_SATELLITE_MAP", "G_HYBRID_MAP"
			enableGoogleBar=false 'show the Google Search Box bottom-left (true or false)
			GLargeMapControl=true 'show the Large Map Control  (true or false)
			GMapTypeControl=false 'show the 3 maptypes (true or false)
			GOverviewMapControl=false 'show the zoom window bottom right
			set addresses=server.CreateObject ("scripting.dictionary")
		End Sub

		Private Sub Class_Terminate
			set addresses=nothing
		End Sub
		Public function addAddress(addressObject)
			if trim(addressObject.searchString)<>"" then 'no empty addresses - Google doesn't like that
				if not addresses.Exists (addressObject.searchString) then 'no double addresses - - Google doesn't like that either
					addresses.Add addressObject.searchString,addressObject 'add the address to the addresses collection					
				end if
			end if
		end function
		'the function showMap, generates the full html 
		public Function showMap		
			showMap=showMap &"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN""" & vbcrlf & """"">" & vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"<html xmlns="""" xmlns:v=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"">"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"<head>"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"<meta http-equiv=""content-type"" content=""text/html; charset=UTF-8"" />"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"<title>" & sTitle & "</title>"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"<script src=""" & key & """ type=""text/javascript""></script>"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"</head>"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"<body onload=""initialize()"" onunload=""GUnload()"">"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"<script type=""text/javascript"">"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"var map = null;"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"var geocoder = null;"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"function initialize() {"& vbcrlf			
			showMap=showMap &"if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"map = new GMap2(document.getElementById(""map_canvas""),{size:new GSize(" & width & "," & height & ")});"& vbcrlf
			if enableGoogleBar then
				showMap=showMap &"map.enableGoogleBar();"& vbcrlf
			end if
			if enableScrollWheelZoom then
				showMap=showMap &"map.enableScrollWheelZoom();"& vbcrlf
			end if
			if GLargeMapControl then			
				showMap=showMap &"map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());"& vbcrlf
			end if
			if GMapTypeControl then
				showMap=showMap &"map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());"& vbcrlf
			end if
			if GOverviewMapControl then
				showMap=showMap &"var mini = new GOverviewMapControl(new GSize(100,100));" & vbcrlf
				showMap=showMap &"map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());" & vbcrlf
				showMap=showMap &"map.addControl(mini);" & vbcrlf
			end if
			showMap=showMap &showAddress& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &createMarker& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &getJSArray& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"}" & vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"}" & vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"function isEmpty(inputStr){return !(inputStr&&inputStr.length)}"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"</script>"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"<div id=""" & divID & """ style=""width: " & width & "px; height: " & height & "px""></div>"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"</body>"& vbcrlf
			showMap=showMap &"</html>"		& vbcrlf
		end function
		private function getJSArray
			if addresses.Count=0 then
				if noAddressSet<>"" then getJSArray="alert('" & quotrepJS(noAddressSet) & "');" & vbcrlf
				getJSArray="var AddressesArray = new Array (" & addresses.Count  & ");"& vbcrlf
				'loop through addresses in VBScript
				dim address,counter
				for each address in addresses
					getJSArray=getJSArray & "AddressesArray [" & counter & "] = new Array(6);"
					getJSArray=getJSArray & "AddressesArray [" & counter & "] [0]='"& quotRepJS(addresses(address).searchstring) &"';" & vbcrlf
					if addresses(address).html<>"" then
						if isNumeric(addresses(address).infoWindowWidth) then
							getJSArray=getJSArray & "AddressesArray [" & counter & "] [1]='<div style=""padding:3;width:" & addresses(address).infoWindowWidth & "px"">"& quotRepJS(addresses(address).html) & "</div>';" & vbcrlf
							getJSArray=getJSArray & "AddressesArray [" & counter & "] [1]='"& quotRepJS(addresses(address).html) & "';" & vbcrlf
						end if
						getJSArray=getJSArray & "AddressesArray [" & counter & "] [1]='';" & vbcrlf
					end if
					getJSArray=getJSArray & "AddressesArray [" & counter & "] [2]='"& quotRepJS(addresses(address).iconURL) & "';" & vbcrlf	
					getJSArray=getJSArray & "AddressesArray [" & counter & "] [3]='"& cBOOLcustom(addresses(address).openInfoWindowHtml) & "';" & vbcrlf	
					getJSArray=getJSArray & "AddressesArray [" & counter & "] [4]='"& quotRepJS(addresses(address).latitude) & "';" & vbcrlf
					getJSArray=getJSArray & "AddressesArray [" & counter & "] [5]='"& quotRepJS(addresses(address).longitude) & "';" & vbcrlf													
				'loop through addresses in JavaScript, and call the JS function showAddress
				getJSArray=getJSArray & "for (i=0;i<AddressesArray.length;i++){"& vbcrlf
				getJSArray=getJSArray & "showAddress(AddressesArray[i][0],AddressesArray[i][1],AddressesArray[i][2],AddressesArray[i][3],AddressesArray[i][4],AddressesArray[i][5]);"& vbcrlf
				getJSArray=getJSArray & "};" & vbcrlf
			end if
		end function
		private function createMarker()
			 createMarker="function createMarker(latlng,html,iconUrl,openHTML) {" & vbcrlf
			 createMarker=createMarker&"if(!isEmpty(iconUrl)){" & vbcrlf
			 createMarker=createMarker&"var myIcon = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON);" & vbcrlf
			 createMarker=createMarker&"myIcon.image = iconUrl;" & vbcrlf	
			 createMarker=createMarker&"myIcon.iconSize = new GSize(32, 32);"& vbcrlf
			 createMarker=createMarker&"var marker = new GMarker(latlng,{icon:myIcon});" & vbcrlf
			 createMarker=createMarker&"}else{var marker = new GMarker(latlng);}" & vbcrlf
			 createMarker=createMarker&"if(!isEmpty(html)){" & vbcrlf
			 createMarker=createMarker&"marker.value = html;"& vbcrlf
			 createMarker=createMarker&"GEvent.addListener(marker,""click"", function() {"& vbcrlf
			 createMarker=createMarker&"map.openInfoWindowHtml(latlng, marker.value);"& vbcrlf
			 createMarker=createMarker&"});}"& vbcrlf
			 createMarker=createMarker&"return marker;}"& vbcrlf
		end function
		private function fixedSA
			if useDelay>0 then	
				fixedSA=fixedSA & "var date = new Date();"& vbcrlf
				fixedSA=fixedSA & "var curDate = null;"& vbcrlf
				fixedSA=fixedSA & "do {curDate = new Date();}"& vbcrlf
				fixedSA=fixedSA & "while(curDate-date < " & useDelay & ");"& vbcrlf
			end if
			fixedSA=fixedSA & "map.setCenter(point," & zoomlevel &"," & maptype & ");"& vbcrlf
			fixedSA=fixedSA & "var marker=createMarker(point,html,iconUrl,openHTML);"& vbcrlf
			fixedSA=fixedSA & "map.addOverlay(marker);"& vbcrlf
			fixedSA=fixedSA & "if (openHTML=='True'){marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html)};" & vbcrlf
		end function
		private function showAddress
			showAddress="function showAddress(searchstring,html,iconUrl,openHTML,lat,lon) {" & vbcrlf	
			'showAddress=showAddress & "return true;" & vbcrlf				
			showAddress=showAddress & "if(!isEmpty(lat)&&!isEmpty(lon)){var point=new GLatLng(lat,lon);"& vbcrlf	
			showAddress=showAddress & fixedSA						
			showAddress=showAddress & "return true;};" & vbcrlf			
			showAddress=showAddress & "if (geocoder) {"& vbcrlf
			showAddress=showAddress & "geocoder.getLatLng(searchstring,function(point) {" & vbcrlf
			showAddress=showAddress & "if (!point) {"& vbcrlf
			if errorMessage<>"" then showAddress=showAddress & "alert('" & quotRepJS(errorMessage) & "')"& vbcrlf
			showAddress=showAddress & "} else {"& vbcrlf					
			showAddress=showAddress & fixedSA   
			showAddress=showAddress & "}});}}" & vbcrlf
		end function
		private function quotRepJS(sValue)
			quotRepJS=replace(quotRepJS,vbcrlf," ",1,-1,1)						

		end function
		private function cBOOLcustom(value)
			if isNull(value) then
			elseif value=False then
			end if
		end function
		'this function retrieves the coordinates of a location
		public function getCoordinates	(q,byref lat,byref lon)
			if isNull(q) then q=""
			if trim(q)<>"" then
				on error resume next 
				'get the codes from gooogle
				dim oXMLHTTP
				Set oXMLHTTP = server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0") "GET", ""& server.URLEncode(q) & "&output=CSV&key=" & key
				dim arrLL
				set oXMLHTTP=nothing
				if clng(lat)<>0 and clng(lon)<>0 then getCoordinates=true
				on error goto 0
			end if
		end function
end class

class cls_address

	public street,zip,city,state,countrycode,country,html,iconURL,openInfoWindowHtml,Latitu
	Private Sub Class_Initialize
	end sub
	public property get searchString
		if isNull(street) then street=""
		if isNull(zip) then zip=""
		if isNull(city) then city=""
		if isNull(state) then state=""
		if isNull(countrycode) then countrycode=""
		if isNull(country) then country=""
		if isNull(html) then html=""
		if isNull(iconURL) then iconURL=""
		if isNull(Latitude) then Latitude=""
		if isNull(Longitude) then Latitude=""
		if cstr(Latitude)="0" then Latitude=""
		if cstr(Longitude)="0" then Longitude=""		
		'When  Latitude and Longitude are set, they will be used, and not the regular address elements...

		if trim(Latitude & Longitude)="" then
			searchString=trim(trim(street) & " " & trim(zip) & " " & trim(city) & " " & trim(state) & " " & trim(countrycode) & " " & trim(country))
		end if
	end property
end class

para ajustar o mapa basta mudar as configuracoes no googlemaps.asp


zoomlevel=10'Zoom Level




useDelay=0 '

maptype="G_NORMAL_MAP" '"G_NORMAL_MAP" Mapa Normal, "G_SATELLITE_MAP"Mapa Satelite , "G_HYBRID_MAP"Mapa Hibrido

enableGoogleBar=false 'exibe a Google Search Box na base esquerda (true or false)

GLargeMapControl=true 'Exibe o controlador do mapa (true or false)

GMapTypeControl=false 'Exibe as 3 opcoes de mapa (true or false)

enableScrollWheelZoom=true'Zoom Disponivel

GOverviewMapControl=false 'Exibe a tela de zoom na base direita


<!-- #include file="googlemap.asp"-->
<!--#include file="settings.asp" -->
id = request("id")
Set paises = connect.execute("SELECT * FROM cidades WHERE  id="& id &"")
pais = paises("pais")
dim googlemap
set googlemap=new cls_googleMap 'instantiate the GoogleMap class
dim address
set address=new cls_address"cidade")'Pega a Cidade"pais")'Pega o pais
'address.street="Rua Evandro Batista,195"'Endereco(OPCIONAL)
address.iconURL=""'Icone PNG
address.html="This is the highest point in the region where I live.<br />Some HTML, like a <a href=""#"" onclick=""java script:alert('or some javascript...');"">link</a>"'Conteudo da Msg pro marcador
googlemap.addAddress (address)
Response.Write googlemap.showMap ()

<% response.buffer=true%>
<% Set Connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 
Connect.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & Server.MapPath("maps.mdb")&";"
E para estrutura do DB e uma unica tabela com 3 colunas.

ID(primary key)




Espero q seja util para alguem...


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Obrigado pela contribuição gpassarelli.


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