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Abrir projeto do Delphi 2007 no Delphi 7

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Achei um artigo em ingles, talvez sirva:


1. Create a new folder, say Project7.

2. Copy the from Project2007 with these extensions: .DPR .DFM .PAS .RES (and .INC if you have such files, and of course your data-files if you used any).

Note: you don't need to copy the files .~ .DPROJ .DPROJLOCAL .DSK .IDENTCACHE .DCU, nor the _history folder.

3. Start Delphi 7 and open the project's .DPR file that is in folder Project7 (Menu: File / Open project...)

4. If you get "Error reading ...: property ... does not exist" then you click the button Ignore.

5. Compile and run the project (simply press F9).

If you didn't use components, component properties nor routines that are not available in Delphi 7, you're done. Otherwise, the debugger of D7 will tell you what's wrong.





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