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Exibir imagem de ID3de mp3

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O flash pode pegar as seguintes infomações com ID3

Property Description

TFLT File type


TIT1 Content group description

TIT2 Title/song name/content description

TIT3 Subtitle/description refinement

TKEY Initial key

TLAN Languages

TLEN Length

TMED Media type

TOAL Original album/movie/show title

TOFN Original filename

TOLY Original lyricists/text writers

TOPE Original artists/performers

TORY Original release year

TOWN File owner/licensee

TPE1 Lead performers/soloists

TPE2 Band/orchestra/accompaniment

TPE3 Conductor/performer refinement

TPE4 Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by

TPOS Part of a set

TPUB Publisher

TRCK Track number/position in set

TRDA Recording dates

TRSN Internet radio station name

TRSO Internet radio station owner


TSRC ISRC (international standard recording code)

TSSE Software/hardware and settings used for encoding


WXXX URL link frame


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Alguma delas permite colocar uma imagem? Pergunto pq estou fazendo um player e já consegui mostrar Intérprete e outros dados de texto mas minha intenção agora é mostrar a capa do album.


Desde já muito obrigado


O flash pode pegar as seguintes infomações com ID3

Property Description

TFLT File type


TIT1 Content group description

TIT2 Title/song name/content description

TIT3 Subtitle/description refinement

TKEY Initial key

TLAN Languages

TLEN Length

TMED Media type

TOAL Original album/movie/show title

TOFN Original filename

TOLY Original lyricists/text writers

TOPE Original artists/performers

TORY Original release year

TOWN File owner/licensee

TPE1 Lead performers/soloists

TPE2 Band/orchestra/accompaniment

TPE3 Conductor/performer refinement

TPE4 Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by

TPOS Part of a set

TPUB Publisher

TRCK Track number/position in set

TRDA Recording dates

TRSN Internet radio station name

TRSO Internet radio station owner


TSRC ISRC (international standard recording code)

TSSE Software/hardware and settings used for encoding


WXXX URL link frame



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Bom pelo que ta descrito ali em cima...


E não tem em lugar nenhum escrito images... acredito que não.


E sempre que usei as informações ID3 de arquivos nunca encontrei nenhuma dizendo o jpg referente a mesma.



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