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class calendar

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Fala ae pessoal tudo tranquilo, eu estou com uma class de um calendario aqui, so que a primeira fileira corresponde a segunda e assim por diante até terminar na fileira sexta, eu queria saber aonde tenho que adaptar neste script para a fileira começar na segunda e terminar no domingo.


Este script também tem um esquema aonde coloca links no mês atual e os dias dos meses anteriores que aparecem nas tabelas os links são desativados, o que eu tenho que fazer para o script tirar também os links dos dias passados, ou seja... so deixar links do dia atual em diante.



Consegui fazer o sistema não colocar os links nos dias anteriores, atualizei o code abaixo, agora ta faltando arrumar a posição nas tabelas, quem puder ajudar.


<%@ Language=VBScript %>
LCID = 1046

'Function to Return the number of Days in a month
function findMonth(strDate, strYear)
	dim days
	if strDate = 4 or strDate = 6 or strDate = 9 or strDate = 11 then
		days = 30
	elseif strDate = 2 AND strYear/4 = int(strYear/4) then
		days = 29
	elseif strDate = 2 then
		days = 28
		days = 31
	end if
	findMonth = days
end function

'Function will return the numeric value last or Next Month
function fnChangeMonth(strMonth, strDirection)
	if strDirection = "previous" then
		if strMonth = 1 then
			tempstrMonth = 12
			tempstrMonth = strMonth - 1
		end if
		if strMonth > 11 then
			tempstrMonth = 1
			tempstrMonth = strMonth + 1
		end if
	end if
	fnChangeMonth = tempstrMonth
end function

'Function will return a date format from the qstring dd
'I use querystring called dd in this format 01012000 this just makes that
'into a date format
function formatQstring(strQstring)
	ddLength = Len(strQstring)
	tempYear = Right(strQstring,4)
	tempDay = Right(strQstring,6)
	tempDay = Left(tempday,2)
	tempMonth = Left(strQstring,ddLength - 6)
	strQstring = tempMonth & "/" & tempDay & "/" & tempYear
	formatQstring = formatdatetime(strQstring,2)
end function

'Find the numeric value of the first day in the month (Monday = 2...)
function formatFirstDay(strFirstDay)
	strFirstDay = WeekDay(Left(strFirstDay,2) & "/1/" & Right(strFirstDay,4))
	formatFirstDay = strFirstDay
end function

'Make the Hyperlink for Previous or Next Month
function makeLink(strDate, strLinkType)
	if strdate = "" then
		strdate = Month(DisplayDate) & "01" & Year(DisplayDate)
	end if
	theLength = len(strdate)
	theYear = Right(strdate,4) 
	theMonth = Left(strdate, theLength-6)
	if strLinkType = "previous" then
		theMonth = fnChangeMonth((Left(theMonth,2)),"previous")
		if theMonth = 12 then
			theYear = Right(strDate,4) - 1
			theYear = Right(strDate,4)
		end if	
		theMonth = fnChangeMonth((Left(theMonth,2)),"Next")
		if theMonth = 1 then
			theYear = Right(strDate,4) + 1
			theYear = Right(strDate,4)
		end if	
	end if

	if len(theMonth) <> 2 then
		theMonth = "0" & theMonth
	end if
	strdate = theMonth & "01" & theYear
	makelink = strdate
end function

'Determine if there is a Calendar Request to show a month otherwise show this month
if Request("dd") = "" then
	DisplayDate = Date()
	ShowYear = Year(Date)
	FirstDayofMonth = WeekDay(Month(Date) & "/1/" & ShowYear)
	ShowYear = Right(Request("dd"),4)
	DisplayDate = formatQstring(Request("dd"))
	FirstDayofMonth = WeekDay(DisplayDate)
end if

previousMonth = findMonth(fnChangeMonth(Month(DisplayDate),"previous"), ShowYear) - FirstDayofMonth + 1
thisMonth = 0
nextMonth = 0
weekdaynum = 0

DisplayMonth = Month(DisplayDate)
If len(DisplayMonth) <> 2 then
	DisplayMonth = "0" & DisplayMonth
end if
DisplayYear  = Right((DisplayDate),4)

html = "<TR><TD colspan=""7""><center><b>" & MonthName(month(DisplayDate), 0) & " " & ShowYear & "</b></center></TD></TR>" & vbcr
html = html & "<TR><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">SAB</TD><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">DOM</TD><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">SEG</TD><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">TER</TD><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">QUA</TD><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">QUI</TD><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">---</TD></TR>"
for tablecell = 1 to 42
	if weekdaynum = 7 then
		weekdaynum = 0
	end if
	weekdaynum = weekdaynum + 1
	inc = inc + 1
	if inc < FirstDayofMonth then
		previousMonth = previousMonth + 1
		html = html & "<TD align=""center"" class=""dateother"">" & previousMonth & "</TD>" & vbcr
	elseif thisMonth < findMonth(DisplayMonth, ShowYear) then
		thisMonth = thisMonth + 1
				If thisMonth < day(date) Then
					html = html & "<TD align=""center"" class=""date"">" & thisMonth & "</TD>" & vbcr
				Elseif thisMonth = day(date) Then
					html = html & "<TD align=""center"" class=""date"" bgcolor=""#F5F5F5""><strong>" & thisMonth & "</strong></TD>" & vbcr
					html = html & "<TD align=""center"" class=""date""><A HREF=""day.asp?at=" & Request("at") & "&sguid=" & Request("sguid") & "&dd=" & DisplayMonth & thisMonth & DisplayYear & "&wd=" & weekdaynum & """>" & thisMonth & "</A></TD>" & vbcr
				End If
		nextMonth = nextMonth + 1
		html = html & "<TD align=""center"" class=""dateother"">" & nextMonth & "</TD>" & vbcr
	end if
	if tablecell/7 = int(tablecell/7) then
		html = html & "</tr><tr>" & vbcr
	end if
html = html & "<TR><TD align=""center"" colspan=""7""><A HREF=""calendario.asp?dd=" & makeLink(Request("dd"),"previous") & """>Previous</A>   <A HREF=""calendario.asp?dd=" & makeLink(Request("dd"),"next") & """>Next</A></TD><TR>"


Quem puder me ajudar ae eu fico grato! tentei aqui entender este code mais não consegui... é flooodeee... ser nooob


Desde já agradeço,


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olha esse link, ve se ajuda, aki

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Este no caso não funfa, pois eu preciso de um que prencha os espaços vazios colocando os numerais dos outros meses nas tabelas.


To hoje o dia inteiro nesta correria para ver se consigo mais ta brabo kkkkkk


Mais obrigado pela ajuda xam.



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me manda um email. k tenho um exemplo, de calendario, k talvez possa te ajudar...

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