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[Resolvido] Sistema de Busca em BD e Paginação

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<form name="buscanal" action="busca.asp" method="get">
<input name="pagina" type="hidden" size="20" value="1">
<input name="canal" type="text" size="20" value="">

<select size="1" name="rede">
<option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>
    <option value="4">4</option>
    <option value="5">5</option>
<input type="submit" value="buscar">

página de busca

canalbusca = request.QueryString("canal")
redebusca = request.QueryString("rede")
<!--aqui fica o include da conexao-->
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
consulta = "SELECT * FROM "&redebusca&" WHERE canal Like '%" & canalbusca & "%' order by users DESC" 
rs.Open consulta, conn, 1, 3

RS.PageSize = 50

  'Definindo em qual pagina o visitante está
  IF Request.QueryString("pagina")="" then 
   IF cint(Request.QueryString("pagina"))<1 then
    IF cint(Request.QueryString("pagina"))> RS.PageCount then 
    END IF

While intrec < RS.PageSize and not RS.EOF

<table border="0" width="100%">
<table border="0" width="100%">

<td height="20" bgcolor="#ECFBF1" colspan="3"><b><font size="4"><%=rs("canal")%></font></b></td>
  <td height="30" colspan="3"><font color="#660000"><%=rs("topico")%></font></td>
  <td width="100%" height="20" colspan="3">rede: <%=rs("rede")%></td>
  <td width="30%" height="20"><b><font size="4" color="#808080"><%=rs("users")%> users</font></b></td>
  <td width="40%" height="20"><font color="#808080">data: <%=rs("data")%> - <%=rs("hora")%></font></td>
  <td width="30%" height="20">
  <p align="right"><font color="#808080">+ info</font></td>

<p align="center">
paginas = RS.AbsolutePage - 1
ultima = RS.PageCount

Página <%=paginas%> de <%=RS.PageCount%>

<%IF intpagina > 1 then%><%Response.Write "<a href=busca.asp?rede="&redebusca&"&canal="&canalbusca&"&pagina="&intpagina - 1&">Anterior</a> "%><%end if%>

<%if paginas < 2 then%>
<%IF strcomp(intpagina,RS.PageCount) <> 0 then%>
<%Response.Write "<a href=busca.asp?rede="&redebusca&"&canal="&canalbusca&"&pagina="&intpagina + 1&">Próxima</a>"%><%end if%><%else%>

<%IF strcomp(intpagina,RS.PageCount) <> 0 then%>
<%Response.Write "| <a href=busca.asp?rede="&redebusca&"&canal="&canalbusca&"&pagina="&intpagina + 1&">Próxima</a>"%>
<%end if%>
<%end if%>


set rs = nothing
set conn = nothing

Quando digito uma palavra pra buscar, exibe o resultado numa boa, mas só se a palavra existir no banco de dados no campo canal e na tabela correspondente.


O problema é quando não existe a palavra que está sendo buscada, então dá erro 500.


Eu queria saber ONDE posso colocar a condição if rs.eof then e mostrar uma mensagem que a palavra não existe no BD...

Já tentei de tudo.

Outra, em "redebusca" eu determino em qual tabela procurar. Tem como eu procurar em várias tabelas de uma só vez?


Por favor tenham paciência comigo rsss...

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faz um tatamento para isso, você pode exibir uma mensagem ou redirecionar para uma page...

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faz um tatamento para isso, você pode exibir uma mensagem ou redirecionar para uma page...


Entrei aqui pra dizer o que eu tinha feito pra dar certo, e vi que sua resposta é exatamente o que eu fiz rsss

Rapaz, se eu não estivesse com pressa de terminar esse sistema eu não perturbaria vcs rss


Mas eu penso da seguinte forma: as nossas dúvidas também servem para ajudar outros com o mesmo problema.

E eu não canso de afirmar, que sem a ajuda de vocês muita gente, principalmente eu, estaria igual cachorro quando cai do caminhão de mudança, totalmente perdido! Imagem Postada


Eu coloquei logo abaixo do RS.Open blablabla


if rs.eof then
  canalbusca = Replace(canalbusca, "#", "%23")
  response.redirect "busca-err.asp?canalbusca="&canalbusca&""
  set rs = nothing
  set conn = nothing

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qual resultado ?!!?!

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qual resultado ?!!?!


Resultado positivo!! Graças a Deus


Agora to aqui quebrando a cabeça pra tentar fazer essa consulta buscar o mesmo valor da busca nas cinco tabelas do banco, quais são, 1,2,3,4 e 5, conforme lá em cima eu mostrei nos select do form.


O usuário digita um valor pra buscar, e escolhe na combobox em qual tabela buscar.


<select size="1" name="rede"> 
<option value="1">Rede 1</option> 
    <option value="2">Rede 2</option> 
    <option value="3">Rede 3</option> 
    <option value="4">Rede 4</option> 
    <option value="5">Rede 5</option> 

Só que eu to querendo colocar a opção "Todas as Redes" para o sistema buscar nas cinco, se o usuário preferir.

Num to encontrando nenhuma solução até agora...

Vou tentando até conseguir Imagem Postada


Por enquanto tah assim:


consulta = "SELECT * FROM "&redebusca&" WHERE canal Like '%" & canalbusca & "%' order by users DESC"

Abraços pra todos!!

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Já tentei usar o UNION ALL mas não funciona...

Quando tento usar UNION ALL o sistema imprime na tela todos os conteúdos de todos os campos da tabela do primeiro SELECT, e nada do segundo SELECT, como abaixo:


 consulta = " SELECT * " & _
  " FROM 1 " & _
  " UNION ALL " & _
  " SELECT * " & _
  " FROM 2 " & _
  " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
  " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
  " ORDER BY users DESC "

Mesmo eu digitando uma expressão que EU SEI que não existe em nenhuma tabela, ou seja, qualquer coisa que eu digite o sistema imprime tudo o que existe na tabela do primeiro SELECT, nesse caso, tabela 1.


Se eu tirar o UNION ALL e o SELECT * FROM 2 volta ao normal.


Como devo usar esse UNION ALL?

Fiz exatamente como cansei de ler por aí :(

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dá uma olhada neste exemplo....


'------------- SEARCH

On Error Resume Next

PAGE_SIZE = 20  ' display number of results

strURL = Request.ServerVariables("URL") ' the URL or Query string

'------------- q = the input text

strSearch = Request.QueryString("q") ' the input text

If strSearch = "" Then


End If

strSearch = Replace(strSearch, "'", "''")

'----------- p = RESULT PAGING

IF isnumeric(Request.QueryString("p")) = True OR Request.QueryString("p") = "" THEN

				  ' Retrieve page to show or default to the first
				  If Request.QueryString("p") = ""  OR Request.QueryString("p") < 1 Then
				  	iPageCurrent = 1
				  	iPageCurrent = CInt(Request.QueryString("p"))
			  	  End If


iPageCurrent = 1


p = iPageCurrent

'----------------- t = SELECTED TABLE

IF isnumeric(Request.QueryString("t")) = True OR Request.QueryString("t") = "" THEN

				  ' Retrieve t

				  If Request.QueryString("t") = ""  OR Request.QueryString("t") < 1 Then
				  	searchTable = 1 '1

				  	searchTable =  1 'CInt(Request.QueryString("t"))

			  	  End If


searchTable = 2 '1


'------------------- m = SEARCH METHOD

IF isnumeric(Request.QueryString("m")) = True OR Request.QueryString("m") = "" THEN

				  ' Retrieve m
				  If Request.QueryString("m") = ""  OR Request.QueryString("m") < 1 Then
				  	strMethod = 2
				  	strMethod = CInt(Request.QueryString("m"))
			  	  End If


strMethod = 2


'---------------THE FORM

                  <form method="get" action="<%= strURL %>">
					<input type="radio" name="m" value="1" <% IF strMethod = 1 THEN response.write "checked=""checked""" END IF%> />
                    	<input type="radio" name="m" value="2" <% IF strMethod = 2 OR strMethod = "" THEN response.write "checked=""checked""" END IF%> />
                    	<input type="radio" name="m" value="3" <% IF strMethod = 3 THEN response.write "checked=""checked""" END IF%> />

					<p><input type="text" class="input3" name="q" value="<%= Trim(strSearch) %>" /></p>

                    <p><input type="submit" value="Procura" />
                    <br /><br /></p>


If strSearch <> "" Then

		Session("strSearch") = strSearch

		IF isnumeric(Request.QueryString("t")) = True OR Request.QueryString("t") = "" THEN

						  ' Retrieve t

						  If Request.QueryString("t") = ""  OR Request.QueryString("t") < 1 Then
							searchTable = 1 '1

							searchTable = 1 'CInt(Request.QueryString("t"))

						  End If


		searchTable = 1' 1



		Select Case searchTable

			Case CInt("1")

					dbTable = "tMessages"
					'strDBPath = Server.MapPath("/blogg/blog.mdb")

			Case CInt("2")

					'dbTable = "events"
					'strDBPath = Server.MapPath("")

			Case Else

					dbTable = "tMessages"
					'strDBPath = Server.MapPath("")

		End Select

'------------------ SQL

				  'FOR and AND or CLAUSE SQL

'----------------- SQL tMessages blog table

IF searchTable = "1" THEN
IF strMethod < 3 THEN

			If strMethod = 1 Then
			strSplit = Replace(strSearch," "," and ")
			strSplit = Replace(strSearch," "," or ")
			End If

			colTerms = split(strSplit," and ",-1,1)

			iUpperTerms = UBound(colTerms)

			strWhereClause = ""


			nr = 0
			Do while nr <= 5

			nr = nr + 1

			searchField = CInt(nr)

			Select Case searchField

				Case CInt("1")

					strTableInClause = "fDate"

				Case CInt("2")

					strTableInClause = "fHeadline"

				Case CInt("3")

					strTableInClause = "fMessage"

				Case CInt("4")

					strTableInClause = "fAuthor"

				Case CInt("5")

					strTableInClause = "fnota"
				'Case Else

			End Select

				  For iLoop = LBound(colTerms) to iUpperTerms
					orTerms = split(colTerms(iLoop)," or ",-1,1)
					iUpperOrTerms = UBound(orTerms)
					strWhereClause = strWhereClause & ""

						for iOrLoop = LBound(orTerms) to iUpperOrTerms
								strWhereClause = strWhereClause & strTableInClause & " LIKE '%" & Trim(orTerms(iOrLoop)) & "%' "

							if iOrLoop < iUpperOrTerms then
								strWhereClause = strWhereClause & " OR "
							end if

						strWhereClause = strWhereClause & ""

						if iLoop < iUpperTerms then
								strWhereClause = strWhereClause & " AND "
						end If


				  if nr <= 4 then
				  strWhereClause = strWhereClause & " OR "
				  end if




strWhereClause = "fDate LIKE '%" & strSearch & "%' OR fHeadline LIKE '%" & strSearch & "%' OR fMessage LIKE '%" & strSearch & "%' OR fAuthor LIKE '%" & strSearch & "%'  OR fnota LIKE '%" & strSearch & "%'"


strWhereClause2 = "WHERE (" & strWhereClause & ") AND (online = CBool(-1))"

strOrderClause = "ORDER BY fdate DESC"

	IF strMethod = 3 THEN

		strSQL = "SELECT * FROM "& dbTable &" "& strWhereClause2 &" "& strOrderClause &";"


		strSQL = "SELECT * FROM "& dbTable &" "& strWhereClause2 &" "& strOrderClause &";"



Response.write strSQL

'---------- END SQL tMessages BLog


	Set myRecSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
	myRecSet.PageSize  = PAGE_SIZE
	myRecSet.CacheSize = PAGE_SIZE

	' constants
	adOpenStatic = 3
	adLockReadOnly = 1
	adCmdText = &H0001

	myRecSet.Open strSQL, sConn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

	iRecordCount = myRecSet.RecordCount
	iPageCount   = myRecSet.PageCount


				strCountRecord = iRecordCount

				If iPageCurrent = 1 Then

				  		strCount = strCountRecord - iRecordCount + 1


						strCount = iPageCurrent * PAGE_SIZE - PAGE_SIZE + 1

						'strCountRecord -  + * iPageCurrent

				End If

	If iRecordCount = 0 Then

		%>			<p>Desculpa, sua busca não retornou resultados.<br />
                    Sua Busca por - <b><%=strSearch%></b> - não retornou documentos.</p>


		myRecSet.AbsolutePage = iPageCurrent

		If iRecordCount <= PAGE_SIZE then
		toRecord = iRecordCount
		toRecord = strCount + PAGE_SIZE - 1
		End if
		If toRecord => iRecordCount then
				toRecord=  iRecordCount
		End if


                        <p>Mostrando  resultado <%=strCount%> - <%=toRecord%> de <%=iRecordCount %>. Paginas <%= iPageCurrent %> / <%= iPageCount %>. </p>
						<br /><p>

		If iPageCurrent > 1 Then
                        <a href="<%= strURL %>?m=<%= Server.URLEncode(strMethod) %>&t=<%= Server.URLEncode(searchTable) %>&q=<%= Server.URLEncode(strSearch) %>&p=<%= iPageCurrent - 1 %>" title="Previous">
		End If

		For I = 1 To iPageCount
			If I = iPageCurrent Then


                        <%= I %>
                        <a href="<%= strURL %>?m=<%= Server.URLEncode(strMethod) %>&t=<%= Server.URLEncode(searchTable) %>&q=<%= Server.URLEncode(strSearch) %>&p=<%= I %>" title="<%= I %>"><%= I %></a>
			End If
		Next 'I

		If iPageCurrent < iPageCount Then
                        <a href="<%= strURL %>?m=<%= Server.URLEncode(strMethod) %>&t=<%= Server.URLEncode(searchTable) %>&q=<%= Server.URLEncode(strSearch) %>&p=<%= iPageCurrent + 1 %>" title="Next"> ››</a>
		End If


'----------------THE RESULT LOOP

		Do While Not myRecSet.EOF And myRecSet.AbsolutePage = iPageCurrent

					intNumMatches = 0
					allregText = ""
					regWriteOut = ""

					If strSearch = " " then
						strSearch = ""
					End if

					Set objRegExp = New RegExp
					objRegExp.Global = True
					objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True

					If dbTable = "tMessages" then
					allregText = myRecSet.Fields("fDate").Value & " " & myRecSet.Fields("fHeadline").Value & " " & myRecSet.Fields("fMessage").Value & " " & myRecSet.Fields("fAuthor").Value
					End If

					allregText = Replace(allregText, "<", "", 1, -1, 1)
					allregText = Replace(allregText, ">", "", 1, -1, 1)
					allregText = UTFtoISO(allregText)

					If strMethod = 3 then

					'Set the pattern to search for
					objRegExp.Pattern = strSearch

					'Search the file for the phrase
			 		Set objMatches = objRegExp.Execute(allregText)

					'Get the number of times the phrase is matched
					intNumMatches = objMatches.Count

					End if

					If strMethod < 3 then

					sarySearchWord = Split(strSearch, " ")
					For intSearchLoopCounter = 0 to UBound(sarySearchWord)

					'Set the pattern to search for
					objRegExp.Pattern = "" & sarySearchWord(intSearchLoopCounter) & ""

					'Search the file for the phrase
					Set objMatches = objRegExp.Execute(allregText)

					intNumMatches = intNumMatches + objMatches.Count

					End if

			 		If intNumMatches => 1 Then

					If intNumMatches > 1 then
					regWriteOut = "" & intNumMatches & " hits."
					regWriteOut = "" & intNumMatches & " hit."
					End If

			 		End If

					Set objRegExp = Nothing


					<% IF dbTable = "tMessages" THEN %>
					<p><br /><br />
					<%=strCount%>. <a href="default.asp?id=<%= myRecSet.Fields("id").Value %>" title="<%=myRecSet.Fields("fHeadline").Value%>"><%= myRecSet.Fields("fHeadline").Value %></a>
					<br /><%= RemoveHTML(Left(myRecSet.Fields("fMessage").Value,instrrev(Left(myRecSet.Fields("fMessage").Value,280),"")))%>
					<br />
					Postado: <%= year(myRecSet.Fields("fdate").Value)  & "-" & right("00" & cstr(month(myRecSet.Fields("fdate").Value)),2) & "-" & right("00" & cstr(day(myRecSet.Fields("fdate").Value)),2) & ". " & regWriteOut%>
					<% END IF%>


						strCount = strCount + 1

'----------------THE RESULT LOOP END
                    	<br /><br /><p>

		If iPageCurrent > 1 Then
                        <a href="<%= strURL %>?m=<%= Server.URLEncode(strMethod) %>&t=<%= Server.URLEncode(searchTable) %>&q=<%= Server.URLEncode(Session("strSearch")) %>&p=<%= iPageCurrent - 1 %>" title="Previous">‹‹</a>
		End If

		For I = 1 To iPageCount
			If I = iPageCurrent Then

                        <%= I %>
                        <a href="<%= strURL %>?m=<%= Server.URLEncode(strMethod) %>&t=<%= Server.URLEncode(searchTable) %>&q=<%= Server.URLEncode(Session("strSearch")) %>&p=<%= I %>" title="<%= I %>"><%= I %></a>
			End If
		Next 'I

		If iPageCurrent < iPageCount Then
                        <a href="<%= strURL %>?m=<%= Server.URLEncode(strMethod) %>&t=<%= Server.URLEncode(searchTable) %>&q=<%= Server.URLEncode(Session("strSearch")) %>&p=<%= iPageCurrent + 1 %>" title="Next">››</a>
		End If


		End If



		Set myRecSet = Nothing
		End If

'---------------- SEARCH END

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Resolvido :)

Fiz assim:


 Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

 'Thanks to xanburzum - Imasters Fóruns

 'Quando a redebusca é específica
 if redebusca <> "0" THEN
  consulta = " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM " & redebusca & " " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC "
 'Quando é para consultar em todas as tabelas

  consulta = " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 1 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 

   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 2 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 3 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 4 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 5 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 6 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 7 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 8 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 9 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 10 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _

   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 11 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 12 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 13 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 14 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 15 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 16 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 17 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 18 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _ 
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 19 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 20 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 21 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 22 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 23 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC " & _
   " UNION ALL " & _
   " SELECT * " & _
   " FROM 24 " & _
   " WHERE canal LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " OR topico LIKE '%" & canalbusca & "%' " & _
   " ORDER BY users DESC "
 end if 
 rs.Open consulta, conn_redes, 1, 3

 'Se a busca não encontrou nada...
 if rs.eof then
  canalbusca = Replace(canalbusca, "#", "%23")
  response.redirect "busca-err.asp?canalbusca="&canalbusca&""
  set rs = nothing
  set conn_redes = nothing
Daqui pra baixo vai o código html da página...

Rapaz, o que seria de mim sem vocês? :D

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beleza, maravilha...

precisando tamu ae...

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